MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited Receives Nasdaq Notification Regarding Minimum Bid Price and Minimum Market Value of Listed Securities

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MultiMetaVerse Holdings has received a notification from Nasdaq regarding non-compliance with two listing requirements: the minimum bid price of $1.00 per share and the minimum market value of listed securities of $35 million. The company failed to regain compliance during the extension period ending October 14, 2024. MultiMetaVerse now has until October 22, 2024 to request a hearing before the Nasdaq Hearings Panel, which it intends to do.

If no hearing is requested, trading of the company's Class A ordinary shares and warrants will be suspended on October 24, 2024, and a Form 25-NSE will be filed with the SEC to remove the securities from Nasdaq listing. In the event of delisting, the company's securities are expected to trade over-the-counter.

MultiMetaVerse Holdings ha ricevuto una notifica da Nasdaq riguardante la non conformità con due requisiti di quotazione: il prezzo minimo di offerta di $1,00 per azione e il valore di mercato minimo dei titoli quotati di $35 milioni. L'azienda non è riuscita a ripristinare la conformità durante il periodo di proroga che termina il 14 ottobre 2024. MultiMetaVerse ha ora tempo fino al 22 ottobre 2024 per richiedere un'udienza davanti al Nasdaq Hearings Panel, cosa che intende fare.

Se non verrà richiesta alcuna udienza, il trading delle azioni ordinarie di Classe A e dei warrant dell'azienda sarà sospeso il 24 ottobre 2024, e verrà presentato un modulo 25-NSE alla SEC per rimuovere i titoli dalla quotazione Nasdaq. In caso di cancellazione dalla quotazione, i titoli dell'azienda dovrebbero essere scambiati nel mercato over-the-counter.

MultiMetaVerse Holdings ha recibido una notificación de Nasdaq sobre incumplimiento de dos requisitos de cotización: el precio mínimo de oferta de $1.00 por acción y el valor de mercado mínimo de valores cotizados de $35 millones. La empresa no logró restablecer el cumplimiento durante el periodo de extensión que finaliza el 14 de octubre de 2024. MultiMetaVerse ahora tiene hasta el 22 de octubre de 2024 para solicitar una audiencia ante el Nasdaq Hearings Panel, lo cual tiene la intención de hacer.

Si no se solicita ninguna audiencia, el comercio de las acciones ordinarias Clase A y los warrants de la empresa se suspenderán el 24 de octubre de 2024, y se presentará un Formulario 25-NSE a la SEC para retirar los valores de la cotización en Nasdaq. En caso de ser eliminados de la cotización, se espera que los valores de la empresa se comercien en el mercado extrabursátil.

MultiMetaVerse Holdings는 두 가지 상장 요건 불이행에 대한 Nasdaq의 통지를 받았습니다: 주당 $1.00의 최소 입찰가상장된 증권의 최소 시장 가치가 $35 million입니다. 회사는 2024년 10월 14일에 종료되는 연장 기간 동안 규정을 재확립하지 못했습니다. MultiMetaVerse는 2024년 10월 22일까지 Nasdaq 청문 위원회에서 청문회를 요청할 수 있는 기한이 있으며, 이를 요청할 계획입니다.

청문회를 요청하지 않으면 회사의 A등급 보통주 및 워런트 거래는 2024년 10월 24일에 중단되고, Nasdaq 상장에서 증권을 제거하기 위해 SEC에 Form 25-NSE가 제출될 예정입니다. 상장에서 제외될 경우, 회사의 증권은 장외에서 거래될 것으로 예상됩니다.

MultiMetaVerse Holdings a reçu une notification de Nasdaq concernant le non-respect de deux exigences de cotation : le prix d'offre minimum de 1,00 $ par action et la valeur marchande minimale des titres cotés de 35 millions de dollars. L'entreprise n'a pas réussi à rétablir sa conformité durant la période de prorogation se terminant le 14 octobre 2024. MultiMetaVerse a maintenant jusqu'au 22 octobre 2024 pour demander une audience devant le Nasdaq Hearings Panel, ce qu'elle a l'intention de faire.

Si aucune audience n'est demandée, la négociation des actions ordinaires Classe A et des warrants de l'entreprise sera suspendue le 24 octobre 2024, et un Formulaire 25-NSE sera déposé auprès de la SEC pour retirer les titres de la cotation Nasdaq. En cas de radiation, les titres de l'entreprise devraient être négociés hors cote.

MultiMetaVerse Holdings hat eine Benachrichtigung von Nasdaq über die Nichteinhaltung von zwei Listing-Anforderungen erhalten: den minimalen Gebotspreis von $1,00 pro Aktie und den minimalen Marktwert der gelisteten Wertpapiere von $35 Millionen. Das Unternehmen konnte während der Verlängerungsfrist, die am 14. Oktober 2024 endet, keine Compliance wiederherstellen. MultiMetaVerse hat nun bis zum 22. Oktober 2024 Zeit, um eine Anhörung beim Nasdaq Hearings Panel zu beantragen, was es beabsichtigt zu tun.

