Spectral AI Announces Podium Presentation at BBA / ISBI Joint Conference Assessing Burn Wound Severity Using Multispectral Imaging and Artificial Intelligence

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Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI) announced a podium presentation at the BBA/ISBI Joint Conference by Dr. Jeffrey Carter, showcasing data from an ongoing study on their DeepView™ System. This AI-driven technology uses multispectral imaging to assess burn wound severity with accuracy exceeding experienced physicians. The presentation highlights the potential of DeepView™ to address challenges in burn care, including resources and the need for accurate diagnoses.

The company's 2024 U.S. Burn Pivotal Study is ongoing, aiming to validate the AI algorithm before seeking FDA approval in 2025. Spectral AI believes their system can significantly impact the speed, treatment, and outcomes for acute burn wound patients, especially in mass casualty events where current healthcare systems face constraints.

Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI) ha annunciato una presentazione al podio alla Conferenza Congiunta BBA/ISBI da parte del Dr. Jeffrey Carter, mostrando dati da uno studio in corso sul loro DeepView™ System. Questa tecnologia guidata dall'AI utilizza imaging multispettrale per valutare la gravità delle ferite da ustione con un'accuratezza superiore a quella dei medici esperti. La presentazione mette in evidenza il potenziale di DeepView™ per affrontare le sfide nell'assistenza alle ustioni, inclusi le risorse e la necessità di diagnosi accurate.

Lo Studio Pivotal U.S. sulle Ustioni 2024 dell'azienda è attualmente in corso, con l'obiettivo di convalidare l'algoritmo AI prima di richiedere l'approvazione della FDA nel 2025. Spectral AI crede che il loro sistema possa avere un impatto significativo sulla velocità, trattamento e risultati per i pazienti con ferite da ustione acute, specialmente in eventi di massa, dove i sistemi sanitari attuali affrontano vincoli.

Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI) anunció una presentación en el podio en la Conferencia Conjunta BBA/ISBI por el Dr. Jeffrey Carter, mostrando datos de un estudio en curso sobre su DeepView™ System. Esta tecnología impulsada por IA utiliza imágenes multispectrales para evaluar la gravedad de las quemaduras con una precisión que supera a la de los médicos experimentados. La presentación destaca el potencial de DeepView™ para enfrentar desafíos en el cuidado de quemaduras, incluyendo recursos y la necesidad de diagnósticos precisos.

El Estudio Pivotal de Quemaduras en EE.UU. 2024 de la empresa está en curso, con el objetivo de validar el algoritmo de IA antes de solicitar la aprobación de la FDA en 2025. Spectral AI cree que su sistema puede impactar significativamente la velocidad, tratamiento y resultados para pacientes con quemaduras agudas, especialmente en eventos de múltiples víctimas donde los sistemas de salud actuales enfrentan restricciones.

Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI)는 Dr. Jeffrey Carter가 진행한 BBA/ISBI 공동 회의에서 DeepView™ System에 대한 현재 진행 중인 연구 데이터를 발표한다고 발표했습니다. 이 AI 기반 기술은 다중 스펙트럴 이미징을 사용하여 경험이 풍부한 의사보다 더 높은 정확도로 화상 상처의 심각성을 평가합니다. 발표는 자원과 정확한 진단의 필요성을 포함한 화상 치료의 과제를 해결할 수 있는 DeepView™의 잠재력을 강조합니다.

회사의 2024년 미국 화상 중심 연구는 진행 중이며, 2025년 FDA 승인을 요청하기 전에 AI 알고리즘을 검증하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. Spectral AI는 그들의 시스템이 대량 재난 사건에서 현재의 의료 시스템이 직면하고 있는 제약 조건에서 급성 화상 환자에 대한 치료 속도, 치료 및 결과에 상당한 영향을 미칠 수 있을 것이라고 믿고 있습니다.

Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI) a annoncé une présentation sur podium lors de la Conférence conjointe BBA/ISBI par le Dr Jeffrey Carter, montrant des données d'une étude en cours sur leur DeepView™ System. Cette technologie basée sur l'IA utilise l'imagerie multispectrale pour évaluer la gravité des brûlures avec une précision dépassant celle des médecins expérimentés. La présentation met en avant le potentiel de DeepView™ pour relever les défis des soins des brûlures, y compris les ressources et la nécessité de diagnostics précis.

L'Étude pivote sur les brûlures aux États-Unis 2024 de l'entreprise est en cours, visant à valider l'algorithme IA avant de demander l'approbation de la FDA en 2025. Spectral AI croit que leur système peut avoir un impact significatif sur la rapidité, le traitement et les résultats pour les patients souffrant de brûlures aiguës, en particulier lors d'événements de masse où les systèmes de santé actuels sont confrontés à des contraintes.

Spectral AI (Nasdaq: MDAI) hat eine Podiumspräsentation auf der BBA/ISBI Joint Conference durch Dr. Jeffrey Carter angekündigt, die Daten aus einer laufenden Studie zu ihrem DeepView™ System zeigt. Diese KI-gesteuerte Technologie nutzt multispektrale Bildgebung, um die Schwere von Brandwunden mit einer Genauigkeit zu beurteilen, die erfahrene Ärzte übertrifft. Die Präsentation hebt das Potenzial von DeepView™ hervor, Herausforderungen in der Brandbehandlung anzugehen, einschließlich Ressourcen und dem Bedarf an genauen Diagnosen.

