Marten Transport Announces Third Quarter Results

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Marten Transport (Nasdaq: MRTN) reported its third quarter 2024 results, showing a significant decline in financial performance compared to the same period in 2023. Key highlights include:

- Net income decreased to $3.8 million ($0.05 per diluted share) from $13.6 million ($0.17 per diluted share) in Q3 2023
- Operating revenue fell to $237.4 million from $279.5 million in Q3 2023
- Operating income dropped to $4.3 million from $17.2 million in Q3 2023
- Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue increased to 98.2% from 93.8% in Q3 2023

The company attributed the decline to the prolonged freight market recession, characterized by oversupply and weak demand, as well as inflationary operating costs and freight rate reductions. Despite these challenges, Marten Transport noted increased interest in dedicated capacity and the addition of new multi-year dedicated programs.

Marten Transport (Nasdaq: MRTN) ha riportato i suoi risultati del terzo trimestre 2024, evidenziando un significativo declino nelle performance finanziarie rispetto allo stesso periodo del 2023. I punti salienti includono:

- L'utile netto è diminuito a 3,8 milioni di dollari (0,05 dollari per azione diluita) rispetto ai 13,6 milioni di dollari (0,17 dollari per azione diluita) nel Q3 2023
- I ricavi operativi sono scesi a 237,4 milioni di dollari dai 279,5 milioni di dollari nel Q3 2023
- L'utile operativo è calato a 4,3 milioni di dollari dai 17,2 milioni di dollari nel Q3 2023
- Le spese operative, in percentuale rispetto ai ricavi operativi, sono aumentate al 98,2% rispetto al 93,8% nel Q3 2023

La società ha attribuito il declino alla prolungata recessione del mercato delle merci, caratterizzata da un eccesso di offerta e da una domanda debole, oltre ad un aumento dei costi operativi inflazionistici e alle riduzioni delle tariffe di trasporto. Nonostante queste sfide, Marten Transport ha notato un aumento dell'interesse per capacità dedicate e l'aggiunta di nuovi programmi dedicati pluriennali.

Marten Transport (Nasdaq: MRTN) reportó sus resultados del tercer trimestre de 2024, mostrando un significativo descenso en el rendimiento financiero en comparación con el mismo período de 2023. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

- La utilidad neta disminuyó a 3,8 millones de dólares (0,05 dólares por acción diluida) desde 13,6 millones de dólares (0,17 dólares por acción diluida) en el Q3 2023
- Los ingresos operativos cayeron a 237,4 millones de dólares desde 279,5 millones de dólares en el Q3 2023
- La utilidad operativa cayó a 4,3 millones de dólares desde 17,2 millones de dólares en el Q3 2023
- Los gastos operativos como porcentaje de los ingresos operativos aumentaron al 98,2% desde el 93,8% en el Q3 2023

La compañía atribuyó el descenso a la prolongada recesión del mercado de carga, caracterizada por un exceso de oferta y una demanda débil, así como a los costos operativos inflacionarios y reducciones en las tarifas de carga. A pesar de estos desafíos, Marten Transport observó un aumento en el interés por la capacidad dedicada y la adición de nuevos programas dedicados a varios años.

마트렌 운송(Marten Transport, Nasdaq: MRTN)은 2024년 3분기 실적을 발표했으며, 2023년 같은 기간에 비해 금융 성과가 크게 감소한 것으로 나타났습니다. 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

- 순이익이 1360만 달러(희석 주당 0.17 달러)에서 380만 달러(희석 주당 0.05 달러)로 감소했습니다.
- 운영 수익이 2억 7950만 달러에서 2억 3740만 달러로 감소했습니다.
- 운영 소득이 1720만 달러에서 430만 달러로 감소했습니다.
- 운영 수익에 대한 운영 비용 비율이 93.8%에서 98.2%로 증가했습니다.

