Mercury Insurance is Ready to Assist Georgia Policyholders Impacted by Hurricane Helene

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Mercury Insurance is prepared to assist policyholders in Georgia affected by Hurricane Helene. Customers can report damages and losses through the claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally at The company offers a user-friendly web-based app and telephone options for initiating claims, with dedicated adjusters ready to evaluate storm-related damages.

To expedite the claims process, policyholders should:

  • Contact Mercury immediately to report losses
  • Protect property from further damage
  • Provide policy number and contact information
  • Prepare a complete description of damage with photos
  • Keep records of additional expenses if forced to leave home
Mercury also provides advice for post-hurricane cleanup at its resource center and encourages customers to review their policies annually with local agents.

Mercury Insurance è pronta ad assistere gli assicurati in Georgia colpiti dall'uragano Helene. I clienti possono segnalare danni e perdite attraverso la hotline per i reclami al numero (800) 503-3724 o digitalmente su L'azienda offre un'app web intuitiva e opzioni telefoniche per avviare i reclami, con periti dedicati pronti a valutare i danni causati dalla tempesta.

Per accelerare il processo di reclamo, gli assicurati dovrebbero:

  • Contattare Mercury immediatamente per segnalare le perdite
  • Proteggere la proprietà da ulteriori danni
  • Fornire il numero di polizza e le informazioni di contatto
  • Preparare una descrizione completa dei danni con foto
  • Mantenere la registrazione delle spese aggiuntive se costretti a lasciare la propria casa
Mercury fornisce anche consigli per la pulizia post-uragano nel suo centro risorse e incoraggia i clienti a rivedere annualmente le proprie polizze con agenti locali.

Mercury Insurance está preparada para ayudar a los asegurados en Georgia afectados por el huracán Helene. Los clientes pueden reportar daños y pérdidas a través de la línea de reclamos al (800) 503-3724 o digitalmente en La compañía ofrece una aplicación web fácil de usar y opciones telefónicas para iniciar reclamos, con ajustadores dedicados listos para evaluar los daños relacionados con la tormenta.

Para acelerar el proceso de reclamos, los asegurados deben:

  • Contactar a Mercury de inmediato para reportar pérdidas
  • Proteger la propiedad de más daños
  • Proporcionar el número de póliza y la información de contacto
  • Preparar una descripción completa de los daños con fotos
  • Mantener un registro de gastos adicionales si se ven obligados a dejar su hogar
Mercury también ofrece consejos para la limpieza post huracán en su centro de recursos y anima a los clientes a revisar sus pólizas anualmente con agentes locales.

머큐리 보험은 허리케인 헬렌의 영향을 받은 조지아 주의 보험 가입자들을 돕기 위해 준비되어 있습니다. 고객은 (800) 503-3724로 클레임 핫라인을 통해 손해와 손실을 보고하거나에서 디지털로 보고할 수 있습니다. 이 회사는 청구를 시작하기 위한 사용자 친화적인 웹 기반 앱과 전화 옵션을 제공하며, 폭풍 관련 피해를 평가할 준비가 된 전담 조정자가 있습니다.

클레임 프로세스를 신속하게 진행하기 위해 보험 가입자는 다음과 같이 해야 합니다:

  • 손실을 보고하기 위해 즉시 머큐리에 연락하기
  • 추가 피해로부터 재산 보호하기
  • 정책 번호와 연락처 정보 제공하기
  • 손해에 대한 완전한 설명과 사진 준비하기
  • 집을 떠나야 하는 경우 추가 비용 기록 유지하기
머큐리는 또한 자원 센터에서 허리케인 후 청소에 대한 조언을 제공하며, 고객이 지역 에이전트와 함께 매년 자신의 정책을 검토할 것을 권장합니다.

Mercury Insurance est prête à aider les assurés en Géorgie affectés par l'ouragan Helene. Les clients peuvent signaler des dommages et pertes par le biais de la hotline des sinistres au (800) 503-3724 ou numériquement à l'adresse La société propose une application web conviviale et des options téléphoniques pour initier des réclamations, avec des experts dédiés prêts à évaluer les dommages liés à la tempête.

Pour accélérer le processus de réclamation, les assurés doivent :

  • Contacter Mercury immédiatement pour signaler les pertes
  • Protéger la propriété contre d'autres dommages
  • Fournir le numéro de police et les informations de contact
  • Préparer une description complète des dommages avec des photos
  • Garder une trace des dépenses supplémentaires si forcés de quitter leur domicile
Mercury fournit également des conseils pour le nettoyage après l'ouragan dans son centre de ressources et encourage les clients à revoir leurs polices chaque année avec des agents locaux.

Mercury Insurance ist bereit, Versicherungsnehmer in Georgia zu unterstützen, die von Hurrikan Helene betroffen sind. Kunden können Schäden und Verluste über die Schadenshotline unter (800) 503-3724 oder digital unter melden. Das Unternehmen bietet eine benutzerfreundliche webbasierte App und Telefonoptionen zur Einleitung von Schadensmeldungen, mit engagierten Schadensregulierern, die bereit sind, die sturmbezogenen Schäden zu bewerten.

