MannKind Launches Educational Website to Raise Awareness of NTM Lung Disease

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MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD) has launched an educational website,, to raise awareness of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease. The launch coincides with World NTM Awareness Day on August 4. NTM lung disease is a rare condition caused by naturally occurring bacteria that can lead to serious lung damage in susceptible individuals.

Key points:

  • NTM affects nearly 100,000 people in the U.S. and over 150,000 in Japan
  • Prevalence is increasing globally, with a 7.5% annual rise in the U.S.
  • The disease is more common in women over 65
  • MAC (mycobacterium avium complex) accounts for 80% of NTM cases in the U.S.
  • 15-20% of NTM patients are refractory to treatment

The website aims to promote early detection and provide resources for patients and caregivers.

MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD) ha lanciato un sito web educativo,, per aumentare la consapevolezza sulla malattia polmonare da micobatteri non tubercolari (NTM). Il lancio coincide con la Giornata Mondiale della Consapevolezza del NTM il 4 agosto. La malattia polmonare da NTM è una condizione rara causata da batteri presenti naturalmente che può portare a gravi danni polmonari in individui suscettibili.

Punti chiave:

  • Il NTM colpisce quasi 100.000 persone negli Stati Uniti e oltre 150.000 in Giappone
  • La prevalenza sta aumentando a livello globale, con un incremento annuale del 7,5% negli Stati Uniti.
  • La malattia è più comune nelle donne di età superiore ai 65 anni
  • Il MAC (complesso Mycobacterium avium) rappresenta l'80% dei casi di NTM negli Stati Uniti.
  • Il 15-20% dei pazienti con NTM è refrattario al trattamento

Il sito web mira a promuovere la diagnosi precoce e fornire risorse per pazienti e caregiver.

MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD) ha lanzado un sitio web educativo,, para aumentar la conciencia sobre la enfermedad pulmonar por micobacterias no tuberculosas (NTM). El lanzamiento coincide con el Día Mundial de Concienciación sobre el NTM el 4 de agosto. La enfermedad pulmonar por NTM es una condición rara causada por bacterias que ocurren naturalmente y que puede provocar daños pulmonares graves en individuos susceptibles.

Puntos clave:

  • El NTM afecta a casi 100,000 personas en los EE. UU. y a más de 150,000 en Japón
  • La prevalencia está aumentando globalmente, con un aumento anual del 7.5% en los EE. UU.
  • La enfermedad es más común en mujeres mayores de 65 años
  • El MAC (complejo Mycobacterium avium) representa el 80% de los casos de NTM en los EE. UU.
  • El 15-20% de los pacientes con NTM son refractarios al tratamiento

El sitio web tiene como objetivo promover la detección temprana y proporcionar recursos para pacientes y cuidadores.

MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD)는 비결핵성 미생물(NTM) 폐 질환에 대한 인식을 높이기 위해 교육 웹사이트 LearnAboutNTM.com을 출시했습니다. 이 출시는 8월 4일 세계 NTM 인식의 날과 동시에 진행됩니다. NTM 폐 질환은 자연적으로 발생하는 박테리아로 인해 발생하는 드문 질병으로, 감수성이 있는 개인에서 심각한 폐 손상을 초래할 수 있습니다.

주요 사항:

  • NTM은 미국에서 거의 100,000명, 일본에서 150,000명 이상에 영향을 미칩니다.
  • 전 세계적으로 유병률이 증가하고 있으며, 미국에서는 연평균 7.5% 증가하고 있습니다.
  • 65세 이상의 여성에게 더 흔하게 발생합니다.
  • MAC(마이코박테리움 아비움 복합체)가 미국 내 NTM 사례의 80%를 차지합니다.
  • NTM 환자의 15-20%는 치료에 저항성을 보입니다.

웹사이트는 조기 발견을 촉진하고 환자 및 돌보는 사람들을 위한 자원을 제공하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.

MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD) a lancé un site web éducatif,, pour sensibiliser à la maladie pulmonaire causée par des mycobactéries non tuberculeuses (NTM). Le lancement coïncide avec la Journée mondiale de sensibilisation au NTM le 4 août. La maladie pulmonaire causée par les NTM est une condition rare due à des bactéries naturellement présentes qui peuvent entraîner de graves dommages pulmonaires chez les individus sensibles.

Points clés :

  • Le NTM touche près de 100 000 personnes aux États-Unis et plus de 150 000 au Japon
  • La prévalence augmente dans le monde entier, avec une hausse annuelle de 7,5 % aux États-Unis.
  • La maladie est plus courante chez les femmes de plus de 65 ans
  • Le MAC (complexe Mycobacterium avium) représente 80 % des cas de NTM aux États-Unis.
  • 15-20 % des patients atteints de NTM ne répondent pas au traitement.

Le site web vise à promouvoir la détection précoce et à fournir des ressources aux patients et aux aidants.

