Unlocking Potential: Meta’s 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report

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Meta has released its second annual Responsible Business Practices Report, highlighting efforts to maximize positive impacts and minimize negative impacts on society. The report, themed 'Unlocking Potential,' provides key metrics and insights on Meta's societal impact, including milestones, policies, and programs underpinning its responsible business strategy.

Key highlights include:

  • Releasing Llama, an open-source AI model downloaded over 170 million times
  • Launching the AI Alliance to accelerate responsible AI innovation
  • Expanding parental supervision tools globally
  • Implementing child safety initiatives like Lantern and Take It Down
  • Completing a Human Rights Salient Risk Assessment
  • Maintaining net zero in global operations
  • Focusing on building a diverse workforce

The report is supplemented by in-depth reports on human rights, sustainability, and transparency, prepared in reference to global reporting standards.

Meta ha pubblicato il suo secondo Rapporto Annuale sulle Pratiche Aziendali Responsabili, evidenziando gli sforzi per massimizzare gli impatti positivi e minimizzare quelli negativi sulla società. Il rapporto, con tema 'Sbloccare il Potenziale', fornisce metriche chiave e approfondimenti sull'impatto sociale di Meta, inclusi i traguardi, le politiche e i programmi che sostengono la sua strategia aziendale responsabile.

I punti salienti includono:

  • Il rilascio di Llama, un modello di intelligenza artificiale open-source scaricato oltre 170 milioni di volte
  • Il lancio dell'AI Alliance per accelerare l'innovazione responsabile nell'IA
  • Espansione degli strumenti di supervisione parentale a livello globale
  • Implementazione di iniziative per la sicurezza dei minori come Lantern e Take It Down
  • Completamento di una Valutazione dei Rischi Salienti per i Diritti Umani
  • Mantenimento della carbon neutrality nelle operazioni globali
  • Focus sulla creazione di una forza lavoro diversificata

Il rapporto è integrato da rapporti approfonditi su diritti umani, sostenibilità e trasparenza, redatti in riferimento agli standard di reporting globali.

Meta ha lanzado su segundo Informe Anual sobre Prácticas Empresariales Responsables, destacando los esfuerzos para maximizar los impactos positivos y minimizar los negativos en la sociedad. El informe, titulado 'Desbloqueando el Potencial', proporciona métricas clave y perspectivas sobre el impacto social de Meta, incluidos hitos, políticas y programas que respaldan su estrategia de negocio responsable.

Los puntos destacados incluyen:

  • Publicar Llama, un modelo de IA de código abierto descargado más de 170 millones de veces
  • Lanzamiento de la AI Alliance para acelerar la innovación responsable en IA
  • Expansión de herramientas de supervisión parental a nivel mundial
  • Implementación de iniciativas de seguridad infantil como Lantern y Take It Down
  • Finalización de una Evaluación de Riesgos Relevantes en Derechos Humanos
  • Mantenimiento de cero emisiones netas en operaciones globales
  • Enfoque en construir una fuerza laboral diversa

El informe se complementa con informes detallados sobre derechos humanos, sostenibilidad y transparencia, elaborados en referencia a los estándares de reporte globales.

메타는 사회에 대한 긍정적인 영향을 최대화하고 부정적인 영향을 최소화하기 위한 노력을 강조하는 연례 책임 있는 비즈니스 관행 보고서를 발표했습니다. '잠재력 열기'를 주제로 한 이 보고서는 메타의 사회적 영향에 대한 주요 지표와 통찰력을 제공하며, 책임 있는 비즈니스 전략을 뒷받침하는 이정표, 정책 및 프로그램을 포함합니다.

주요 하이라이트는 다음과 같습니다:

  • 170백만 번 이상 다운로드된 오픈소스 AI 모델인 Llama의 출시
  • 책임 있는 AI 혁신을 가속화하기 위한 AI Alliance의 출범
  • 전 세계적으로 부모 감독 도구 확장
  • Lantern 및 Take It Down과 같은 아동 안전 이니셔티브 구현
  • 인권 주요 위험 평가 완료
  • 전 세계 운영에서 탄소 중립 유지
  • 다양한 인력 구성에 집중

이 보고서는 인권, 지속 가능성 및 투명성에 대한 심층 보고서로 보완되며, 글로벌 보고 기준을 참조하여 준비되었습니다.

Meta a publié son Rapport Annuel sur les Pratiques Commerciales Responsables, mettant en avant ses efforts pour maximiser les impacts positifs et minimiser les impacts négatifs sur la société. Le rapport, intitulé 'Débloquer le Potentiel', fournit des indicateurs clés et des insights sur l'impact sociétal de Meta, y compris les jalons, les politiques et les programmes qui soutiennent sa stratégie commerciale responsable.

Les points saillants comprennent :

  • Le lancement de Llama, un modèle d'IA open-source téléchargé plus de 170 millions de fois
  • Le lancement de l'AI Alliance pour accélérer l'innovation responsable en IA
  • Élargissement des outils de supervision parentale à l'échelle mondiale
  • Mise en œuvre d'initiatives de sécurité des enfants comme Lantern et Take It Down
  • Achèvement d'une Évaluation des Risques Salients en matière de Droits de l'Homme
  • Maintien d'une neutralité carbone dans les opérations mondiales
  • Concentration sur la création d'une main-d'œuvre diversifiée

Le rapport est complété par des rapports approfondis sur les droits de l'homme, la durabilité et la transparence, préparés en référence aux normes de reporting mondiales.

