McGrath Announces Board Leadership Update

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McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC), a leading business-to-business rental company in North America, announced that Elizabeth A. Fetter has resigned from the board of directors on August 1, 2024, for personal reasons after serving over ten years. Ms. Fetter was the first female independent director and served as chair of the compensation committee for many years. She actively worked to diversify the board and contributed to HR and compensation functions.

Bradly M. Shuster, chairman of the board, expressed gratitude for Ms. Fetter's long service and contributions to McGrath. Ms. Fetter stated her pride in serving as a director for more than a decade and witnessing the company's remarkable achievements.

McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC), una delle principali aziende di noleggio business-to-business in Nord America, ha annunciato che Elizabeth A. Fetter si è dimessa dal consiglio di amministrazione il 1° agosto 2024, per motivi personali dopo oltre dieci anni di servizio. La signora Fetter è stata la prima direttrice indipendente donna e ha ricoperto il ruolo di presidente del comitato per la remunerazione per molti anni. Ha lavorato attivamente per diversificare il consiglio e ha contribuito alle funzioni di risorse umane e compensazione.

Bradly M. Shuster, presidente del consiglio, ha espresso gratitudine per il lungo servizio e i contributi della signora Fetter a McGrath. La signora Fetter ha dichiarato di essere orgogliosa di aver servito come direttrice per oltre un decennio e di aver assistito ai notevoli successi dell'azienda.

McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC), una de las principales empresas de alquiler B2B en América del Norte, anunció que Elizabeth A. Fetter ha renunciado a la junta directiva el 1 de agosto de 2024, por razones personales después de más de diez años de servicio. La Sra. Fetter fue la primera directora independiente mujer y se desempeñó como presidenta del comité de compensación durante muchos años. Trabajó activamente para diversificar la junta y contribuyó a las funciones de recursos humanos y compensación.

Bradly M. Shuster, presidente de la junta, expresó su gratitud por el largo servicio y las contribuciones de la Sra. Fetter a McGrath. La Sra. Fetter manifestó su orgullo por haber sido directora durante más de una década y haber sido testigo de los notables logros de la empresa.

맥그라스 렌트코프(McGrath RentCorp, Nasdaq: MGRC)는 북미의 주요 B2B 임대 회사로서 엘리자베스 A. 페터(Elizabeth A. Fetter)가 개인적인 사유로 이사회에서 사임했다고 발표했습니다. 사임일자는 2024년 8월 1일이며, 그녀는 10년 이상 이사로 재직했습니다. 페터는 최초의 여성 독립 이사로, 수년간 보상 위원회 의장을 맡아 왔습니다. 그녀는 이사회를 다양화하기 위해 적극적으로 노력했으며 인사 및 보상 기능에도 기여했습니다.

브래들리 M. 슈스터(Bradly M. Shuster) 이사회 의장은 페터의 오랜 봉사와 기여에 대해 감사의 뜻을 전했습니다. 페터는 10년 이상 이사로 재직한 것에 대해 자부심을 느끼며 회사의 눈부신 성과를 목격한 것이 자랑스럽다고 말했습니다.

McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC), une entreprise de location B2B de premier plan en Amérique du Nord, a annoncé que Elizabeth A. Fetter a démissionné du conseil d'administration le 1er août 2024, pour des raisons personnelles après plus de dix ans de service. Mme Fetter était la première directrice indépendante femme et a été présidente du comité des rémunérations pendant de nombreuses années. Elle a travaillé activement pour diversifier le conseil et a contribué aux fonctions des ressources humaines et de rémunération.

Bradly M. Shuster, président du conseil, a exprimé sa gratitude pour le long service et les contributions de Mme Fetter à McGrath. Mme Fetter a déclaré qu'elle était fière d'avoir été directrice pendant plus d'une décennie et d'avoir été témoin des réalisations remarquables de l'entreprise.

McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC), ein führendes Unternehmen im B2B-Mietsektor in Nordamerika, gab bekannt, dass Elizabeth A. Fetter am 1. August 2024 aus dem Vorstand ausgeschieden ist, aus persönlichen Gründen nach über zehn Jahren. Frau Fetter war die erste weibliche unabhängige Direktorin und viele Jahre Vorsitzende des Vergütungsausschusses. Sie arbeitete aktiv daran, den Vorstand zu diversifizieren und trug zu Funktionen in den Bereichen Personal und Vergütung bei.

Bradly M. Shuster, Vorsitzender des Vorstands, äußerte Dankbarkeit für die langjährige Dienstzeit und die Beiträge von Frau Fetter zu McGrath. Frau Fetter erklärte, sie sei stolz darauf, mehr als ein Jahrzehnt als Direktorin gedient zu haben und die bemerkenswerten Erfolge des Unternehmens miterlebt zu haben.

  • None.
  • None.

LIVERMORE, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- McGrath RentCorp (“McGrath”) (Nasdaq: MGRC), a leading business-to-business rental company in North America, today announced that Elizabeth A. Fetter resigned from the McGrath board of directors on August 1, 2024, for personal reasons after serving over ten years on the board.

“Liz was the first female independent director of the McGrath board and her insights as an experienced CEO brought fresh perspective to board discussions. She served as chair of the compensation committee for many years, actively worked to further diversify our board and contributed to the HR and compensation functions of our board. On behalf of the board and the company, I would like to thank Liz for her long service to McGrath and we wish her the best in her future pursuits,” said Bradly M. Shuster, chairman of the board.

Ms. Fetter said, “I am proud to have served as a director of McGrath for more than a decade while working to help grow the company alongside my respected board peers, talented management team and dedicated employees. I have witnessed the company’s remarkable achievements and am excited for its future.”


McGrath RentCorp (Nasdaq: MGRC) is a leading business-to-business rental company in North America with a strong record of profitable business growth. Founded in 1979, McGrath’s operations are centered on modular solutions through its Mobile Modular and Mobile Modular Portable Storage businesses. In addition, its TRS-RenTelco business offers electronic test equipment rental solutions. The Company’s rental product offerings and services are part of the circular supply economy, helping customers work more efficiently, and sustainably manage their environmental footprint. With over 40 years of experience, McGrath’s success is driven by a focus on exceptional customer experiences. This focus has underpinned the Company’s long-term financial success and supported over 30 consecutive years of annual dividend increases to shareholders, a rare distinction among publicly listed companies.

McGrath is headquartered in Livermore, California. Additional information about McGrath and its businesses is available at and

Keith E. Pratt

EVP & Chief Financial Officer


Source: McGrath RentCorp


When did Elizabeth A. Fetter resign from McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board of directors?

Elizabeth A. Fetter resigned from McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board of directors on August 1, 2024.

How long did Elizabeth A. Fetter serve on McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board?

Elizabeth A. Fetter served on McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board for over ten years.

What roles did Elizabeth A. Fetter hold on McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board?

Elizabeth A. Fetter was the first female independent director of McGrath RentCorp (MGRC) and served as chair of the compensation committee for many years.

Who is the current chairman of McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board?

The current chairman of McGrath RentCorp's (MGRC) board is Bradly M. Shuster.

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