MannKind (Nasdaq: MNKD) hat eine Bildungswebsite,, ins Leben gerufen, um das Bewusstsein für die nichttuberkulösen Mykobakterien (NTM) Lungenerkrankung zu erhöhen. Der Launch fällt mit dem weltweiten NTM-Bewussteins-Tag am 4. August zusammen. Die NTM-Lungenerkrankung ist eine seltene Erkrankung, die durch natürlich vorkommende Bakterien verursacht wird und bei anfälligen Personen zu schweren Lungenschäden führen kann.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • NTM betrifft nahezu 100.000 Menschen in den USA und über 150.000 in Japan
  • Die Prävalenz nimmt weltweit zu, mit einem jährlichen Anstieg von 7,5 % in den USA.
  • Die Krankheit ist bei Frauen über 65 Jahren häufiger.
  • MAC (Mycobacterium avium-Komplex) macht 80 % der NTM-Fälle in den USA aus.
  • 15-20 % der NTM-Patienten sprechen nicht auf die Behandlung an.

Die Website zielt darauf ab, die frühzeitige Erkennung zu fördern und Ressourcen für Patienten und Betreuer bereitzustellen.

  • Launch of educational website to raise awareness of NTM lung disease
  • Alignment with World NTM Awareness Day on August 4
  • Collaboration with NTM Info & Research, a nonprofit advocacy group
  • None.
  • provides information and resources for patients and caregivers
  • Site launch in support of World NTM Awareness Day, August 4

DANBURY, Conn. and WESTLAKE VILLAGE, Calif., July 31, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MannKind Corporation (Nasdaq: MNKD), a company focused on the development and commercialization of innovative inhaled therapeutic products and devices for patients with endocrine and orphan lung diseases, announced today the launch of an educational website designed to raise awareness of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease. is launching today in support of World NTM Awareness Day on August 4.

“NTM lung disease is something many have not heard of before and that often translates to patients going undiagnosed for years,” said Dr. Wassim Fares, MSc, FCCP, Senior Vice President, Therapeutic Area Head, Orphan Lung Diseases of MannKind Corporation. “MannKind is dedicated to elevating awareness of NTM, promote early detection and provide a pathway to resources with this website.”

“It’s inspiring that more companies like MannKind are using their voice to amplify awareness of NTM and provide an educational tool for patients living with the disease,” said Amy Leitman, JD, president of NTM Info & Research, a nonprofit advocacy group for patients with pulmonary nontuberculous mycobacterial disease. “Raising awareness helps people know the signs and for patients to access resources and ultimately timely diagnoses with physicians for optimum treatment.”

Pulmonary NTM infection is a rare disease with a global health impact due to its rising prevalence worldwide and association with shortened life span, high morbidity, and significant impact on patients’ quality of life. NTM is a group of bacteria naturally found in our environment, including water and soil, that can lead to cough, fatigue, a reduction in lung function, and poor quality of life among other debilitating symptoms. While most people are exposed to NTM daily, the organisms generally do no harm. Individuals with underlying conditions such as COPD, asthma, and bronchiectasis are at increased risk of NTM getting established in the lungs creating an infection and progressive worsening of lung function.

There are nearly 200 species of NTM, the most common is MAC (mycobacterium avium complex), which accounts for about 80% of all NTM lung disease cases in the United States. While not everyone is at risk of contracting NTM from MAC, for those who are, it can cause serious lung damage. NTM lung disease is more common in women over the age of 65. Estimated 2022 NTM disease prevalence is more than 100,000 in the U.S. and over 150,000 in Japan. Approximately 15-20% of NTM patients are refractory. The prevalence rate of NTM is increasing globally – within the U.S. alone claims-based studies suggest an annual rise of 7.5%.

To learn more about NTM, please visit

About MannKind
MannKind Corporation (Nasdaq: MNKD) focuses on the development and commercialization of innovative inhaled therapeutic products and devices to address serious unmet medical needs for those living with endocrine and orphan lung diseases.

We are committed to using our formulation capabilities and device engineering prowess to lessen the burden of diseases such as diabetes, nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease, pulmonary fibrosis, and pulmonary hypertension. Our signature technologies – dry-powder formulations and inhalation devices – offer rapid and convenient delivery of medicines to the deep lung where they can exert an effect locally or enter the systemic circulation, depending on the target indication.

With a passionate team of Mannitarians collaborating nationwide, we are on a mission to give people control of their health and the freedom to live life.

Please visit to learn more, and follow us on LinkedIn, Facebook, X or Instagram.

MANNKIND is a registered trademark of MannKind Corporation.


What is the purpose of MannKind's new website

MannKind's is designed to raise awareness of nontuberculous mycobacterial (NTM) lung disease, promote early detection, and provide resources for patients and caregivers.

When did MannKind (MNKD) launch the NTM awareness website?

MannKind (MNKD) launched the website on July 31, 2024, in support of World NTM Awareness Day on August 4.

What is the prevalence of NTM lung disease in the United States?

The estimated prevalence of NTM lung disease in the United States was more than 100,000 cases in 2022, with an annual increase of 7.5% according to claims-based studies.

What percentage of NTM lung disease cases are caused by MAC in the US?

MAC (mycobacterium avium complex) accounts for about 80% of all NTM lung disease cases in the United States.

What demographic is most commonly affected by NTM lung disease according to MannKind (MNKD)?

According to the information provided by MannKind (MNKD), NTM lung disease is more common in women over the age of 65.



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