Die 2024er US Brandstudie des Unternehmens ist im Gange, mit dem Ziel, den KI-Algorithmus zu validieren, bevor die FDA-Zulassung im Jahr 2025 beantragt wird. Spectral AI ist der Meinung, dass ihr System erhebliche Auswirkungen auf die Geschwindigkeit, Behandlung und Ergebnisse für Patienten mit akuten Brandverletzungen haben kann, insbesondere bei Massenunfallereignissen, bei denen die aktuellen Gesundheitssysteme vor Einschränkungen stehen.

  • DeepView™ System shows accuracy in assessing burn depth exceeding that of experienced physicians
  • Ongoing 2024 U.S. Burn Pivotal Study to validate AI algorithm for FDA approval in 2025
  • Potential to address significant challenges in burn care, including resources and inaccurate diagnoses
  • None.

DALLAS, Aug. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Spectral AI, Inc. (Nasdaq: MDAI) (“Spectral AI” or the “Company”), an artificial intelligence (AI) company focused on medical diagnostics for faster and more accurate treatment decisions in wound care, today announced that Dr. Jeffrey Carter will present data from an ongoing prospective multicenter study analyzing the use of Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System, which utilizes non-invasive multispectral imaging technology and proprietary AI, to detect non-healing areas of a wound following thermal (burn) injury.

Dr. Carter is Medical Director of University Medical Center New Orleans Burn Center & Professor of Surgery at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, and Spectral AI’s Chief Medical Consultant.

Dr. Carter and his team note that burn care resources in the U.S. are limited with only approximately 130 burn centers, a tight supply of available burn center beds on any given day, and a significant decline in burn surgeon training. These constraints would be magnified in a mass casualty event and likely result in inaccurate diagnoses and a diminished standard of care.

Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System has a demonstrated ability to accurately assess burn depth which exceeds that of experienced physicians. This supports the Company’s belief that a high performing AI-driven model using multi-spectral imaging supplemented with clinician-based burn assessment is poised to positively impact the speed, treatment and potential outcomes for patients with acute burn wounds.

“The structural constraints in the ability of our healthcare system to treat burn victims combined with the complex nature of these wounds has resulted in significant challenges for clinicians, patients, and institutions,” said Dr. Carter. “We believe that Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System for burn indication can address these care gaps by providing an immediate and informed burn wound assessment with accuracy that far exceeds that of even the most seasoned burn care physician. The predictive ability of this technology can provide significant advantages across the healthcare continuum on both a day-to-day basis and during a mass casualty situation.”

Presentation Information

Presenter: Jeffrey E. Carter, MD, FACS
Title:  Burn Severity Assessment Using Multispectral Imaging and AI: Analysis of a Multicenter Study
Day: Wednesday, August 21st
Time: 15:30-17:00 BST
Location: International Conference Centre (ICC) Hall 11B, Birmingham, UK

The Company’s 2024 U.S. Burn Pivotal Study is ongoing and is designed to validate the AI-driven algorithm used by Spectral AI’s DeepView™ System for burn indication. It will be the final clinical trial before the Company seeks FDA approval of its DeepView™ System for burn indication in 2025.

About Spectral AI 

Spectral AI, Inc. is a Dallas-based predictive AI company focused on medical diagnostics for faster and more accurate treatment decisions in wound care, with initial applications involving patients with burns and diabetic foot ulcers. The Company is working to revolutionize the management of wound care by “Seeing the Unknown®” with its DeepView System.  The DeepView System is a predictive device that offers clinicians an objective and immediate assessment of a wound’s healing potential prior to treatment or other medical intervention. With algorithm-driven results and a goal to change the current standard of care, the DeepView System is expected to provide faster and more accurate treatment insight towards value care by improving patient outcomes and reducing healthcare costs. For more information about the DeepView System, visit

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Investors should carefully consider the foregoing factors and the other risks and uncertainties described in the “Risk Factors” sections of the Company’s filings with the SEC, including the Registration Statement and the other documents filed by the Company. These filings identify and address other important risks and uncertainties that could cause actual events and results to differ materially from those contained in the forward-looking statements. 

The Equity Group 
Devin Sullivan 
Managing Director 

Conor Rodriguez 


What is Spectral AI's DeepView™ System and how does it assess burn wounds?

Spectral AI's DeepView™ System uses non-invasive multispectral imaging technology and proprietary AI to detect non-healing areas of a wound following thermal (burn) injury. It has demonstrated the ability to accurately assess burn depth, exceeding the accuracy of experienced physicians.

When is Spectral AI (MDAI) expecting to seek FDA approval for its DeepView™ System for burn indication?

Spectral AI is expecting to seek FDA approval for its DeepView™ System for burn indication in 2025, following the completion of their 2024 U.S. Burn Pivotal Study.

Who is presenting Spectral AI's (MDAI) burn wound assessment data at the BBA/ISBI Joint Conference?

Dr. Jeffrey Carter, Medical Director of University Medical Center New Orleans Burn Center & Professor of Surgery at LSU Health New Orleans School of Medicine, and Spectral AI's Chief Medical Consultant, is presenting the data at the BBA/ISBI Joint Conference on August 21st, 2024.

What are the current challenges in burn care that Spectral AI's (MDAI) DeepView™ System aims to address?

Spectral AI's DeepView™ System aims to address challenges such as burn care resources (only about 130 burn centers in the U.S.), tight supply of available burn center beds, significant decline in burn surgeon training, and the potential for inaccurate diagnoses, especially in mass casualty events.

Spectral AI, Inc.


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