Medtronic Bike Donation Brightens School Year

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Medtronic employees surprised 200 students in Columbia Heights with new bikes, locks, and helmets. This donation was part of a volunteer effort where hundreds of Medtronic employees built the bikes. The initiative continues the legacy of Medtronic's founder, Earl Bakken, who grew up in Columbia Heights and inspired employees to contribute to their communities.

This bike donation is one of many efforts by Medtronic to create lasting change in communities. The company encourages its employees to give back and make an impact across various communities, following Bakken's vision of community involvement.

I dipendenti Medtronic hanno sorpreso 200 studenti di Columbia Heights con nuove biciclette, lucchetti e caschi. Questa donazione fa parte di un'iniziativa di volontariato in cui centinaia di dipendenti Medtronic hanno assemblato le biciclette. L'iniziativa continua l'eredità di Ear Bakken, fondatore di Medtronic, che è cresciuto a Columbia Heights e ha ispirato i dipendenti a contribuire alle loro comunità.

Questa donazione di biciclette è uno dei tanti sforzi di Medtronic per creare un cambiamento duraturo nelle comunità. L'azienda incoraggia i suoi dipendenti a restituire e avere un impatto in varie comunità, seguendo la visione di Bakken sul coinvolgimento comunitario.

Los empleados de Medtronic sorprendieron a 200 estudiantes en Columbia Heights con bicicletas nuevas, candados y cascos. Esta donación fue parte de un esfuerzo de voluntariado donde cientos de empleados de Medtronic construyeron las bicicletas. La iniciativa continúa el legado de Earl Bakken, fundador de Medtronic, quien creció en Columbia Heights e inspiró a los empleados a contribuir a sus comunidades.

Esta donación de bicicletas es uno de los muchos esfuerzos de Medtronic para crear un cambio duradero en las comunidades. La compañía anima a sus empleados a retribuir y generar impacto en diversas comunidades, siguiendo la visión de Bakken sobre la participación comunitaria.

메드트로닉 직원들은 콜롬비아 하이츠의 200명의 학생들에게 새로운 자전거, 자물쇠, 헬멧을 놀랍게도 선물했습니다. 이 기부는 수백 명의 메드트로닉 직원들이 자전거를 조립한 자원봉사 노력의 일환이었습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 메드트로닉 창립자 얼 바켄의 유산을 이어가는 것으로, 그는 콜롬비아 하이츠에서 자랐으며 직원들에게 지역 사회에 기여하도록 영감을 주었습니다.

이 자전거 기부는 메드트로닉이 지역 사회에서 지속적인 변화를 만들기 위한 많은 노력 중 하나입니다. 이 회사는 직원들이 지역 사회에 환원하고 영향을 미치도록 장려하며, 바켄의 지역 사회 참여 비전을 따릅니다.

Les employés de Medtronic ont surpris 200 étudiants à Columbia Heights avec de nouveaux vélos, des cadenas et des casques. Ce don faisait partie d'un effort de bénévolat où des centaines d'employés de Medtronic ont assemblé les vélos. L'initiative poursuit l'héritage de Earl Bakken, le fondateur de Medtronic, qui a grandi à Columbia Heights et a inspiré les employés à contribuer à leurs communautés.

Ce don de vélos est l'un des nombreux efforts de Medtronic pour créer un changement durable dans les communautés. L'entreprise encourage ses employés à redonner et à avoir un impact dans diverses communautés, suivant la vision de Bakken sur l'engagement communautaire.

Die Mitarbeiter von Medtronic überraschten 200 Schüler in Columbia Heights mit neuen Fahrrädern, Schlössern und Helmen. Diese Spende war Teil einer freiwilligen Initiative, bei der Hunderte von Medtronic-Mitarbeitern die Fahrräder zusammenbauten. Die Initiative setzt das Erbe von Earl Bakken, dem Gründer von Medtronic, fort, der in Columbia Heights aufwuchs und die Mitarbeiter inspirierte, sich in ihren Gemeinden zu engagieren.

Diese Fahrradspende ist eines von vielen Bemühungen von Medtronic, um nachhaltige Veränderungen in den Gemeinden zu schaffen. Das Unternehmen ermutigt seine Mitarbeiter, etwas zurückzugeben und in verschiedenen Gemeinschaften Einfluss zu nehmen, entsprechend Bakken's Vision der Gemeinschaftsbeteiligung.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 15, 2024 / Medtronic employees surprised 200 students in Columbia Heights with new bikes. Hundreds of Medtronic volunteers built the bikes, which were later donated to the students along with bike locks, and helmets. This effort is one of many that continue the legacy of Medtronic's founder, Earl Bakken, who grew up in Columbia Heights and inspired employees to contribute to their communities and create lasting change.

Learn more about how employees' commitment to giving back makes an impact across communities.

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Medtronic

SOURCE: Medtronic

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How many bikes did Medtronic donate to Columbia Heights students in October 2024?

Medtronic donated 200 bikes to students in Columbia Heights in October 2024.

What additional items did Medtronic (MDT) provide with the donated bikes?

Along with the bikes, Medtronic (MDT) provided bike locks and helmets to the students.

Who was the founder of Medtronic mentioned in the bike donation event?

The founder of Medtronic mentioned in the bike donation event was Earl Bakken, who grew up in Columbia Heights.

How were the bikes for the Medtronic (MDT) donation prepared?

The bikes for the Medtronic (MDT) donation were built by hundreds of Medtronic volunteers.

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