Um den Schadensprozess zu beschleunigen, sollten Versicherungsnehmer:

  • Mercury sofort kontaktieren, um Verluste zu melden
  • Das Eigentum vor weiteren Schäden schützen
  • Policenummer und Kontaktdaten bereitstellen
  • Eine vollständige Beschreibung der Schäden mit Fotos vorbereiten
  • Aufzeichnungen über zusätzliche Ausgaben führen, falls sie gezwungen sind, ihr Zuhause zu verlassen
Mercury bietet auch Ratschläge zur Aufräumung nach dem Hurrikan in seinem Ressourcen-Center an und ermutigt die Kunden, ihre Policen jährlich mit lokalen Agenten zu überprüfen.

  • Mercury Insurance is prepared to assist Georgia policyholders affected by Hurricane Helene
  • Multiple options available for reporting claims, including digital and telephone
  • Dedicated claims adjusters ready to evaluate storm-related damages
  • Comprehensive online resources and guidance for policyholders during the claims process
  • None.

Policyholders can report claims anytime at (800) 503-3724 or via Mercury's automated digital experience

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 27, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mercury Insurance is ready to assist policyholders who have been impacted by Hurricane Helene in Georgia. Customers can report damages and losses anytime through Mercury's claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or digitally by visiting

"We recognize that the recovery process after a hurricane such as Helene can be a difficult and emotional time. However, the Mercury claims team is here for our Georgia customers impacted by the severe weather," says Bonnie Lee, Vice President, Property Claims at Mercury Insurance.

In the aftermath of the storm, impacted policyholders also have the option to initiate a claim seamlessly through Mercury's user-friendly web-based app or via telephone. Those choosing the digital route will be guided through a straightforward process using clear prompts. Mercury's dedicated claims adjusters stand ready to evaluate storm-related damages.

For homeowners seeking further guidance on the claims filing process, detailed information can be found at the company's online claims portal. Mercury policyholders should follow these steps to help expedite the process:

  • Contact Mercury immediately to report your loss at 800-503-3724 or digitally by visiting
  • Take a moment to protect your vehicle from further damage (i.e., tarps on damaged roofs).
  • Be prepared to provide your policy number.
  • Provide all of your contact information so your adjuster can reach you. It's important that you provide all your phone numbers, even if temporary.
  • Take account and be prepared to provide a complete description of your damage. Have photos of your damage ready to share with your assigned adjuster.
  • If available, have any pre-loss photos/videos of your property or its contents ready to share with your adjuster. This will assist your adjuster with the damage evaluation process.
  • Do not remove any debris or damaged property that may be related to your claim. Please note that if it is unsafe to keep any damaged personal items, take photos of the unsafe items for your adjuster to review as part of your claims, then properly discard unsafe items.
  • Keep records and receipts for additional expenses that were incurred if you were forced to leave your home, and provide copies to your adjuster.

Mercury also provides advice for Georgians on how to begin cleaning up after a hurricane at its resource center:

Mercury Insurance encourages customers to review their homeowners and auto insurance policies with their local agents on a yearly basis to ensure they have the coverage they need.

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Mercury Insurance provides auto, homeowners and business insurance through nearly 4,100 employees and a network of more than 6,500 independent agents in 11 states.

About Mercury Insurance

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) is a multiple-line insurance carrier offering personal auto, homeowners, and renters insurance directly to consumers and through a network of independent agents in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia, as well as auto insurance in Florida. Mercury also writes business owners, business auto, landlord, commercial multi-peril and mechanical protection insurance in various states.

Since 1962, Mercury has provided customers with tremendous value for their insurance dollar by pairing ultra-competitive rates with excellent customer service. Mercury has earned "A" ratings from A.M. Best and Fitch, as well as "Best Auto Insurance Company" designations from Forbes and For more information visit or follow the company on Twitter or Facebook.

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SOURCE Mercury Insurance


How can Georgia policyholders report claims for Hurricane Helene damage to Mercury Insurance (MCY)?

Georgia policyholders can report claims for Hurricane Helene damage to Mercury Insurance (MCY) by calling the claims hotline at (800) 503-3724 or visiting to file digitally.

What steps should Mercury Insurance (MCY) policyholders take to expedite the Hurricane Helene claims process?

To expedite the Hurricane Helene claims process, Mercury Insurance (MCY) policyholders should: contact Mercury immediately, protect property from further damage, provide policy number and contact information, prepare a complete description of damage with photos, and keep records of additional expenses if forced to leave home.

Where can Mercury Insurance (MCY) customers find advice on post-Hurricane Helene cleanup in Georgia?

Mercury Insurance (MCY) customers can find advice on post-Hurricane Helene cleanup in Georgia at the company's resource center:

What options does Mercury Insurance (MCY) offer for initiating Hurricane Helene claims in Georgia?

Mercury Insurance (MCY) offers multiple options for initiating Hurricane Helene claims in Georgia, including a user-friendly web-based app, telephone reporting, and a digital claims portal on their website.

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