Manulife Investment Management Announces Close of $480 million Forest Climate Fund

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Manulife Investment Management has announced the final close of its Manulife Forest Climate Fund with $480.1 million in commitments from U.S. investors, corporates, and global institutional investors. The fund aims to promote climate change mitigation through sustainably managed forests, prioritizing carbon sequestration over timber production.

The fund has already acquired over 150,000 acres and is approaching 50% deployment, with three key acquisitions: Eagle Cap in Oregon/Washington, Siscowet in Michigan, and Oak Bluff across Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. The fund targets sequestering over 6 million tons of carbon dioxide over its term, offering investors high-quality carbon credits with annual optionality for in-kind distributions or offset sales.

As the world's leading timberland investment manager with over five million acres under management, Manulife IM continues to expand its $100 billion diversified private markets platform, focusing on natural climate solutions to drive impact and results for clients.

Manulife Investment Management ha annunciato la chiusura finale del suo Manulife Forest Climate Fund con 480,1 milioni di dollari in impegni da investitori statunitensi, aziende e investitori istituzionali globali. Il fondo mira a promuovere la mitigazione del cambiamento climatico attraverso foreste gestite in modo sostenibile, dando priorità alla cattura di carbonio rispetto alla produzione di legname.

Il fondo ha già acquisito oltre 150.000 acri e si sta avvicinando al 50% di dispiegamento, con tre acquisizioni chiave: Eagle Cap in Oregon/Washington, Siscowet in Michigan e Oak Bluff tra Mississippi, Louisiana e Arkansas. Il fondo punta a sequestrare oltre 6 milioni di tonnellate di anidride carbonica nel suo periodo di attività, offrendo agli investitori crediti di carbonio di alta qualità con opzioni annuali per distribuzioni in natura o vendite di compensazione.

Essendo il principale gestore di investimenti in terreni forestali al mondo con oltre cinque milioni di acri sotto gestione, Manulife IM continua a espandere la sua piattaforma diversificata di mercati privati da 100 miliardi di dollari, concentrandosi su soluzioni naturali per il clima per generare impatti e risultati per i clienti.

Manulife Investment Management ha anunciado el cierre final de su Fondo de Clima Forestal Manulife con 480,1 millones de dólares en compromisos de inversionistas estadounidenses, corporaciones e inversionistas institucionales globales. El fondo tiene como objetivo promover la mitigación del cambio climático a través de bosques gestionados sosteniblemente, priorizando la captura de carbono sobre la producción de madera.

El fondo ya ha adquirido más de 150,000 acres y se está acercando al 50% de implementación, con tres adquisiciones clave: Eagle Cap en Oregón/Washington, Siscowet en Michigan y Oak Bluff en Mississippi, Luisiana y Arkansas. El fondo tiene como meta sequestrar más de 6 millones de toneladas de dióxido de carbono durante su vigencia, ofreciendo a los inversionistas créditos de carbono de alta calidad con opciones anuales para distribuciones en especie o ventas de compensación.

Como el principal administrador de inversiones en tierras forestales del mundo con más de cinco millones de acres bajo gestión, Manulife IM continúa expandiendo su plataforma diversificada de mercados privados de 100 mil millones de dólares, enfocándose en soluciones naturales al clima para generar impacto y resultados para los clientes.

마누라이프 투자 관리는 미국 투자자, 기업 및 글로벌 기관 투자자들로부터 4억 8천만 달러의 투자를 받아 마누라이프 숲 기후 기금의 최종 마감을 발표했습니다. 이 기금은 지속 가능한 방식으로 관리되는 숲을 통해 기후 변화 완화를 추진하는 것을 목표로 하며, 목재 생산보다 탄소 격리를 우선시합니다.

기금은 이미 150,000 에이커 이상을 인수했으며, 50% 배치에 가까워지고 있으며, 세 가지 주요 인수는 오레곤/워싱턴의 이글 캡, 미시간의 시스코웨트, 미시시피, 루이지애나 및 아칸소에 걸친 오크 블러프입니다. 이 기금은 운영 기간 동안 600만 톤 이상의 이산화탄소를 격리할 것을 목표로 하여, 투자자들에게 연간 옵션으로 현물 배분 또는 offset 판매를 통해 높은 품질의 탄소 크레딧을 제공합니다.

