Verona Sunset Is Named the 2025 Wedding Color of the Year

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BRIDES and Minted Weddings have unveiled Verona Sunset as the 2025 Wedding Color of the Year. This warm, citrusy hue, inspired by Italian aperitivi and the romantic backdrop of Romeo and Juliet, is set to influence wedding celebrations in 2025. To mark this debut, a new wedding stationery collection in four styles—Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color, and Whimsical Romance—has been launched. The collection includes save the dates, wedding invitations, and thank you cards, allowing couples to incorporate Verona Sunset into every aspect of their wedding. Additionally, BRIDES has released actionable content to help couples integrate this vibrant shade into their celebrations, featuring ideas from leading wedding planners. Minted notes a threefold increase in orange-hued stationery orders and a 50% rise in Italy-related searches, highlighting the trend's growing popularity.

BRIDES e Minted Weddings hanno presentato Verona Sunset come il Colore Matrimonio dell'Anno 2025. Questa tonalità calda e agrumata, ispirata agli aperitivi italiani e al romantico sfondo di Romeo e Giulietta, influenzerà le celebrazioni nuziali nel 2025. Per segnare questo debutto, è stata lanciata una nuova collezione di cancelleria nuziale in quattro stili—Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color e Whimsical Romance. La collezione include save the date, inviti di matrimonio e biglietti di ringraziamento, consentendo alle coppie di integrare Verona Sunset in ogni aspetto del loro matrimonio. Inoltre, BRIDES ha rilasciato contenuti utili per aiutare le coppie a integrare questa vivace tonalità nelle loro celebrazioni, con idee da parte di noti pianificatori di matrimoni. Minted segnala un aumento triplo negli ordini di cancelleria di colore arancione e un incremento del 50% nelle ricerche relative all'Italia, evidenziando la crescente popolarità della tendenza.

BRIDES y Minted Weddings han presentado Verona Sunset como el Color de Boda del Año 2025. Este tono cálido y cítrico, inspirado en los aperitivos italianos y el romántico trasfondo de Romeo y Julieta, está destinado a influir en las celebraciones de bodas en 2025. Para conmemorar este debut, se ha lanzado una nueva colección de papelería de bodas en cuatro estilos: Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color y Whimsical Romance. La colección incluye save the dates, invitaciones de boda y tarjetas de agradecimiento, permitiendo a las parejas incorporar Verona Sunset en cada aspecto de su boda. Además, BRIDES ha publicado contenido práctico para ayudar a las parejas a integrar este vibrante color en sus celebraciones, con ideas de destacados planificadores de bodas. Minted destaca un aumento triple en los pedidos de papelería de tonos naranjas y un incremento del 50% en las búsquedas relacionadas con Italia, subrayando la creciente popularidad de esta tendencia.

BRIDESMinted Weddings2025 웨딩 올해의 색깔Verona Sunset를 공개했습니다. 이 따뜻하고 감귤 향이 나는 색조는 이탈리안 아페리티프와 로미오와 줄리엣의 낭만적인 배경에서 영감을 받았으며, 2025년 웨딩 축제에 영향을 미칠 예정입니다. 이 데뷔를 기념하기 위해, 현대적인 준비, 예술적으로 손으로 그린, 현대적인 색상, 판타지 로맨스의 네 가지 스타일로 구성된 새로운 웨딩 스테이셔너리 컬렉션이 출시되었습니다. 이 컬렉션은 데이트 저장, 웨딩 초대장 및 감사 카드가 포함되어 있어 커플들이 결혼식의 모든 측면에서 Verona Sunset을 통합할 수 있습니다. 또한, BRIDES는 커플들이 이 생생한 색상을 그들의 축제에 통합하는 데 도움을 주기 위해, 유명한 웨딩 플래너들의 아이디어가 포함된 실행 가능한 콘텐츠를 발표했습니다. Minted는 오렌지 색조의 스테이셔너리 주문이 세 배 증가하고 이탈리아 관련 검색이 50% 증가했다고 언급하며, 이 트렌드의 증가하는 인기를 강조하고 있습니다.

BRIDES et Minted Weddings ont dévoilé Verona Sunset comme la Couleur de Mariage de l'Année 2025. Cette nuance chaude et fruitée, inspirée des apéritifs italiens et du cadre romantique de Roméo et Juliette, devrait influencer les célébrations de mariage en 2025. Pour marquer ce lancement, une nouvelle collection de papeterie de mariage, déclinée en quatre styles—Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color et Whimsical Romance—a été lancée. La collection comprend des cartes de sauvegarde de date, des invitations de mariage et des cartes de remerciement, permettant aux couples d'incorporer le Verona Sunset dans tous les aspects de leur mariage. De plus, BRIDES a publié des contenus pratiques pour aider les couples à intégrer cette couleur vibrante dans leurs célébrations, avec des idées de planificateurs de mariage renommés. Minted note une augmentation triplement des commandes de papeterie orange et une hausse de 50 % des recherches liées à l'Italie, soulignant la popularité croissante de cette tendance.

BRIDES und Minted Weddings haben Verona Sunset als Hochzeitsfarbe des Jahres 2025 enthüllt. Dieser warme, zitrusartige Farbton, inspiriert von italienischen Aperitifs und dem romantischen Hintergrund von Romeo und Julia, wird die Hochzeitsfeierlichkeiten im Jahr 2025 beeinflussen. Um dieses Debüt zu feiern, wurde eine neue Hochzeitspapeterie-Kollektion in vier Stilen—Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color und Whimsical Romance—herausgebracht. Die Kollektion umfasst Save-the-Dates, Hochzeitseinladungen und Dankeskarten, sodass Paare Verona Sunset in jeden Aspekt ihrer Hochzeit integrieren können. Darüber hinaus hat BRIDES umsetzbare Inhalte veröffentlicht, um Paaren zu helfen, diesen lebhaften Farbton in ihre Feierlichkeiten zu integrieren, mit Ideen von führenden Hochzeitsplanern. Minted verzeichnet einen dreifachen Anstieg der Bestellungen von orangefarbenem Papier und einen Anstieg von 50 % bei interaktiven Suchanfragen in Bezug auf Italien, was die wachsende Beliebtheit des Trends hervorhebt.

