Remus Bourbon Launches New Master Distiller Experimental Series
Remus Bourbon has launched its new Master Distiller Experimental Series, with the debut of Experimental Series No. 1. The series originated from a 2015 barrel experiment that produced exceptional whiskey, now being released by Master Distiller Ian Stirsman.
The first release is a nine-year-old bourbon aged in lightly charred heavily toasted Seguin Moreau barrels with 24-month seasoned staves. Bottled at 107-proof, it features distinct notes of cedar, port wine, and fig on the nose, with oak, toasted marshmallow, and chocolate flavors, finishing with candied pecans, black walnut, and leather notes.
Available at an SRP of $79.99, this -edition bourbon will be distributed across select retailers in AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA and WI. The series will become an annual release, allowing experimentation with grains, recipes, and maturation techniques.
Remus Bourbon ha lanciato la sua nuova Master Distiller Experimental Series, con il debutto della Experimental Series No. 1. La serie è nata da un esperimento con barili del 2015 che ha prodotto un whiskey eccezionale, ora rilasciato dal Master Distiller Ian Stirsman.
Il primo rilascio è un bourbon di nove anni invecchiato in barili Seguin Moreau leggermente carbonizzati e fortemente tostati con doghe stagionate per 24 mesi. Imbottigliato a 107-proof, presenta note distintive di cedro, vino porto e fico al naso, con sapori di quercia, marshmallow tostato e cioccolato, con un finale di noci pecan caramellate, noce nera e note di cuoio.
Disponibile a un prezzo consigliato di $79.99, questo bourbon in edizione limitata sarà distribuito presso rivenditori selezionati in AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA e WI. La serie diventerà un rilascio annuale, consentendo esperimenti con cereali, ricette e tecniche di maturazione.
Remus Bourbon ha lanzado su nueva Master Distiller Experimental Series, con el debut de la Experimental Series No. 1. La serie se originó de un experimento con barricas en 2015 que produjo un whiskey excepcional, que ahora es lanzado por Master Distiller Ian Stirsman.
El primer lanzamiento es un bourbon de nueve años envejecido en barricas Seguin Moreau ligeramente carbonizadas y fuertemente tostadas con duelas sazonadas durante 24 meses. Embotellado a 107-proof, presenta notas distintivas de cedro, vino de Oporto y higo en la nariz, con sabores de roble, malvavisco tostado y chocolate, terminando con notas de nueces pecanas caramelizadas, nuez negra y cuero.
Disponible a un precio sugerido de $79.99, este bourbon de edición limitada se distribuirá en minoristas seleccionados en AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA y WI. La serie se convertirá en un lanzamiento anual, permitiendo la experimentación con granos, recetas y técnicas de maduración.
Remus Bourbon는 새로운 Master Distiller Experimental Series를 출시했으며, Experimental Series No. 1이 첫 선을 보입니다. 이 시리즈는 2015년에 실시된 배럴 실험에서 시작되었으며, 뛰어난 위스키를 생산하였고, 현재 Master Distiller Ian Stirsman에 의해 출시되고 있습니다.
첫 번째 출시 제품은 24개월 동안 숙성된 스테이브가 있는 약간 탄화된 세긴 모로 바렐에서 숙성된 9년 된 버본입니다. 107-proof로 병입되어 있으며, 코에서는 삼나무, 포트 와인, 무화과의 뚜렷한 향이 나고, 맛은 참나무, 구운 마시멜로, 초콜릿으로 마무리되며, 캐러멜ized 피칸, 블랙 월넛, 가죽 노트로 마무리됩니다.
79.99달러의 권장 소매가로 제공되는 이 한정판 버본은 AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA 및 WI의 일부 소매점에서 유통됩니다. 이 시리즈는 매년 출시되어 곡물, 레시피 및 숙성 기술을 실험할 수 있게 됩니다.
Remus Bourbon a lancé sa nouvelle Master Distiller Experimental Series, avec le lancement de la Experimental Series No. 1. La série est née d'une expérience de fût en 2015 qui a produit un whiskey exceptionnel, maintenant lancé par Master Distiller Ian Stirsman.