전 세계에서 500만 에이커 이상의 토지를 관리하는 주요 산림 투자 관리자이자, 마누라이프 IM은 고객을 위해 영향을 미치고 결과를 창출하기 위해 자연 기후 솔루션에 초점을 맞춘 1,000억 달러 규모의 다양한 사적 시장 플랫폼을 계속 확장하고 있습니다.

Manulife Investment Management a annoncé la clôture finale de son Fonds de Climat Forestier Manulife avec 480,1 millions de dollars d'engagements de la part d'investisseurs américains, d'entreprises et d'investisseurs institutionnels mondiaux. Le fonds vise à promouvoir l'atténuation du changement climatique par le biais de forêts gérées de manière durable, en donnant la priorité à la séquestration du carbone plutôt qu'à la production de bois.

Le fonds a déjà acquis plus de 150 000 acres et se rapproche d'un déploiement de 50%, avec trois acquisitions clés : Eagle Cap dans l'Oregon/Washington, Siscowet dans le Michigan et Oak Bluff dans le Mississippi, la Louisiane et l'Arkansas. Le fonds vise à séquestrer plus de 6 millions de tonnes de dioxyde de carbone pendant sa durée, offrant aux investisseurs des crédits carbone de haute qualité avec des options annuelles pour des distributions en nature ou des ventes de compensation.

En tant que premier gestionnaire d'investissement en terres forestières au monde avec plus de cinq millions d'acres sous gestion, Manulife IM continue d'élargir sa plateforme diversifiée de marchés privés de 100 milliards de dollars, en se concentrant sur des solutions naturelles pour le climat afin de générer un impact et des résultats pour les clients.

Manulife Investment Management hat den finalen Abschluss seines Manulife Forest Climate Fund mit 480,1 Millionen Dollar an Zusagen von US-Investoren, Unternehmen und globalen institutionellen Investoren bekannt gegeben. Der Fonds hat zum Ziel, die Minderung des Klimawandels durch nachhaltig bewirtschaftete Wälder zu fördern und priorisiert die Kohlenstoffspeicherung gegenüber der Holzproduktion.

Der Fonds hat bereits über 150.000 Acres erworben und nähert sich einer Deployment-Rate von 50%, mit drei Schlüsselakquisitionen: Eagle Cap in Oregon/Washington, Siscowet in Michigan und Oak Bluff in Mississippi, Louisiana und Arkansas. Der Fonds zielt darauf ab, über seine Laufzeit mehr als 6 Millionen Tonnen Kohlendioxid zu speichern und bietet den Investoren hochwertige Kohlenstoffzertifikate mit jährlicher Optionen für Sachverteilungen oder Verkaufsverkäufe an.

Als der weltweit führende Manager für Investitionen in Waldflächen mit über fünf Millionen Acres unter Verwaltung, setzt Manulife IM weiterhin auf die Erweiterung seiner 100 Milliarden Dollar schweren diversifizierten Plattform für private Märkte und konzentriert sich auf natürliche Klimaschutzlösungen, um Auswirkungen und Ergebnisse für Kunden zu erzielen.

  • Successful fund closure with $480.1 million in commitments
  • Already acquired 150,000 acres with 50% deployment progress
  • Targeting 6 million tons of carbon dioxide sequestration
  • Portfolio diversification across multiple U.S. regions
  • None.


The $480.1 million close of Manulife's Forest Climate Fund marks a strategic evolution in institutional timber investment, combining traditional forestry returns with carbon credit generation. The fund's rapid 50% deployment across 150,000 acres demonstrates strong deal sourcing capabilities and execution efficiency.

The diversified portfolio strategy is particularly noteworthy. The Eagle Cap acquisition provides immediate sustainable forestry cash flows while unlocking conservation value. Siscowet and Oak Bluff properties, with their mature timber inventories, are strategically positioned for premium carbon credit generation, offering valuable optionality between harvest income and carbon sequestration.

