Automated Medical Chart Retrieval Expands to 300,000+ U.S. Healthcare Providers via Veradigm eChart Courier

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Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) has announced that over 300,000 healthcare providers across the United States are now using its automated medical chart retrieval solution, Veradigm eChart Courier. This milestone highlights the increasing demand for solutions that enhance efficiency, reduce administrative burdens, and facilitate seamless connections between healthcare providers and payers.

The eChart Courier solution automates the medical chart retrieval process, saving time, resources, and expenses for both providers and health plans. It securely delivers medical records via electronic transfer and presents clinical data to health plans in an easily analyzable format.

Tom Langan, Interim CEO, President and Chief Commercial Officer of Veradigm, emphasized the company's commitment to helping healthcare stakeholders control costs and optimize health outcomes through innovative tools like eChart Courier. Keri Straub of Clinix Center for Health praised the solution for improving efficiency, reducing paperwork, enhancing compliance with health plan requirements, and allowing clinical teams to focus more on patient care.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) ha annunciato che oltre 300.000 operatori sanitari negli Stati Uniti stanno utilizzando la sua soluzione automatizzata per il recupero delle cartelle cliniche, Veradigm eChart Courier. Questo traguardo evidenzia la crescente domanda di soluzioni che migliorano l'efficienza, riducono i carichi amministrativi e facilitano collegamenti senza soluzione di continuità tra fornitori di assistenza sanitaria e assicuratori.

La soluzione eChart Courier automatizza il processo di recupero delle cartelle cliniche, risparmiando tempo, risorse e spese sia per i fornitori che per i piani sanitari. Fornisce in modo sicuro le cartelle cliniche tramite trasferimento elettronico e presenta i dati clinici ai piani sanitari in un formato facilmente analizzabile.

Tom Langan, CEO ad interim, Presidente e Direttore Commerciale di Veradigm, ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda ad aiutare gli attori del settore sanitario a controllare i costi e ottimizzare i risultati sanitari attraverso strumenti innovativi come eChart Courier. Keri Straub del Clinix Center for Health ha elogiato la soluzione per il miglioramento dell'efficienza, la riduzione della burocrazia, il potenziamento della conformità ai requisiti dei piani sanitari e la possibilità per i team clinici di concentrarsi maggiormente sulla cura dei pazienti.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) ha anunciado que más de 300,000 proveedores de atención médica en los Estados Unidos están utilizando su solución automatizada para la recuperación de registros médicos, Veradigm eChart Courier. Este hito destaca la creciente demanda de soluciones que mejoren la eficiencia, reduzcan las cargas administrativas y faciliten conexiones fluidas entre los proveedores de atención médica y los pagadores.

La solución eChart Courier automatiza el proceso de recuperación de registros médicos, ahorrando tiempo, recursos y gastos tanto para los proveedores como para los planes de salud. Entrega de forma segura los registros médicos a través de transferencia electrónica y presenta datos clínicos a los planes de salud en un formato fácilmente analizables.

Tom Langan, CEO interino, Presidente y Director Comercial de Veradigm, enfatizó el compromiso de la compañía en ayudar a los interesados en el sector salud a controlar costos y optimizar resultados de salud a través de herramientas innovadoras como eChart Courier. Keri Straub del Clinix Center for Health elogió la solución por mejorar la eficiencia, reducir la documentación, mejorar el cumplimiento de los requisitos de los planes de salud y permitir que los equipos clínicos se concentren más en la atención al paciente.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX)는 미국 전역에서 30만 명 이상의 의료 제공자가 자동화된 의료 차트 검색 솔루션인 Veradigm eChart Courier를 사용하고 있다고 발표했습니다. 이 이정표는 효율성을 높이고 행정적 부담을 줄이며 의료 제공자와 지불자 간의 원활한 연결을 촉진하는 솔루션에 대한 수요 증가를 강조합니다.

eChart Courier 솔루션은 의료 차트 검색 프로세스를 자동화하여 의료 제공자와 건강 계획 모두에 시간, 자원 및 비용을 절약합니다. 이 솔루션은 전자 전송을 통해 의료 기록을 안전하게 전달하고 분석하기 쉬운 형식으로 건강 계획에 임상 데이터를 제공합니다.

Veradigm의 임시 CEO이자 사장 및 최고 상업 책임자인 Tom Langan은 회사가 혁신적인 도구인 eChart Courier를 통해 의료 이해 관계자들이 비용을 통제하고 건강 결과를 최적화하는 데 도움을 주겠다는 약속을 강조했습니다. Clinix Center for Health의 Keri Straub은 이 솔루션이 효율성을 개선하고 서류 작업을 줄이며 건강 계획 요구 사항 준수를 강화하고 임상 팀이 환자 치료에 더 집중할 수 있도록 한다고 칭찬했습니다.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) a annoncé que plus de 300 000 prestataires de soins de santé à travers les États-Unis utilisent désormais sa solution automatisée de récupération de dossiers médicaux, Veradigm eChart Courier. Ce jalon met en évidence la demande croissante de solutions qui améliorent l'efficacité, réduisent les charges administratives et facilitent des connexions fluides entre les prestataires de soins de santé et les payeurs.

La solution eChart Courier automatise le processus de récupération des dossiers médicaux, faisant gagner du temps, des ressources et des frais aux prestataires et aux plans de santé. Elle fournit de manière sécurisée les dossiers médicaux par transfert électronique et présente les données cliniques aux plans de santé dans un format facilement analysable.

