SKUx and Mondelēz International Complete First Phase of Hedera Distributed Ledger Technology Innovation Project

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SKUx, a leader in item-level payments acceptance and digital payment innovation, has completed the first phase of its payment-based offer innovation project with Mondelēz International and Hedera, a leading enterprise distributed ledger technology (DLT) network. The project expands upon the current SKUx and Mondelēz customer service program, adding a near real-time digital payment option alongside traditional methods. It also publicly maps a subset of payment transactions to the Hedera Network, providing an end-to-end secure consumer offer experience tied to an immutable record of transaction.

This initiative represents the first real-world, public adoption of DLT to track the supply chain of consumer-packaged goods and digital payments. Mondelēz International, a leading multi-national food company, sees this as a step towards digital transformation and leveraging Web3 technologies to increase customer satisfaction and engagement in the face of volatile consumer behavior and complex supply chains.

SKUx, un leader nell'accettazione dei pagamenti a livello di articolo e nell'innovazione dei pagamenti digitali, ha completato la prima fase del suo progetto di innovazione delle offerte basate sui pagamenti in collaborazione con Mondelēz International e Hedera, una rete di tecnologia di registro distribuito (DLT) di punta. Il progetto si basa sul programma di servizio clienti attuale di SKUx e Mondelēz, aggiungendo un'opzione di pagamento digitale quasi in tempo reale accanto ai metodi tradizionali. Inoltre, mappa pubblicamente un sottoinsieme di transazioni di pagamento sulla rete Hedera, fornendo un esperienza di offerta sicura per i consumatori dall'inizio alla fine legata a una registrazione immutabile della transazione.

Questa iniziativa rappresenta la prima adozione reale e pubblica della DLT per tracciare la catena di approvvigionamento dei beni di consumo e dei pagamenti digitali. Mondelēz International, una delle principali aziende alimentari multinazionali, considera questo passo verso la trasformazione digitale e l'utilizzo delle tecnologie Web3 per aumentare la soddisfazione e il coinvolgimento dei clienti di fronte a comportamenti dei consumatori volatili e catene di approvvigionamento complesse.

SKUx, líder en la aceptación de pagos a nivel de artículo e innovación en pagos digitales, ha completado la primera fase de su proyecto de innovación de ofertas basado en pagos con Mondelēz International y Hedera, una red de tecnología de libro mayor distribuido (DLT) de primer nivel. El proyecto amplía el actual programa de atención al cliente de SKUx y Mondelēz, añadiendo una opción de pago digital casi en tiempo real junto a los métodos tradicionales. También mapea públicamente un subconjunto de transacciones de pago a la red Hedera, proporcionando una experiencia de oferta segura para el consumidor de extremo a extremo vinculada a un registro inmutable de la transacción.

Esta iniciativa representa la primera adopción pública y real de DLT para rastrear la cadena de suministro de bienes de consumo empaquetados y pagos digitales. Mondelēz International, una destacada empresa alimentaria multinacional, ve esto como un paso hacia la transformación digital y aprovechar las tecnologías Web3 para aumentar la satisfacción y el compromiso del cliente frente a un comportamiento del consumidor volátil y cadenas de suministro complejas.

SKUx는 품목 수준의 결제 수락 및 디지털 결제 혁신 분야의 선두주자로 첫 번째 단계Mondelēz InternationalHedera와 함께 완료했습니다. Hedera는 선도적인 분산 원장 기술(DLT) 네트워크입니다. 이 프로젝트는 현재 SKUx와 Mondelēz의 고객 서비스 프로그램을 확장하여 전통적인 방법과 함께 거의 실시간 디지털 결제 옵션을 추가합니다. 또한 지불 거래의 일부를 공개적으로 매핑하여 Hedera 네트워크에 연결합니다. 이는 종단 간의 안전한 소비자 제안 경험을 제공하며, 거래의 변조 불가능한 기록에 연결됩니다.

이 탈은 소비자 포장 상품 및 디지털 결제의 공급망을 추적하기 위한 DLT의 실제 세계에서의 최초의 공개 채택을 의미합니다. Mondelēz International은 다국적 식품 회사로서 이 과정을 디지털 혁신과 Web3 기술 활용으로 고객 만족도와 참여를 높이는 단계로 보고 있습니다. 이는 변동성이 큰 소비자 행동 및 복잡한 공급망에 직면해 있습니다.

