Merit Medical Rings Nasdaq Opening Bell to Celebrate 35-Year Partnership
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI) is set to celebrate its 35-year partnership with Nasdaq by ringing the opening bell at the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square on March 19, 2025. Chairman and CEO Fred Lampropoulos will lead the ceremony starting at 9:15 A.M. (EDT), with the bell ringing at 9:30 A.M.
Founded in 1987, Merit Medical has established itself as a global leader in healthcare technology, specializing in proprietary medical devices for interventional, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures. The company focuses on cardiology, radiology, oncology, critical care, and endoscopy sectors.
With a workforce of approximately 7,400 people worldwide, Merit Medical maintains a robust presence through its domestic and international sales force and clinical support team of over 800 individuals.
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI) è pronta a celebrare il suo 35° anniversario di partnership con Nasdaq suonando la campana di apertura al Nasdaq MarketSite di Times Square il 19 marzo 2025. Il presidente e CEO Fred Lampropoulos guiderà la cerimonia che inizierà alle 9:15 (EDT), con il suono della campana alle 9:30.
Fondata nel 1987, Merit Medical si è affermata come un leader globale nella tecnologia sanitaria, specializzandosi in dispositivi medici proprietari per procedure interventistiche, diagnostiche e terapeutiche. L'azienda si concentra sui settori della cardiologia, radiologia, oncologia, terapia intensiva e endoscopia.
Con una forza lavoro di circa 7.400 persone in tutto il mondo, Merit Medical mantiene una forte presenza attraverso la sua forza vendita nazionale e internazionale e un team di supporto clinico composto da oltre 800 individui.
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI) está lista para celebrar su 35 años de asociación con Nasdaq tocando la campana de apertura en el Nasdaq MarketSite de Times Square el 19 de marzo de 2025. El presidente y CEO Fred Lampropoulos liderará la ceremonia que comenzará a las 9:15 A.M. (EDT), con el toque de campana a las 9:30 A.M.
Fundada en 1987, Merit Medical se ha establecido como un líder global en tecnología sanitaria, especializándose en dispositivos médicos propios para procedimientos intervencionistas, diagnósticos y terapéuticos. La empresa se enfoca en los sectores de cardiología, radiología, oncología, cuidados críticos y endoscopia.
Con una plantilla de aproximadamente 7,400 personas en todo el mundo, Merit Medical mantiene una sólida presencia a través de su fuerza de ventas nacional e internacional y un equipo de soporte clínico de más de 800 individuos.
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI)는 2025년 3월 19일 타임스퀘어에 위치한 Nasdaq MarketSite에서 개장 벨을 울리며 Nasdaq과의 35년 파트너십을 축하할 준비를 하고 있습니다. 회장 겸 CEO인 Fred Lampropoulos가 EDT 기준 오전 9시 15분에 시작하는 세레모니를 이끌며, 벨은 오전 9시 30분에 울립니다.
1987년에 설립된 Merit Medical은 의료 기술 분야의 글로벌 리더로 자리잡았으며, 중재적, 진단적 및 치료적 절차를 위한 독점 의료 기기를 전문으로 하고 있습니다. 이 회사는 심장학, 방사선학, 종양학, 중환자 치료 및 내시경 분야에 집중하고 있습니다.
전 세계 약 7,400명의 직원이 있는 Merit Medical은 국내 및 국제 판매팀과 800명 이상의 임상 지원 팀을 통해 강력한 존재감을 유지하고 있습니다.
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI) s'apprête à célébrer ses 35 ans de partenariat avec Nasdaq en sonnant la cloche d'ouverture au Nasdaq MarketSite de Times Square le 19 mars 2025. Le président et PDG Fred Lampropoulos dirigera la cérémonie qui commencera à 9h15 (EDT), avec la cloche sonnant à 9h30.
Fondée en 1987, Merit Medical s'est imposée comme un leader mondial dans la technologie de la santé, se spécialisant dans des dispositifs médicaux propriétaires pour des procédures interventionnelles, diagnostiques et thérapeutiques. L'entreprise se concentre sur les secteurs de la cardiologie, de la radiologie, de l'oncologie, des soins intensifs et de l'endoscopie.
Avec une main-d'œuvre d'environ 7 400 personnes dans le monde, Merit Medical maintient une forte présence grâce à sa force de vente nationale et internationale et à une équipe de soutien clinique de plus de 800 personnes.
Merit Medical Systems (NASDAQ: MMSI) wird am 19. März 2025 die 35-jährige Partnerschaft mit Nasdaq feiern, indem sie die Eröffnungsglocke am Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square läutet. Der Vorsitzende und CEO Fred Lampropoulos wird die Zeremonie um 9:15 Uhr (EDT) leiten, mit dem Glockenläuten um 9:30 Uhr.
Gegründet im Jahr 1987 hat sich Merit Medical als globaler Marktführer in der Medizintechnologie etabliert und spezialisiert auf proprietäre medizinische Geräte für interventionelle, diagnostische und therapeutische Verfahren. Das Unternehmen konzentriert sich auf die Bereiche Kardiologie, Radiologie, Onkologie, Intensivpflege und Endoskopie.
Mit einer Belegschaft von etwa 7.400 Mitarbeitern weltweit hat Merit Medical eine starke Präsenz durch sein nationales und internationales Vertriebsteam sowie ein klinisches Unterstützungsteam von über 800 Personen.
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SOUTH JORDAN, Utah, March 18, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Merit Medical Systems, Inc. (NASDAQ: MMSI), a global leader of healthcare technology, announced that Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Fred Lampropoulos, will visit the Nasdaq MarketSite in Times Square to ring the opening bell on Wednesday, March 19, 2025. The ceremony begins at 9:15 A.M. (EDT) and the bell ringing takes place at 9:30 A.M.
"Merit’s listing on Nasdaq for 35 years marks a significant milestone in our company’s history,” said Lampropoulos. “Nasdaq has been an exceptional partner, providing Merit with strong execution and visibility within the investor community. We extend our sincere appreciation for Nasdaq’s on-going support. We are honored to be a part of the great businesses listed on Nasdaq."
View the entire bell ringing ceremony here.
Founded in 1987, Merit Medical Systems, Inc. is engaged in the development, manufacture, and distribution of proprietary medical devices used in interventional, diagnostic, and therapeutic procedures, particularly in cardiology, radiology, oncology, critical care, and endoscopy. Merit serves customers worldwide with a domestic and international sales force and clinical support team totaling more than 800 individuals. Merit employs approximately 7,400 people worldwide.
Unless noted otherwise, trademarks and registered trademarks used in this release are the property of Merit Medical Systems, Inc., its subsidiaries, or its licensors.
PR/Media Inquiries
Sarah Comstock
Merit Medical
+1-801-432-2864 |
Mike Piccinino, CFA, IRC
Westwicke - ICR
+1-443-213-0509 |