Delivering Food and Hope to Families in Indianapolis

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Marathon Petroleum's Transportation and Rail Health and Safety department, along with local fleet operations and corporate medical services, participated in a volunteer initiative at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis. A team of 14 volunteers successfully distributed food to over 1,200 households during a September volunteer day.

Since 2012, more than 400 Marathon employees have contributed 1,119 hours of service to Gleaners within Indiana. The food bank serves surrounding counties and supports smaller distribution organizations, helping families facing food insecurity during economic hardships and high inflation rates.

Il dipartimento Salute e Sicurezza dei Trasporti e delle Ferrovie di Marathon Petroleum, insieme alle operazioni locali della flotta e ai servizi medici aziendali, ha partecipato a un'iniziativa di volontariato presso la Gleaners Food Bank a Indianapolis. Un team di 14 volontari ha distribuito con successo cibo a oltre 1.200 famiglie durante una giornata di volontariato a settembre.

Dal 2012, più di 400 dipendenti di Marathon hanno contribuito con 1.119 ore di servizio a Gleaners in Indiana. La banca alimentare serve le contee circostanti e supporta piccole organizzazioni di distribuzione, aiutando le famiglie che affrontano insicurezza alimentare durante le difficoltà economiche e le alte tassi d'inflazione.

El departamento de Salud y Seguridad en el Transporte y Ferrocarril de Marathon Petroleum, junto con las operaciones locales de la flota y los servicios médicos corporativos, participó en una iniciativa de voluntariado en Gleaners Food Bank en Indianápolis. Un equipo de 14 voluntarios distribuyó exitosamente alimentos a más de 1,200 hogares durante un día de voluntariado en septiembre.

Desde 2012, más de 400 empleados de Marathon han contribuido con 1,119 horas de servicio a Gleaners en Indiana. El banco de alimentos sirve a los condados circundantes y apoya a organizaciones de distribución más pequeñas, ayudando a las familias que enfrentan inseguridad alimentaria durante dificultades económicas y altas tasas de inflación.

마라톤 페트롤리엄의 운송 및 철도 건강 및 안전 부서는 지역 차량 운영 및 기업 의료 서비스와 함께 인디애나폴리스의 글리너스 푸드 뱅크에서 자원봉사 이니셔티브에 참여했습니다. 14명의 자원봉사팀이 9월 자원봉사 날 동안 1,200 가구에 음식을 성공적으로 배포했습니다.

2012년 이래로 400명 이상의 마라톤 직원이 인디애나의 글리너스에 1,119시간의 봉사 시간을 기여했습니다. 이 식품 은행은 주변 카운티에 서비스를 제공하고 더 작은 배급 단체를 지원하여 경제적 어려움과 높은 인플레이션 율로 어려움을 겪고 있는 가정에 도움을 주고 있습니다.

Le département Santé et Sécurité des Transports et du Rail de Marathon Petroleum, en collaboration avec les opérations de flotte locale et les services médicaux de l'entreprise, a participé à une initiative de bénévolat à la Gleaners Food Bank à Indianapolis. Une équipe de 14 bénévoles a distribué avec succès des aliments à plus de 1 200 ménages lors d'une journée de bénévolat en septembre.

Depuis 2012, plus de 400 employés de Marathon ont contribué 1 119 heures de service à Gleaners en Indiana. La banque alimentaire dessert les comtés environnants et soutient de plus petites organisations de distribution, aidant les familles confrontées à l'insécurité alimentaire en période de difficultés économiques et de taux d'inflation élevés.

Die Abteilung für Gesundheit und Sicherheit im Transport und im Eisenbahnwesen von Marathon Petroleum hat zusammen mit den lokalen Flottenoperationen und den medizinischen Diensten des Unternehmens an einer Freiwilligeninitiative bei der Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis teilgenommen. Ein Team von 14 Freiwilligen hat während eines Freiwilligentages im September erfolgreich Nahrungsmittel an über 1.200 Haushalte verteilt.

Seit 2012 haben mehr als 400 Marathon-Mitarbeiter insgesamt 1.119 Stunden Dienst für Gleaners in Indiana geleistet. Die Lebensmittelbank versorgt die umliegenden Landkreise und unterstützt kleinere Verteilungsorganisationen, die Familien helfen, die während wirtschaftlicher Schwierigkeiten und hoher Inflationsraten mit Nahrungsmittelunsicherheit konfrontiert sind.

  • None.
  • None.

Key Points

  • Marathon Petroleum's Transportation and Rail Health and Safety department, alongside local fleet operations and corporate medical services, volunteered at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis to help families facing food insecurity.

  • A team of 14 volunteers distributed food to over 1,200 households during a volunteer day in September; more than 400 Marathon employees have donated 1,119 hours since 2012.

  • Gleaners Food Bank provides food to local communities and smaller distribution organizations, helping families during challenging times, especially amid economic hardships.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / December 9, 2024 / During a team meeting in Indianapolis, Indiana, in September, Marathon Petroleum's Transportation and Rail (T&R) Health and Safety department, along with team members from the local fleet operations, environmental and corporate medical services department, volunteered to distribute food at Gleaners Food Bank. The organization is focused on getting food to families experiencing difficult times.

(L to R) Employee volunteers Luis Flores, Macario Perez, Sherree Daugherty, Rachael Pearman, Don Pratt, Paul Okeke, Carlos Jaime, Jennifer Johnson, Jason Tansey, Kris Napier, Genaro Juarez, David Pittman, Nathaniel Earl and Scott Thorn. They volunteered to distribute food at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis, Illinois.

"Organizations like Gleaners help working families with children who are going through temporary hardship due to unexpected expenses and gives the ability to supplement their groceries," said Paul Okeke, a Marathon Personal Safety Professional for T&R. "It means that the children and grandparents don't have to go without. Volunteering at Gleaners has always been a humbling and rewarding experience for me."

A group of 14 Marathon volunteers helped distribute food to more than 1,200 households in just over four hours. Since the organization started in 2012, more than 400 Marathon volunteers have donated a combined 1,119 hours of service to Gleaners within Indiana.

"Amid soaring inflation rates and other challenges, I know that small acts of service like this within the community can make a lasting difference in many households," said Okeke. "The impact not only feeds a family but most importantly gives hope to many families."

Gleaners Food Bank distributes food to the surrounding counties and also helps provide food to smaller distribution organizations that don't have the resources to procure the supplies that a larger organization like Gleaners can.

"Interacting with the public and providing much needed support was a very rewarding experience," said Don Pratt, Health and Safety Manager for T&R. "I look forward to the next opportunity to serve the communities in which we operate in ways like what we did with the food bank."

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Spokesperson: Marathon Petroleum Corporation

SOURCE: Marathon Petroleum Corporation

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How many households did Marathon Petroleum (MPC) serve at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis?

Marathon Petroleum volunteers served over 1,200 households in just over four hours during their September volunteer day at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis.

How many volunteer hours has Marathon Petroleum (MPC) contributed to Gleaners Food Bank since 2012?

Since 2012, more than 400 Marathon Petroleum volunteers have contributed a total of 1,119 volunteer hours to Gleaners Food Bank in Indiana.

How many Marathon Petroleum (MPC) employees participated in the September 2024 Gleaners Food Bank volunteer event?

14 Marathon Petroleum employees participated in the September 2024 volunteer event at Gleaners Food Bank in Indianapolis.

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