Meta hat seinen zweiten Jahresbericht über verantwortungsvolle Geschäftspraktiken veröffentlicht, der die Bemühungen hervorhebt, positive Auswirkungen zu maximieren und negative Auswirkungen auf die Gesellschaft zu minimieren. Der Bericht mit dem Thema 'Potenzial freisetzen' liefert wichtige Kennzahlen und Einblicke in die gesellschaftlichen Auswirkungen von Meta, einschließlich Meilensteinen, Richtlinien und Programmen, die die verantwortungsvolle Geschäftsstrategie untermauern.

Wichtige Highlights sind:

  • Die Veröffentlichung von Llama, einem Open-Source-AI-Modell, das über 170 Millionen Mal heruntergeladen wurde
  • Die Gründung der AI Alliance zur Beschleunigung verantwortungsvoller KI-Innovationen
  • Die globale Ausweitung von elterlichen Aufsichtswerkzeugen
  • Die Umsetzung von Kindersicherheitsinitiativen wie Lantern und Take It Down
  • Durchführung eines Menschenrechts-Risiko-Screenings
  • Aufrechterhaltung von Netto-Null-Emissionen bei globalen Operationen
  • Fokus auf den Aufbau einer vielfältigen Belegschaft

Der Bericht wird durch detaillierte Berichte über Menschenrechte, Nachhaltigkeit und Transparenz ergänzt, die unter Bezugnahme auf globale Berichtsstandards erstellt wurden.

  • Release of Llama, an open-source AI model, downloaded over 170 million times
  • Launch of AI Alliance to accelerate responsible AI innovation
  • Expansion of parental supervision tools globally
  • Implementation of child safety initiatives like Lantern and Take It Down
  • Completion of Human Rights Salient Risk Assessment
  • Maintenance of net zero in global operations
  • Establishment of science-based emissions reduction target and decarbonization roadmap
  • None.


  • Today Meta is releasing its second annual Responsible Business Practices Report, highlighting the company's efforts to maximize the positive impacts and minimize the negative impacts of its business on society.

  • Built around the theme of ‘Unlocking Potential,' the report compiles key metrics and insights on Meta's societal impact, including milestones, policies and programs that underpin its responsible business strategy.

  • The Responsible Business Practices Report is supplemented by in-depth reports on key areas such as human rights, sustainability and transparency, to provide a detailed overview of the company's business practices and progress.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 20, 2024 / Today marks the launch of Meta's second annual Responsible Business Practices Report, offering a detailed look at progress in addressing social and environmental priorities, as well as efforts to create sustainable value for stakeholders.

Meta organizes its responsible business approach around key pillars that enable the company to have a sustainable impact: operating transparently and sustainably, building responsibly and empowering people and partners. The 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report details progress in these pillars.

This year's report was prepared in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards and informed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), Internet and Media Services Industry Standards, the United Nations Global Compact and the Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

Unlocking Potential for Good

Emerging technologies like artificial intelligence (AI) and the metaverse represent Meta's long-term bets on the future. In 2023, these technological pathways began to intersect in the form of products, apps and services that help bring the metaverse to life. This year's report highlights efforts to develop these and other technologies responsibly, openly and transparently, with a focus on open source innovation.

In 2023, Meta made strides toward its goal of building general intelligence that's accessible to all by releasing Llama, a collection of open source LLMs. Meta believes access to cutting-edge AI can unlock potential for individuals around the world, and is proud to report that its models have been downloaded more than 170 million times since release.

Report Highlights

The theme of this year's report is unlocking potential. The report provides insights centered on the goal of creating positive change through open and transparent operations, app development and employee and partner relationships.

Here are some highlights:

  • Providing access to cutting-edge AI for individuals around the world through the release of Llama, Meta's collection of open-source LLMs

  • Launching the AI Alliance to accelerate responsible AI innovation, in collaboration with more than 50 companies and organizations

  • Expanding parental supervision tools globally to Facebook, Messenger and Horizon Worlds

  • Providing the infrastructure for Lantern, a program enabling technology companies to share signals about accounts and behaviors that violate child safety policies

  • Becoming founding members of Take It Down, a platform designed to help prevent young people's intimate images from spreading online

  • Completing a Human Rights Salient Risk Assessment, paying special attention to the rights, needs and challenges of individuals at heightened risk of becoming vulnerable or marginalized

  • Maintaining net zero in global operations, and establishing a science-based emissions reduction target and decarbonization roadmap to systematically transform the way Meta does business

  • Continuing to focus on building a diverse workforce that reflects and supports Meta's ability to serve billions of users around the globe

Further Reporting

The Responsible Business Practices Report is supplemented by in-depth reports on key areas such as human rights, sustainability and transparency, to provide a detailed overview of our business practices and progress.

Today, Meta is also launching its third annual Human Rights Report, which reflects a commitment to understanding, preventing and mitigating its highest priority human rights risks. In August, the company published its annual Sustainability Report, which outlines the progress made toward net zero, climate, water, energy and supply chain goals. And Meta regularly publishes transparency reports to give the community visibility into how it enforces its policies, responds to data requests and protects intellectual property, while monitoring dynamics that limit access to Meta technologies.

You can read the full Responsible Business Practices Report to learn more about responsible business practices at Meta.

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Spokesperson: Meta


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What is the theme of Meta's 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report?

The theme of Meta's 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report is 'Unlocking Potential,' focusing on creating positive change through open and transparent operations, app development, and employee and partner relationships.

How many times has Meta's open-source AI model Llama been downloaded?

Meta's open-source AI model Llama has been downloaded more than 170 million times since its release.

What global reporting standards did Meta use for its 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report?

Meta prepared its 2024 Responsible Business Practices Report in reference to the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) standards, informed by the Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB), United Nations Global Compact, and Task Force for Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD).

What is Meta's progress on environmental sustainability according to the 2024 report?

According to the 2024 report, Meta has maintained net zero in global operations and established a science-based emissions reduction target and decarbonization roadmap to systematically transform its business practices.

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