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Western Magnesium Corporation (MLYF) has appointed Steve Thorlakson as Interim CFO, effective immediately. Thorlakson, a long-time Board member, brings over 30 years of financial and business management expertise. He previously served as interim CFO from 2016-2017. The company will initiate a formal search for a permanent CFO in the coming months. Western Magnesium aims to produce green primary magnesium metal using cost-effective and environmentally friendly methods, potentially positioning itself competitively in the market.
Western Magnesium Corporation (MLYF) announced the resignation of Peter O’Rourke Sr. from its Board of Directors and his position as President of US Operations, effective August 5, 2022. The company expressed gratitude for his contributions. Western Magnesium is actively seeking candidates to fill the Board position, aiming for diversity in compliance with Nasdaq regulations implemented in August 2021. The company focuses on producing green, primary magnesium metal using an innovative, cost-effective process that is environmentally friendly.
Western Magnesium Corporation (MLYF) announced that its pilot plant's second calibration process yielded a magnesium purity of 99.62%. This assessment was conducted by Fipke Laboratory for Trace Element Research and signifies the company's successful advancement in magnesium production using a proprietary continuous silicothermic process. Leadership expressed confidence that upscaling this process will provide a reliable domestic source of magnesium for U.S. industries, following over 11 years of research and development.
Western Magnesium Corporation (TSXV: WMG.V; OTCQB: MLYF) announced a breakthrough in metal purity, achieving 99.83% purity from its pilot plant's first calibration run. This outperforms their goal of 99.80%. The analysis was conducted by Dr. Tyler Davis and verified through Laser Ablation ICP Mass Spectrometry at the University of British Columbia. Executive Chairman Edward Lee hailed this as a significant milestone for producing a variety of magnesium products and positioning the company as a leader in American magnesium manufacturing.