Scotch Magic Tape voted ‘Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota’

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3M's Scotch® Magic Tape has been voted the 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' in a contest organized by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce. The competition, which ran from September 3 to October 4, saw over 100,000 votes cast across five rounds. Scotch Magic Tape triumphed over 63 other Minnesota-made products, including notable contenders like Red Wing Shoe Company's Beckman Boot and Hormel Foods' SPAM Classic.

Key facts about Scotch Magic Tape include:

  • Produced at 3M's Hutchinson, Minnesota facility
  • Appears frosted on the roll but becomes invisible when applied
  • Precursor, Scotch Masking Tape, will celebrate its 100th anniversary in 2025
  • The Hutchinson plant produces approximately 12 million miles of 3M tapes annually
The contest aimed to highlight innovative products driving Minnesota's economy, where manufacturing plays a important role as the largest private-sector component of the state's GDP.

Il nastro Scotch® Magic di 3M è stato votato come 'Cosa più cool prodotta nel Minnesota' in un concorso organizzato dalla Camera di Commercio del Minnesota. La competizione, svoltasi dal 3 settembre al 4 ottobre, ha visto oltre 100.000 voti espressi in cinque turni. Il nastro Scotch Magic ha trionfato su 63 altri prodotti made in Minnesota, tra cui concorrenti rinomati come Beckman Boot della Red Wing Shoe Company e SPAM Classic di Hormel Foods.

Fatti chiave riguardanti il nastro Scotch Magic includono:

  • Prodotto nello stabilimento di 3M a Hutchinson, Minnesota
  • All’apparenza ghiacciato sul rotolo, ma diventa invisibile una volta applicato
  • Il predecessore, il nastro per mascheratura Scotch, celebrerà il suo 100° anniversario nel 2025
  • Lo stabilimento di Hutchinson produce circa 12 milioni di miglia di nastri 3M all'anno
Il concorso ha avuto lo scopo di mettere in evidenza i prodotti innovativi che guidano l'economia del Minnesota, dove la produzione svolge un ruolo importante come componente principale del PIL del settore privato dello stato.

La cinta Scotch® Magic de 3M ha sido votada como 'La Cosa Más Genial Hecha en Minnesota' en un concurso organizado por la Cámara de Comercio de Minnesota. La competición, que se llevó a cabo del 3 de septiembre al 4 de octubre, vio más de 100.000 votos en cinco rondas. La cinta Scotch Magic triunfó sobre 63 otros productos fabricados en Minnesota, incluyendo contendientes destacados como las botas Beckman de Red Wing Shoe Company y SPAM Classic de Hormel Foods.

Datos clave sobre la cinta Scotch Magic incluyen:

  • Producida en la planta de 3M en Hutchinson, Minnesota
  • Aparenta ser helada en el rollo, pero se vuelve invisible al aplicarla
  • El precursor, la cinta de enmascarar Scotch, celebrará su 100° aniversario en 2025
  • La planta de Hutchinson produce aproximadamente 12 millones de millas de cintas 3M anualmente
El concurso tenía como objetivo resaltar los productos innovadores que impulsan la economía de Minnesota, donde la manufactura juega un papel importante como el componente más grande del PIB del sector privado del estado.

3M의 스카치® 매직 테이프는 미네소타 상공회의소가 주최한 대회에서 '미네소타에서 만든 가장 멋진 것'으로 선정되었습니다. 9월 3일부터 10월 4일까지 진행된 이 대회에서는 100,000개 이상의 투표가 5라운드에 걸쳐 이루어졌습니다. 스카치 매직 테이프는 레드윙 슈 컴퍼니의 베크맨 부츠와 호멜 푸드의 스팸 클래식과 같은 주목할 만한 경쟁자를 포함하여 미네소타에서 제조된 63개의 다른 제품을 제치고 우승했습니다.

스카치 매직 테이프에 대한 주요 사실은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 미네소타 주 허칭슨에 위치한 3M의 시설에서 제조됨
  • 롤에서는 서리처럼 보이지만 적용하면 보이지 않게 됨
  • 전신인 스카치 마스킹 테이프는 2025년에 100주년을 맞이함
  • 허칭슨 공장은 매년 약 1200만 마일의 3M 테이프를 생산함
이 대회는 미네소타의 경제를 이끄는 혁신적인 제품을 조명하는 것을 목표로 하였으며, 제조업은 주의 민간 부문 GDP의 가장 큰 구성 요소로서 중요한 역할을 하고 있습니다.

Le ruban Scotch® Magic de 3M a été élu 'Chose la plus cool fabriquée dans le Minnesota' lors d'un concours organisé par la Chambre de commerce du Minnesota. Le concours, qui s'est déroulé du 3 septembre au 4 octobre, a vu plus de 100 000 votes exprimés en cinq tours. Le ruban Scotch Magic a triomphé face à 63 autres produits fabriqués dans le Minnesota, y compris des concurrents notables comme les bottes Beckman de Red Wing Shoe Company et le SPAM Classic de Hormel Foods.

