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Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) launched Iris Stars on April 23, 2021, aiming to revolutionize social media by allowing users to share unique perspectives through its miniature body-worn cameras. This expansion of the Iris Media Network targets athletes, celebrities, and everyday users, promoting a user-friendly experience. The company's portfolio includes technologies for camera, radio, distribution, and blockchain, positioning it to disrupt the sports content and social media markets. However, the announcement includes forward-looking statements that carry inherent risks.
Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) has been appointed as a key technology partner for Racing For Heroes (RFH), a nonprofit dedicated to aiding military veterans affected by the trauma of war, including PTSD. The partnership will see Gen2 provide advanced technology, including its Iris camera, to enhance RFH's Motorsports Therapy Program. The Gen2 logo will be featured on the RFH Tribute Car during races. This collaboration aims to create immersive experiences for veterans, allowing medical professionals to monitor their health in real-time and facilitate healing through adrenaline-inducing motorsports.
Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) announces its first quarterly update call on April 16 at 1:00 PM EST. The call will cover key topics including the Snipitz collaboration, completion of the Iris Digital Token in May, commercialization plans in the NFT space, and the launch of the 'Covid-Pass' vaccine passport initiative. CEO Michael Kovacocy emphasizes the company's progress and the upcoming phase of market offerings. The company aims to leverage its intellectual property to enhance user experiences in various markets.
Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) announced a reduction in its Reg A offering from $6 million to $2 million following managerial changes. CEO Michael Kovacocy emphasized a commitment to shareholder value and minimizing dilution. The company seeks non-dilutive financing options, including the Iris Token with an NFT component, aiming for substantial market demand. This strategic move is intended to align capital usage with the company's market capitalization, which is currently in the mid-single digits of millions of USD. The reduction reflects a disciplined approach to capital management.
Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) announced a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Snipitz, focusing on a white-label agreement to utilize Snipitz's advanced user interface for the Iris Media Network.
The agreement also explores potential licensing for Gen2's intellectual property and future investment opportunities. Both CEOs expressed optimism about enhancing user experience and commercializing their technologies, emphasizing collaboration to save resources in market strategies.
Gen2 Technologies Inc. (OTC: MNIZ) has announced a significant milestone with FINRA approving its name change from BRK Inc. to Gen2 Technologies Inc. and changing its ticker symbol to MNIZ.
The effective date for these changes is March 10, 2021. The company is committed to delivering key developments, particularly around its Iris Media Network initiative and is focused on providing substantial updates to shareholders throughout 2021.
What is the current stock price of GEN 2 TECHNOLOGIES (MNIZ)?