  • New wedding stationery collection launched, featuring Verona Sunset.
  • Threefold increase in orange-hued wedding stationery orders.
  • 50% rise in Italy-related searches among wedding consumers.
  • None.

BRIDES and Minted Weddings Identify Sunset Hue That Will Inspire Wedding Celebrations in 2025 and Beyond

NEW YORK, Oct. 3, 2024  /PRNewswire/ -- BRIDES, the leading editorial wedding publication celebrating 90 years since its debut, and Minted Weddings, the premium design marketplace for wedding stationery and decor, today introduced Verona Sunset as the 2025 Wedding Color of the Year. This warm, citrusy hue draws inspiration from recent runway shows, the rise of Italian aperitivi, and the romantic backdrop of Romeo and Juliet. From bold stationery to festive spritz bars, trendsetting couples are embracing this vibrant shade, and it's poised to make a statement for weddings in the year ahead.

To celebrate the color's debut, Minted Weddings and BRIDES have teamed up to launch a new wedding stationery collection featuring four distinctive styles: Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color, and Whimsical Romance. From save the dates and wedding invitation suites to day-of stationery and thank you cards, couples can seamlessly tie the bright, orange-tinged Verona Sunset into every aspect of their celebration.

"At BRIDES, we love to see couples push boundaries and plan colorful, unique weddings. Today's pairs are putting their personalities and modern trends front and center on their big days, and we're excited to share the up-and-coming shade that will inspire their planning journeys. Whether you want to host a bold and bright event or are looking for small, impactful ways to add pops of color to your ceremony and reception, we invite you to get to know Verona Sunset," said Gabriella Rello Duffy, Senior Editorial Director at BRIDES.

As part of the collaboration, BRIDES launched a package of actionable content for anyone who wants to incorporate Verona Sunset into their wedding celebration, with inspiring ideas and helpful how-tos. Couples can read about how the color was chosen, find inspiration for how to use it, get insight from leading wedding planners about the color, learn how to incorporate the shade into their wedding fashion, and explore honeymoon inspiration from the beautiful city of Verona.

"Minted is thrilled to debut our second annual Wedding Color of the Year in partnership with the trusted wedding experts at BRIDES. Minted's data insights—sourced from design challenges, consumer voting and real wedding customers—uniquely qualify us to identify trends and we predict the bold Verona Sunset to dominate the wedding landscape in 2025," said Melissa Kim, Co-Founder and CEO of Minted. "This punchy citrus color is experiencing tremendous growth—from vibrant fashion looks to the bright and bubbly Aperol spritz cocktail, and now in wedding celebrations too. In fact, wedding stationery orders featuring orange hues have increased threefold year to date. And with destination weddings also trending, we've found searches for 'Italy' increase by more than 50 percent among wedding consumers. Enter Verona Sunset—the vibrant hue that trendsetting couples will turn to in 2025 and beyond."

Verona Sunset is the second-annual Wedding Color of the Year from BRIDES and Minted Weddings. To shop the Minted + BRIDES 2025 Wedding Color of the Year collection, please visit

Follow @mintedweddings and @brides on Instagram and Pinterest for exclusive wedding inspiration and advice on how to integrate Verona Sunset into celebrations.

Collection images, including the Verona Sunset color swatch, can be found here, courtesy of Minted Weddings.

BRIDES inspires and guides over three million monthly users as they make decisions from pre-engagement through the honeymoon. BRIDES is committed to bringing readers an inclusive look at the world of weddings, with every type of couple, every type of wedding and every type of celebration. BRIDES is part of the Dotdash Meredith publishing family. For more information, visit

Minted is a premium goods marketplace, committed to discovering and fostering the world's untapped creative talent and bringing it to market. The company's wedding, holiday, gifts, art, stationery, and home furnishings products have reached more than 75 million homes worldwide. Using Minted's crowdsourcing technology, consumers are empowered to vote for the designs they love and want to see sold, ensuring that Minted continuously sells fresh and trend-forward products. The winning designs are manufactured by Minted, enabling artists from around the world to sell their work while letting Minted do the rest. Since launching in 2007, the company has expanded to serve consumers in new categories including wall art, textiles, digital content, home decor, and home furnishings. Minted also builds traditional retail distribution for its independent artist community, partnering with major retailers and consumer products brands. The company has raised more than $300 million from top-tier investors including Benchmark Capital, T. Rowe Price, Permira, Ridge Ventures, Technology Crossover Ventures, and Norwest Venture Partners. Learn more at


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What is the 2025 Wedding Color of the Year?

The 2025 Wedding Color of the Year is Verona Sunset, a warm, citrusy hue.

What styles are included in the new wedding stationery collection featuring Verona Sunset?

The collection includes four styles: Modern Prep, Artfully Hand-Drawn, Contemporary Color, and Whimsical Romance.

How has the popularity of orange-hued wedding stationery changed?

Orders for orange-hued wedding stationery have increased threefold year to date.

What trend has been observed in wedding consumers' searches related to destinations?

There has been a 50% increase in searches for Italy among wedding consumers.

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