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Forge Global, a leading private securities marketplace, announced its CEO, Kelly Rodrigues, will participate in a fireside chat at the JMP Securities Technology Conference on March 8, 2022, at 9:30 AM PT. Forge Global is noted for its business combination agreement with Motive Capital Corp (NYSE: MOTV) from September 2021. The conference will be streamed live, with an archived session available on the Forge Investor Relations website.

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Forge Global reported a 75% increase in revenue less transaction-based expenses for 2021, totaling over $125 million. The company surpassed earlier forecasts of $123 million. Trading volume rose by 71%, hitting $3.2 billion. Forge anticipates continued growth in 2022, projecting revenue between $149-$153 million. The company also launched new data services and completed its merger with Motive Capital Corp, with a shareholder vote scheduled for March 15, 2022.

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Forge Global, a leading private securities marketplace, announced significant growth for the nine months ended September 30, 2021, with total revenue minus transaction-based expenses reaching approximately $95M, a 229% year-over-year increase. Placement fee revenues surged 147% to over $80 million, with trading volume up 106% to $2.45 billion. The company also launched its first data product, Forge Intelligence, enhancing access to private market data. Forge intends to go public through a merger with Motive Capital Corp (NYSE: MOTV.U), valuing the company at around $2 billion.

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D/XYZ has successfully raised $100M to launch its first product, the Destiny Tech100, which will consist of a portfolio of the top 100 private venture-backed technology companies. Founded by Sohail Prasad and Samvit Ramadurgam, D/XYZ aims to democratize access to the private investment market, traditionally limited to accredited investors. The product will allow everyday investors to participate in private market growth, reflecting a shift towards more inclusive capitalism. D/XYZ is set to go public through a $2B merger with Motive Capital Corp (NYSE:MOTV).

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Motive Capital Corp (NYSE: MOTV) is advancing towards a merger with Forge Global, Inc., a major private securities marketplace. The company has filed a registration statement on Form S-4 with the SEC regarding this business combination, which is projected to complete in Q4 2021 or Q1 2022. Forge reported a staggering 306% revenue growth to $68.1M for H1 2021, driven by a booming IPO market and a 203% increase in trading volume to $1.68 billion. The merge values Forge at around $2 billion, contingent upon no shareholder redemptions.

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Forge Global, a private securities marketplace, announced its business combination with Motive Capital Corp (NYSE: MOTV), valuing Forge at approximately $2 billion. The transaction is expected to provide $532.5 million in gross proceeds before expenses, alongside cash consideration of up to $100 million. Forge aims to enhance private market accessibility through its technology, while attracting significant investor interest. The merger is anticipated to close in Q4 2021 or Q1 2022, pending shareholder approval.

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