회사는 장기적인 화물 시장 불황이 과잉 공급과 약한 수요, 인플레이션으로 인한 운영 비용 증가 및 화물 요금 인하로 인해 하락세를 보였다고 설명했습니다. 이러한 어려움에도 불구하고, Marten Transport는 전용 용량에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있으며, 새로운 다년 전용 프로그램의 추가를 언급했습니다.

Marten Transport (Nasdaq: MRTN) a annoncé ses résultats du troisième trimestre 2024, montrant une baisse significative de la performance financière par rapport à la même période en 2023. Les points saillants incluent :

- Le revenu net a diminué à 3,8 millions de dollars (0,05 dollar par action diluée) contre 13,6 millions de dollars (0,17 dollar par action diluée) au T3 2023
- Les revenus d'exploitation sont passés de 279,5 millions de dollars à 237,4 millions de dollars au T3 2023
- Le résultat d'exploitation est tombé à 4,3 millions de dollars contre 17,2 millions de dollars au T3 2023
- Les dépenses d'exploitation en pourcentage des revenus d'exploitation ont augmenté à 98,2 % contre 93,8 % au T3 2023

L'entreprise a attribué ce déclin à la récession prolongée du marché du fret, caractérisée par un excès d'offre et une demande faible, ainsi qu'à l'inflation des coûts d'exploitation et aux réductions de tarifs de fret. Malgré ces défis, Marten Transport a noté un intérêt accru pour la capacité dédiée et l'ajout de nouveaux programmes dédiés pluriannuels.

Marten Transport (Nasdaq: MRTN) hat seine Ergebnisse für das dritte Quartal 2024 veröffentlicht und dabei einen signifikanten Rückgang der finanziellen Leistung im Vergleich zum gleichen Zeitraum 2023 festgestellt. Wichtige Highlights umfassen:

- Das Nettoergebnis sank von 13,6 Millionen US-Dollar (0,17 US-Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie) auf 3,8 Millionen US-Dollar (0,05 US-Dollar pro verwässerter Aktie) im Q3 2023
- Der Betriebsumsatz fiel von 279,5 Millionen US-Dollar auf 237,4 Millionen US-Dollar im Q3 2023
- Das Betriebsergebnis reduzierte sich von 17,2 Millionen US-Dollar auf 4,3 Millionen US-Dollar im Q3 2023
- Die Betriebsausgaben als Prozentsatz des Betriebsumsatzes stiegen im Q3 2023 von 93,8% auf 98,2%

Das Unternehmen führte den Rückgang auf die anhaltende Flaute im Frachtmarkt zurück, die durch Überangebot und schwache Nachfrage, sowie inflationsbedingte Betriebskosten und Senkungen der Frachtraten gekennzeichnet war. Trotz dieser Herausforderungen stellte Marten Transport ein zunehmendes Interesse an dedizierten Kapazitäten und die Einführung neuer mehrjähriger dedizierter Programme fest.

  • First quarter with sequential improvement in combined truckload and dedicated rate per total mile since Q4 2022
  • Increased interest from customers to secure dedicated capacity
  • Addition of new multi-year dedicated programs for 149 drivers, expected to be in service by year-end
  • Extension of contracts for dedicated programs covering 337 drivers
  • Net income decreased by 72% to $3.8 million in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023
  • Operating revenue declined by 15% to $237.4 million in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023
  • Operating income fell by 75% to $4.3 million in Q3 2024 compared to Q3 2023
  • Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue increased to 98.2% from 93.8% in Q3 2023
  • Significant impact from freight market recession, oversupply, and weak demand
  • Cumulative impact of inflationary operating costs and freight rate reductions


Marten Transport's Q3 2024 results reveal significant challenges in the trucking industry. Net income dropped sharply to $3.8 million ($0.05 per share) from $13.6 million ($0.17 per share) in Q3 2023. Operating revenue declined by 15% year-over-year to $237.4 million.

