Airedale by Modine™ Launches 1MW Cooling Distribution Unit

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Airedale by Modine™, a brand of Modine (NYSE: MOD), has launched a 1MW Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) to meet the growing demand for high-performance cooling solutions in the global data center industry. This technology is important for liquid and hybrid cooling systems managing next-generation IT applications. The CDU is designed to support high-density computing applications like generative artificial intelligence and machine learning.

The CDU can deliver up to 1MW of cooling capacity and operates at supply temperatures of up to 30°C (86°F) in secondary water loop systems and 26°C (79°F) in primary loop structures. It's suitable for both colocation and hyperscale data center providers dealing with higher density IT heat loads. This launch aligns with Modine's strategy to expand its global data center product offering and capture market opportunities in the rapidly growing data center liquid cooling market.

Airedale by Modine™, un marchio di Modine (NYSE: MOD), ha lanciato un Unità di Distribuzione di Raffreddamento (CDU) da 1MW per soddisfare la crescente domanda di soluzioni di raffreddamento ad alte prestazioni nell'industria globale dei data center. Questa tecnologia è fondamentale per i sistemi di raffreddamento liquido e ibrido che gestiscono le applicazioni IT di nuova generazione. La CDU è progettata per supportare applicazioni di computing ad alta densità come l'intelligenza artificiale generativa e il machine learning.

La CDU può fornire fino a 1MW di capacità di raffreddamento e opera a temperature di fornitura che raggiungono i 30°C (86°F) nei sistemi a circuito secondario e 26°C (79°F) nelle strutture a circuito primario. È adatta sia per fornitori di data center a colocation che per quelli hyperscale che si occupano di carichi termici IT più elevati. Questo lancio è in linea con la strategia di Modine di espandere la propria offerta di prodotti per data center a livello globale e di cogliere le opportunità di mercato nel crescente mercato del raffreddamento liquido per data center.

Airedale by Modine™, una marca de Modine (NYSE: MOD), ha lanzado una Unidad de Distribución de Refrigeración (CDU) de 1MW para satisfacer la creciente demanda de soluciones de refrigeración de alto rendimiento en la industria global de centros de datos. Esta tecnología es importante para los sistemas de refrigeración líquida e híbrida que gestionan aplicaciones de TI de nueva generación. La CDU está diseñada para soportar aplicaciones de computación de alta densidad como la inteligencia artificial generativa y el aprendizaje automático.

La CDU puede entregar hasta 1MW de capacidad de refrigeración y opera a temperaturas de suministro de hasta 30°C (86°F) en sistemas de circuitos secundarios y 26°C (79°F) en estructuras de circuito primario. Es adecuada tanto para proveedores de centros de datos de colocation como para aquellos hyperscale que manejan cargas térmicas IT más altas. Este lanzamiento está alineado con la estrategia de Modine de expandir su oferta de productos para centros de datos a nivel global y captar oportunidades en el rápidamente creciente mercado de refrigeración líquida para centros de datos.

Modine의 Airedale™(NYSE: MOD) 브랜드가 전 세계 데이터 센터 산업의 고성능 냉각 솔루션에 대한 수요 증가에 부응하기 위해 1MW 냉각 분배 장치(CDU)를 출시했습니다. 이 기술은 차세대 IT 애플리케이션을 관리하는 액체 및 하이브리드 냉각 시스템에 중요합니다. CDU는 생성적 인공지능 및 기계 학습과 같은 고밀도 컴퓨팅 애플리케이션을 지원하도록 설계되었습니다.

CDU는 1MW의 냉각 용량을 제공할 수 있으며, 보조 물 순환 시스템에서는 최대 30°C(86°F)까지, 주요 순환 구조에서는 26°C(79°F)까지 공급 온도로 작동합니다. 이는 더 높은 밀도의 IT 열 부하를 처리하는 콜로케이션 및 하이퍼스케일 데이터 센터 제공업체 모두에 적합합니다. 이 출시(N)가 Modine의 글로벌 데이터 센터 제품 제공 확장 및 빠르게 성장하는 데이터 센터 액체 냉각 시장에서의 기회 포착 전략과 일치합니다.

Airedale by Modine™, une marque de Modine (NYSE: MOD), a lancé une Unité de Distribution de Refroidissement (CDU) de 1MW pour répondre à la demande croissante de solutions de refroidissement haute performance dans l'industrie mondiale des centres de données. Cette technologie est importante pour les systèmes de refroidissement à liquide et hybrides qui gèrent les applications informatiques de nouvelle génération. La CDU est conçue pour prendre en charge des applications informatiques à haute densité telles que l'intelligence artificielle générative et l'apprentissage automatique.

La CDU peut fournir jusqu'à 1MW de capacité de refroidissement et fonctionne à des températures de fourniture atteignant 30°C (86°F) dans des systèmes à boucle d'eau secondaire et 26°C (79°F) dans des structures à boucle primaire. Elle convient aussi bien aux fournisseurs de centres de données en colocation qu'aux fournisseurs hyperscale confrontés à des charges thermiques IT plus élevées. Ce lancement s'inscrit dans la stratégie de Modine d'élargir son offre de produits pour centres de données à l'échelle mondiale et de saisir les opportunités de marché sur le marché en forte croissance du refroidissement liquide pour centres de données.

