MIMEDX Announces Publication Focused on Surgical Applications Using MIMEDX Placental-Based Allografts in Nature – Scientific Reports

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MIMEDX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) announced the publication of a peer-reviewed study in Nature – Scientific Reports, focusing on how placental-based allografts may modulate scarring and fibrosis in surgical procedures. The study, titled "Human amniotic membrane modulates collagen production and deposition in vitro," is MIMEDX's first publication in this prestigious journal.

The research evaluated two configurations of PURION processed placental-based allografts: dehydrated human amnion chorion membrane (DHACM) and lyophilized human amnion chorion membrane (LHACM). Both demonstrated modulation of collagen production, deposition, and maturation, supporting the hypothesis that amniotic membranes may interrupt pathological fibrosis and restore tissue homeostasis.

This study adds to MIMEDX's growing body of evidence and expands the understanding of their allografts' regulatory capabilities in the fibrotic process, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes in procedures where pathological fibrosis results in detrimental scarring and dysfunctional tissue.

MIMEDX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) ha annunciato la pubblicazione di uno studio revisionato da esperti in Nature – Scientific Reports, focalizzato su come gli innesti allogenici basati sulla placenta possano modulare la cicatrizzazione e la fibrosi nelle procedure chirurgiche. Lo studio, intitolato "La membrana amniotica umana modula la produzione e la deposizione di collagene in vitro", è la prima pubblicazione di MIMEDX in questa prestigiosa rivista.

La ricerca ha valutato due configurazioni di innesti allogenici processati con metodo PURION: membrana amniotica umana corionica disidratata (DHACM) e membrana amniotica umana corionica liofilizzata (LHACM). Entrambi hanno dimostrato di modulare la produzione, la deposizione e la maturazione del collagene, supportando l'ipotesi che le membrane amniotiche possano interrompere la fibrosi patologica e ripristinare l'omeostasi tissutale.

Questo studio contribuisce al crescente corpo di evidenze di MIMEDX e amplia la comprensione delle capacità regolatorie dei loro innesti nel processo fibrotico, potenzialmente portando a risultati migliori per i pazienti in procedure in cui la fibrosi patologica provoca cicatrici dannose e tessuti disfunzionali.

MIMEDX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) anunció la publicación de un estudio revisado por pares en Nature – Scientific Reports, centrado en cómo los injertos alogénicos basados en placenta pueden modular la cicatrización y la fibrosis en procedimientos quirúrgicos. El estudio, titulado "La membrana amniótica humana modula la producción y deposición de colágeno in vitro", es la primera publicación de MIMEDX en esta prestigiosa revista.

La investigación evaluó dos configuraciones de injertos alogénicos procesados con PURION: membrana de amnio coriónico humano deshidratado (DHACM) y membrana de amnio coriónico humano liofilizada (LHACM). Ambos demostraron modulación de la producción, deposición y maduración del colágeno, apoyando la hipótesis de que las membranas amnióticas pueden interrumpir la fibrosis patológica y restaurar la homeostasis del tejido.

Este estudio añade al creciente cuerpo de evidencia de MIMEDX y amplía la comprensión de las capacidades regulatorias de sus injertos en el proceso fibrótico, lo que potencialmente podría llevar a mejores resultados para los pacientes en procedimientos donde la fibrosis patológica resulta en cicatrices perjudiciales y tejidos disfuncionales.

MIMEDX 그룹, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG)는 Nature – Scientific Reports에 동료 리뷰를 통과한 연구 결과를 발표했으며, 이 연구는 태반 기반의 동외 이식편이 외과적 절차에서 흉터와 섬유증을 조절할 수 있는 방법에 중점을 두고 있습니다. 이 연구는 "인간 태반막이 vitro에서 콜라겐 생산 및 침착을 조절한다"는 제목으로, MIMEDX의 이 저널에 대한 첫 번째 발표입니다.

연구는 PURION 처리된 두 가지 구성의 태반 기반 동외 이식편을 평가했습니다: 탈수된 인간 양막 - 장막막(DHACM)동결 건조된 인간 양막 - 장막막(LHACM). 두 이식편 모두 콜라겐 생산, 침착 및 성숙의 조절을 나타냈으며, 이는 양막이 병리학적 섬유증을 차단하고 조직 항상성을 회복할 수 있다는 가설을 뒷받침합니다.