Les faits clés concernant le ruban Scotch Magic comprennent :

  • Produit dans l'usine de 3M à Hutchinson, Minnesota
  • Apparaît givré sur le rouleau mais devient invisible lorsqu'il est appliqué
  • Le prédécesseur, le ruban de masquage Scotch, célébrera son 100e anniversaire en 2025
  • L'usine de Hutchinson produit environ 12 millions de miles de rubans 3M chaque année
Le concours visait à mettre en avant des produits innovants qui stimulent l'économie du Minnesota, où la fabrication joue un rôle important en tant que plus grand composant du PIB du secteur privé de l'État.

Das Scotch® Magic Tape von 3M wurde im Rahmen eines Wettbewerbs der Minnesota Chamber of Commerce zur 'Coolsten Sache, die im Minnesota hergestellt wurde', gewählt. Der Wettbewerb, der vom 3. September bis zum 4. Oktober stattfand, verzeichnete über 100.000 abgegebene Stimmen in fünf Runden. Das Scotch Magic Tape setzte sich gegen 63 andere Produkte aus Minnesota durch, darunter namhafte Mitbewerber wie der Beckman Boot der Red Wing Shoe Company und das SPAM Classic von Hormel Foods.

Wichtige Fakten über das Scotch Magic Tape sind:

  • Wird im Werk von 3M in Hutchinson, Minnesota hergestellt
  • Sieht auf der Rolle gefrostet aus, wird aber beim Auftragen unsichtbar
  • Der Vorgänger, das Scotch Masking Tape, feiert 2025 sein 100-jähriges Jubiläum
  • Das Werk in Hutchinson produziert jährlich etwa 12 Millionen Meilen 3M-Tapes
Der Wettbewerb hatte zum Ziel, innovative Produkte hervorzuheben, die die Wirtschaft von Minnesota antreiben, wo die Fertigung eine wichtige Rolle als größter privatwirtschaftlicher Bereich im BIP des Bundesstaates spielt.

  • Scotch Magic Tape won the 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' contest, potentially boosting brand recognition and sales
  • The contest received over 100,000 votes, indicating high public engagement with 3M's product
  • 3M's Hutchinson facility produces about 12 million miles of tapes annually, showcasing significant production capacity
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 9, 2024 / 3M:

Originally published on 3M News Center

The Minnesota Chamber of Commerce's inaugural "Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota" contest fielded more than 100,000 votes over five weeks before landing on the coolest product of all: 3M Scotch® Magic™ Tape.

The announcement came Oct. 8 that the beloved tape stuck it out against 63 other Minnesota products, including Red Wing Shoe Company's Beckman Boot, Hormel Foods' SPAM Classic, and the Arctic Cat ZR 858.

The contest ran Sept. 3 through Oct. 4 and included five rounds of voting.

Here are some interesting facts about 3M Scotch Magic Tape:

  • It's made in 3M's Hutchinson, Minnesota, facility and sent out globally to customers around the world.

  • The "magic" in Scotch Magic Tape is the fact that it appears frosted on the roll, but turns invisible when it's applied.

  • Next year (2025) we'll celebrate the 100th anniversary of the invention of Scotch Masking Tape - the precursor of Scotch Cellulose Tape, invented in 1930, which led to the development of Scotch Magic Tape in 1961.

  • During the Depression, 3M heard from people who used Scotch Tape to fix everything from ripped clothing, to torn money and cracked eggs.

  • The Hutchinson plant makes about 12 million miles of 3M tapes every year - including Scotch Magic Tape.

The 116-year-old chamber launched the competition to highlight the innovative products that fuel Minnesota's economy. Of note from the chamber:

  • Manufacturing is the single largest private-sector component of Minnesota's GDP.

  • 325,000 Minnesotans work in manufacturing.

  • 42% of Minnesota's Fortune 500 companies are in manufacturing.

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What product won the 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' contest for 3M (MMM)?

Scotch Magic Tape, produced by 3M (MMM), won the inaugural 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' contest organized by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce in October 2024.

How many votes were cast in the 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' contest featuring 3M's (MMM) product?

The 'Coolest Thing Made in Minnesota' contest, which included 3M's (MMM) Scotch Magic Tape, received more than 100,000 votes over a five-week period from September 3 to October 4, 2024.

Where is 3M's (MMM) Scotch Magic Tape manufactured?

3M's (MMM) Scotch Magic Tape is manufactured at the company's facility in Hutchinson, Minnesota, and distributed globally to customers around the world.

What is the annual tape production capacity of 3M's (MMM) Hutchinson plant?

3M's (MMM) Hutchinson plant produces approximately 12 million miles of 3M tapes every year, including Scotch Magic Tape.

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