Lux Row Distillers makes Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish available nationwide
Lux Row Distillers is launching a nationwide release of its Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey in February 2025. The new product features 4-year-old ryed straight Kentucky bourbon finished for six months in PX Sherry casks, bottled at 112 proof (56% ABV), with a suggested retail price of $49.99 per 750mL bottle.
The whiskey combines PX Sherry's sweet characteristics with spicy bourbon notes, featuring aromas of dried figs and dates, with flavors of grape syrup, candied fruit, spice, roasted coffee, and dark chocolate. The product initially debuted at the distillery in October 2024, where it gained popularity among visitors. This release joins Lux Row's portfolio, which includes award-winning products like the 12-year Double Barrel and Four Grain Double Single Barrel.
Lux Row Distillers sta lanciando un'uscita a livello nazionale del suo Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey a febbraio 2025. Il nuovo prodotto presenta un bourbon di segale Kentucky di 4 anni, finito per sei mesi in botti di PX Sherry, imbottigliato a 112 proof (56% ABV), con un prezzo al dettaglio suggerito di $49,99 per bottiglia da 750 mL.
Il whiskey combina le caratteristiche dolci dello PX Sherry con note speziate di bourbon, presentando aromi di fichi secchi e datteri, con sapori di sciroppo d'uva, frutta candita, spezie, caffè tostato e cioccolato fondente. Il prodotto è stato inizialmente presentato alla distilleria nell'ottobre 2024, dove ha guadagnato popolarità tra i visitatori. Questo lancio si unisce al portfolio di Lux Row, che include prodotti pluripremiati come il Double Barrel di 12 anni e il Four Grain Double Single Barrel.
Lux Row Distillers está lanzando un lanzamiento a nivel nacional de su Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey en febrero de 2025. El nuevo producto presenta un bourbon de centeno Kentucky de 4 años terminado durante seis meses en barricas de PX Sherry, embotellado a 112 proof (56% ABV), con un precio de venta sugerido de $49.99 por botella de 750 mL.
El whiskey combina las características dulces del PX Sherry con notas especiadas de bourbon, presentando aromas de higos secos y dátiles, con sabores de jarabe de uva, fruta confitada, especias, café tostado y chocolate negro. El producto debutó inicialmente en la destilería en octubre de 2024, donde ganó popularidad entre los visitantes. Este lanzamiento se une al portfolio de Lux Row, que incluye productos galardonados como el Double Barrel de 12 años y el Four Grain Double Single Barrel.
럭스 로우 증류소가 2025년 2월에 스몰 배치 PX 셰리 캐스크 피니시 켄터키 스트레이트 버번 위스키의 전국 출시를 시작합니다. 새로운 제품은 4년 된 호밀 켄터키 버번으로, PX 셰리 캐스크에서 6개월 동안 숙성되어 112 프루프(56% ABV)로 병입되며, 750mL 병당 권장 소매 가격은 $49.99입니다.
위스키는 PX 셰리의 달콤한 특성과 향신료가 가미된 버번의 특징을 결합하여, 말린 무화과와 대추의 아로마와 함께 포도 시럽, 캔디 과일, 향신료, 구운 커피, 다크 초콜릿의 맛을 제공합니다. 이 제품은 2024년 10월 증류소에서 처음 출시되어 방문객들 사이에서 인기를 얻었습니다. 이번 출시 제품은 12년 된 더블 배럴 및 포 그레인 더블 싱글 배럴과 같은 수상 경력 있는 제품을 포함하는 럭스 로우 포트폴리오에 추가됩니다.
Lux Row Distillers lance en février 2025 une sortie nationale de son Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskey. Le nouveau produit est un bourbon de seigle du Kentucky de 4 ans, vieilli pendant six mois dans des fût de PX Sherry, embouteillé à 112 proof (56% ABV), avec un prix de vente conseillé de 49,99 $ pour une bouteille de 750 mL.
Le whiskey associe les caractéristiques sucrées du PX Sherry aux notes épicées du bourbon, présentant des arômes de figues et de dattes séchées, avec des saveurs de sirop de raisin, de fruits confits, d'épices, de café torréfié et de chocolat noir. Le produit a fait ses débuts à la distillerie en octobre 2024, où il a gagné en popularité parmi les visiteurs. Ce lancement rejoint le portfolio de Lux Row, qui inclut des produits primés comme le Double Barrel de 12 ans et le Four Grain Double Single Barrel.
Lux Row Distillers wird im Februar 2025 eine landesweite Einführung seines Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish Kentucky Straight Bourbon Whiskeys starten. Das neue Produkt bietet einen 4 Jahre alten Roggen-Kentucky-Bourbon, der für sechs Monate in PX-Sherry-Fässern gereift ist, und wird mit 112 Proof (56% ABV) abgefüllt, zu einem empfohlenen Verkaufspreis von 49,99 $ pro 750 ml Flasche.
Der Whiskey kombiniert die süßen Eigenschaften des PX Sherry mit würzigen Bourbon-Noten und bietet Aromen von getrockneten Feigen und Datteln sowie Geschmäcker von Traubensirup, kandiertem Obst, Gewürzen, geröstetem Kaffee und dunkler Schokolade. Das Produkt wurde ursprünglich im Oktober 2024 in der Brennerei eingeführt und erfreute sich bei den Besuchern großer Beliebtheit. Diese Veröffentlichung ergänzt das Portfolio von Lux Row, das preisgekrönte Produkte wie das 12-jährige Double Barrel und das Four Grain Double Single Barrel umfasst.
- New product expansion into nationwide distribution
- Premium pricing at $49.99 per bottle
- Product already proven successful at distillery location
- Joins existing award-winning product portfolio
- None.
The distillery favorite will be available in February
The PX Sherry cask finish imparts an aromatic bouquet of dried figs and dates, and decadent flavors of grape syrup and candied fruit followed by hints of spice, roasted coffee, and dark chocolate. The result is a unique and balanced pour.
"We wanted to meld the intensely sweet flavors of PX Sherry with the spicy, peppery flavor notes of our ryed bourbon," said Lux Row Master Distiller John Rempe. "The outcome is a delicious combination of two opposing yet complementary flavors that results in a truly unique expression."
Lux Row Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish debuted in October 2024 at Lux Row Distillers and quickly became a favorite of distillery visitors and guests.
"PX Sherry was an immediate hit at Lux Row," said Lux Row Brand Manager Eric Winter. "We're looking forward to expanding its footprint and sharing this unique offering with bourbon drinkers who are looking for one-of-a-kind flavor options and taste profiles."
Lux Row Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish is the latest offering to join Lux Row's award-winning brand family. Current Lux Row products include 12-year Double Barrel and Lux Row Four Grain Double Single Barrel, which earned a Platinum medal at the Ascot Awards, a Double Gold designation at the SIP Awards and a Gold medal at the San Francisco World Spirits Competition.
To learn more about Lux Row Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish or to find a bottle, visit Lux Row Distillers in person or online at
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Patrick Barry, BYRNE PR
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SOURCE Lux Row Distillers
When will Lux Row Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish be available nationwide?
What is the price of Lux Row's new PX Sherry Cask Finish bourbon?
What is the alcohol content of Lux Row Small Batch PX Sherry Cask Finish?
How long is the bourbon aged and finished in PX Sherry casks?