SKUx, un leader en matière d'acceptation des paiements au niveau des articles et d'innovation des paiements numériques, a complété la première phase de son projet d'innovation d'offre basé sur les paiements avec Mondelēz International et Hedera, un réseau de technologie de livre de compte distribué (DLT) de premier plan. Ce projet s'appuie sur le programme de service client actuel de SKUx et Mondelēz, ajoutant une option de paiement numérique quasi en temps réel aux côtés des méthodes traditionnelles. Il cartographie également publiquement un sous-ensemble des transactions de paiement sur le réseau Hedera, offrant une expérience d'offre sécurisée tout au long du processus pour le consommateur liée à un enregistrement immuable de la transaction.

Cette initiative représente la première adoption réelle et publique de la DLT pour suivre la chaîne d'approvisionnement des biens de consommation emballés et des paiements numériques. Mondelēz International, une entreprise alimentaire multinationale de premier plan, considère cela comme une étape vers la transformation numérique et l'exploitation des technologies Web3 pour améliorer la satisfaction et l'engagement des clients face à un comportement des consommateurs volatile et à des chaînes d'approvisionnement complexes.

SKUx, ein führendes Unternehmen in der Akzeptanz von Zahlungen auf Artikelbasis und digitaler Zahlungsinnovation, hat d ie erste Phase seines innovationsbüros für zahlungsbasierte Angebote zusammen mit Mondelēz International und Hedera, einem führenden Unternehmen für verteilte Ledger-Technologie (DLT), abgeschlossen. Das Projekt erweitert das bestehende Kundenserviceteam von SKUx und Mondelēz um eine nahezu in Echtzeit verfügbare digitale Zahlungslösung neben traditionellen Methoden. Zudem kartiert es öffentlich eine Teilmenge von Zahlungstransaktionen auf dem Hedera-Netzwerk, was ein rundum sicheres Verbraucherangebotserlebnis bietet, das mit einem unveränderlichen Transaktionsprotokoll verknüpft ist.

Diese Initiative stellt die erste reale und öffentliche Nutzung der DLT dar, um die Lieferkette von Konsumgütern und digitalen Zahlungen zu verfolgen. Mondelēz International, ein führendes multinationales Lebensmittelunternehmen, sieht dies als Schritt toward digitale Transformation und den Einsatz von Web3-Technologien, um die Kundenzufriedenheit und das Engagement in Anbetracht des schwankenden Konsumentenverhaltens und komplexer Lieferketten zu erhöhen.

  • First real-world, public adoption of DLT for tracking consumer-packaged goods supply chain and digital payments
  • Addition of near real-time digital payment option to enhance consumer offer experiences
  • End-to-end secure consumer offer experience tied to immutable transaction records
  • Potential for increased customer satisfaction and engagement through digital transformation
  • Mondelēz International's participation in The Hashgraph Association's Enterprise Accelerator Program
  • None.

Mondelēz International offers, powered by SKUx, becomes the first real-world, public adoption of DLT to track the supply chain of consumer-packaged goods, digital payments.

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- SKUx, a leader in item-level payments acceptance and digital payment innovation, today announced the completion of the first phase of its payment-based offer innovation project with Mondelēz International and Hedera, an open source leading enterprise distributed ledger technology (DLT) network.

As a member of the Hedera Council, Mondelēz International, whose mission is to empower people to snack right, partnered with SKUx to develop innovative, DLT-based solutions on Hedera, focused on digital transformation initiatives, supply chain management, and enriched business processes to enable enhanced customer experiences.

The first phase of the innovation project successfully expands upon the current SKUx and Mondelēz customer service program in-market, which was designed to enhance consumer offer experiences by adding a near real-time, SKUx digital payment option alongside coupons, mailed paper checks, and vouchers. The expanded innovation project publicly maps a subset of these payment transactions to the Hedera Network, providing an end-to-end secure and seamless consumer offer experience tied to an immutable record of transaction, a groundbreaking step forward for the retail ecosystem.

“As a customer first global organization we are committed to being at the forefront of innovation,” said Xiang Xu, Global COE Leader of Digital Strategy and Blockchain at Mondelēz International. “With today’s high volatility in consumer behavior and increasingly complex supply chains, it is critical we focus on digital transformation and leveraging Web3 technologies to increase customer satisfaction and engagement. Our work with SKUx and Hedera provides unmatched transparency and is a real-world example of the transformational opportunity blockchain provides. This is only the beginning.”

