Our People: Captain Wes Rhoden Navigates Career in Marine Transportation

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Captain Wesley "Wes" Rhoden of Marathon Petroleum has been recognized with a 40 Under 40 Award by The Waterways Journal for his outstanding contribution to the inland marine transportation industry. Starting as a deckhand at 18, Rhoden progressed through various roles to become a captain and now leads MPLX Marine's vessel compliance program for a fleet of 29 vessels.

Rhoden's 16-year career has been marked by continuous learning and advancement, from earning his Merchant Mariner - Tankerman credentials to becoming a USCG-approved pilot and captain. He now oversees vessel compliance, managing inspections, audits, and risk management.

Rhoden credits his success to the talented people he works with and his father, also a boat captain for Marathon Petroleum. He is pursuing a Bachelor's degree while balancing work, family, and volunteer activities. Rhoden advocates for careers in the marine industry, highlighting the adventure and flexibility it offers.

Il Capitano Wesley "Wes" Rhoden di Marathon Petroleum è stato premiato con un 40 Under 40 Award dalla Waterways Journal per il suo eccezionale contributo all'industria del trasporto marittimo interno. Iniziando come marinaio a 18 anni, Rhoden ha progredito attraverso varie posizioni fino a diventare capitano e ora guida il programma di conformità delle navi di MPLX Marine per una flotta di 29 navi.

La carriera di 16 anni di Rhoden è contraddistinta da un continuo apprendimento e avanzamento, dal conseguimento delle sue credenziali di Marinaio Mercantile - Tankerman fino a diventare pilota e capitano approvato dalla USCG. Ora sovraintende alla conformità delle navi, gestendo ispezioni, audit e gestione del rischio.

Rhoden attribuisce il suo successo alle persone di talento con cui lavora e a suo padre, anch'egli capitano di barca per Marathon Petroleum. Sta conseguendo una laurea triennale mentre bilancia lavoro, famiglia e attività di volontariato. Rhoden sostiene le carriere nell'industria marittima, evidenziando l'avventura e la flessibilità che offre.

El Capitán Wesley "Wes" Rhoden de Marathon Petroleum ha sido reconocido con un 40 Under 40 Award por The Waterways Journal por su destacada contribución a la industria del transporte marino interior. Comenzando como grumete a los 18 años, Rhoden progresó a través de varios roles para convertirse en capitán y ahora lidera el programa de cumplimiento de embarcaciones de MPLX Marine para una flota de 29 embarcaciones.

La carrera de 16 años de Rhoden ha estado marcada por un aprendizaje y avance continuo, desde obtener sus credenciales de Marinero Mercante - Tankerman hasta convertirse en piloto y capitán aprobado por la USCG. Ahora supervisa el cumplimiento de las embarcaciones, gestionando inspecciones, auditorías y gestión de riesgos.

Rhoden atribuye su éxito a las personas talentosas con las que trabaja y a su padre, también capitán de barco para Marathon Petroleum. Está cursando una licenciatura mientras equilibra trabajo, familia y actividades de voluntariado. Rhoden aboga por carreras en la industria marina, destacando la aventura y flexibilidad que ofrece.

웨슬리 "웬" 로든 선장이 Marathon Petroleum의 대표로서, 내륙 해양 운송 산업에 대한 그의 뛰어난 기여로 40 Under 40 Award를 Waterways Journal로부터 수상했습니다. 18세에 갑판원으로 시작한 로든은 다양한 역할을 거쳐 선장으로 성장했으며 현재는 MPLX Marine의 선박 준수 프로그램을 이끌며 29척의 선박을 관리하고 있습니다.

로든의 16년 경력은 지속적인 학습과 발전으로 가득 차 있으며, 상선 항해사 - 탱커맨 자격증을 취득한 후, USCG 승인을 받은 조타수와 선장이 되었습니다. 그는 현재 선박의 준수를 감독하며 점검, 감사 및 위험 관리를 관리하고 있습니다.

로든은 자신의 성공을 자신이 함께하는 재능 있는 사람들과 Marathon Petroleum의 배 선장인 아버지 덕분이라고 말합니다. 그는 학업, 일, 가족, 자원봉사 활동의 균형을 맞추면서 학사 학위를 추구하고 있습니다. 로든은 해양 산업에서의 경력을 옹호하며, 그 분야가 제공하는 모험과 유연성을 강조합니다.