Tom Langan, PDG par intérim, président et directeur commercial de Veradigm, a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à aider les acteurs du secteur de la santé à contrôler les coûts et à optimiser les résultats de santé grâce à des outils innovants comme eChart Courier. Keri Straub du Clinix Center for Health a salué la solution pour son amélioration de l'efficacité, sa réduction du travail administratif, son renforcement de la conformité aux exigences des plans de santé et sa capacité à permettre aux équipes cliniques de se concentrer davantage sur les soins aux patients.

Veradigm (OTCMKTS: MDRX) hat bekannt gegeben, dass über 300.000 Gesundheitsdienstleister in den Vereinigten Staaten jetzt seine automatisierte Lösung zur Wiederbeschaffung medizinischer Unterlagen, Veradigm eChart Courier, verwenden. Dieser Meilenstein unterstreicht die steigende Nachfrage nach Lösungen, die die Effizienz erhöhen, administrative Belastungen reduzieren und nahtlose Verbindungen zwischen Gesundheitsdienstleistern und zahlenden Stellen erleichtern.

Die eChart Courier-Lösung automatisiert den Prozess der Wiederbeschaffung medizinischer Unterlagen, was Zeit, Ressourcen und Kosten sowohl für Anbieter als auch für Gesundheitspläne spart. Sie überträgt medizinische Aufzeichnungen sicher elektronisch und präsentiert klinische Daten den Gesundheitsplänen in einem leicht analysierbaren Format.

Tom Langan, Interim-CEO, Präsident und Chief Commercial Officer von Veradigm, betonte das Engagement des Unternehmens, den Akteuren im Gesundheitswesen zu helfen, Kosten zu kontrollieren und Gesundheitsresultate durch innovative Werkzeuge wie eChart Courier zu optimieren. Keri Straub vom Clinix Center for Health lobte die Lösung für die Verbesserung der Effizienz, die Reduzierung von Papierkram, die Verbesserung der Compliance mit den Anforderungen der Gesundheitspläne und die Möglichkeit für klinische Teams, sich stärker auf die Patientenversorgung zu konzentrieren.

  • Veradigm eChart Courier is now used by over 300,000 healthcare providers in the US
  • The solution automates medical chart retrieval, saving time and resources for providers and health plans
  • eChart Courier improves efficiency and compliance with health plan requirements
  • The product allows clinical teams to focus more on patient care
  • None.

The Veradigm Network continues to expand, driving value while saving time for healthcare providers and payers

CHICAGO--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Veradigm® (OTCMKTS: MDRX), a leading provider of healthcare data and technology solutions, announced today that more than 300,000 healthcare providers throughout the United States are currently using its automated medical chart retrieval solution, Veradigm eChart Courier.

This milestone reflects the growing demand for solutions that improve efficiency, reduce administrative burden, and seamlessly connect healthcare providers and payers.

“Manual chart chasing is time consuming and resource intensive for health plans and providers,” said Tom Langan, Interim CEO, President and Chief Commercial Officer of Veradigm. “Veradigm is committed to helping health care providers, health plans, and other healthcare stakeholders control costs and optimize health outcomes through actionable insights and innovative tools such as eChart Courier.”

Veradigm eChart Courier is an easy-to-use solution that helps save time, resources, and expenses for providers and health plans by automating the medical chart retrieval process. It delivers medical records securely via electronic transfer and provides clinical data to health plans in an easy-to-digest format for analysis.

"Ensuring a practice is running efficiently can be a challenge, but Veradigm eChart Courier has made the process of managing medical record requests much easier," said Keri Straub of Clinix Center for Health. "By automating the process, we've reduced time spent on paperwork and improved our compliance with health plan requirements, all while allowing our clinical team to focus more on patient care."

About Veradigm®

Veradigm is a healthcare technology company that drives value through its unique combination of platforms, data, expertise, connectivity, and scale. The Veradigm Network features a dynamic community of solutions and partners providing advanced insights, technology, and data-driven solutions for the healthcare provider, payer, and biopharma markets. For more information about how Veradigm is fulfilling its mission of Transforming Health, Insightfully, visit, or find Veradigm on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

© 2024 Veradigm LLC and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Cited marks are the property of Veradigm LLC and/or its affiliates. All other product or company names are the property of their respective holders, all rights reserved.


Jenny Gelinas



Stephanie Bevan


Source: Veradigm


What is Veradigm eChart Courier and how many healthcare providers use it?

Veradigm eChart Courier is an automated medical chart retrieval solution used by over 300,000 healthcare providers across the United States. It streamlines the process of retrieving and sharing medical records between providers and health plans.

How does Veradigm eChart Courier benefit healthcare providers and payers?

Veradigm eChart Courier benefits healthcare providers and payers by automating the medical chart retrieval process, saving time and resources, reducing administrative burden, improving compliance with health plan requirements, and allowing clinical teams to focus more on patient care.

What is Veradigm's stock symbol and market status?

Veradigm's stock symbol is MDRX, and it is currently traded over-the-counter (OTCMKTS).

Who is the current Interim CEO of Veradigm (MDRX)?

Tom Langan is currently serving as the Interim CEO, President, and Chief Commercial Officer of Veradigm (MDRX).



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Health Information Services
United States of America