Key points:

  • Operating income plummeted 75% to $4.3 million
  • Operating expenses as a percentage of revenue increased to 98.2% from 93.8%
  • Fuel surcharge revenue decreased by 27%

These results reflect a prolonged freight market recession, characterized by oversupply and weak demand. The company's diversified business model, particularly in dedicated, brokerage and Mexican operations, has provided some resilience. However, the overall impact on profitability is severe, indicating significant industry-wide pressures.

The trucking industry is facing a perfect storm of challenges, as evidenced by Marten Transport's results. The "considerable duration and depth of the freight market recession" highlights a systemic issue rather than a temporary setback. Key observations:

  • Oversupply and weak demand are causing network disruptions
  • Inflationary operating costs are squeezing margins
  • Freight rate reductions are impacting revenue

However, there are positive signs:

  • Sequential improvement in truckload and dedicated rates for the first time since Q4 2022
  • Increased customer interest in securing dedicated capacity
  • Addition of new multi-year dedicated programs for 149 drivers
  • Extension of contracts for 337 drivers in existing dedicated programs

These developments suggest a potential shift towards market equilibrium and underscore the value of Marten's diversified business model in navigating challenging market conditions.

MONDOVI, Wis., Oct. 17, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Marten Transport, Ltd. (Nasdaq/GS:MRTN) today reported net income of $3.8 million, or 5 cents per diluted share, for the third quarter ended September 30, 2024, compared with $13.6 million, or 17 cents per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2023. For the nine-month period ended September 30, 2024, net income was $21.3 million, or 26 cents per diluted share, compared with $58.0 million, or 71 cents per diluted share, for the 2023 nine-month period.

Operating revenue was $237.4 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared with $279.5 million for the third quarter of 2023. Excluding fuel surcharges, operating revenue was $207.9 million for the 2024 quarter compared with $239.1 million for the 2023 quarter. Fuel surcharge revenue decreased to $29.5 million for the 2024 quarter from $40.5 million for the 2023 quarter.

Operating revenue was $733.3 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared with $863.2 million for the first nine months of 2023. Excluding fuel surcharges, operating revenue was $637.1 million for the 2024 period compared with $742.6 million for the 2023 period. Fuel surcharge revenue decreased to $96.1 million for the 2024 period compared with $120.6 million for the 2023 period.

Operating income was $4.3 million for the third quarter of 2024 compared with $17.2 million for the third quarter of 2023.

Operating income was $26.5 million for the first nine months of 2024 compared with $74.5 million for the first nine months of 2023.

Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue were 98.2% for the 2024 quarter and 93.8% for the 2023 quarter. Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue, with both amounts net of fuel surcharges, were 97.9% for the 2024 quarter and 92.8% for the 2023 quarter.

Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue were 96.4% for the first nine months of 2024 and 91.4% for the first nine months of 2023. Operating expenses as a percentage of operating revenue, with both amounts net of fuel surcharges, were 95.8% for the 2024 period and 90.0% for the 2023 period.

Executive Chairman Randolph L. Marten stated, “Our earnings were heavily pressured by the considerable duration and depth of the freight market recession’s oversupply and weak demand - and the cumulative impact of inflationary operating costs and freight rate reductions, which has also led to freight network disruptions. Our unique multifaceted business model’s value is highlighted by the operating results this year for our dedicated, brokerage and MRTN de Mexico operations.”

“This quarter was the first quarter with sequential improvement in our combined truckload and dedicated rate per total mile since the fourth quarter of 2022.”

“We are seeing increased interest by our customers to secure dedicated capacity. The recent addition of new multi-year dedicated programs for an additional 133 drivers, which I mentioned in our second quarter earnings release, has increased to 149 drivers, who we expect to be substantially in service by the end of this year. Additionally, we extended each of our contracts for dedicated programs due in the third quarter covering 337 of our drivers.”

“We are focused on minimizing the freight market’s impact on our operations while investing in and positioning our operations to capitalize on profitable organic growth opportunities, with fair compensation for our premium services, across each of our business operations for what comes next in the freight cycle as the market moves toward equilibrium.”