Le Capitaine Wesley "Wes" Rhoden de Marathon Petroleum a été honoré d'un 40 Under 40 Award par The Waterways Journal pour sa contribution exceptionnelle à l'industrie du transport maritime intérieur. Commencée comme matelot à 18 ans, Rhoden a gravi les échelons pour devenir capitaine et dirige maintenant le programme de conformité des navires de MPLX Marine pour une flotte de 29 navires.

La carrière de 16 ans de Rhoden est marquée par un apprentissage et une avancée continus, allant de l'obtention de ses qualifications de marin marchand - Tankerman à devenir pilote et capitaine agréé par la USCG. Il supervise maintenant la conformité des navires, gérant les inspections, audits et la gestion des risques.

Rhoden attribue son succès aux personnes talentueuses avec lesquelles il travaille et à son père, également capitaine de bateau pour Marathon Petroleum. Il poursuit un diplôme de licence tout en équilibrant travail, famille et activités bénévoles. Rhoden plaide en faveur des carrières dans l'industrie maritime, soulignant l'aventure et la flexibilité qu'elle offre.

Kapitän Wesley "Wes" Rhoden von Marathon Petroleum wurde mit einem 40 Under 40 Award von The Waterways Journal für seinen herausragenden Beitrag zur Binnenmaritim-Transportbranche ausgezeichnet. Er begann mit 18 Jahren als Matrose und arbeitete sich durch verschiedene Positionen hoch, um Kapitän zu werden. Jetzt leitet er das Schiffskonformitätsprogramm von MPLX Marine für eine Flotte von 29 Schiffen.

Rhoden blickt auf eine 16-jährige Karriere zurück, die durch kontinuierliches Lernen und Aufstieg geprägt ist, von seinem Erwerb der Marinezertifikate bis hin zur Zulassung als Pilot und Kapitän durch die USCG. Derzeit überwacht er die Schiffs-Compliance und verwaltet Inspektionen, Audits und Risikomanagement.

Rhoden schreibt seinen Erfolg den talentierten Menschen zu, mit denen er arbeitet, sowie seinem Vater, der ebenfalls Kapitän für Marathon Petroleum ist. Er verfolgt einen Bachelor-Abschluss, während er Beruf, Familie und ehrenamtliche Tätigkeiten in Einklang bringt. Rhoden setzt sich für Karrieren in der maritimen Industrie ein und hebt das Abenteuer und die Flexibilität hervor, die diese bietet.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Marathon Petroleum Corporation

Key Points

  • Captain Wesley "Wes" Rhoden was named a 40 Under 40 Award winner by The Waterways Journal for his outstanding contribution to the inland marine transportation industry.

  • Rhoden began his career right out of high school as a deckhand and worked his way up to mate, pilot and captain at Marathon Petroleum.

  • After 16 years in the business, he's now in vessel compliance and spearheads MPLX Marine's vessel compliance program for a fleet of 29 vessels and enjoys making a difference in the industry.

Captain Wesley "Wes" Rhoden has made it his business to help ensure the safe navigation of tow boats and barges on the rivers where Marathon Petroleum brings products to markets and feedstock into its refineries. In 16 years, he's progressed from deckhand to boat captain to vessel compliance, an achievement that takes many years of training, experience and education. His dedication to the marine industry has earned him a 40 Under 40 award designation by The Waterways Journal, which recognizes 40 individuals under the age of 40 for outstanding contributions to the inland marine transportation industry.

Rhoden started in Marathon Petroleum's Marine Transportation organization directly out of high school in Catlettsburg, Kentucky, at age 18, though it wasn't something that he'd really considered while in school.

"In 2008, there was the recession," said Rhoden. "Other career opportunities in the area weren't doing well. My dad, who is also a boat captain for Marathon Petroleum, took me to a boat christening ceremony. It was my first exposure to tow boats. I knew right then what I wanted to do."

Rhoden secured a job at Marathon Petroleum as a deckhand one month after his high school graduation working 28 days on and 28 days off. He quickly realized it was a great option that offered good benefits and many career opportunities. After a year on the job, he earned his Merchant Mariner - Tankerman credentials and was promoted to mate, which leads the deck crew. In 2010, he applied for a newly created port mate position to provide deck proficiency training for the entire fleet and act as a liaison between vessel crews and shoreside support staff. He continued his training and education at Mountwest Maritime Academy to become a steersman in 2012.

"It's a fascinating job," said Rhoden. "Imagine navigating a boat and multiple barges each the size of a football field up and down the river. It's intimidating at first. It was challenging. I worked with a lot of excellent captains who taught me how to do it."