This fund strengthens Manulife's position in the rapidly growing natural climate solutions market, estimated to reach $50 billion by 2030. As the world's largest timberland investment manager, Manulife is leveraging its scale and expertise to capture high-quality carbon credits, which typically command premium pricing of 2-3x over standard forest carbon credits.

Within Manulife's $100 billion private markets platform, this fund represents a strategic expansion into climate-focused products, potentially opening new revenue streams through carbon credit trading and management fees. The strong investor interest signals growing institutional acceptance of forestland as a climate mitigation tool, potentially catalyzing similar product launches and scaling Manulife's climate investment platform.

BOSTON, Jan. 27, 2025 /PRNewswire/ - Manulife Investment Management, the leading timberland investment manager in the world, with more than five million acres under management, today announced the third and final close of Manulife Forest Climate Fund LP1,2 (the fund). Along with its affiliated offshore vehicles, the fund has closed with $480.1 million in commitments from a diverse mix of investors including qualified U.S. investors, corporates and global institutional investors interested in the opportunity to promote climate change mitigation through investment in sustainably managed forests where carbon sequestration is prioritized over timber production.

"We are excited to announce this milestone for the Manulife Forest Climate Fund and have seen strong interest in the forest climate strategy from a broad base of global investors, further highlighting the acceptance and growing use of forestland as a climate change mitigation tool that has added new dimensions to timberland investment," said Tom Sarno, global head of timberland investments, Manulife Investment Management.

The Manulife Forest Climate Fund seeks to provide investors with an opportunity to own a diversified portfolio of sustainably-managed forestland assets where carbon is the primary value driver. The fund prioritizes climate change mitigation through sustainably-managed forests, aiming to sequester over 6 million tons of carbon dioxide over the fund term. The fund will look to deliver durable, high-quality carbon credits to investors and annual optionality for in-kind carbon credit distributions or offset sales.3 An additional part of this strategy includes establishing new forests through afforestation or reforestation to generate high-quality carbon credits and long-term sustainable timber value. The fund aims to maximize total return while preserving capital, providing moderate current income, and realizing profit from carbon value and long-term appreciation.4

Fund Acquisitions

The fund has already started to develop a diversified portfolio in support of its investment thesis. It has acquired more than 150,000 acres and is approaching 50% deployment. The team has identified a pipeline of additional opportunities in 2025 to further diversify and grow the portfolio.

The fund's first acquisition, Eagle Cap, is located in northeastern Oregon and southeastern Washington, and was acquired with the primary intention of generating consistent cash flow from sustainable forestry operations. Additional value was realized on the Eagle Cap property through a sale of approximately 1,072 acres to conserve and create public access to the land in perpetuity as part of the Minam River Wildlife Area. Achieved in partnership with state agencies and a conservation organization, this transaction is an example of Manulife IM's continuing commitment to managing and conserving sensitive lands with over 497,000 acres in its Sensitive Lands Program.

The second acquisition, Siscowet, is located on the upper peninsula of Michigan. Named for the deep-water trout native to nearby Lake Superior, it had been held by the seller for over a century and managed primarily for timber production. As a result of its history, growth rates and standing timber inventory, Siscowet is expected to provide a strong foundation for the Fund's carbon credit generation strategy and will provide significant optionality for increased timber harvests or carbon credit generation over the hold period.

The most recent acquisition for the fund, Oak Bluff, has a footprint that includes counties in Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. Much like Siscowet, the historical management practices and current timber inventory makes this investment well suited for the production of high-quality carbon credits while also exhibiting the potential to produce attractive income from other sources.

"Investors are showing confidence in forests as a top natural climate solution," added Eric Cooperstrom, managing director, impact investing and natural climate solutions, Manulife Investment Management. "With the interest we have seen in the fund, we will continue to pursue natural climate solutions to drive new opportunities for impact and results for our clients."

Manulife IM's $100 billion diversified private markets platform includes infrastructure, real estate, private equity, private credit, timberland and agriculture.5 The firm continues to enhance its capabilities in private markets to bring additional solutions to both institutional and retail investors to help them achieve their long-term investment goals. 

