Moolec Science Presents Fiscal Year 2024 Annual Business Update

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Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) reported its Business Update for Q4 FY2024 ended June 30, 2024. Key highlights include:

1. GLASO™: Secured an offtake agreement with a major global CPG food and pet food company and an R&D collaboration with Bunge. Significant advancements in upstream and downstream processes.

2. Piggy Sooy™: Field trials in three US locations progressing for product development, seed increase, and regulatory data gathering.

3. TSP Valorasoy™: Trials for enhanced Valorasoy 2.0 products showed encouraging results.

4. Financials: Revenue & other income of ~$6M for FY 2024, driven by soy protein ingredient business. Prudent cash burn in line with company growth.

The company highlighted the USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™ as a pivotal moment in Molecular Farming. Moolec is preparing for the commercialization of GLASO™ and advancing its product pipeline.

Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) ha riportato il suo Aggiornamento Aziendale per il quarto trimestre dell'anno fiscale 2024 terminato il 30 giugno 2024. I punti salienti includono:

1. GLASO™: Sottoscritto un accordo di acquisto con una grande azienda globale nel settore alimentare e dell'alimentazione per animali, e una collaborazione di R&S con Bunge. Avanzamenti significativi nei processi a monte e a valle.

2. Piggy Sooy™: I test sul campo in tre località negli Stati Uniti stanno procedendo per lo sviluppo del prodotto, l'aumento delle sementi e la raccolta di dati regolatori.

3. TSP Valorasoy™: I test per prodotti Valorasoy 2.0 migliorati hanno mostrato risultati incoraggianti.

4. Finanziamenti: Ricavi e altri introiti di circa $6M per l'anno fiscale 2024, supportati dal business degli ingredienti proteici di soia. Consumo di cassa prudente in linea con la crescita dell'azienda.

L'azienda ha sottolineato l'approvazione USDA-APHIS per PiggySooy™ come un momento cruciale nell'Agricoltura Molecolare. Moolec si sta preparando per la commercializzazione di GLASO™ e sta avanzando con il suo portafoglio prodotti.

Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) informó su Actualización Empresarial para el cuarto trimestre del año fiscal 2024 que finalizó el 30 de junio de 2024. Los puntos destacados incluyen:

1. GLASO™: Asegurada un acuerdo de compra con una importante empresa global de alimentos y alimentos para mascotas, y una colaboración en I+D con Bunge. Avances significativos en los procesos de upstream y downstream.

2. Piggy Sooy™: Ensayos en campo en tres ubicaciones de EE. UU. avanzando para el desarrollo del producto, aumento de semillas y recopilación de datos regulatorios.

3. TSP Valorasoy™: Los ensayos para productos Valorasoy 2.0 mejorados mostraron resultados alentadores.

4. Financieros: Ingresos y otros ingresos de aproximadamente $6M para el año fiscal 2024, impulsados por el negocio de ingredientes de proteína de soya. Quema de efectivo prudente alineada con el crecimiento de la empresa.

La empresa destacó la aprobación de USDA-APHIS para PiggySooy™ como un momento clave en la Agricultura Molecular. Moolec se está preparando para la comercialización de GLASO™ y avanzando en su cartera de productos.

Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC)는 2024 회계연도 4분기 사업 업데이트를 2024년 6월 30일 종료된 기준으로 발표했습니다. 주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

1. GLASO™: 주요 글로벌 소비재 식품 및 반려동물 사료 회사와의 구매 계약을 체결하고, Bunge와의 연구개발 협력을 진행했습니다. 상류 및 하류 공정에서 중요한 발전이 있었습니다.

2. Piggy Sooy™: 미국 내 세 개 지역에서 제품 개발, 씨앗 증가 및 규제 데이터 수집을 위한 현장 시험이 진행 중입니다.

3. TSP Valorasoy™: 개선된 Valorasoy 2.0 제품에 대한 시험에서 고무적인 결과가 나타났습니다.

4. 재무: 2024 회계연도의 수익 및 기타 수입이 약 $6M로, 대두 단백질 성분 사업에 의해 주도되었습니다. 회사 성장에 맞춘 신중한 자금 소진이 이루어졌습니다.

회사는 PiggySooy™에 대한 USDA-APHIS 승인을 분자 농업의 중요한 순간으로 강조했습니다. Moolec는 GLASO™ 상용화를 준비하고 있으며 제품 파이프라인을 발전시키고 있습니다.

Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) a publié sa mise à jour commerciale pour le 4ème trimestre de l'exercice fiscal 2024, se terminant le 30 juin 2024. Les points saillants incluent :

1. GLASO™ : Accord d'achat sécurisé avec une grande entreprise mondiale de produits de consommation et d'aliments pour animaux, ainsi qu'une collaboration en R&D avec Bunge. Avancées significatives dans les process en amont et en aval.

