MetAlert Launches National GunAlert S.A.F.E. Certification Program
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) has launched a new firearm safety certification program called GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively). The program targets approximately 116,000 NRA Certified Instructors and Range Safety Officers nationwide, enabling them to introduce responsible gun ownership technology to their students. The initiative features a 3-in-1 GunAlert safety solution with a 14-inch steel cable lock incorporating GPS/Cellular technology. The system alerts owners when their gun is moved and allows location tracking through a mobile app. The program offers instructors the opportunity to earn revenue through unit sales and referrals while expanding their credentials.
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) ha lanciato un nuovo programma di certificazione sulla sicurezza delle armi da fuoco chiamato GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively). Il programma si rivolge a circa 116.000 istruttori certificati NRA e ufficiali della sicurezza nei poligoni a livello nazionale, consentendo loro di introdurre tecnologie per una gestione responsabile delle armi ai loro studenti. L'iniziativa presenta una soluzione di sicurezza GunAlert 3-in-1 con un lucchetto in acciaio da 14 pollici che incorpora tecnologia GPS e cellulare. Il sistema avvisa i proprietari quando la loro arma viene spostata e consente il tracciamento della posizione tramite un'app mobile. Il programma offre agli istruttori l'opportunità di guadagnare attraverso la vendita delle unità e i riferimenti, ampliando al contempo le loro credenziali.
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) ha lanzado un nuevo programa de certificación de seguridad para armas de fuego llamado GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively). El programa está dirigido a aproximadamente 116,000 instructores certificados por la NRA y oficiales de seguridad en campos de tiro a nivel nacional, permitiéndoles introducir tecnología para la posesión responsable de armas a sus estudiantes. La iniciativa presenta una solución de seguridad GunAlert 3 en 1 con un candado de acero de 14 pulgadas que incorpora tecnología GPS/ celular. El sistema alerta a los propietarios cuando su arma es movida y permite el rastreo de ubicación a través de una aplicación móvil. El programa ofrece a los instructores la oportunidad de generar ingresos a través de la venta de unidades y referencias, al mismo tiempo que amplían sus credenciales.
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT)는 새로운 총기 안전 인증 프로그램인 GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively)를 출시했습니다. 이 프로그램은 전국적으로 약 116,000명의 NRA 인증 강사와 사격장 안전 담당자를 대상으로 하여, 그들이 자신의 학생들에게 책임 있는 총기 소유 기술을 소개할 수 있도록 합니다. 이 이니셔티브는 GPS/셀룰러 기술을 통합한 14인치 강철 케이블 자물쇠가 포함된 3-in-1 GunAlert 안전 솔루션을 특징으로 합니다. 이 시스템은 총기가 이동할 때 소유자에게 알림을 보내며 모바일 앱을 통해 위치 추적을 허용합니다. 프로그램은 강사들이 유닛 판매 및 추천을 통해 수익을 올릴 수 있는 기회를 제공하면서 그들의 자격을 확장할 수 있도록 합니다.
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) a lancé un nouveau programme de certification de sécurité des armes à feu appelé GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively). Le programme cible environ 116 000 instructeurs certifiés par la NRA et agents de sécurité des stands de tir à l'échelle nationale, leur permettant d'introduire une technologie de possession responsable d'armes à leurs étudiants. L'initiative met en avant une solution de sécurité GunAlert 3-en-1 avec un cadenas en acier de 14 pouces intégrant une technologie GPS et cellulaire. Le système alerte les propriétaires lorsque leur arme est déplacée et permet le suivi de localisation via une application mobile. Le programme offre aux instructeurs la possibilité de générer des revenus grâce aux ventes d'unités et aux recommandations, tout en élargissant leurs qualifications.
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) hat ein neues Zertifizierungsprogramm zur Sicherheit von Feuerwaffen mit dem Namen GunAlert S.A.F.E. (Secure All Firearms Effectively) gestartet. Das Programm richtet sich an etwa 116.000 von der NRA zertifizierte Ausbilder und Sicherheitsbeauftragte in Schießständen im ganzen Land, die ihren Schülern Technologien für einen verantwortungsvollen Waffenbesitz vorstellen können. Die Initiative bietet eine 3-in-1 GunAlert Sicherheitslösung mit einem 14-Zoll-Stahlkabelschloss, das GPS- und Mobilfunktechnologie integriert. Das System informiert die Eigentümer, wenn ihre Waffe bewegt wird und ermöglicht die Standortverfolgung über eine mobile App. Das Programm bietet den Ausbildern die Möglichkeit, durch den Verkauf von Geräten und Empfehlungen Einnahmen zu erzielen und gleichzeitig ihre Qualifikationen zu erweitern.
