PaceMate® Acquires Medtronic Paceart Optima™ System, Bringing Complementary Capabilities to Cardiac Data Management

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PaceMate®, a leader in cardiac data management and remote monitoring, has acquired Medtronic's Paceart Optima™ system, an on-premises cardiac workflow solution. This strategic move expands PaceMate's global reach by adding nearly 1,000 clinic locations worldwide. The acquisition enhances PaceMate's position as the preferred partner in advanced cardiac data management, offering a comprehensive end-to-end platform supporting various cardiac device types.

Key points:

  • Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) and PaceMate will collaborate for a seamless transition
  • Paceart employees will transition to PaceMate, ensuring continued support
  • PaceMate's flagship product, PaceMateLIVE™, is recognized as best-in-class remote cardiac monitoring software
  • The acquisition aims to set new standards in cardiac care and enable better patient outcomes and global innovation

PaceMate®, leader nella gestione dei dati cardiaci e nel monitoraggio remoto, ha acquisito il sistema Paceart Optima™ di Medtronic, una soluzione per il flusso di lavoro cardiaco on-premises. Questa mossa strategica espande la portata globale di PaceMate, aggiungendo quasi 1.000 sedi cliniche in tutto il mondo. L'acquisizione potenzia la posizione di PaceMate come partner preferenziale nella gestione avanzata dei dati cardiaci, offrendo una piattaforma completa end-to-end che supporta vari tipi di dispositivi cardiaci.

Punti chiave:

  • Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) e PaceMate collaboreranno per una transizione senza soluzione di continuità
  • I dipendenti di Paceart passeranno a PaceMate, garantendo un supporto continuo
  • Il prodotto di punta di PaceMate, PaceMateLIVE™, è riconosciuto come il miglior software per il monitoraggio remoto cardiaco
  • L'acquisizione mira a stabilire nuovi standard nella cura cardiaca e a facilitare migliori risultati per i pazienti e innovazioni a livello globale

PaceMate®, líder en gestión de datos cardíacos y monitoreo remoto, ha adquirido el sistema Paceart Optima™ de Medtronic, una solución de flujo de trabajo cardíaco local. Este movimiento estratégico amplía el alcance global de PaceMate al añadir casi 1,000 ubicaciones clínicas en todo el mundo. La adquisición fortalece la posición de PaceMate como socio preferido en la gestión avanzada de datos cardíacos, ofreciendo una plataforma integral de extremo a extremo que admite varios tipos de dispositivos cardíacos.

Puntos clave:

  • Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) y PaceMate colaborarán para una transición sin inconvenientes
  • Los empleados de Paceart se integrarán a PaceMate, garantizando un soporte continuo
  • El producto insignia de PaceMate, PaceMateLIVE™, es reconocido como el mejor software de monitoreo cardíaco remoto
  • La adquisición tiene como objetivo establecer nuevos estándares en el cuidado cardíaco y permitir mejores resultados para los pacientes e innovaciones globales

PaceMate®는 심장 데이터 관리 및 원격 모니터링의 선두주자로서 메드트로닉의 Paceart Optima™ 시스템을 인수했습니다, 이는 온프레미스 심장 작업 흐름 솔루션입니다. 이 전략적 움직임은 PaceMate의 글로벌 도달 범위를 확장합니다와 함께 전 세계 1,000곳 가까운 클리닉을 추가합니다. 이 인수는 PaceMate를 고급 심장 데이터 관리의 선호 파트너로서의 위치를 강화하며, 다양한 심장 장치 유형을 지원하는 포괄적인 엔드투엔드 플랫폼을 제공합니다.

주요 사항:

  • 메드트로닉(NYSE: MDT)과 PaceMate는 원활한 전환을 위해 협력합니다
  • Paceart 직원들은 PaceMate로 전환되어 지속적인 지원을 보장합니다
  • PaceMate의 주력 제품인 PaceMateLIVE™는 최고의 원격 심장 모니터링 소프트웨어로 인정받습니다
  • 이 인수는 심장 치료의 새로운 기준을 설정하고 더 나은 환자 결과 및 글로벌 혁신을 가능하게 하는 것을 목표로 합니다

PaceMate®, un leader dans la gestion des données cardiologiques et la surveillance à distance, a acquis le système Paceart Optima™ de Medtronic, une solution de flux de travail cardiologique sur site. Ce mouvement stratégique élargit la portée mondiale de PaceMate en ajoutant près de 1 000 établissements cliniques dans le monde entier. Cette acquisition renforce la position de PaceMate en tant que partenaire privilégié dans la gestion avancée des données cardiologiques, offrant une plateforme complète de bout en bout prenant en charge différents types de dispositifs cardiologiques.