Current Investor Presentation

Marten Transport, with headquarters in Mondovi, Wis., is a multifaceted business offering a network of refrigerated and dry truck-based transportation capabilities across Marten’s five distinct business platforms - Truckload, Dedicated, Intermodal, Brokerage and MRTN de Mexico. Marten is one of the leading temperature-sensitive truckload carriers in the United States, specializing in transporting and distributing food, beverages and other consumer packaged goods that require a temperature-controlled or insulated environment. The Company offers service in the United States, Mexico and Canada, concentrating on expedited movements for high-volume customers. Marten’s common stock is traded on the Nasdaq Global Select Market under the symbol MRTN.

This press release contains certain statements that may be considered forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended. These statements include a discussion of Marten’s prospects for future growth and by their nature involve substantial risks and uncertainties, and actual results may differ materially from those expressed in such forward-looking statements. Important factors known to the Company that could cause actual results to differ materially from those discussed in the forward-looking statements are discussed in Part I, Item 1A of the Company’s Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended December 31, 2023. The Company undertakes no obligation to correct or update any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.

CONTACTS: Tim Kohl, Chief Executive Officer, Doug Petit, President, and Jim Hinnendael, Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer, of Marten Transport, Ltd., 715-926-4216.

  September 30,  December 31, 
(In thousands, except share information) 2024  2023 
Current assets:        
Cash and cash equivalents $42,990  $53,213 
Trade, net  93,539   105,501 
Other  6,893   10,356 
Prepaid expenses and other  26,853   27,512 
Total current assets  170,275   196,582 
Property and equipment:        
Revenue equipment, buildings and land, office equipment and other  1,192,736   1,162,336 
Accumulated depreciation  (364,712)  (370,103)
Net property and equipment  828,024   792,233 
Other noncurrent assets  1,705   1,524 
Total assets $1,000,004  $990,339 
Current liabilities:        
Accounts payable $47,282  $36,516 
Insurance and claims accruals  42,946   47,017 
Accrued and other current liabilities  26,521   26,709 
Total current liabilities  116,749   110,242 
Deferred income taxes  116,443   122,462 
Noncurrent operating lease liabilities  351   249 
Total liabilities  233,543   232,953 
Stockholders’ equity:        
Preferred stock, $.01 par value per share; 2,000,000 shares authorized; no shares issued and outstanding  -   - 
Common stock, $.01 par value per share; 192,000,000 shares authorized; 81,447,838 shares at September 30, 2024, and 81,312,168 shares at December 31, 2023, issued and outstanding  814   813 
Additional paid-in capital  52,225   49,789 
Retained earnings  713,422   706,784 
Total stockholders’ equity  766,461   757,386 
Total liabilities and stockholders’ equity $1,000,004  $990,339 

  Three Months  Nine Months 
  Ended September 30,  Ended September 30, 
(In thousands, except per share information) 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Operating revenue $237,366  $279,538  $733,276  $863,233 
Operating expenses (income):                
Salaries, wages and benefits  83,442   92,620   258,723   287,468 
Purchased transportation  44,862   49,673   129,911   152,075 
Fuel and fuel taxes  35,781   48,695   114,151   137,706 
Supplies and maintenance  16,464   17,896   49,006   51,291 
Depreciation  27,392   29,017   84,125   87,974 
Operating taxes and licenses  2,505   2,821   7,619   8,345 
Insurance and claims  13,759   13,254   37,975   40,805 
Communications and utilities  2,166   2,584   6,834   7,625 
Gain on disposition of revenue equipment  (881)  (3,014)  (4,584)  (11,810)
Other  7,607   8,762   23,023   27,301 
Total operating expenses  233,097   262,308   706,783   788,780 
Operating income  4,269   17,230   26,493   74,453 
Other  (922)  (1,017)  (2,732)  (2,938)
Income before income taxes  5,191   18,247   29,225   77,391 
Income taxes expense  1,437   4,649   7,936   19,417 
Net income $3,754  $13,598  $21,289  $57,974 
Basic earnings per common share $0.05  $0.17  $0.26  $0.71 
Diluted earnings per common share $0.05  $0.17  $0.26  $0.71 
Dividends declared per common share $0.06  $0.06  $0.18  $0.18 