In 2014, Rhoden completed the steersman program and was approved by the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) to become a pilot. Four years later, Rhoden began standing watch as captain with a USCG-issued credential as Master of Towing Vessels for western rivers, inland waters and Great Lakes. In 2019, he took a shoreside position overseeing vessel compliance.

"Towing vessels were falling under new regulations that required tow boats to be inspected by the United States Coast Guard," said Rhoden. "It was a new career opportunity and chance to learn something new to the whole industry. I appreciate being challenged and felt strongly that I could help make the transition easier for our fleet."

"My favorite thing about this job is the people I work with every day. We have some of the most talented men and women in the maritime industry."

Today he spearheads MPLX Marine's vessel compliance program for a fleet of 29 vessels. This involves coordinating and managing compliance inspections and audits, Towing Safety Management System development and implementation, and providing recommendations on risk management.

In the award nomination, Rhoden's supervisor Mark Sawyer called out the incredible milestones Rhoden has achieved in his 16-year career.

"Captain Rhoden has served in his current shoreside support role for five years and has made lasting and tremendous positive impacts in supporting our operations," said Sawyer, Marine Transportation Operations Supervisor at Marathon Petroleum. "He is a consummate professional that is a model for leadership, work ethic, initiative, dedication and drive for excellence."

Rhoden's dedication to his craft has proven to fulfill his need to be challenged; however, he shared that the work is just part of what makes him happy.

"My favorite thing about this job is the people I work with every day," said Rhoden. "We have some of the most talented men and women in the maritime industry. Our compliance team strives to make compliance and regulations easier for our crews, so they can focus on navigating safely on the water."

Rhoden is a second-generation boat captain. His father, Captain Adam Rhoden, works for Marathon Petroleum as the Barge and Fleet Operations Coordinator.

"I have always tried not to interfere with Wesley's career. I have tried to let him be his own man, but I have given him advice along the way," said Captain Adam Rhoden. "My advice has ranged from how to pack his suitcase for a 28-day hitch to towboat etiquette, and how to interact with other crewmembers. When he was training to be a pilot, I shared my thoughts on steering techniques. He would ask me questions about certain areas of a river while he was learning."

He's extremely proud to see his son follow in his footsteps and take it further to make a major difference at the company and in the industry.

"Don't learn the tricks of the trade. Learn the trade," said Captain Adam Rhoden. "Wesley has done that. He knows the maritime industry from the deck plates up. I am very proud of my son."

Rhoden isn't done learning either. He's pursuing his Bachelor of Business Administration at Morehead State University through its Eagle Express Program. Marathon Petroleum offers educational reimbursement benefits, which provides employees with financial assistance for certain education-related expenses. In 2023, he completed his associate degree at Ashland Community and Technical College with high distinction.

Outside of work, Rhoden spends time with his wife Ashley and their three daughters. He also volunteers at the Ashland Community Kitchen, which provides food for those in need, and speaks to young people at Jobs for Kentucky's Graduates (JAG KY). He hopes to inspire young people to consider a career in the marine industry.

"If someone wants an adventure and to be able to travel, you can start your career on a towing vessel and live anywhere," said Rhoden. "You get to see different parts of the country, and it affords you a lot of flexibility."

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SOURCE: Marathon Petroleum Corporation

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What award did Captain Wes Rhoden receive from The Waterways Journal?

Captain Wes Rhoden received a 40 Under 40 Award from The Waterways Journal for his outstanding contribution to the inland marine transportation industry.

How long has Wes Rhoden been working in the marine transportation industry at Marathon Petroleum (MPC)?

Wes Rhoden has been working in the marine transportation industry at Marathon Petroleum for 16 years, starting right out of high school at age 18.

What is Captain Wes Rhoden's current role at MPLX Marine?

Captain Wes Rhoden currently spearheads MPLX Marine's vessel compliance program for a fleet of 29 vessels, overseeing compliance inspections, audits, and risk management.

How did Wes Rhoden progress in his career at Marathon Petroleum (MPC)?

Wes Rhoden progressed from deckhand to mate, then pilot, captain, and finally to his current role in vessel compliance over his 16-year career at Marathon Petroleum.

What educational pursuits is Wes Rhoden currently undertaking while working at Marathon Petroleum (MPC)?

Wes Rhoden is currently pursuing a Bachelor of Business Administration at Morehead State University through its Eagle Express Program, utilizing Marathon Petroleum's educational reimbursement benefits.



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