Mondelēz International is a leading multi-national food company with iconic global and local brands such as Oreo, Ritz, LU, Clif Bar, and Tate's Bake Shop biscuits and baked snacks, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka, and Toblerone chocolate. The company has operations in more than 80 countries, employing approximately 91,000 diverse and talented employees across its factories, offices, research & development facilities, and distribution activities worldwide.

Bobby Tinsley, CEO and Co-founder of SKUx, said, “We are proud to play a pivotal role in delivering an incredible customer experience for Mondelēz as well as the broader retail industry. At SKUx, we’re helping merchants, brands, and payment partners unlock value with every transaction, with a mission to deliver personalized, seamless, and impactful buying experiences that drive loyalty, financial inclusion, and wellness.”

Recently, Mondelēz joined The Hashgraph Association’s Enterprise Accelerator Program which is offering Mondelēz funding, training, and Hedera-powered enterprise-grade solutions, among other support.

About SKUx

SKUx powers promotions and item-level payments at the speed of today’s consumer. With mobile phones, bar codes, virtual cards and app-based payments now ubiquitous tools of commerce, SKUx’s Digital Payments Platform provides flexible, end-to-end solutions to deliver value directly to customers. SKUPay® is a revolutionary tool for merchants to eliminate consumer friction in product-specific payment acceptance for use in health benefits, CPG promotions, travel/entertainment and other industries. SKUx Digital Payments is a suite of tools which provide multi-channel payments for company promotions, loyalty and benefits at the point of sale. The SKUx platform combines first-party data, mobile branding, DLT serialization, secure digital payments and settlement and other technology to deliver a seamless consumer experience and real-time transparency for merchants, brands, and payment partners. For more information, visit

About Mondelēz International

Mondelēz International, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDLZ) empowers people to snack right in over 150 countries around the world. With 2022 net revenues of approximately $31 billion, MDLZ is leading the future of snacking with iconic global and local brands such as Oreo, Ritz, LU, Clif Bar and Tate's Bake Shop biscuits and baked snacks, as well as Cadbury Dairy Milk, Milka and Toblerone chocolate. Mondelēz International is a proud member of the Standard and Poor’s 500, Nasdaq 100 and Dow Jones Sustainability Index. Visit or follow the company on Twitter at

About The Hashgraph Association

The Hashgraph Association is at the forefront of the digital enablement and empowerment of organizations through the broad adoption of Hedera-powered enterprise-grade solutions and decentralized applications, including funding training, innovation, and venture building programs globally. As a non-profit organization headquartered in Switzerland, The Hashgraph Association supports and funds innovation, research, and development that enables economic inclusion and a digital future for all, with a positive environmental, social, and governance (ESG) impact. For further information about The Hashgraph Association, visit

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Actual results, performance or achievement could differ materially from those contained in these forward-looking statements. Other unknown or unpredictable factors also could have a material adverse effect on our business, financial condition, results of operations and prospects. Accordingly, readers should not place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements are inherently subject to uncertainties, risks and changes in circumstances that are difficult to predict. Except as required by applicable law or regulation, we do not undertake (and expressly disclaim) any obligation and do not intend to publicly update or review any of these forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


Bobby Tinsley – SKUx CEO and Co-founder

Kevin Sugarman – Public Relations & Media Requests


Mondelēz International

Xiang Xu – Mondelēz International, Global COE Leader of Digital Strategy and Blockchain

The Hashgraph Association

Laura Cooley – Hashgraph, Sr. Director PR

Dustin Rotenberg – The Hashgraph Association, Head of Marketing


Source: SKUx


What is the significance of the SKUx and Mondelēz International project with Hedera?

The project represents the first real-world, public adoption of Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT) to track the supply chain of consumer-packaged goods and digital payments, potentially revolutionizing the retail ecosystem.

How does the SKUx and Mondelēz International (MDLZ) project enhance consumer experiences?

The project adds a near real-time digital payment option alongside traditional methods like coupons and paper checks, while also mapping transactions to the Hedera Network, providing an end-to-end secure consumer offer experience with immutable transaction records.

What benefits does Mondelēz International (MDLZ) expect from this digital transformation initiative?

Mondelēz International aims to increase customer satisfaction and engagement by leveraging Web3 technologies to address high volatility in consumer behavior and increasingly complex supply chains.

What is Mondelēz International's (MDLZ) involvement with The Hashgraph Association?

Mondelēz International has joined The Hashgraph Association's Enterprise Accelerator Program, which offers funding, training, and Hedera-powered enterprise-grade solutions to support their digital transformation efforts.

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