Mosaic Announces July and August 2024 Revenue and Sales Volumes

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The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) has released its combined July and August 2024 sales volumes and revenue by business segment. Potash sales volumes decreased to 1,310,000 tonnes from 1,483,000 tonnes in the same period last year, with revenues falling to $358 million from $489 million. Phosphates sales volumes dropped to 937,000 tonnes from 1,081,000 tonnes, with revenues declining slightly to $620 million from $642 million. Mosaic Fertilizantes saw sales volumes decrease to 1,851,000 tonnes from 2,016,000 tonnes, with revenues dropping to $886 million from $1,150 million.

The company has resolved production challenges at Colonsay and restored Esterhazy hoisting capacity. However, due to various interruptions, Mosaic has adjusted its Q3 2024 guidance. Potash sales volumes are now expected to be 1.85-2.05 million tonnes, down from the previous 2.1-2.3 million tonnes. Phosphates sales volumes are projected at 1.45-1.65 million tonnes, reduced from 1.7-1.9 million tonnes, partly due to Hurricane Helene's impact on shipments.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) ha pubblicato i volumi di vendita combinati di luglio e agosto 2024 e i ricavi per segmento di attività. I volumi di vendita di potassio sono diminuiti a 1.310.000 tonnellate rispetto a 1.483.000 tonnellate nello stesso periodo dell'anno scorso, con i ricavi che sono scesi a 358 milioni di dollari rispetto a 489 milioni. I volumi di vendita di fosfati sono scesi a 937.000 tonnellate da 1.081.000 tonnellate, con i ricavi che sono diminuiti leggermente a 620 milioni di dollari da 642 milioni. Mosaic Fertilizantes ha visto i volumi di vendita scendere a 1.851.000 tonnellate da 2.016.000 tonnellate, con ricavi che sono diminuiti a 886 milioni di dollari da 1.150 milioni.

L'azienda ha risolto le sfide produttive a Colonsay e ha ripristinato la capacità di sollevamento di Esterhazy. Tuttavia, a causa di varie interruzioni, Mosaic ha adeguato le sue previsioni per il terzo trimestre 2024. I volumi di vendita di potassio sono ora previsti tra 1,85-2,05 milioni di tonnellate, in calo rispetto ai precedenti 2,1-2,3 milioni di tonnellate. I volumi di vendita di fosfati sono previsti tra 1,45-1,65 milioni di tonnellate, ridotti rispetto a 1,7-1,9 milioni di tonnellate, in parte a causa dell'impatto dell'uragano Helene sulle spedizioni.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) ha publicado los volúmenes de ventas combinados de julio y agosto de 2024 y los ingresos por segmento de negocio. Los volúmenes de ventas de potasa disminuyeron a 1.310.000 toneladas desde 1.483.000 toneladas en el mismo período del año pasado, con ingresos que cayeron a 358 millones de dólares desde 489 millones. Los volúmenes de ventas de fosfatos cayeron a 937.000 toneladas desde 1.081.000 toneladas, con ingresos que disminuyeron ligeramente a 620 millones de dólares desde 642 millones. Mosaic Fertilizantes vio que los volúmenes de ventas disminuyeron a 1.851.000 toneladas desde 2.016.000 toneladas, con ingresos que cayeron a 886 millones de dólares desde 1.150 millones.

La empresa ha resuelto desafíos de producción en Colonsay y ha restaurado la capacidad de levantamiento en Esterhazy. Sin embargo, debido a varias interrupciones, Mosaic ha ajustado su guía para el tercer trimestre de 2024. Los volúmenes de ventas de potasa se esperan ahora entre 1.85-2.05 millones de toneladas, por debajo de los 2.1-2.3 millones de toneladas anteriores. Los volúmenes de ventas de fosfatos se proyectan en 1.45-1.65 millones de toneladas, reducidos de 1.7-1.9 millones de toneladas, en parte debido al impacto del huracán Helene en los envíos.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS)는 2024년 7월과 8월의 판매량 및 사업 부문별 수익을 발표했습니다. 칼리움 판매량은 지난해 같은 기간의 1,483,000톤에서 1,310,000톤으로 감소했습니다. 수익은 489백만 달러에서 358백만 달러로 감소했습니다. 인산염 판매량은 1,081,000톤에서 937,000톤으로 줄었습니다. 수익은 642백만 달러에서 620백만 달러로 약간 감소했습니다. Mosaic Fertilizantes는 판매량이 2,016,000톤에서 1,851,000톤으로 감소하고, 수익은 1,150백만 달러에서 886백만 달러로 등록했습니다.

