Veradigm Advances Deeper Clinical Insights Through NLP-Enhanced EHR Data

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Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) has announced the complete integration of advanced natural language processing (NLP) into its electronic health record (EHR) dataset. This enhancement allows for deeper clinical insights from unstructured EHR data, combined with structured data to create regulatory-grade, real-world data (RWD) for research purposes.

The Veradigm Network EHR Data is sourced from over 154 million unique patient records, making it one of the most comprehensive ambulatory databases in the United States. It encompasses over five billion distinct patient notes from multiple EHR systems and specialties, collected over a rolling five-year period.

Veradigm's NLP models, developed by clinicians and data scientists, extract important clinical insights into structured data tables. This integration offers researchers valuable insights into therapy decisions, disease progression, and patient outcomes, supporting clinical trials, regulatory submissions, and safety studies.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) ha annunciato l'integrazione completa di un avanzato sistema di elaborazione del linguaggio naturale (NLP) nel suo dataset di registri sanitari elettronici (EHR). Questo miglioramento consente analisi cliniche più approfondite dai dati EHR non strutturati, combinati con dati strutturati per creare dati del mondo reale (RWD) di qualità regolatoria per scopi di ricerca.

I dati EHR della rete Veradigm provengono da oltre 154 milioni di registri unici di pazienti, rendendolo uno dei database ambulatoriali più completi negli Stati Uniti. Include oltre cinque miliardi di note cliniche distintive provenienti da diversi sistemi EHR e specialità, raccolti nell'arco di un periodo continuo di cinque anni.

I modelli NLP di Veradigm, sviluppati da medici e scienziati dei dati, estraggono importanti informazioni cliniche in tabelle di dati strutturati. Questa integrazione offre ai ricercatori preziose informazioni sulle decisioni terapeutiche, la progressione delle malattie e gli esiti dei pazienti, supportando studi clinici, presentazioni regolatorie e studi di sicurezza.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) ha anunciado la integración completa de un avanzado procesamiento de lenguaje natural (NLP) en su conjunto de datos de registros de salud electrónicos (EHR). Esta mejora permite análisis clínicos más profundos a partir de datos no estructurados de EHR, combinados con datos estructurados para crear datos del mundo real (RWD) de calidad reguladora para fines de investigación.

Los datos EHR de la red Veradigm se obtienen de más de 154 millones de registros únicos de pacientes, lo que lo convierte en una de las bases de datos ambulatorias más completas de Estados Unidos. Abarca más de cinco mil millones de notas de pacientes distintas de múltiples sistemas EHR y especialidades, recopiladas durante un período de cinco años.

Los modelos NLP de Veradigm, desarrollados por clínicos y científicos de datos, extraen información clínica importante en tablas de datos estructurados. Esta integración proporciona a los investigadores información valiosa sobre decisiones terapéuticas, progresión de enfermedades y resultados de pacientes, apoyando ensayos clínicos, presentaciones regulatorias y estudios de seguridad.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX)는 전자 건강 기록(EHR) 데이터 세트에 고급 자연어 처리(NLP)를 완전 통합했다고 발표했습니다. 이 향상된 기능은 비구조적 EHR 데이터에서 더 깊은 임상 통찰력을 제공하며, 구조화된 데이터와 결합하여 연구 목적으로 규제 등급의 실제 데이터(RWD)를 생성합니다.

Veradigm 네트워크 EHR 데이터는 1억 5천만 개 이상의 고유 환자 기록에서 수집되어, 미국에서 가장 포괄적인 외래 치료 데이터베이스 중 하나로 자리잡고 있습니다. 이 데이터는 5년이라는 장기간에 걸쳐 여러 EHR 시스템 및 전문 분야에서 수집된 50억 개 이상의 개별 환자 노트를 포함합니다.

Veradigm의 NLP 모델은 임상 의사와 데이터 과학자에 의해 개발되었으며, 중요한 임상 통찰력을 구조화된 데이터 테이블로 추출합니다. 이 통합은 연구자에게 치료 결정, 질병 진행 및 환자 결과에 대한 귀중한 통찰력을 제공하여, 임상 시험, 규제 제출 및 안전 연구를 지원합니다.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) a annoncé l'intégration complète d'un traitement du langage naturel (NLP) avancé dans son ensemble de données de dossiers de santé électroniques (EHR). Cette amélioration permet d'obtenir des analyses cliniques plus approfondies à partir de données EHR non structurées, combinées avec des données structurées pour créer des données du monde réel (RWD) de qualité réglementaire à des fins de recherche.

Les données EHR du réseau Veradigm proviennent de plus de 154 millions de dossiers uniques de patients, ce qui en fait l'une des bases de données ambulatoires les plus complètes aux États-Unis. Elle englobe plus de cinq milliards de notes de patients distinctes provenant de multiples systèmes EHR et spécialités, collectées sur une période continue de cinq ans.

