MDJM LTD Appoints Professor Duncan Murray Campbell to Promote Cultural Initiatives in the UK

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MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH), a global culture-driven asset management company, has appointed Professor Duncan Murray Campbell to the Expert Committee of its UK subsidiary, MD Local Global Professor Campbell, a renowned expert in Chinese cultural history and Eastern garden design, is expected to play a important role in MDJM's cultural projects in the UK. With over 40 years of experience, he will contribute to all project phases, from planning to operations. His appointment aims to enhance the artistic positioning of Eastern gardens, expand MDJM's cultural resources, and foster global cultural exchanges. MDJM will compensate Professor Campbell with company shares for his contributions.

MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH), una società di gestione patrimoniale guidata dalla cultura a livello globale, ha nominato il Professor Duncan Murray Campbell nel Comitato Esperti della sua filiale nel Regno Unito, MD Local Global. Il Professor Campbell, esperto rinomato in storia culturale cinese e design di giardini orientali, è previsto avere un ruolo importante nei progetti culturali di MDJM nel Regno Unito. Con oltre 40 anni di esperienza, contribuirà a tutte le fasi del progetto, dalla pianificazione alle operazioni. La sua nomina mira a migliorare il posizionamento artistico dei giardini orientali, espandere le risorse culturali di MDJM e favorire gli scambi culturali globali. MDJM compenserà il Professor Campbell con azioni della società per i suoi contributi.

MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH), una empresa global de gestión de activos impulsada por la cultura, ha nombrado al Profesor Duncan Murray Campbell para el Comité de Expertos de su filial en el Reino Unido, MD Local Global. El Profesor Campbell, un experto reconocido en historia cultural china y diseño de jardines orientales, se espera que desempeñe un papel importante en los proyectos culturales de MDJM en el Reino Unido. Con más de 40 años de experiencia, contribuirá en todas las fases del proyecto, desde la planificación hasta las operaciones. Su nombramiento tiene como objetivo mejorar la posición artística de los jardines orientales, expandir los recursos culturales de MDJM y fomentar intercambios culturales globales. MDJM compensará al Profesor Campbell con acciones de la empresa por sus contribuciones.

MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH)은 문화 기반의 글로벌 자산 관리 회사로서, 던컨 머레이 캠벨 교수를 자사의 영국 자회사인 MD 로컬 글로벌의 전문가 위원회에 임명했습니다. 캠벨 교수는 중국 문화 역사 및 동양 정원 디자인의 권위자로, MDJM의 영국 문화 프로젝트에서 중요한 역할을 할 것으로 기대됩니다. 40년 이상의 경력을 가진 그는 계획부터 운영까지 모든 프로젝트 단계에 기여할 것입니다. 그의 임명은 동양 정원의 예술적 위치를 강화하고, MDJM의 문화 자원을 확장하며, 글로벌 문화 교류를 촉진하기 위한 목적입니다. MDJM은 그의 기여에 대해 회사 주식으로 보상할 것입니다.

MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH), une entreprise de gestion d'actifs à portée mondiale axée sur la culture, a nommé le Professeur Duncan Murray Campbell au Comité d'Experts de sa filiale au Royaume-Uni, MD Local Global. Le Professeur Campbell, expert renommé en histoire culturelle chinoise et en design de jardins orientaux, devrait jouer un rôle important dans les projets culturels de MDJM au Royaume-Uni. Fort de plus de 40 ans d'expérience, il contribuera à toutes les étapes du projet, de la planification à l'exploitation. Sa nomination vise à améliorer le positionnement artistique des jardins orientaux, à élargir les ressources culturelles de MDJM et à favoriser les échanges culturels mondiaux. MDJM dédommagera le Professeur Campbell avec des actions de l'entreprise pour ses contributions.

MDJM (Nasdaq: MDJH), ein weltweit kulturgeführtes Vermögensverwaltungsunternehmen, hat Professor Duncan Murray Campbell in das Expertengremium seiner britischen Tochtergesellschaft MD Local Global berufen. Professor Campbell, ein renommierter Experte für chinesische Kulturgeschichte und östliche Gartengestaltung, wird voraussichtlich eine wichtige Rolle in den Kulturprojekten von MDJM im Vereinigten Königreich spielen. Mit über 40 Jahren Erfahrung wird er zu allen Phasen des Projekts beitragen, von der Planung bis zum Betrieb. Seine Ernennung zielt darauf ab, die künstlerische Positionierung östlicher Gärten zu verbessern, die kulturellen Ressourcen von MDJM zu erweitern und kulturelle Austausche weltweit zu fördern. MDJM wird Professor Campbell für seine Beiträge mit Unternehmensanteilen entschädigen.

  • Appointment of a renowned expert in Chinese culture and Eastern garden design
  • Potential enhancement of MDJM's cultural projects in the UK
  • Expansion of the company's cultural resources and portfolio
  • Compensation through share issuance, potentially aligning the expert's interests with the company
  • None.