La première sortie est un bourbon de neuf ans vieilli dans des fûts Seguin Moreau légèrement carbonisés et fortement torréfiés avec des douelles assaisonnées pendant 24 mois. Mis en bouteille à 107-proof, il présente des notes distinctes de cèdre, de vin de Porto et de figue au nez, avec des saveurs de chêne, de guimauve grillée et de chocolat, se terminant par des notes de noix de pécan caramélisées, de noix noire et de cuir.
Disponible à un prix de vente conseillé de 79,99 $, ce bourbon en édition limitée sera distribué chez des détaillants sélectionnés en AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA et WI. La série deviendra une publication annuelle, permettant l'expérimentation avec des grains, des recettes et des techniques de maturation.
Remus Bourbon hat seine neue Master Distiller Experimental Series gestartet, mit der Premiere der Experimental Series No. 1. Die Serie entstand aus einem Fassexperiment von 2015, das einen außergewöhnlichen Whiskey hervorbrachte, der nun von Master Distiller Ian Stirsman veröffentlicht wird.
Die erste Abfüllung ist ein neun Jahre alter Bourbon, der in leicht angekohlt und stark gerösteten Seguin Moreau-Fässern mit 24 Monate alten Dauben gereift ist. Abgefüllt mit 107-proof, bietet er ausgeprägte Noten von Zeder, Portwein und Feige in der Nase, mit Aromen von Eiche, geröstetem Marshmallow und Schokolade, und endet mit kandierten Pekannüssen, schwarzem Walnuss und Ledernoten.
Erhältlich zu einem UVP von $79.99, wird dieser limitierte Bourbon über ausgewählte Einzelhändler in AZ, CA, CT, KS, MA, MD, MO, NY, OH, TX, UT, WA und WI vertrieben. Die Serie wird eine jährliche Veröffentlichung werden, die Experimente mit Getreide, Rezepten und Reifetechniken ermöglicht.
- Launch of new premium -edition bourbon series
- Nine-year aging process indicates premium quality
- Distribution across 13 states indicates strong market reach
- Premium pricing at $79.99 suggests healthy margins
- Very quantities may restrict revenue potential
- Distribution to only 13 states
Experimental Series No. 1 Debuts as the First in a Bold New Annual Limited-Edition Series, Pushing the Boundaries of Bourbon Craftsmanship
The new series will allow Stirsman to experiment with grains, recipes and maturation techniques, creating high-quality bourbons with rare character and refined flavor profiles. Each release within the Master Distiller Experimental Series will be one-of-a-kind and limited, making it a true collector's item for enthusiasts and aficionados.
"The Experimental Series is our new creative playground, where distilling heritage meets bold innovation," said Stirsman. "Our goal is to make our chapter in the long legacy of Remus Bourbon one that's worth reading. I look forward to bringing something new to bourbon drinkers year after year."
Master Distiller Experimental Series No. 1 has been aged for nine years in lightly charred heavily toasted Seguin Moreau barrels with staves seasoned for 24 months. The 107-proof bourbon features notes of cedar, port wine and fig on the nose. This is followed by flavors of oak, toasted marshmallow and chocolate on the palate, finishing with notes of candied pecans, black walnut and leather.
Master Distiller Experimental Series No. 1 (SRP of
About Remus Bourbon
Named after the "King of the Bootleggers," the brand carries a spirit of innovation and the rebellion of Prohibition. With core and highly sought-after limited-edition expressions that appeal to both seasoned connoisseurs and newcomers alike, Remus Bourbon continues to be a standout in the world of American whiskey. For more information about Remus Bourbon, visit or follow @remusbourbon.
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Patrick Barry (314)540-3865
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SOURCE Ross & Squibb Distillery
What is the price of Remus Bourbon Master Distiller Experimental Series No. 1?
In which states will Remus Bourbon Experimental Series No. 1 be available?
What are the tasting notes of Remus Bourbon Experimental Series No. 1?