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Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (NYSE: MIE) completed its liquidation on August 6, 2021. Shareholders will receive a net asset value of $3.9118 per share as a liquidating distribution. This action aligns with previously announced plans for liquidation. Investors should be aware that they may incur a tax gain or loss due to the liquidation process and should consult tax professionals for advice.
Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (NYSE: MIE) announced the approval of its liquidation and dissolution as of June 30, 2021. The effective date for determining stockholders entitled to liquidating distributions is set for August 6, 2021, with the last trading day on the NYSE being August 2, 2021. Post-approval, the Fund will deviate from its investment policies as it sells its portfolio securities for liquidation. Stockholders may experience tax implications as a result of the liquidation. The Fund will not declare future dividends.
The Board of Directors of Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund, Inc. (NYSE: MIE) has announced a monthly distribution of $0.015 for June 2021. The ex-date for this distribution is June 15, 2021, with a record date of June 16, 2021, and a payable date of June 30, 2021. The Fund's distributions are based on net investment income and may include returns of capital, which could be taxed as ordinary income. Shareholders will receive a Form 1099-DIV for tax reporting.
The Board of Directors of Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (NYSE: MIE) announced monthly distributions for April and May 2021. Each month's distribution is set at $0.015, with the ex-dates on April 13 and May 11, record dates on April 14 and May 12, and payable dates on April 30 and May 28, respectively. The distributions reflect net investment income, possibly including net realized capital gains and return of capital. Shareholders are advised to refer to Form 1099-DIV for tax reporting.
Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (MIE) has announced a proposal for liquidation and dissolution, subject to stockholder approval. This decision stems from the challenging market environment and the Fund's current asset levels and expenses. A special meeting for stockholder approval is set for May 27, 2021. Investors are recommended to review the Fund's investment objectives and risks. The firm specializes in liquid real assets and is headquartered in New York City.
Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (NYSE: MIE) announced a proposal for liquidation and dissolution based on a thorough review of market challenges and the Fund's financial status. The Board of Directors believes this decision is in the best interest of stockholders. A special meeting for stockholder approval is scheduled for May 27, 2021, at 10:00 AM ET. This move comes as a response to ongoing difficulties faced by closed-end MLP funds over the past few years, aiming to address asset levels and expenses.
Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (MIE) announced the repurchase of 206,212 common shares since November 2, 2020, totaling 811,188 shares repurchased year-to-date as of November 30, 2020. This is part of a share repurchase program authorizing up to 10% of the Fund's outstanding shares within a calendar year. Since inception on March 26, 2013, total shares acquired reached 964,850. Investors are advised to evaluate the Fund's objectives, risks, and expenses before investing.
On November 2, 2020, Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (NYSE: MIE) reported the repurchase of 13,900 shares since the last update on October 1, 2020. This brings the total repurchased shares for the year to 604,976 and since inception to 758,638. The fund operates a buyback program allowing for up to 10% of its outstanding shares to be repurchased annually at management's discretion. Investors are encouraged to review the fund's investment objectives and risks before investment.
The Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (MIE) has repurchased 82,826 shares since its last update on September 1, 2020, bringing the total for 2020 to 591,076 shares. This share repurchase program allows for the buyback of up to 10% of outstanding shares within a calendar year. Since inception on March 26, 2013, the total shares repurchased amount to 744,738. Investors are encouraged to review the Fund's objectives and risks before investing, with complete reports accessible online.
Cohen & Steers MLP Income and Energy Opportunity Fund (MIE) has repurchased 115,682 outstanding shares since the last update on August 4, 2020, totaling 508,250 shares for the year-to-date as of August 31, 2020. This buyback is part of an authorized program allowing repurchases of up to 10% of outstanding shares. The total shares repurchased since inception on March 26, 2013, is 661,912. The management retains discretion over future repurchases, and there are no guarantees of additional buybacks.