LETHAM, Scotland, Aug. 14, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- MDJM LTD (Nasdaq: MDJH) (the "Company" or "MDJM"), an integrated global culture-driven asset management company, announced today the appointment of Professor Duncan Murray Campbell to the Expert Committee of its wholly owned subsidiary, MD Local Global Limited, a United Kingdom Company. Professor Campbell's extensive expertise in Chinese cultural history and Eastern garden design is expected to play a pivotal role in MDJM's ongoing and future cultural projects in the UK.

Professor Duncan Murray Campbell is a distinguished historian, translator, and expert in Chinese culture, with over 40 years of experience. He has held academic positions at the University of Auckland, Victoria University of Wellington, and the Australian National University. He has also served as the Director of the East Asian Garden Studies at the Huntington Library, where he oversaw the development of the Huntington Chinese Garden, which is one of the largest Chinese-style garden in the world outside of China. He has also been awarded the Special Book Award of China for his outstanding contributions introducing Chinese culture to the world.

In his role at MDJM, Professor Campbell is expected to engage in all phases of the projects, from strategic planning and design to implementation and operations. Drawing on his extensive expertise, it is anticipated that he will guide the artistic positioning and operational model of Eastern gardens, enrich MDJM's cultural portfolio by expanding its cultural resources, and foster deeper cultural exchanges and collaborations on a global scale. MDJM will compensate Professor Campbell through the issuance of Company shares, as consideration for his contributions to the Company's cultural initiatives.

We anticipate that MDJM's broader cultural initiatives, including the ongoing development of the Eastern garden at Fernie Castle, will benefitfrom Professor Campbell's expertise. His involvement is expected toelevate the cultural integrity and artistic value of these projects, positioning them for global recognition and success. As part of MDJM's new business initiatives, which leverage its historic properties as platforms for Eastern and Western cultural and artistic exchange, the renovation of Fernie Castle continues to progress, offering a venue for cultural dialogue among experts from diverse fields around the world.

"We are honored to have Professor Duncan Murray Campbell join our team," said Mr. Siping Xu, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of MDJM. " We anticipate that his profound knowledge of Chinese culture and garden design will greatly enhance our efforts to develop meaningful cultural projects. As we advance our strategic vision, MDJM will continue to foster cultural diversity and broaden our influence through innovative collaborations and exchanges with cultural professionals from around the globe."


MDJM LTD is a global culture-driven asset management company focused on transforming historical properties into cultural hubs that blend modern digital technology with rich historical value. The Company is actively expanding its operations in the UK, where it is developing projects such as Fernie Castle in Scotland and the Robin Hill Property in England. These properties are being remodeled into multi-functional cultural venues that will feature fine dining, hospitality services, art exhibitions, and cultural exchange events. As part of its broader strategy, MDJM is positioning itself as a hub for artisan exchanges, art shows, and sales, leveraging its historical properties as platforms for promoting Eastern and Western cultural exchanges. This initiative reflects the Company's commitment to furthering its global market expansion and enhancing its cultural business footprint. For more information regarding the Company, please visit

Forward-Looking Statements

This announcement contains forward-looking statements. All statements other than statements of historical fact in this announcement are forward-looking statements. These forward-looking statements involve known and unknown risks and uncertainties and are based on current expectations and projections about future events and financial trends that the Company believes may affect its financial condition, results of operations, business strategy, and financial needs. Investors can identify these forward-looking statements by words or phrases such as "may," "will," "expect," "anticipate," "aim," "estimate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "potential," "continue," "is/are likely to" or other similar expressions. The Company undertakes no obligation to update forward-looking statements to reflect subsequent occurring events or circumstances, or changes in its expectations, except as may be required by law. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and the Company cautions investors that actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results and encourages investors to review other factors that may affect its future results in the Company's annual report on Form 20-F and its other filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.

Investor Contact:

Sherry Zheng
Weitian Group LLC
Phone: +1 718-213-7386

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Who is Professor Duncan Murray Campbell and why was he appointed by MDJM?

Professor Duncan Murray Campbell is a distinguished historian and expert in Chinese culture with over 40 years of experience. MDJM appointed him to the Expert Committee of its UK subsidiary to enhance its cultural projects, particularly in Eastern garden design and cultural exchanges.

How will Professor Campbell's appointment impact MDJM's projects?

Professor Campbell's expertise is expected to elevate the cultural integrity and artistic value of MDJM's projects, particularly the Eastern garden at Fernie Castle. His involvement aims to enhance strategic planning, design, implementation, and operations of cultural initiatives.

What is MDJM's strategy regarding cultural initiatives?

MDJM is leveraging its historic properties as platforms for Eastern and Western cultural and artistic exchange. The company is developing projects like the Eastern garden at Fernie Castle to foster cultural diversity and broaden its global influence through innovative collaborations.

How will Professor Campbell be compensated for his role at MDJM?

MDJM will compensate Professor Campbell through the issuance of company shares as consideration for his contributions to the company's cultural initiatives.

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