회사는 콜론세이에서의 생산 문제를 해결하고 에스터헤지의 승강 능력을 복원했습니다. 그러나 여러 가지 중단으로 인해 Mosaic은 2024년 3분기 가이드를 조정했습니다. 칼리움 판매량은 이제 2.1-2.3백만 톤에서 1.85-2.05백만 톤으로 예상됩니다. 인산염 판매량은 허리케인 헬렌의 선적 영향으로 인해 이전의 1.7-1.9백만 톤에서 1.45-1.65백만 톤으로 감소될 것으로 예상됩니다.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) a publié les volumes de ventes combinés de juillet et août 2024 et les revenus par segment d'activité. Les volumes de ventes de potasse ont diminué à 1 310 000 tonnes contre 1 483 000 tonnes pendant la même période l'année dernière, avec des revenus chutant à 358 millions de dollars contre 489 millions. Les volumes de ventes de phosphates ont baissé à 937 000 tonnes contre 1 081 000 tonnes, avec des revenus diminuant légèrement à 620 millions de dollars contre 642 millions. Mosaic Fertilizantes a vu ses volumes de vente diminuer à 1 851 000 tonnes contre 2 016 000 tonnes, avec des revenus tombant à 886 millions de dollars contre 1 150 millions.

L'entreprise a résolu des problèmes de production à Colonsay et a restauré la capacité de levage à Esterhazy. Cependant, en raison de diverses interruptions, Mosaic a ajusté ses prévisions pour le troisième trimestre 2024. Les volumes de vente de potasse sont désormais estimés entre 1,85 et 2,05 millions de tonnes, contre les prévisions précédentes de 2,1 à 2,3 millions de tonnes. Les volumes de vente de phosphates devraient être compris entre 1,45 et 1,65 million de tonnes, réduits par rapport à 1,7 à 1,9 million de tonnes, en partie en raison de l'impact de l'ouragan Helene sur les expéditions.

The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) hat die kombinierten Verkaufszahlen und Einnahmen für Juli und August 2024 nach Geschäftssegmenten veröffentlicht. Die Verkaufszahlen für Kalium sanken auf 1.310.000 Tonnen von 1.483.000 Tonnen im gleichen Zeitraum des Vorjahres, mit Einnahmen, die auf 358 Millionen Dollar von 489 Millionen Dollar zurückgingen. Die Verkaufszahlen für Phosphate fielen auf 937.000 Tonnen von 1.081.000 Tonnen, während die Einnahmen leicht auf 620 Millionen Dollar von 642 Millionen Dollar zurückgingen. Mosaic Fertilizantes verzeichnete einen Rückgang der Verkaufszahlen auf 1.851.000 Tonnen von 2.016.000 Tonnen, wobei die Einnahmen auf 886 Millionen Dollar von 1.150 Millionen Dollar fielen.

Das Unternehmen hat Produktionsprobleme in Colonsay gelöst und die Förderkapazität in Esterhazy wiederhergestellt. Aufgrund verschiedener Unterbrechungen hat Mosaic jedoch seine Prognose für das dritte Quartal 2024 angepasst. Die Verkaufszahlen für Kalium werden nun zwischen 1,85 und 2,05 Millionen Tonnen erwartet, was einem Rückgang gegenüber der vorherigen Prognose von 2,1 bis 2,3 Millionen Tonnen entspricht. Die Verkaufszahlen für Phosphate werden auf 1,45 bis 1,65 Millionen Tonnen prognostiziert, was eine Reduzierung von 1,7 bis 1,9 Millionen Tonnen darstellt, teilweise bedingt durch die Auswirkungen des Hurrikans Helene auf die Lieferungen.