1. Source: IPE research as of 1/24/2025. Ranking is based on total Natural Capital AUM, which includes forestry/timberland and agriculture/farmland AUM. Firms were asked to provide AUM, and the as of dates vary from December 31, 2023, to December 31, 2024.

2. Manulife Forest Climate Fund is structured as a private offering only for qualified purchasers to be conducted pursuant to Rule 506(c) of Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act.

3. Manulife Investment Management, through its development and implementation of its Carbon Principles, has made a commitment to sourcing high-quality carbon credits. Generally high-quality carbon credits must be (a) additional, (b) not overestimated, (c) permanent, (d) exclusively claimed (no double counting) and (e) not associated with significant social or environmental harm. For more information on the Carbon Principles please visit our website. In addition, the Integrity Council for the Voluntary Carbon Markets (IC-VCM) Core Carbon Principles (CCPs) and Assessment Framework are intended to establish global standards for high-quality voluntary market carbon credits, provide guidance on how to apply the Core Carbon Principles and define which carbon crediting programs and project methodologies are eligible. The MIMTA Carbon Principles are aligned with the ICVCM CCPs.

4. There is no guarantee that this fund will achieve its investment objectives or goals or generate carbon credits or financial returns.

5. As of October 1, 2024

This press release does not constitute an advertisement or an offer to sell any security or the solicitation of any offer to buy an interest in the fund or any existing or future fund or investment vehicle managed or advised by Manulife Investment Management and/or its affiliates or any other security. Nor shall there be any sales of the fund interests in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sales would be unlawful prior to registration or qualification under the securities laws of any such jurisdiction.

The fund interests will be offered only to "qualified purchasers" as defined by Section 2(a)(51) of the Investment Company Act and in reliance on the exemption from registration set forth in Rule 506(c) of Regulation D promulgated under the Securities Act. Under Rule 506(c), general solicitation of offerings is permitted, however, prospective investors in the fund may be asked to provide supporting documentation satisfactory to the general partner of a prospective investor's status as a qualified purchaser. The fund has not been and will not be registered under the Securities Act or the securities laws of any state or other jurisdiction, and may not be offered or sold without registration or an applicable exemption from the registration requirements of the Securities Act and applicable state securities or blue sky laws and foreign securities laws.

Manulife Forest Climate Fund is closed to new investors.

Private market investments are speculative and considered risky, including potential loss of your investment, and may not be appropriate for every investor. Private investments are generally an illiquid asset class; shareholders cannot sell their funds when they want to without potentially facing high losses.

About Manulife Wealth & Asset Management

As part of Manulife Financial Corporation, Manulife Wealth & Asset Management provides global investment, financial advice, and retirement plan services to 19 million individuals, institutions, and retirement plan members worldwide. Our mission is to make decisions easier and lives better by empowering people today to invest for a better tomorrow. As a committed partner to our clients and as a responsible steward of investor capital, we offer a heritage of risk management, deep expertise across public and private markets, and comprehensive retirement plan services. We seek to provide better investment and impact outcomes and to help people confidently save and invest for a more secure financial future. Not all offerings are available in all jurisdictions. For additional information, please visit


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How much did Manulife Forest Climate Fund (MFC) raise in its final close?

The Manulife Forest Climate Fund raised $480.1 million in its final close from a diverse mix of U.S. investors, corporates, and global institutional investors.

What is the carbon sequestration target for Manulife's Forest Climate Fund (MFC)?

The fund aims to sequester over 6 million tons of carbon dioxide over the fund term.

How many acres has the Manulife Forest Climate Fund (MFC) acquired so far?

The fund has acquired more than 150,000 acres and is approaching 50% deployment.

What are the main properties acquired by Manulife Forest Climate Fund (MFC)?

The fund has acquired three main properties: Eagle Cap in Oregon/Washington, Siscowet in Michigan, and Oak Bluff across Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas.

What is the primary focus of Manulife Forest Climate Fund (MFC)?

The fund primarily focuses on climate change mitigation through sustainably managed forests, prioritizing carbon sequestration over timber production.
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