Points clés :

  • Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) et PaceMate collaboreront pour une transition sans heurts
  • Les employés de Paceart seront transférés à PaceMate, garantissant un soutien continu
  • Le produit phare de PaceMate, PaceMateLIVE™, est reconnu comme le meilleur logiciel de surveillance cardiologique à distance
  • L'acquisition vise à établir de nouvelles normes en matière de soins cardiologiques et à permettre de meilleurs résultats pour les patients et l'innovation mondiale

PaceMate®, ein führendes Unternehmen im Bereich der Herzdatenverwaltung und Fernüberwachung, hat das Paceart Optima™-System von Medtronic erworben, eine Lösung für den kardiologischen Arbeitsablauf vor Ort. Dieser strategische Schritt erweitert die globale Reichweite von PaceMate, indem fast 1.000 Klinikstandorte weltweit hinzugefügt werden. Die Übernahme stärkt die Position von PaceMate als bevorzugter Partner im Bereich der fortschrittlichen Herzdatenverwaltung und bietet eine umfassende End-to-End-Plattform, die verschiedene Typen von Herzgeräten unterstützt.

Wichtige Punkte:

  • Medtronic (NYSE: MDT) und PaceMate werden zusammenarbeiten, um einen nahtlosen Übergang zu gewährleisten
  • Paceart-Mitarbeiter werden zu PaceMate wechseln, um eine kontinuierliche Unterstützung sicherzustellen
  • Das Flaggschiffprodukt von PaceMate, PaceMateLIVE™, wird als erstklassige Software zur Fernüberwachung von Herzpatienten anerkannt
  • Die Übernahme zielt darauf ab, neue Standards in der Herzversorgung zu setzen und bessere Ergebnisse für Patienten sowie globale Innovationen zu ermöglichen
  • Acquisition of Medtronic's Paceart Optima™ system expands PaceMate's global reach by adding nearly 1,000 clinic locations
  • Enhanced position as the preferred partner in advanced cardiac data management
  • Comprehensive end-to-end platform supporting various cardiac device types
  • Collaboration with Medtronic for seamless transition and customer support
  • Access to robust, research-grade data set for optimizing clinic operations and conducting research
  • None.

The acquisition of Medtronic's Paceart Optima™ system by PaceMate® is a significant strategic move in the cardiac data management sector. This deal expands PaceMate's global footprint by adding nearly 1,000 clinic locations worldwide, potentially boosting its market share and revenue streams. While specific financial terms weren't disclosed, the acquisition likely strengthens PaceMate's competitive position against other players in the cardiac monitoring space.

From an investor's perspective, this move could lead to increased long-term value for PaceMate, as it gains access to Medtronic's established customer base and complementary technology. The collaboration between the two companies during the transition period may also open doors for future partnerships. However, investors should monitor the integration process closely, as merging different systems and cultures can present challenges that might impact short-term performance.

PaceMate's acquisition of the Paceart Optima™ system is a strategic enhancement of their cardiac data management capabilities. By combining PaceMate's PaceMateLIVE™ platform with Paceart's on-premises solution, the company is positioning itself as a comprehensive provider in the cardiac remote monitoring market. This move allows PaceMate to offer a more diverse range of solutions, catering to both cloud-based and on-premises preferences of healthcare providers.

The integration of Paceart's technology could potentially accelerate innovation in cardiac data workflows, benefiting both clinicians and patients. Investors should note that this acquisition might lead to improved R&D capabilities, potentially resulting in more advanced products and services in the future. However, it's important to monitor how effectively PaceMate integrates and enhances the acquired technology to maintain its competitive edge in this rapidly evolving sector.

This acquisition positions PaceMate® as a dominant player in the global cardiac data management market. By absorbing Medtronic's Paceart customer base, PaceMate significantly expands its market reach and diversifies its product offerings. This move aligns with the growing trend of consolidation in healthcare technology, as companies seek to offer more comprehensive solutions.