  • Production challenges at Colonsay have been resolved, with production returning to normal
  • Esterhazy hoisting capacity has been restored to meet full milling capacity
  • Production at the Louisiana facility has returned to normal after weather-related interruptions
  • Potash sales volumes decreased by 11.7% in Jul/Aug 2024 compared to the same period in 2023
  • Potash sales revenues declined by 26.8% in Jul/Aug 2024 compared to Jul/Aug 2023
  • Phosphates sales volumes dropped by 13.3% in Jul/Aug 2024 compared to the same period last year
  • Mosaic Fertilizantes sales volumes decreased by 8.2% in Jul/Aug 2024 compared to Jul/Aug 2023
  • Mosaic Fertilizantes sales revenues declined by 23% in Jul/Aug 2024 compared to the same period in 2023
  • Q3 2024 potash sales volume guidance reduced to 1.85-2.05 million tonnes from 2.1-2.3 million tonnes
  • Q3 2024 phosphates sales volume guidance lowered to 1.45-1.65 million tonnes from 1.7-1.9 million tonnes


The reported sales volumes and revenues for July and August 2024 show a concerning trend across all segments. Potash sales volumes decreased by 11.7% year-over-year, with revenues dropping by $131 million or 26.8%. This significant decline in both volume and price suggests weakening market conditions for potash.

Phosphates segment also experienced a decline, with sales volumes down by 13.3% and revenues decreasing by $22 million or 3.4%. The smaller revenue drop relative to volume indicates some price resilience in phosphates.

Mosaic Fertilizantes saw the largest revenue decline of $264 million or 23%, with volumes down 8.2%. This points to challenging market conditions across regions.

The production challenges and weather-related interruptions have led to downward revisions in Q3 2024 volume guidance for both Potash and Phosphates segments. While some recovery is expected in Q4, these issues will likely impact the company's full-year performance negatively.

The global fertilizer market is showing signs of softening demand and pricing pressure. Mosaic's volume declines across all segments indicate a broader industry trend rather than company-specific issues. The significant price drops in potash (implied 17% decrease in price per tonne) suggest oversupply or reduced farmer purchasing power.

The revised guidance for Q3 2024 reflects both operational challenges and market conditions. Potash volumes are now expected to be 11.9% lower at the midpoint compared to previous guidance. Phosphates volumes are projected to be 14.7% lower at the midpoint.

Despite these challenges, Mosaic maintains its price outlook for both MOP and DAP, which could indicate some stabilization in the market. However, investors should monitor whether these price levels can be sustained given the volume pressures. The company's ability to recover delayed shipments in Q4 will be important for meeting annual targets and maintaining investor confidence.

TAMPA, FL / ACCESSWIRE / September 26, 2024 / The Mosaic Company (NYSE:MOS) announced its combined July and August 2024 sales volumes and revenue by business segment.


Jul/Aug 2024

Jul/Aug 2023

Sales volumes (000 tonnes(1))



Sales revenues (million USD)






Jul/Aug 2024

Jul/Aug 2023

Sales volumes (000 tonnes (1))



Sales revenues (million USD)





Mosaic Fertilizantes

Jul/Aug 2024

Jul/Aug 2023

Sales Volumes (000 tonnes(1))



Sales Revenues (million USD)





(1) Tonnes = finished product tonnes

Mosaic provided an operations update earlier this month. The company is pleased to announce that the production challenges caused by electrical issues at Colonsay have been resolved and production has returned to normal. Esterhazy hoisting capacity, which has been negatively impacted by an electrical issue, has been restored to levels that meet full milling capacity and allow for full production. Additional work will be undertaken over the next few months to complete repairs and ensure the highest-level of reliability.

Third quarter 2024 potash sales volumes are expected to be in the range of 1.85-2.05 million tonnes, down from 2.1-2.3 million tonnes in our previous guidance, reflecting the midpoint estimate previously provided regarding the aforementioned production interruptions. The outlook for MOP prices at the mine is unchanged at $200-$220 per tonne.

In Phosphates, earlier this month, Mosaic announced production interruptions caused by weather related events including Hurricane Francine in Louisiana. The company is pleased to report production at the Louisiana facility has returned to normal.

In addition, in anticipation of Hurricane Helene, product shipments were curtailed beginning September 23 rd as the Tampa port was temporarily shut down. With an average shipment rate of approximately 150,000 tons per week, and uncertainty on whether shipments will resume within the week, Mosaic has further adjusted its volume guidance to reflect a one-week delay in customer shipments. Mosaic expects to recover a portion of those volumes in the fourth quarter.

Phosphates third quarter sales volumes are now expected to be in the range of 1.45-1.65 million tonnes, down from our previous guidance of 1.7-1.9 million tonnes. Guidance on DAP prices at the plant is unchanged in the range of $555-$575 per tonne.