Airedale by Modine™, eine Marke von Modine (NYSE: MOD), hat eine 1MW Kühlverteilungseinheit (CDU) auf den Markt gebracht, um der wachsenden Nachfrage nach Hochleistungs-Kühlungslösungen in der globalen Rechenzentrumsbranche gerecht zu werden. Diese Technologie ist für flüssige und hybride Kühlsysteme, die nächste Generation IT-Anwendungen verwalten, von großer Bedeutung. Die CDU wurde entwickelt, um Anwendungen mit hoher Rechenleistung wie generative künstliche Intelligenz und maschinelles Lernen zu unterstützen.

Die CDU kann bis zu 1MW Kühlleistung liefern und arbeitet bei Liefer Temperaturen von bis zu 30°C (86°F) in sekundären Wasserschleifen und 26°C (79°F) in primären Schleifen. Sie ist sowohl für Anbieter von Colocation- als auch Hyperscale-Rechenzentren geeignet, die mit höheren IT-Wärmelasten umgehen müssen. Dieses Launch steht im Einklang mit der Strategie von Modine, das globale Produktangebot für Rechenzentren zu erweitern und Marktchancen im schnell wachsenden Markt für Flüssigkeitskühlung in Rechenzentren zu nutzen.

  • Launch of 1MW Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) for data centers
  • Expansion into the growing data center liquid cooling market
  • CDU supports high-density computing applications like AI and machine learning
  • Suitable for both colocation and hyperscale data center providers
  • Aligns with Modine's long-term growth strategy
  • None.

Airedale by Modine's launch of a 1MW Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) marks a significant advancement in data center cooling technology. This product addresses the growing demand for liquid and hybrid cooling systems in high-density computing environments, particularly for applications like AI and machine learning.

The CDU's ability to operate at higher temperatures (up to 30°C in secondary loops) indicates improved energy efficiency, potentially reducing operational costs for data centers. This aligns with the industry trend towards more sustainable and cost-effective cooling solutions. The 1MW capacity is substantial, catering to the needs of both colocation and hyperscale providers dealing with increasingly power-dense IT loads.

While this launch strengthens Modine's market position, it's important to note that the transition to liquid cooling in data centers is still in its early stages. The success of this product will depend on the rate of adoption of liquid cooling technologies and Modine's ability to compete with established players in this space.

Modine's strategic move into the liquid cooling market for data centers aligns well with industry trends and could potentially drive significant revenue growth. The global data center cooling market is projected to grow at a CAGR of 10.5% from 2021 to 2028, reaching $20.7 billion by 2028.

While specific financial projections aren't provided, this product launch expands Modine's addressable market. The company's ability to offer a complete range of cooling solutions (air, liquid and hybrid) positions it favorably to capture a larger share of the growing data center market. However, investors should monitor adoption rates of liquid cooling and Modine's ability to win contracts against established competitors.

The focus on high-growth areas like AI and machine learning is promising, but it's important to track the actual sales performance and margin contribution of this new product line in future earnings reports to gauge its impact on Modine's overall financial performance.

Critical Cooling Specialists introduces global CDU to serve increasing demand for liquid cooling in data centers.

RACINE, Wis., Sept. 17, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Airedale by Modine™, a brand of diversified industrial Modine (NYSE: MOD), today announced the launch of a coolant distribution unit (CDU) to meet increasing demand for high-performance, high-efficiency cooling solutions in the global data center industry. The CDU is a critical technology enabler for liquid and hybrid liquid and air cooling systems that manage next-generation IT applications.

"Modine's investment in developing CDUs advances our strategy to expand our global data center product offering and capture market opportunities that help us achieve our long-term growth targets," said Neil Brinker, President and Chief Executive Officer of Modine. "This technology strengthens Modine's position in the rapidly growing data center liquid cooling market, providing our customers with advanced solutions to support the next generation of high-density, accelerated computing applications, such as generative artificial intelligence and machine learning."

Trusted as the Critical Cooling Specialists to solve the most important cooling challenges, Airedale by Modine is growing its global data center offering across products, software, service and manufacturing footprint. The CDU expands the innovative solutions Airedale by Modine can offer throughout the thermal chain with air, liquid, and hybrid cooling systems.

"The CDU is a core part of our strategy to provide a complete range of products, software, and service capabilities for the data center industry," said Eric McGinnis, President, Modine Climate Solutions. "While the market for traditional air cooling products in data centers is set to continue its growth trajectory, liquid cooling will start to enter the market as an additional growth area. At Modine, we believe that many operators will adopt a hybrid cooling approach, with liquid cooling technology complimenting air-based systems to target pockets of higher-density IT loads. The CDU is a critical component in these kinds of cooling systems and we're excited to bring it to market."