Les modèles NLP de Veradigm, développés par des cliniciens et des scientifiques des données, extraient des informations cliniques importantes dans des tableaux de données structurées. Cette intégration offre aux chercheurs des informations précieuses sur les décisions thérapeutiques, la progression des maladies et les résultats des patients, soutenant les essais cliniques, les soumissions réglementaires et les études de sécurité.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) hat die vollständige Integration fortschrittlicher natürlicher Sprachverarbeitung (NLP) in sein elektronisches Gesundheitsdatensatz (EHR) angekündigt. Diese Verbesserung ermöglicht tiefergehende klinische Einblicke aus unstrukturierten EHR-Daten, die mit strukturierten Daten kombiniert werden, um regulierungsfähige, reale Daten (RWD) für Forschungszwecke zu erstellen.

Die Veradigm Netzwerk EHR-Daten stammen aus über 154 Millionen einzigartigen Patientenakten und machen sie zu einer der umfassendsten ambulanten Datenbanken in den Vereinigten Staaten. Sie umfasst über fünf Milliarden distinct Patientennotizen aus mehreren EHR-Systemen und Fachrichtungen, die über einen Zeitraum von fünf Jahren gesammelt wurden.

Die NLP-Modelle von Veradigm, entwickelt von Kliniken und Datenwissenschaftlern, extrahieren wichtige klinische Erkenntnisse in strukturierte Datentabellen. Diese Integration bietet Forschern wertvolle Einblicke in Therapieentscheidungen, Krankheitsverläufe und Patientenergebnisse und unterstützt klinische Studien, regulatorische Einreichungen und Sicherheitsstudien.

  • Integration of advanced NLP into EHR dataset, enhancing access to valuable insights
  • Comprehensive database sourced from over 154 million unique patient records
  • Dataset encompasses over five billion distinct patient notes from multiple EHR systems
  • NLP-enriched data designed to maximize research potential and support various studies
  • None.

NLP-enhanced data from over 154 million patient records facilitates innovation in real-world evidence research via the Veradigm Network

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Veradigm® (OTCMKTS: MDRX), a leading provider of healthcare data and technology solutions, announced today the complete integration of advanced natural language processing (NLP) into its electronic health record (EHR) dataset. This integration enhances access to valuable insights from unstructured EHR data and combines it with structured data to create regulatory-grade, real-world data (RWD) that’s purpose-built for research.

Veradigm Network EHR Data is sourced from over 154 million unique patient records and is one of the most comprehensive ambulatory databases in the United States, providing insights on a wide range of geographically and demographically diverse patients. Veradigm ensures that its NLP-enriched EHR data is standardized, de-identified, and designed to maximize research potential.

The dataset encompasses over five billion distinct patient notes sourced from multiple EHR systems and a diverse range of specialties, collected over a rolling five-year period. The unstructured data is then processed by Veradigm’s NLP models, developed by clinicians and data scientists to extract crucial clinical insights into structured data tables. Veradigm Network EHR Data seamlessly integrates with third-party datasets, offering researchers the flexibility to link and expand their analyses.

“The future of healthcare research relies on access to real-time, comprehensive data, and a significant portion of this data is unstructured,” said Stuart Green, SVP and General Manager at Veradigm. “Veradigm has invested in developing solutions that bring together disparate structured and unstructured data to provide researchers a more comprehensive understanding of the patient journey.”

These data offer valuable insights into therapy decisions, disease progression, and patient outcomes. Researchers can also leverage Veradigm’s data to support clinical trials, regulatory submissions, and safety studies.

Veradigm offers customized, high-quality data solutions to meet specific research and business needs. To learn more, contact a Veradigm representative at

About Veradigm®

Veradigm is a healthcare technology company that drives value through its unique combination of platforms, data, expertise, connectivity, and scale. The Veradigm Network features a dynamic community of solutions and partners providing advanced insights, technology, and data-driven solutions for the healthcare provider, payer, and biopharma markets. For more information about how Veradigm is fulfilling its mission of Transforming Health, Insightfully, visit, or find Veradigm on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

© 2024 Veradigm LLC and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cited marks are the property of Veradigm LLC and/or its affiliates. All other product or company names are the property of their respective holders, all rights reserved.


Jenny Gelinas



Stephanie Bevan


Source: Veradigm


What is the significance of Veradigm's NLP integration for MDRX stock?

The integration of advanced NLP into Veradigm's EHR dataset enhances the company's ability to provide valuable clinical insights, potentially increasing its competitiveness in the healthcare data and technology solutions market. This could positively impact MDRX stock by attracting more researchers and clients to Veradigm's data services.

How many patient records does Veradigm's (MDRX) EHR dataset cover?

Veradigm's Network EHR Data is sourced from over 154 million unique patient records, making it one of the most comprehensive ambulatory databases in the United States.

What types of studies can Veradigm's (MDRX) NLP-enhanced data support?

Veradigm's NLP-enhanced data can support clinical trials, regulatory submissions, and safety studies. It offers valuable insights into therapy decisions, disease progression, and patient outcomes.

How does Veradigm (MDRX) ensure the quality of its NLP-enriched EHR data?

Veradigm ensures that its NLP-enriched EHR data is standardized, de-identified, and designed to maximize research potential. The NLP models are developed by clinicians and data scientists to extract important clinical insights into structured data tables.



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