About The Mosaic Company
The Mosaic Company is one of the world's leading producers and marketers of concentrated phosphate and potash crop nutrients. Mosaic is a single source provider of phosphates and potash fertilizers and feed ingredients for the global agriculture industry. More information on the company is available at

Mosaic will publish a market update on the company's investor relations website immediately after this press release. Mosaic - Market Education (

The Mosaic Company Contacts



Joan Tong, CFA, 863-640-0826

Ben Pratt, 813-775-4206

Jason Tremblay 813-775-4226

This release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Such statements may include, but are not limited to, statements about proposed or pending future transactions or strategic plans and other statements about future financial and operating results. Such statements are based upon the current beliefs and expectations of The Mosaic Company's management and are subject to significant risks and uncertainties. These risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to: political and economic instability and changes in government policies in Brazil and other countries in which we have operations; the predictability and volatility of, and customer expectations about, agriculture, fertilizer, raw material, energy and transportation markets that are subject to competitive and other pressures and economic and credit market conditions; the level of inventories in the distribution channels for crop nutrients; the economic impact and operating impacts of the coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic, the effect of future product innovations or development of new technologies on demand for our products; changes in foreign currency and exchange rates; international trade risks and other risks associated with Mosaic's international operations and those of joint ventures in which Mosaic participates, including the performance of the Wa'ad Al Shamal Phosphate Company (also known as MWSPC), the future success of current plans for MWSPC and any future changes in those plans; difficulties with realization of the benefits of our natural gas based pricing ammonia supply agreement with CF Industries, Inc., including the risk that the cost savings initially anticipated from the agreement may not be fully realized over its term or that the price of natural gas or ammonia during the term are at levels at which the pricing is disadvantageous to Mosaic; customer defaults; the effects of Mosaic's decisions to exit business operations or locations; changes in government policy; changes in environmental and other governmental regulation, including expansion of the types and extent of water resources regulated under federal law, carbon taxes or other greenhouse gas regulation, implementation of numeric water quality standards for the discharge of nutrients into Florida waterways or efforts to reduce the flow of excess nutrients into the Mississippi River basin, the Gulf of Mexico or elsewhere; further developments in judicial or administrative proceedings, or complaints that Mosaic's operations are adversely impacting nearby farms, business operations or properties; difficulties or delays in receiving, increased costs of or challenges to necessary governmental permits or approvals or increased financial assurance requirements; resolution of global tax audit activity; the effectiveness of Mosaic's processes for managing its strategic priorities; adverse weather conditions affecting operations in Central Florida, the Mississippi River basin, the Gulf Coast of the United States, Canada or Brazil, and including potential hurricanes, excess heat, cold, snow, rainfall or drought; actual costs of various items differing from management's current estimates, including, among others, asset retirement, environmental remediation, reclamation or other environmental regulation, Canadian resources taxes and royalties, or the costs of the MWSPC; reduction of Mosaic's available cash and liquidity, and increased leverage, due to its use of cash and/or available debt capacity to fund financial assurance requirements and strategic investments; brine inflows at Mosaic's potash mines; other accidents and disruptions involving Mosaic's operations, including potential mine fires, floods, explosions, seismic events, sinkholes or releases of hazardous or volatile chemicals; and risks associated with cyber security, including reputational loss; as well as other risks and uncertainties reported from time to time in The Mosaic Company's reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. Actual results may differ from those set forth in the forward-looking statements.

SOURCE: The Mosaic Company

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What were Mosaic's (MOS) potash sales volumes for July and August 2024?

Mosaic's potash sales volumes for July and August 2024 were 1,310,000 tonnes, down from 1,483,000 tonnes in the same period last year.

How did Mosaic's (MOS) phosphates sales revenues change in July/August 2024 compared to 2023?

Mosaic's phosphates sales revenues slightly decreased to $620 million in July/August 2024 from $642 million in the same period of 2023.

What is Mosaic's (MOS) updated Q3 2024 guidance for potash sales volumes?

Mosaic has adjusted its Q3 2024 guidance for potash sales volumes to 1.85-2.05 million tonnes, down from the previous guidance of 2.1-2.3 million tonnes.

How has Hurricane Helene affected Mosaic's (MOS) operations in September 2024?

Hurricane Helene led to the temporary shutdown of the Tampa port, curtailing product shipments starting September 23rd, 2024. This has caused Mosaic to adjust its volume guidance to reflect a one-week delay in customer shipments.

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