The CDU is suitable for both colocation and hyperscale data center providers seeking to manage higher density IT heat loads. The increasing data processing power of next-generation central processing units and graphics processing units result in higher heat loads that are most efficiently served by liquid cooling solutions. The CDU is the key component of any liquid cooling system, isolating facility water systems from the IT equipment and distributing coolant fluid to where it is needed in the server or rack. Delivering up to 1MW of cooling capacity and operational at supply temperatures of up to 30°C (86°F) in a secondary water loop system and 26°C (79°F) in a primary loop structure, Airedale by Modine's CDU offers the same quality and high energy efficiency associated with the brand's other cooling solutions. 

About Modine
At Modine, we are Engineering a Cleaner, Healthier World™. Building on more than 100 years of excellence in thermal management, we provide trusted systems and solutions that improve air quality and conserve natural resources. More than 11,000 employees are at work in every corner of the globe, delivering the solutions our customers need, where they need them. Our Climate Solutions and Performance Technologies segments support our purpose by improving air quality, reducing energy and water consumption, lowering harmful emissions and enabling cleaner running vehicles and environmentally-friendly refrigerants. Modine is a global company headquartered in Racine, Wisconsin (U.S.), with operations in North America, South America, Europe and Asia. For more information about Modine, visit

Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains statements, including information about future financial performance and market conditions, accompanied by phrases such as "believes," "estimates," "expects," "plans," "anticipates," "intends," "projects," and other similar "forward-looking" statements, as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Modine's actual results, performance or achievements may differ materially from those expressed or implied in these statements because of certain risks and uncertainties, including, but not limited to those described under "Risk Factors" in Item 1A of Part I of the Company's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the year ended March 31, 2024 and under Forward-Looking Statements in Item 7 of Part II of that same report and in the Company's Quarterly Report on Form 10-Q for the quarter ended June 30, 2024. Other risks and uncertainties include, but are not limited to, the following: the impact of potential adverse developments or disruptions in the global economy and financial markets, including impacts related to inflation, energy costs, supply chain challenges or supplier constraints, logistical disruptions, tariffs, sanctions and other trade issues or cross-border trade restrictions; the impact of other economic, social and political conditions, changes and challenges in the markets where we operate and compete, including foreign currency exchange rate fluctuations, increases in interest rates or tightening of the credit markets, recession or recovery therefrom, restrictions associated with importing and exporting and foreign ownership, public health crises, and the general uncertainties, including the impact on demand for our products and the markets we serve from regulatory and/or policy changes that have been or may be implemented in the U.S. or abroad, including those related to tax and trade, climate change, public health threats, and military conflicts, including the current conflicts in Ukraine and in the Middle East and heightened tensions in the Red Sea; the overall health and pricing focus of our customers; our ability to successfully realize anticipated benefits, including improved profit margins and cash flow, from our strategic initiatives and our application of 80/20 principles across our businesses; our ability to be at the forefront of technological advances and the impacts of any changes in the adoption rate of technologies that we expect to drive sales growth; our ability to accelerate growth organically and through acquisitions and successfully integrate acquired businesses; our ability to effectively and efficiently manage our operations in response to sales volume changes, including maintaining adequate production capacity to meet demand in our growing businesses while also completing restructuring activities and realizing benefits thereof; our ability to fund our global liquidity requirements efficiently and comply with the financial covenants in our credit agreements; operational inefficiencies as a result of product or program launches, unexpected volume increases or decreases, product transfers and warranty claims; the impact on Modine of any significant increases in commodity prices, particularly aluminum, copper, steel and stainless steel (nickel) and other purchased components and related costs, and our ability to adjust product pricing in response to any such increases; our ability to recruit and maintain talent in managerial, leadership, operational and administrative functions and to mitigate increased labor costs; our ability to protect our proprietary information and intellectual property from theft or attack; the impact of any substantial disruption or material breach of our information technology ("IT") systems; the impact of a material weakness identified in our internal controls related to IT system access in Europe on our financial reporting process; costs and other effects of environmental investigation, remediation or litigation and the increasing emphasis on environmental, social and corporate governance matters; our ability to realize the benefits of deferred tax assets; and other risks and uncertainties identified in our public filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Forward-looking statements are as of the date of this release, and we do not assume any obligation to update any forward-looking statements.

Media Contacts:
UK:  Nicola Ware   E:   T: +44 113 2391000

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What is the cooling capacity of Airedale by Modine's new CDU?

Airedale by Modine's new Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) can deliver up to 1MW of cooling capacity.

What are the operating temperatures of the new CDU by Airedale by Modine (MOD)?

The CDU operates at supply temperatures of up to 30°C (86°F) in secondary water loop systems and 26°C (79°F) in primary loop structures.

What types of data centers can use Airedale by Modine's new CDU?

The new Cooling Distribution Unit (CDU) is suitable for both colocation and hyperscale data center providers dealing with higher density IT heat loads.

How does the new CDU by Airedale by Modine (MOD) support next-generation computing?

The CDU supports high-density computing applications such as generative artificial intelligence and machine learning by providing efficient cooling for higher heat loads generated by advanced processors.

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