Mizuho Americas wins four 2024 Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards
Mizuho Americas celebrated a significant achievement as four of its women leaders received recognition at the Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards. The honorees include Serena Lin for Excellence in Fixed Income Trading, Natalya Rasmussen for Excellence in Fixed Income, Jee-Won Yang for Excellence in Structured Solutions, and Hannah Zeitlin as Rising Star.
The awards, determined by Markets Media editorial staff and the Women in Finance Advisory Board, acknowledge these leaders' career accomplishments, leadership qualities, and dedication to industry advancement. Chairman and CEO Shuji Matsuura praised the winners for embodying Mizuho's core values and fostering a culture of excellence.
Mizuho Americas ha celebrato un risultato significativo poiché quattro delle sue donne leader hanno ricevuto riconoscimenti agli Awards Markets Choice Women in Finance. Le onorate includono Serena Lin per l'Eccellenza nel Trading di Reddito Fisso, Natalya Rasmussen per l'Eccellenza nel Reddito Fisso, Jee-Won Yang per l'Eccellenza nelle Soluzioni Strutturate e Hannah Zeitlin come Stella Emergente.
I premi, determinati dal personale editoriale di Markets Media e dal Consiglio Consultivo delle Donne in Finanza, riconoscono i successi professionali, le qualità di leadership e la dedizione di queste leader all'avanzamento del settore. Il presidente e CEO Shuji Matsuura ha elogiato le vincitrici per aver incarnato i valori fondamentali di Mizuho e per aver promosso una cultura di eccellenza.
Mizuho Americas celebró un logro significativo al reconocer a cuatro de sus mujeres líderes en los Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards. Las homenajeadas incluyen a Serena Lin por la Excelencia en el Comercio de Renta Fija, Natalya Rasmussen por la Excelencia en Renta Fija, Jee-Won Yang por la Excelencia en Soluciones Estructuradas y Hannah Zeitlin como Estrella en Ascenso.
Los premios, determinados por el personal editorial de Markets Media y el Consejo Asesor de Mujeres en Finanzas, reconocen los logros profesionales, las cualidades de liderazgo y la dedicación de estas líderes al avance de la industria. El presidente y CEO Shuji Matsuura elogió a las ganadoras por encarnar los valores fundamentales de Mizuho y fomentar una cultura de excelencia.
Mizuho Americas는 네 명의 여성 리더가 Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards에서 인정을 받으며 중요한 성과를 축하했습니다. 수상자는 Serena Lin은 고정 수익 거래에서의 뛰어난 성과, Natalya Rasmussen은 고정 수익 분야의 우수성, Jee-Won Yang은 구조적 솔루션 분야의 우수성, Hannah Zeitlin은 떠오르는 스타로 선정되었습니다.
이 상은 Markets Media 편집팀과 여성금융자문위원회에 의해 결정되었으며, 이 리더들의 경력 성취, 리더십 품질, 그리고 산업 발전에 대한 헌신을 인정합니다. 회장 겸 CEO인 Shuji Matsuura는 수상자들이 Mizuho의 핵심 가치를 구현하고 우수성의 문화를 조성하는 것에 대해 찬사를 보냈습니다.
Mizuho Americas a célébré une réalisation importante avec la reconnaissance de quatre de ses femmes leaders aux Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards. Les récipiendaires comprennent Serena Lin pour l'Excellence en Trading de Produits de Taux Fixe, Natalya Rasmussen pour l'Excellence en Produits de Taux Fixe, Jee-Won Yang pour l'Excellence en Solutions Structurées et Hannah Zeitlin en tant qu'Étoile Montante.
Les récompenses, déterminées par le personnel éditorial de Markets Media et le Conseil Consultatif sur les Femmes dans la Finance, reconnaissent les réalisations professionnelles, les qualités de leadership et le dévouement de ces leaders au progrès de l'industrie. Le président-directeur général Shuji Matsuura a félicité les lauréates pour incarner les valeurs fondamentales de Mizuho et encourager une culture d'excellence.
Mizuho Americas feierte einen bedeutenden Erfolg, da vier seiner Frauenführenden bei den Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards ausgezeichnet wurden. Die Ausgezeichneten sind Serena Lin für Exzellenz im Fixed Income Trading, Natalya Rasmussen für Exzellenz im Fixed Income, Jee-Won Yang für Exzellenz in strukturierten Lösungen und Hannah Zeitlin als aufstrebender Stern.
Die Auszeichnungen, die vom Redaktionsteam von Markets Media und dem Women in Finance Advisory Board ermittelt wurden, würdigen die Karriereleistungen, Führungsqualitäten und das Engagement dieser Führungspersönlichkeiten für den Fortschritt der Branche. Der Vorsitzende und CEO Shuji Matsuura lobte die Preisträgerinnen dafür, dass sie die Grundwerte von Mizuho verkörpern und eine Kultur der Exzellenz fördern.
- None.
- None.
NEW YORK, Nov. 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Mizuho Americas today announced four of its exceptional women leaders were honored at the Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards, at an annual gala in New York City. Each award recipient was recognized for her career accomplishments, leadership, and unwavering commitment to advancing the industry.
This year’s winners from Mizuho Americas were:
- Serena Lin, Managing Director and Head of Agency Mortgage-Backed Securities Trading Desk for Excellence in Fixed Income Trading
- Natalya Rasmussen, Managing Director and Chief Operating Officer of Fixed Income for Excellence in Fixed Income
- Jee-Won Yang, Managing Director, Debt Capital Markets – Structured Solutions, for Excellence in Structured Solutions
- Hannah Zeitlin, Vice President, Investment & Corporate Banking, for Rising Star
“These women truly embody Mizuho’s core values of integrity, passion, agility, creativity, and empathy,” said Shuji Matsuura, Chairman and CEO, Mizuho Americas. “Serena, Natalya, Jee-Won, and Hannah are role models who inspire others and further propel our culture of excellence that has resulted in remarkable results for clients. I join Markets Media in celebrating their achievements.”
The winners of the Markets Choice Women in Finance Awards are determined by the Markets Media editorial staff in conjunction with the Women in Finance Advisory Board.
About Mizuho Americas
Mizuho Financial Group, Inc. is the 17th largest bank in the world as measured by total assets of ~
Mizuho Americas is a leading provider of corporate and investment banking, capital markets, equity and fixed income sales & trading, derivatives, FX, custody, and research to corporate, private equity, and institutional clients in the US, Canada, and Latin America. Through its acquisition of Greenhill, Mizuho provides M&A, restructuring, and private capital advisory capabilities across Americas, Europe, and Asia. Mizuho employs approximately 3,500 professionals, for more information visit www.mizuhoamericas.com.
For inquiries, please contact:
Jim Gorman
Executive Director, Media Relations, Mizuho Americas
Laura London
Director, Media Relations, Mizuho Americas