Wenn keine Anhörung beantragt wird, wird der Handel mit den Stammaktien der Klasse A und den Warrants des Unternehmens am 24. Oktober 2024 ausgesetzt, und ein Formular 25-NSE wird bei der SEC eingereicht, um die Wertpapiere von der Nasdaq-Listing zu entfernen. Im Falle der Delistung wird erwartet, dass die Wertpapiere des Unternehmens außerbörslich gehandelt werden.

  • None.
  • Failed to meet Nasdaq's minimum bid price requirement of $1.00 per share
  • Failed to meet Nasdaq's minimum market value of listed securities requirement of $35 million
  • Facing potential delisting from Nasdaq
  • Risk of trading suspension for Class A ordinary shares and warrants on October 24, 2024
  • Possibility of being relegated to over-the-counter trading


This notification from Nasdaq is a significant concern for MultiMetaVerse Holdings The company's failure to meet two important listing requirements - the minimum bid price of $1.00 per share and the minimum market value of listed securities of $35 million - puts its Nasdaq listing in serious jeopardy.

The immediate impact is the risk of delisting, which could occur as soon as October 24, 2024, if the company doesn't request a hearing. Delisting would likely result in:

  • Reduced liquidity for shareholders
  • Potential loss of institutional investor interest
  • Increased difficulty in raising capital
  • Damage to the company's reputation and credibility

The move to over-the-counter trading, while providing a fallback option, is generally seen as a downgrade in the investment community. This situation reflects underlying financial or operational challenges that investors should scrutinize carefully. The company's ability to address these issues and present a convincing case to the Nasdaq Hearings Panel will be important for its near-term prospects.

The notification MultiMetaVerse Holdings received indicates systemic issues beyond just share price. With a current market cap of only $13,880,544, the company is significantly below the $35 million minimum market value requirement. This suggests a fundamental lack of investor confidence or perceived value in the company's business model or growth prospects.

Key factors to consider:

  • The extended period given to regain compliance has already passed, indicating prolonged underperformance.
  • The company's intention to request a hearing suggests they believe they have a case for maintaining their listing.
  • However, without substantial changes or new positive catalysts, the likelihood of quickly reversing the market's valuation seems low.

Investors should watch for any announcements regarding strategic changes, capital raises, or business pivots that could potentially restore market confidence. The outcome of the Nasdaq hearing, if requested, will be a critical event to monitor for the company's future trading status and investor sentiment.

SHANGHAI, Oct. 18, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited (the “Company”) received a letter from The Nasdaq Stock Market LLC (“Nasdaq”) stating that the Company was not in compliance with the minimum bid price of $1.00 per share requirement under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(a)(2) (the “Bid Price Rule”) and the minimum market value of listed securities of $35 million requirement under Nasdaq Listing Rule 5550(b)(2) (the “MVLS Rule”), and had failed to regain compliance with the Bid Price Rule and the MVLS Rule during the extension period which ended on October 14, 2024. The Company has until October 22, 2024 to request a hearing before the Nasdaq Hearings Panel (the “Panel”),which it currently intends to do. If the Company does not request a hearing before the Panel by that date, trading in its Class A ordinary shares and warrants will be suspended at the opening of business on October 24, 2024 and a Form 25-NSE will be filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission (“SEC”) removing the securities from listing and registration on Nasdaq. In the event the Company’s securities are delisted from Nasdaq, its securities are expected to trade over-the-counter.

About MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited

MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited (NASDAQ: MMV) is an animation and entertainment company dedicated to providing a high-quality, immersive entertainment experience through original, user-generated, and professional user-generated content. MMV commenced animation production in 2015 under its signature Aotu World brand, which has attracted a broad following with its inspiring storyline and unique graphic style, particularly among younger audiences in China. By leveraging the company’s established user base, MMV has built a diverse product portfolio, including animated content, comic books, short videos, collectibles, stationery, consumer products, and mobile games across the Aotu World brand. It has also developed and augmented new brands, stories, and characters, such as Neko Album.

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MultiMetaVerse Holdings Limited
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What Nasdaq requirements did MultiMetaVerse Holdings (MMV) fail to meet?

MultiMetaVerse Holdings failed to meet two Nasdaq requirements: the minimum bid price of $1.00 per share and the minimum market value of listed securities of $35 million.

When is the deadline for MultiMetaVerse Holdings (MMV) to request a hearing with Nasdaq?

The deadline for MultiMetaVerse Holdings to request a hearing with the Nasdaq Hearings Panel is October 22, 2024.

What will happen if MultiMetaVerse Holdings (MMV) doesn't request a Nasdaq hearing by the deadline?

If MultiMetaVerse Holdings doesn't request a hearing by October 22, 2024, trading of its Class A ordinary shares and warrants will be suspended on October 24, 2024, and a Form 25-NSE will be filed to remove the securities from Nasdaq listing.

Where might MultiMetaVerse Holdings (MMV) securities trade if delisted from Nasdaq?

If delisted from Nasdaq, MultiMetaVerse Holdings 's securities are expected to trade over-the-counter.

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