MISTRAS Group Mourns the Passing of Founder & Chairman Emeritus Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG) announced the passing of its Founder and Chairman Emeritus, Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, on February 6, 2025. Dr. Vahaviolos founded MISTRAS (originally Physical Acoustics ) in 1978 and transformed it into a global leader in testing, inspection, and asset protection solutions, now employing over 5,000 people across multiple countries.
The company confirmed there will be no changes to management or strategic direction, as succession planning measures were previously implemented. Dr. Vahaviolos was a distinguished leader in non-destructive testing (NDT) and acoustic emission (AE), holding multiple academic degrees and receiving numerous industry accolades, including Gold Medals from ASNT and AEWG. He previously served as President and Chairman of ASNT and was recognized as a Fellow of IEEE, ASNT, and AEWG.
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG) ha annunciato la scomparsa del suo Fondatore e Presidente Emerito, il Dott. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, avvenuta il 6 febbraio 2025. Il Dott. Vahaviolos ha fondato MISTRAS (originariamente Physical Acoustics) nel 1978 e l'ha trasformata in un leader globale nelle soluzioni di testing, ispezione e protezione degli asset, attualmente impiegando oltre 5.000 persone in diversi paesi.
La società ha confermato che non ci saranno cambiamenti nella gestione o nella direzione strategica, poiché sono state implementate misure di pianificazione della successione. Il Dott. Vahaviolos è stato un leader di spicco nel settore del testing non distruttivo (NDT) e dell'emissione acustica (AE), possedendo numerosi titoli accademici e ricevendo innumerevoli riconoscimenti nel settore, tra cui Medaglie d'Oro da ASNT e AEWG. In passato ha ricoperto il ruolo di Presidente e Presidente di ASNT ed è stato riconosciuto come Fellow di IEEE, ASNT e AEWG.
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG) anunció el fallecimiento de su Fundador y Presidente Emérito, el Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, ocurrido el 6 de febrero de 2025. El Dr. Vahaviolos fundó MISTRAS (originalmente Physical Acoustics) en 1978 y la transformó en un líder global en soluciones de pruebas, inspección y protección de activos, actualmente empleando a más de 5,000 personas en varios países.
La compañía confirmó que no habrá cambios en la gestión ni en la dirección estratégica, ya que se implementaron medidas de planificación de sucesión con anterioridad. El Dr. Vahaviolos fue un líder distinguido en pruebas no destructivas (NDT) y emisión acústica (AE), poseyendo múltiples títulos académicos y recibiendo numerosos reconocimientos de la industria, incluyendo Medallas de Oro de ASNT y AEWG. Anteriormente, sirvió como Presidente y Presidente de ASNT y fue reconocido como Fellow de IEEE, ASNT y AEWG.
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG)는 2025년 2월 6일 창립자이자 명예회장인 Sotirios J. Vahaviolos 박사가 별세했다고 발표했습니다. Vahaviolos 박사는 1978년 MISTRAS(원래 Physical Acoustics)를 설립하고 이를 테스트, 검사 및 자산 보호 솔루션의 글로벌 리더로 변모시켰으며, 현재 여러 국가에서 5,000명 이상의 직원을 고용하고 있습니다.
회사는 이미 승계 계획이 시행되었기 때문에 경영이나 전략 방향에 변화가 없을 것이라고 확인했습니다. Vahaviolos 박사는 비파괴 검사(NDT)와 음향 방출(AE) 분야의 저명한 리더로, 여러 학위와 함께 ASNT 및 AEWG에서 금메달을 포함한 수많은 산업 공로 표창을 수상했습니다. 그는 이전에 ASNT의 회장 및 의장을 역임했으며 IEEE, ASNT 및 AEWG의 펠로우로 인정받았습니다.
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG) a annoncé le décès de son Fondateur et Président Émérite, Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, survenu le 6 février 2025. Le Dr. Vahaviolos a fondé MISTRAS (à l'origine Physical Acoustics) en 1978 et l'a transformée en un leader mondial des solutions de tests, d'inspection et de protection des actifs, employant désormais plus de 5 000 personnes dans plusieurs pays.
La société a confirmé qu'il n'y aurait aucun changement dans la direction ou l'orientation stratégique, car des mesures de planification de la succession avaient été mises en place. Le Dr. Vahaviolos était un leader distingué dans le domaine des tests non destructifs (NDT) et des émissions acoustiques (AE), possédant plusieurs diplômes académiques et recevant de nombreuses distinctions dans l'industrie, y compris des médailles d'or de l'ASNT et de l'AEWG. Il a également été président et chairman de l'ASNT et a été reconnu comme Fellow de l'IEEE, de l'ASNT et de l'AEWG.
MISTRAS Group (NYSE: MG) gab bekannt, dass sein Gründer und Ehrenvorsitzender, Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, am 6. Februar 2025 verstorben ist. Dr. Vahaviolos gründete MISTRAS (ursprünglich Physical Acoustics) im Jahr 1978 und verwandelte es in einen globalen Marktführer für Prüf-, Inspektions- und Vermögensschutzlösungen, der mittlerweile mehr als 5.000 Mitarbeiter in mehreren Ländern beschäftigt.