2. Piggy Sooy™ : Des essais sur le terrain dans trois localités aux États-Unis progressent pour le développement du produit, l'augmentation des semences et la collecte de données réglementaires.

3. TSP Valorasoy™ : Les essais pour des produits Valorasoy 2.0 améliorés ont montré des résultats encourageants.

4. Finances : Revenus et autres recettes d'environ 6 millions de dollars pour l'exercice fiscal 2024, tirés par le secteur des ingrédients de protéines de soja. Consommation de liquidités prudente en ligne avec la croissance de l'entreprise.

L'entreprise a souligné l'approbation USDA-APHIS pour PiggySooy™ comme un moment clé dans l'agriculture moléculaire. Moolec se prépare à la commercialisation de GLASO™ et avance dans son portefeuille de produits.

Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) hat sein Unternehmensupdate für das 4. Quartal des Geschäftsjahres 2024, das am 30. Juni 2024 endete, veröffentlicht. Wichtige Höhepunkte sind:

1. GLASO™: Ein Abnahmevertrag mit einem großen globalen CPG-Lebensmittel- und Tierfutterunternehmen sowie eine F&E-Zusammenarbeit mit Bunge wurde gesichert. Bedeutende Fortschritte in den upstream- und downstream-Prozessen.

2. Piggy Sooy™: Feldversuche an drei US-Standorten laufen für Produktentwicklung, Saatguterhöhung und die Erfassung von Regulierungsdaten.

3. TSP Valorasoy™: Versuche mit verbesserten Valorasoy 2.0-Produkten haben ermutigende Ergebnisse gezeigt.

4. Finanzen: Einnahmen und andere Erträge von etwa 6 Millionen USD für das Geschäftsjahr 2024, angetrieben durch das Geschäft mit Sojaproteinzutaten. Eine vorsichtige Mittelverwendung im Einklang mit dem Wachstum des Unternehmens.

Das Unternehmen hob die USDA-APHIS-Zulassung für PiggySooy™ als einen Wendepunkt in der Molekularen Landwirtschaft hervor. Moolec bereitet sich auf die Kommerzialisierung von GLASO™ vor und entwickelt weiterhin sein Produktportfolio.

  • Secured offtake agreement with major global CPG food and pet food company for GLASO™
  • Established R&D collaboration agreement with Bunge for GLASO™
  • Achieved USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™
  • Revenue & other income of ~$6M for FY 2024
  • Successful capital raises strengthened liquidity and strategic partnerships
  • None.


Moolec Science's FY 2024 update reveals promising developments across multiple fronts. The company reported $6 million in revenue and other income, primarily from its soy protein ingredient business. This figure, while modest, demonstrates the company's ability to generate income as it prepares for the launch of new products.

Key highlights include:

  • An offtake agreement for GLASO™ with a major global CPG food and pet food company
  • An R&D collaboration with Bunge
  • Advancements in PiggySooy™ field trials
  • Encouraging results from Valorasoy 2.0 trials

The USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™ is a significant milestone, potentially opening doors for future regulatory approvals. The company's focus on cost efficiency and controlled cash burn, coupled with successful capital raises, has strengthened its financial position.

However, investors should note that Moolec is still in a growth phase, with major product launches yet to come. The $31.8 million market cap suggests the market is cautiously optimistic about the company's potential, but significant revenue growth will be important for long-term success.

Moolec Science's progress in molecular farming is noteworthy. The USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™ is a landmark achievement in the biotech landscape, validating the company's approach to producing animal proteins in plants. This regulatory milestone could pave the way for faster approvals of future products.

The company's diverse product pipeline, including GLASO™, PiggySooy™ and Valorasoy™, demonstrates a multi-pronged strategy to address various market needs. The advancement in both upstream and downstream processes for GLASO™ is particularly promising, as it suggests the company is making strides in optimizing production efficiency.

The R&D collaboration with Bunge, a major player in the agribusiness sector, lends credibility to Moolec's technology and could accelerate product development. However, it's important to note that the road from successful trials to large-scale commercial production can be long and complex in the biotech industry.

Overall, Moolec's progress in molecular farming positions it at the forefront of a potentially disruptive technology in food production, but commercial success will depend on scalability, cost-effectiveness and market acceptance of its novel products.

LUXEMBOURG / ACCESSWIRE / October 2, 2024 / Moolec Science SA (NASDAQ:MLEC) ("The Company"; "Moolec"), a science-based food ingredient company focused on producing animal proteins and nutritional oils in plants, today reported its Business Update for the fourth quarter of Fiscal Year 2024 ended June 30, 2024.

Moolec Science Logo
Moolec Science Logo

The main highlights of Moolec's fourth quarter are as follows:

  • GLASO™: The Company announced an offtake agreement with a major global CPG food and pet food company and an R&D collaboration agreement with Bunge. Also, Moolec made significant advancements in both upstream and downstream processes.

