Mondelēz 2023 Snacking Made Right Report: Waste

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Mondelēz International has released its 2023 Snacking Made Right Report, highlighting significant progress in waste reduction. The company has exceeded its 2025 goals, achieving a 28% reduction in food waste at manufacturing sites and a 69% reduction in food waste from distribution. Key initiatives include:

- Implementing Lean Six Sigma practices and digital solutions
- Tracking waste trends monthly and analyzing for reduction opportunities
- Focusing on making production lines more efficient
- Partnering with the Too Good To Go app to reduce waste from best-before dates
- Donating surplus products to Matmissionen Supermarkets in Sweden

Mondelēz continues to prioritize food waste elimination through prevention and reduction programs, collaborating with key partners to drive further improvements.

Mondelēz International ha pubblicato il suo Rapporto 2023 "Snacking Made Right", evidenziando progressi significativi nella riduzione dei rifiuti. L'azienda ha superato i suoi obiettivi del 2025, raggiungendo una riduzione del 28% degli sprechi alimentari nei siti di produzione e una riduzione del 69% degli sprechi alimentari dalla distribuzione. Le iniziative chiave includono:

- Implementazione delle pratiche Lean Six Sigma e soluzioni digitali
- Monitoraggio mensile delle tendenze dei rifiuti e analisi delle opportunità di riduzione
- Focus sul miglioramento dell'efficienza delle linee di produzione
- Collaborazione con l'app Too Good To Go per ridurre i rifiuti dai termini di scadenza
- Donazione di prodotti in surplus ai Supermercati Matmissionen in Svezia

Mondelēz continua a dare priorità all'eliminazione degli sprechi alimentari attraverso programmi di prevenzione e riduzione, collaborando con partner chiave per promuovere ulteriori miglioramenti.

Mondelēz International ha lanzado su Informe 2023 "Snacking Made Right", destacando avances significativos en la reducción de residuos. La compañía ha superado sus objetivos de 2025, logrando una reducción del 28% en el desperdicio de alimentos en los sitios de fabricación y una reducción del 69% en el desperdicio de alimentos de la distribución. Las iniciativas clave incluyen:

- Implementación de prácticas Lean Six Sigma y soluciones digitales
- Seguimiento mensual de las tendencias de residuos y análisis de oportunidades de reducción
- Enfoque en hacer más eficientes las líneas de producción
- Asociación con la app Too Good To Go para reducir residuos de fechas de caducidad
- Donación de productos en exceso a Supermercados Matmissionen en Suecia

Mondelēz sigue priorizando la eliminación del desperdicio de alimentos a través de programas de prevención y reducción, colaborando con socios clave para impulsar mejoras adicionales.

몬델리즈 인터내셔널이 2023년 "Snacking Made Right" 보고서를 발표하며 폐기물 감소에서 중요한 진전을 강조했습니다. 이 회사는 2025년 목표를 초과 달성하여 제조 사이트에서 식품 폐기물 28% 감소, 유통에서 식품 폐기물 69% 감소를 이루었습니다. 주요 이니셔티브는 다음과 같습니다:

- 린 식스 시그마 실천 및 디지털 솔루션 구현
- 매월 폐기물 추세 추적 및 감소 기회 분석
- 생산 라인의 효율성 향상에 집중
- Too Good To Go 앱과 협력하여 유통기한에 의한 폐기물 감소
- 스웨덴의 Matmissionen 슈퍼마켓에 잉여 제품 기부

몬델리즈는 식품 폐기물 제거를 위한 예방 및 감소 프로그램을 우선시하며, 주요 파트너와 협력하여 추가 개선을 추진하고 있습니다.

Mondelēz International a publié son Rapport 2023 "Snacking Made Right", mettant en lumière des avancées significatives en matière de réduction des déchets. L'entreprise a dépasse ses objectifs de 2025, réalisant une réduction de 28 % des déchets alimentaires dans ses sites de fabrication et une réduction de 69 % des déchets alimentaires provenant de la distribution. Les initiatives clés comprennent :

- Mise en œuvre de pratiques Lean Six Sigma et de solutions numériques
- Suivi mensuel des tendances des déchets et analyse des opportunités de réduction
- Concentration sur l'amélioration de l'efficacité des lignes de production
- Partenariat avec l'application Too Good To Go pour réduire les déchets liés aux dates limites de consommation
- Don d'excédents de produits aux Supermarchés Matmissionen en Suède

Mondelēz continue de donner la priorité à l'élimination des déchets alimentaires par le biais de programmes de prévention et de réduction, en collaborant avec des partenaires clés pour favoriser d'autres améliorations.

Mondelēz International hat seinen Bericht 2023 "Snacking Made Right" veröffentlicht und bedeutende Fortschritte in der Abfallreduzierung hervorgehoben. Das Unternehmen hat seine Ziele für 2025 übertroffen und erreicht eine 28%ige Reduzierung der Lebensmittelabfälle an den Produktionsstandorten sowie eine 69%ige Reduzierung der Lebensmittelabfälle aus der Distribution. Wichtige Initiativen sind:

- Implementierung von Lean Six Sigma-Praktiken und digitalen Lösungen
- Monatliche Verfolgung der Abfalltrends und Analyse von Reduzierungsmöglichkeiten
- Fokus auf die Effizienzsteigerung der Produktionslinien
- Partnerschaft mit der Too Good To Go App, um Abfall durch Mindesthaltbarkeitsdaten zu reduzieren
- Spende von Überschussprodukten an Matmissionen Supermärkte in Schweden

Mondelēz priorisiert weiterhin die Eliminierung von Lebensmittelabfällen durch Präventions- und Reduktionsprogramme und arbeitet mit wichtigen Partnern zusammen, um weitere Verbesserungen voranzutreiben.