Das Unternehmen bestätigte, dass es keine Änderungen in der Geschäftsführung oder der strategischen Ausrichtung geben wird, da zuvor Nachfolgeregelungen getroffen wurden. Dr. Vahaviolos war ein angesehener Führer im Bereich der zerstörungsfreien Prüfung (NDT) und der akustischen Emission (AE), er hatte mehrere akademische Abschlüsse und erhielt zahlreiche Auszeichnungen der Branche, darunter Goldmedaillen von ASNT und AEWG. Er war zuvor Präsident und Vorsitzender von ASNT und wurde als Fellow von IEEE, ASNT und AEWG anerkannt.
- Company confirms business continuity with no changes to management or strategic direction
- Established global presence with over 5,000 employees across multiple countries
- None.
PRINCETON JUNCTION, N.J., Feb. 06, 2025 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- The Board of Directors of MISTRAS Group, Inc. (NYSE: MG) is deeply saddened to announce the passing of Dr. Sotirios J. Vahaviolos, the company’s Founder, Chairman Emeritus, and Board Director, on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
A visionary leader and pioneer in the field of non-destructive testing (NDT) and acoustic emission (AE), Dr. Vahaviolos founded MISTRAS (originally Physical Acoustics Corporation) in 1978 and dedicated over four decades to building it into a global leader in testing, inspection, and asset protection solutions. His expertise, leadership, and commitment to excellence were instrumental in shaping the company’s strategic direction and fostering a culture of innovation that remains at the core of MISTRAS today.
“On behalf of the entire MISTRAS family, I want to express our profound appreciation for the immeasurable contributions Dr. Vahaviolos has made to our company, our shareholders, and the communities we serve,” said Manny Stamatakis, Executive Chairman of the Board of Directors. “He built a diversified enterprise that now provides jobs to over 5,000 employees across the U.S., Canada, and several other countries. He was a man of honor and integrity, and he will be deeply missed.”
Dr. Vahaviolos and the Board of Directors took careful measures over the years to ensure a seamless transition and continuity of leadership. MISTRAS will continue to operate as planned, with no changes to the company’s management or strategic direction.
Prior to founding MISTRAS, Dr. Vahaviolos was a scientist and manager at AT&T Bell Laboratories, where he honed his expertise in electrical engineering and advanced NDT technologies. A distinguished academic, he earned a B.S. in Electrical Engineering (graduating first in his class) from Fairleigh Dickinson University, followed by an M.S., M.Phil., and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University School of Engineering.
Throughout his career, Dr. Vahaviolos was recognized as a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), the American Society of Nondestructive Testing (ASNT), and the Acoustic Emission Working Group (AEWG). He also served as ASNT’s President (1992-1993) and Chairman (1993-1994) and received Gold Medals from ASNT (2001) and AEWG (2005) in recognition of his contributions to the field, in addition to several other accolades from various respected industry and scientific organizations.
Beyond his professional accolades, Dr. Vahaviolos was one of the six founders of NDT Academia International in 2008, further demonstrating his dedication to advancing nondestructive testing worldwide.
The MISTRAS family will be honoring Dr. Vahaviolos' life and legacy in the days ahead. In the meantime, our thoughts and prayers are with his wife, family, and many friends during this difficult time.
About MISTRAS Group, Inc. - One Source for Asset Protection Solutions
MISTRAS Group, Inc. (NYSE: MG) is a leading "one source" multinational provider of integrated technology-enabled asset protection solutions, helping to maximize the safety and operational uptime for civilization’s most critical industrial and civil assets.
Backed by an innovative, data-driven asset protection portfolio, proprietary technologies, strong commitment to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) initiatives, and a decades-long legacy of industry leadership, MISTRAS leads clients in oil and gas, aerospace and defense, renewable and nonrenewable power, civil infrastructure, and manufacturing industries towards achieving operational and environmental excellence. By supporting these organizations that help fuel our vehicles and power our society, inspecting components that are trusted for commercial, defense, and spacecraft; building real-time monitoring equipment to enable safe travel across bridges; and helping to propel sustainability, MISTRAS helps the world at large.
MISTRAS enhances value for its clients by integrating asset protection throughout supply chains and centralizing integrity data through a suite of Industrial IoT-connected digital software and monitoring solutions. The company’s core capabilities also include non-destructive testing field and in-line inspections enhanced by advanced robotics, laboratory quality control and assurance testing, sensing technologies and NDT equipment, asset and mechanical integrity engineering services, and light mechanical maintenance and access services.
For more information about how MISTRAS helps protect civilization’s critical infrastructure and the environment, visit https://www.mistrasgroup.com/.
Nestor S. Makarigakis
Group Vice President, Marketing and Communications
MISTRAS Group, Inc.
+1 (609) 716-4000

How will Dr. Vahaviolos' passing impact MISTRAS Group (MG) operations?
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When was MISTRAS Group (MG) founded?