이 연구는 MIMEDX의 증가하는 증거에 기여하고, 섬유증 과정에서 그들의 이식편의 조절 능력에 대한 이해를 확장하며, 결과적으로 병리학적 섬유증으로 인해 해로운 흉터와 기능장애 조직이 발생하는 절차에서 환자 결과 개선으로 이어질 수 있습니다.

MIMEDX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) a annoncé la publication d'une étude évaluée par des pairs dans Nature – Scientific Reports, se concentrant sur la manière dont les allogreffes basées sur le placenta pourraient moduler les cicatrices et la fibrose lors des procédures chirurgicales. L'étude, intitulée "La membrane amniotique humaine module la production et la déposition de collagène in vitro", est la première publication de MIMEDX dans cette revue prestigieuse.

La recherche a évalué deux configurations d'allogreffes basées sur le placenta traitées par PURION : membrane amniotique chorionique humaine déshydratée (DHACM) et membrane amniotique chorionique humaine lyophilisée (LHACM). Les deux ont montré une modulation de la production, de la déposition et de la maturation du collagène, soutenant l'hypothèse selon laquelle les membranes amniotiques pourraient interrompre la fibrose pathologique et restaurer l'homéostasie tissulaire.

Cette étude contribue à l'ensemble croissant de preuves de MIMEDX et élargit la compréhension des capacités régulatrices de leurs allogreffes dans le processus fibreux, ce qui pourrait potentiellement mener à de meilleurs résultats pour les patients dans des procédures où la fibrose pathologique entraîne des cicatrices nuisibles et des tissus dysfonctionnels.

MIMEDX Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) gab die Veröffentlichung einer begutachteten Studie in Nature – Scientific Reports bekannt, die sich darauf konzentriert, wie plazenta-basierte Allografts Narbenbildung und Fibrose bei chirurgischen Eingriffen modulieren können. Die Studie mit dem Titel "Die menschliche Amnionmembran moduliert die Kollagenproduktion und -ablagerung in vitro" ist die erste Veröffentlichung von MIMEDX in diesem renommierten Journal.

Die Forschung bewertete zwei Konfigurationen von mit PURION behandelten plazentabasierten Allografts: dehydrierte menschliche Amnionchorionmembran (DHACM) und lyophilisierte menschliche Amnionchorionmembran (LHACM). Beide zeigten eine Modulation der Kollagenproduktion, -ablagerung und -reifung, was die Hypothese unterstützt, dass Amnionmembranen pathologische Fibrose unterbrechen und die Gewebe-Homöostase wiederherstellen können.

Diese Studie trägt zu dem wachsenden Beweisbestand von MIMEDX bei und erweitert das Verständnis der regulatorischen Fähigkeiten ihrer Allografts im fibrösen Prozess, was potenziell zu besseren Patientenresultaten in Verfahren führen kann, bei denen pathologische Fibrose zu schädlichen Narben und dysfunktionalem Gewebe führt.

  • Publication in Nature – Scientific Reports, the 5th most-cited journal globally
  • Study demonstrates potential mechanism for MIMEDX's allografts to modulate scarring and fibrosis
  • Expands understanding of DHACM and LHACM allografts' regulatory capabilities
  • Supports potential applications for amniotic membranes in improving patient outcomes
  • Reinforces MIMEDX's commitment to innovation based on science and clinical evidence
  • None.

The publication of MIMEDX's study in Nature – Scientific Reports is a notable achievement, as this journal is one of the most cited in the world. This placement enhances the credibility of MIMEDX's research in surgical applications using placental-based allografts. From a scientific perspective, the study contributes to understanding how dehydrated and lyophilized human amnion chorion membranes (DHACM and LHACM) can modulate the fibrotic process, which could reduce scarring and improve tissue restoration. This insight is significant for medical professionals considering the use of these allografts in procedures where fibrosis and scarring are common concerns. The peer-reviewed nature of the publication provides a robust validation of the study's findings, potentially boosting the trust of healthcare providers and influencing their decision to adopt these products.