- New revenue stream through firearm safety certification program targeting 116,000 NRA instructors
- Potential market expansion through direct-to-consumer channel for new gun owners
- Revenue sharing model for instructors through unit sales and referrals
- Strong support from law enforcement and non-profit organizations
- None.
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA, Oct. 24, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- “MetAlert, Inc. (OTC: MLRT), renowned for its safety and security solutions through GPS wearable monitoring technology and asset recovery technology, announced today the launch of a new firearm safety certification program under their Level2 Security GunAlert® brand.
Dubbed Secure All Firearms Effectively (“S.A.F.E.”) the program offers firearm safety instructors across North America the opportunity to introduce a new generation of responsible gun ownership and lifesaving technology directly to their students.
“With approximately 116,000 NRA Certified Instructors and Range Safety Officers nationwide, and thousands of independent instructors collectively reaching millions of firearm owners annually, we wanted to empower these instructors to meet firearm owners where they are and when they are thinking most about responsible gun ownership and storage,” stated Patrick Bertagna, MetAlert CEO.
“There are an estimated 4.6 million children living in a home with an unsecured loaded weapon and
The S.A.F.E. program provides firearm safety instructors the ability to teach about new groundbreaking gun safety and storage technology, offer a discount to their students on any GunAlert purchase, and participate in a revenue share or affiliate compensation on both unit sales + referrals to other instructors, all while expanding their certified instructor credentials and being on the leading edge of firearm safety.
The 3-in-1 GunAlert safety solution was created by gun owners with gun safety as a top priority. It incorporates a 14-inch steel cable lock with GPS/Cellular technology, that supports responsible gun ownership and helps prevent unnecessary firearm tragedies. This patented technology is sensitive enough to alert you as soon as your gun is moved, and through the GunAlert app (Android and iOS) you can securely view your gun’s exact location and monitor all unauthorized movements if the gun is stolen. GunAlert has strong support from the 2A community, Law Enforcement, and non-profits like
The American Legion / Be the One, and Walk the Talk America.
To learn more about the S.A.F.E. program go to
MetAlert (OTC: MLRT) and its subsidiaries occupy a commanding position in the design, development, manufacturing, distribution, sales, and licensing of GPS wearable technology, asset recovery services, wandering assistive technology, and health data collection and monitoring. The Company delivers comprehensive global solutions encompassing logistics, hardware, software, and connectivity.
Notable achievements include GunAlert the world’s first all in one firearm safety solution gun lock with patented motion sensor and GPS theft recovery. And the groundbreaking GPS SmartSole®, a fusion of Dr. Scholl's comfort with LoJack's tracking prowess. It stands as the world's inaugural invisible wearable tracking device, designed for individuals susceptible to wandering due to Alzheimer's, dementia, autism, and traumatic brain injury. MetAlert's subscription-based model thrives on technology innovation fortified by intellectual property safeguards. The company boasts international distribution channels serving customers across 40 countries, alongside its role as a U.S. Military Government contractor. In addition to public health entities, MetAlert caters to municipalities, emergency and law enforcement agencies, private educational institutions, assisted living facilities, NGOs, senior care residences, consumers, and small enterprises.
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This news release contains forward-looking statements. The terms and phrases “expects,” “would,” “will,” “believes,” and similar terms and phrases are intended to identify these forward-looking statements. Forward-looking statements are based on estimates and assumptions made by MetAlert considering its experience and perception of current conditions and expected future developments, as well as other factors that MetAlert believes are appropriate in the circumstances. Many factors could cause MetAlert’s actual results, performance, or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by the forward-looking statements. Certain risk factors that may cause actual results to differ are outlined in MetAlert’s Annual Report on Form 10-K filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (which may be obtained on the SEC Website). These factors should be considered carefully, and readers should not rely on MetAlert’s forward-looking statements. MetAlert has no intention and undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as required.
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