  • None.
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 12, 2024 / Mondelēz International

We've been working for years at Mondelēz International to keep reducing the levels of waste from our operations. We continue to sharpen our focus on food waste, engaging in initiatives aiming to avoid it.

Close to a third of all food produced for human consumption is lost or wasted. That's why we're focused on key actions across our Company-owned manufacturing sites to reduce and eliminate food waste.

First, we have in place effective governance procedures that help us identify wastage hot spots and focus on the biggest losses incurred during production. This enables us to create ever-better process capabilities for reduction of waste.

We then apply proven Lean Six Sigma practices, using leading engineering and digital solutions. We continually track performance, enabling us to intervene quickly when corrective actions are needed. Within our manufacturing teams, we are continuously working to identify opportunities and course correct our practices.

During the last year, we focused our key waste-related sustainability initiatives on making our production lines more efficient. We tracked waste trends every month, analyzing them to identify the best opportunities for reduction across all processes and geographies.

In addition to our 2025 goal of reducing food waste in internal manufacturing by approximately 15% (compared to our 2018 baseline) and individual goals across our regions, our businesses and sites keep us focused on continuous improvement in areas like waste generated, waste treated and waste to landfill. While our primary focus is on food waste, we also analyzed all our waste management throughout the year to identify and act on all major opportunities.

In 2023, this approach drove down food waste at our manufacturing sites by about (28)%- well ahead of our 2025 goal of approximately 15%. We also delivered about a (69)% reduction in food waste from distribution, surpassing our approximately 50% goal for 2025 (against our 2018 baseline).

For instance, our Sri-City plant in India initiated a multi-pronged approach with a tight governance mechanism to significantly reduce food waste. The approach leveraged IL6S methodology to identify waste generation sources and involved a loss analysis to improve process performance with reduced variability.

Our Richmond bakery plant in the U.S. achieved food waste reduction driven by more than 65 productivity projects that contributed to the improvement in waste reduction.

In Brazil, our Curitiba plant drove multiple scrap reduction and compost reprocessing flow optimization projects which have together resulted in a reduction of more than hundreds of metric tonnes of food waste compared to previous year. Also in Brazil, our Recife plant focused on scrap reduction in the wafer and cookie lines delivering waste reduction.

In 2023, our Philadelphia brand partnered with the innovative Too Good To Go app to help shoppers in Austria, Germany, Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden and Switzerland buy food right before it goes to waste. We identified an opportunity and worked together to address the uncertainty often caused by the best-before date (BBD), printing the "Often Good After" logo on our packaging.

We also co-created social media videos in Germany encouraging people to LOOK, SMELL, TASTE before throwing away anything unnecessarily.

In Sweden, we're also donating surplus products to Matmissionen Supermarkets, which are then sold at a reduced price to economically vulnerable consumers.

At Mondelēz International, we continue our path towards food waste elimination by leveraging our business programs in food waste prevention and reduction with key collaborators. This focused effort has allowed us to achieve and exceed in 2023 our 2025 goal.

View the full 2023 Snacking Made Right Report

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Contact Info:
Spokesperson: Mondelēz International

SOURCE: Mondelēz International

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What was Mondelēz International's (MDLZ) food waste reduction achievement in 2023?

Mondelēz International (MDLZ) achieved a 28% reduction in food waste at manufacturing sites and a 69% reduction in food waste from distribution in 2023, exceeding their 2025 goals of 15% and 50% respectively.

How is Mondelēz (MDLZ) addressing food waste through technology?

Mondelēz (MDLZ) is using Lean Six Sigma practices, digital solutions, and partnering with the Too Good To Go app to reduce food waste. They also track waste trends monthly and analyze data to identify reduction opportunities.

What initiative did Mondelēz's (MDLZ) Philadelphia brand launch to reduce food waste in 2023?

In 2023, Mondelēz's (MDLZ) Philadelphia brand partnered with the Too Good To Go app in several European countries, printing an 'Often Good After' logo on packaging to address uncertainty caused by best-before dates and reduce food waste.

How is Mondelēz (MDLZ) contributing to food waste reduction in Sweden?

In Sweden, Mondelēz (MDLZ) is donating surplus products to Matmissionen Supermarkets, where they are sold at reduced prices to economically vulnerable consumers, helping to reduce food waste and support the community.

What are some specific examples of Mondelēz's (MDLZ) food waste reduction efforts in 2023?

In 2023, Mondelēz (MDLZ) implemented food waste reduction projects at various plants, including a multi-pronged approach at the Sri-City plant in India, over 65 productivity projects at the Richmond bakery in the U.S., and scrap reduction initiatives at the Curitiba and Recife plants in Brazil.

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