  • Piggy Sooy™: Field trials in three different US locations continue on schedule to move forward with product development (sampling), seed increase and gathering of environmental and regulatory data to continue with the US-FDA approval pathway.

  • TSP Valorasoy™: Trials for new enhanced products Valorasoy 2.0 were carried out in Moolec's facilities with encouraging results.

  • Financial landscape: Revenue & other income of ~$6M for FY 2024 driven by soy protein ingredient business; Prudent cash burn during FY 2024 in line with Company growth and lower accounts payable.

"I am proud of our team of 'Moolers' for their relentless dedication and repeated achievement of significant milestones. This fiscal year has been truly transformative for Moolec Science. The groundbreaking USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™ marks a pivotal moment in the Molecular Farming and biotech landscape. Coupled with the imminent commercialization of GLASO™, for which we've already secured commercial agreements, and our robust pipeline progressing on schedule, we've demonstrated remarkable progress across all fronts. Our team's unwavering commitment and innovative spirit have been the driving force behind these accomplishments. As we look to the future, I am filled with optimism about the impending commercialization of our groundbreaking products. We stand at the cusp of revolutionizing the food industry through molecular farming, offering sustainable and cost-effective solutions to global nutritional challenges. The coming years hold immense promise as we continue to push the boundaries of science and redefine the future of food production," stated Gastón Paladini, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder of Moolec.

"As we reflect on the full fiscal year of 2024, I am pleased to report annual revenue and other income in the range of $6 million. This underscores our operations in our soy protein ingredient business as we prepare to launch GLASO™ in the coming year. At the same time, our team's keen focus on cost efficiency has helped us to maintain a controlled cash burn while supporting Company growth. Our successful capital raises this fiscal year have strengthened our liquidity and strategic partnerships, ensuring we maintain a healthy position to continue preparations for upcoming products. We remain steadfast in our commitment to prudent, structured growth, building on our successes and positioning Moolec Science for an exciting future," remarked José López Lecube, Chief Financial Officer of Moolec.

For a full version of Moolec's fourth quarter Fiscal Year 2024 Business Update, click here.

Conference Call

Management will host a Conference Call and question-and-answer session, which will be accompanied by a presentation available during the webinar.

To access the call, please use the following information:

Please connect 5 minutes prior to the start time to register and join.

A recording of the call and the pdf version of the presentation will be available after the conclusion of the live event via Moolec's Investor Relations website.

Forward-Looking Statements

This publication contains "forward-looking statements." Forward-looking statements may be identified by the use of words such as "forecast," "intend," "seek," "target," "anticipate," "believe," "expect," "estimate," "plan," "outlook," and "project" and other similar expressions that predict or indicate future events or trends or that are not statements of historical matters. Such forward-looking statements with respect to performance, prospects, revenues, and other aspects of the business of Moolec are predictions, projections and other statements about future events that are based on current expectations and assumptions and, as a result, are subject to risks and uncertainties. Although we believe that we have a reasonable basis for each forward-looking statement contained in this publication, we caution you that these statements are based on a combination of facts and factors, about which we cannot be certain. We cannot assure you that the forward-looking statements in this publication will prove accurate. These forward-looking statements are subject to a number of significant risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from expected results, including, among others, changes in applicable laws or regulations, the possibility that Moolec may be adversely affected by economic, business and/or other competitive factors, costs related to the scaling up of Moolec's business and other risks and uncertainties, including those included under the header "Risk Factors" in Moolec's Annual Report on Form 20-F filed with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC"), as well as Moolec's other filings with the SEC. Should one or more of these risks or uncertainties materialize, or should any of our assumptions prove incorrect, actual results may vary in material respects from those projected in these forward-looking statements. We undertake no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise, except as may be required under applicable securities laws. Accordingly, you should not put undue reliance on these statements.

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Moolec Science - Business Update Q4FY2024 Press Release

SOURCE: Moolec Science


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What was Moolec Science's (MLEC) revenue for FY 2024?

Moolec Science reported revenue & other income of approximately $6 million for Fiscal Year 2024, primarily driven by its soy protein ingredient business.

What major partnerships did Moolec Science (MLEC) announce in Q4 FY2024?

Moolec Science announced an offtake agreement with a major global CPG food and pet food company and an R&D collaboration agreement with Bunge for its GLASO™ product.

What significant regulatory approval did Moolec Science (MLEC) receive for PiggySooy™?

Moolec Science received USDA-APHIS approval for PiggySooy™, which the company described as a pivotal moment in the Molecular Farming and biotech landscape.

When is Moolec Science (MLEC) planning to launch GLASO™?

According to the business update, Moolec Science is preparing to launch GLASO™ in the coming year, following the secured commercial agreements.

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