          Dollar  Percentage 
          Change  Change 
  Three Months  Three Months  Three Months 
  Ended  Ended  Ended 
  September 30,  September 30,  September 30, 
(Dollars in thousands) 2024  2023  2024 vs. 2023  2024 vs. 2023 
Operating revenue:                
Truckload revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue $93,278  $96,516  $(3,238)  (3.4)%
Truckload fuel surcharge revenue  15,146   17,711   (2,565)  (14.5)
Total Truckload revenue  108,424   114,227   (5,803)  (5.1)
Dedicated revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue  62,898   82,963   (20,065)  (24.2)
Dedicated fuel surcharge revenue  12,123   18,834   (6,711)  (35.6)
Total Dedicated revenue  75,021   101,797   (26,776)  (26.3)
Intermodal revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue  12,289   18,122   (5,833)  (32.2)
Intermodal fuel surcharge revenue  2,220   3,925   (1,705)  (43.4)
Total Intermodal revenue  14,509   22,047   (7,538)  (34.2)
Brokerage revenue  39,412   41,467   (2,055)  (5.0)
Total operating revenue $237,366  $279,538  $(42,172  (15.1)%
Operating income/(loss):                
Truckload $(142) $2,738  $(2,880)  (105.2)%
Dedicated  3,056   11,286   (8,230)  (72.9)
Intermodal  (1,542)  (1,074)  (468)  (43.6)
Brokerage  2,897   4,280   (1,383)  (32.3)
Total operating income $4,269  $17,230  $(12,961)  (75.2)%
Operating ratio:                
Truckload  100.1%  97.6%        
Dedicated  95.9   88.9         
Intermodal  110.6   104.9         
Brokerage  92.6   89.7         
Consolidated operating ratio  98.2%  93.8%        
Operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges:                
Truckload  100.2%  97.2%        
Dedicated  95.1   86.4         
Intermodal  112.5   105.9         
Brokerage  92.6   89.7         
Consolidated operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges  97.9%  92.8%        

          Dollar  Percentage 
          Change  Change 
  Nine Months  Nine Months  Nine Months 
  Ended  Ended  Ended 
  September 30,  September 30,  September 30, 
(Dollars in thousands) 2024  2023  2024 vs. 2023  2024 vs. 2023 
Operating revenue:                
Truckload revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue $284,346  $300,104  $(15,758)  (5.3)%
Truckload fuel surcharge revenue  48,152   51,887   (3,735)  (7.2)
Total Truckload revenue  332,498   351,991   (19,493)  (5.5)
Dedicated revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue  202,080   257,231   (55,151)  (21.4)
Dedicated fuel surcharge revenue  40,667   56,000   (15,333)  (27.4)
Total Dedicated revenue  242,747   313,231   (70,484)  (22.5)
Intermodal revenue, net of fuel surcharge revenue  38,230   60,277   (22,047)  (36.6)
Intermodal fuel surcharge revenue  7,315   12,724   (5,409)  (42.5)
Total Intermodal revenue  45,545   73,001   (27,456)  (37.6)
Brokerage revenue  112,486   125,010   (12,524)  (10.0)
Total operating revenue $733,276  $863,233  $(129,957  (15.1)%
Operating income/(loss):                
Truckload $1,462  $22,348  $(20,886)  (93.5)%
Dedicated  18,964   39,143   (20,179)  (51.6)
Intermodal  (2,420)  (452)  (1,968)  (435.4)
Brokerage  8,487   13,414   (4,927)  (36.7)
Total operating income $26,493  $74,453  $(47,960)  (64.4)%
Operating ratio:                
Truckload  99.6%  93.7%        
Dedicated  92.2   87.5         
Intermodal  105.3   100.6         
Brokerage  92.5   89.3         
Consolidated operating ratio  96.4%  91.4%        
Operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges:                
Truckload  99.5%  92.6%        
Dedicated  90.6   84.8         
Intermodal  106.3   100.7         
Brokerage  92.5   89.3         
Consolidated operating ratio, net of fuel surcharges  95.8%  90.0%        