The deal could potentially lead to increased market share and revenue growth for PaceMate, making it a more attractive investment prospect in the healthcare technology sector. However, investors should be aware of potential integration challenges and the need for continued innovation to maintain a competitive edge. The collaboration with Medtronic during the transition suggests a smooth handover, which could mitigate short-term risks. Long-term success will depend on PaceMate's ability to leverage this acquisition to drive innovation and improve patient outcomes in cardiac care.

SARASOTA, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- PaceMate®, a pioneer in cardiac data management and remote monitoring, announced today the acquisition of the Paceart Optimasystem, an on-premises cardiac workflow solution from Medtronic (NYSE: MDT.) This strategic move significantly expands PaceMate's reach globally, adding nearly 1,000 clinic locations worldwide. This further enhances PaceMate’s ability to provide the leading and most comprehensive cardiac remote monitoring solution, continuing its position as the preferred partner in advanced cardiac data management.

“After a comprehensive evaluation, we are confident PaceMate is the best organization to service Paceart customers and their future cardiac data workflow needs,” said Kweli P. Thompson, M.D., M.P.H., senior vice president and president, Medtronic Cardiac Rhythm Management. “PaceMate offers best-in-class cardiac data management solutions and will provide excellent ongoing support to Paceart customers.”

Medtronic Cardiac Rhythm Management and PaceMate will collaborate closely to ensure a seamless transition and maintain exceptional service for Paceart customers. "Our shared values, dedication to customer experience, and commitment to exceptional patient-centric cardiac solutions make this agreement a perfect fit," said Tripp Higgins, CEO of PaceMate. “Paceart customers will benefit from the continued support of Paceart employees transitioning to PaceMate, as well as enhanced service delivery and innovation. We are excited to set a new standard in the market by combining the strengths of both technologies for unparalleled support and advancement.”

PaceMate delivers the industry's leading comprehensive end-to-end platform, supporting the full spectrum of cardiac device types, including implantables, ambulatory monitors, heart failure devices, and remote patient monitors. This is paired with a complete suite of flexible solutions, including software, patient communications, and clinical service support.

PaceMate’s flagship product, PaceMateLIVE™, is recognized as the best-in-class remote cardiac monitoring software, leveraging powerful EHR integrations for seamless implementation, intuitive use, and intelligent patient prioritization. With the leading robust, research-grade data set, healthcare organizations have access to the most advanced tools for optimizing clinic operations and leveraging patient-centric data to conduct ground-breaking research. This acquisition complements PaceMate and brings it to the forefront of global cardiac care, enabling better patient outcomes and global innovation.

About PaceMate
PaceMate is a pioneering force in remote cardiac data management. We’re driven by a mission to modernize digital healthcare and envision a future of connected personalized cardiac care. Since 2015, PaceMate has been simplifying and streamlining device clinic operations into one easy-to-use platform—PaceMateLIVE. As the industry’s only comprehensive cardiac remote monitoring solution, PaceMateLIVE uniquely pairs device and EHR data and prioritizes patient care intelligently. Join us at to see how together—we never miss a beat.®


JR Finkelmeier

Chief Commercial Officer


Source: PaceMate


What did PaceMate acquire from Medtronic (MDT)?

PaceMate acquired the Paceart Optima™ system, an on-premises cardiac workflow solution, from Medtronic (NYSE: MDT).

How many clinic locations did PaceMate gain through the Medtronic (MDT) acquisition?

PaceMate gained nearly 1,000 clinic locations worldwide through the acquisition of Medtronic's Paceart Optima™ system.

What is PaceMate's flagship product for remote cardiac monitoring?

PaceMate's flagship product is PaceMateLIVE™, recognized as the best-in-class remote cardiac monitoring software.

How will the acquisition of Medtronic's (MDT) Paceart Optima™ system benefit PaceMate?

The acquisition will expand PaceMate's global reach, enhance its position in cardiac data management, and enable better patient outcomes and global innovation.

What types of cardiac devices does PaceMate's platform support?

PaceMate's platform supports the full spectrum of cardiac device types, including implantables, ambulatory monitors, heart failure devices, and remote patient monitors.

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