From a market perspective, the publication in such a prestigious journal as Nature – Scientific Reports can significantly elevate MIMEDX's brand within the medical community. Investors should view this as a positive development because it underscores the company's commitment to evidence-based innovation. This kind of high-profile validation can lead to increased adoption of MIMEDX's products, potentially driving sales growth. Additionally, as the demand for skin substitutes grows, MIMEDX's expanded research portfolio positions it favorably against competitors. The continuation of generating comprehensive clinical and scientific evidence supports product efficacy and could lead to broader acceptance and use in various clinical applications.

The inclusion of MIMEDX's research in a top-tier journal is likely to have positive implications for the company's stock price. This publication can be seen as a validation of the company's R&D investments and could lead to increased investor confidence. The findings suggest potential new applications for their allograft products, which may open up additional revenue streams. Furthermore, the reinforced credibility could attract more partnerships and collaborations in the future, adding to the company’s growth prospects. However, while this news is promising, investors should also consider the company's broader financial health and market conditions before making investment decisions.

Study adds to the Company’s growing body of evidence and expands the understanding of the regulatory capabilities of its DHACM and LHACM allografts on the fibrotic process

Marks MIMEDX’s first publication in the 5th most-cited journal in the world

MARIETTA, Ga., July 22, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- MiMedx Group, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDXG) (“MIMEDX” or the “Company”) today announced the publication of a peer reviewed study characterizing a potential mechanism by which placental-based allografts modulate the occurrence of scarring and fibrosis in surgical procedures. The article, “Human amniotic membrane modulates collagen production and deposition in vitro” represents the Company’s first publication in Nature and can be accessed online here.

“We are pleased to have this study published in Nature – Scientific Reports, a leading, peer-reviewed journal with a reputation for publishing best-in-class scientific literature,” stated Michelle Massee, MIMEDX Vice President of R&D. “In addition to developing market-leading products, our aim is to continue to generate the industry’s most comprehensive library of clinical and scientific publications in support of our products’ use and efficacy. Through our research we hope to identify additional potential applications for amniotic membranes to improve patient outcomes. With the industry as a whole placing greater importance on generating robust clinical data in the field of skin substitutes, we believe that the addition of this study reaffirms our commitment to lead this field with innovation based on science and clinical evidence.”

The study evaluated two configurations of PURION processed placental-based allografts for their ability to regulate fibrotic processes as modeled in a physiologically relevant in vitro system. Both dehydrated human amnion chorion membrane (DHACM) and lyophilized human amnion chorion membrane (LHACM) demonstrated modulation of collagen production, deposition, and maturation in support of the hypothesis that amniotic membranes may function to interrupt pathological fibrosis and restore tissue homeostasis. The relevance of this study is significant to procedures where pathological fibrosis results in detrimental scarring and dysfunctional tissue. These findings expound on the multi-modal mechanism by which amniotic tissue supports the resolution of acute and chronic wounds.

MIMEDX is a pioneer and leader focused on helping humans heal. With more than a decade of helping clinicians manage chronic and other hard-to-heal wounds, MIMEDX is dedicated to providing a leading portfolio of products for applications in the wound care, burn, and surgical sectors of healthcare. The Company’s vision is to be the leading global provider of healing solutions through relentless innovation to restore quality of life. For additional information, please visit

Matt Notarianni
Investor Relations


What is the significance of MIMEDX's study published in Nature – Scientific Reports?

The study, published in a prestigious journal, demonstrates how MIMEDX's placental-based allografts may modulate scarring and fibrosis in surgical procedures, potentially leading to improved patient outcomes and expanding the understanding of their products' capabilities.

What types of MIMEDX allografts were evaluated in the study?

The study evaluated two configurations of PURION processed placental-based allografts: dehydrated human amnion chorion membrane (DHACM) and lyophilized human amnion chorion membrane (LHACM).

How might MIMEDX's (MDXG) allografts benefit surgical procedures?

The study suggests that MIMEDX's allografts may function to interrupt pathological fibrosis and restore tissue homeostasis, potentially reducing detrimental scarring and improving functional outcomes in surgical procedures.

What is the title of MIMEDX's study published in Nature – Scientific Reports?

The study is titled "Human amniotic membrane modulates collagen production and deposition in vitro."

MiMedx Group, Inc


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Surgical & Medical Instruments & Apparatus
United States of America