  Three Months  Nine Months 
  Ended September 30,  Ended September 30, 
  2024  2023  2024  2023 
Truckload Segment:                
Revenue (in thousands) $108,424  $114,227  $332,498  $351,991 
Average revenue, net of fuel surcharges, per tractor per week(1) $4,187  $4,285  $4,090  $4,442 
Average tractors(1)  1,695   1,714   1,776   1,732 
Average miles per trip  533   529   533   515 
Non-revenue miles percentage(2)  12.2%  12.1%  12.1%  12.4%
Total miles (in thousands)  39,288   39,093   119,838   116,651 
Dedicated Segment:                
Revenue (in thousands) $75,021  $101,797  $242,747  $313,231 
Average revenue, net of fuel surcharges, per tractor per week(1) $3,693  $3,900  $3,744  $3,949 
Average tractors(1)  1,296   1,619   1,379   1,670 
Average miles per trip  311   339   321   335 
Non-revenue miles percentage(2)  1.3%  1.3%  1.2%  1.2%
Total miles (in thousands)  26,571   33,039   83,882   101,948 
Intermodal Segment:                
Revenue (in thousands) $14,509  $22,047  $45,545  $73,001 
Loads  4,119   6,327   13,172   19,871 
Average tractors  104   154   117   168 
Brokerage Segment:                
Revenue (in thousands) $39,412  $41,467  $112,486  $125,010 
Loads  24,628   24,077   67,389   67,483 
At September 30, 2024 and September 30, 2023:                
Total tractors(1)  3,080   3,454         
Average age of company tractors (in years)  1.8   1.8         
Total trailers  5,456   5,726         
Average age of company trailers (in years)  5.2   4.4         
Ratio of trailers to tractors(1)  1.8   1.7         
Total refrigerated containers  786   788         

  Three Months  Nine Months 
  Ended September 30,  Ended September 30, 
(In thousands) 2024  2023  2024  2023 
Net cash provided by operating activities $29,478  $28,132  $111,021  $126,333 
Net cash used for investing activities  (59,222)  (35,831)  (107,247)  (124,470)
Net cash used for financing activities  (4,465)  (4,762)  (13,997)  (14,396)
Weighted average shares outstanding:                
Basic  81,437   81,306   81,389   81,260 
Diluted  81,492   81,454   81,460   81,414 

(1) Includes tractors driven by both company-employed drivers and independent contractors. Independent contractors provided 94 and 99 tractors as of September 30, 2024 and 2023, respectively. 
(2) Represents the percentage of miles for which the company is not compensated.


What was Marten Transport's (MRTN) net income for Q3 2024?

Marten Transport reported a net income of $3.8 million, or $0.05 per diluted share, for the third quarter of 2024.

How did Marten Transport's (MRTN) Q3 2024 results compare to Q3 2023?

Marten Transport's Q3 2024 results showed a significant decline compared to Q3 2023. Net income decreased from $13.6 million to $3.8 million, and operating revenue fell from $279.5 million to $237.4 million.

What factors affected Marten Transport's (MRTN) performance in Q3 2024?

Marten Transport's performance was heavily impacted by the prolonged freight market recession, characterized by oversupply and weak demand, as well as inflationary operating costs and freight rate reductions.

Did Marten Transport (MRTN) report any positive developments in Q3 2024?

Yes, Marten Transport reported increased interest in dedicated capacity, added new multi-year dedicated programs for 149 drivers, and extended contracts for dedicated programs covering 337 drivers.

Marten Transport Ltd


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Trucking (no Local)
United States of America