Bodily Injury Costs Increase in Illinois, According to Mercury Insurance

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Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) has launched a new personal umbrella insurance policy in Illinois, addressing the rising costs of bodily injury claims. This policy offers extra protection beyond traditional auto and home insurance for less than $1.00 a day. Key features include:

  • Multi-policy discounts
  • 3-year accident and violation-free discount
  • Uninsured motorist coverage up to $1 million
  • Increased liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million

The average amount for a liability claim has increased by 35% since the start of the pandemic. Mercury's umbrella policy aims to protect Illinoisans' personal wealth against unexpected accidents and litigious lawyers. This launch in Illinois follows similar rollouts in California, Texas, and Oklahoma.

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) ha lanciato una nuova polizza di assicurazione personale ombrello in Illinois, affrontando l'aumento dei costi delle richieste di risarcimento per lesioni corporee. Questa polizza offre protezione aggiuntiva oltre all'assicurazione auto e casa tradizionale per meno di $1,00 al giorno. Le caratteristiche principali includono:

  • Sconti per polizze multiple
  • Sconto per 3 anni senza incidenti e violazioni
  • Copertura per conducenti non assicurati fino a $1 milione
  • Aumento della copertura di responsabilità civile da $1 milione a $5 milioni

L'importo medio per una richiesta di risarcimento di responsabilità è aumentato del 35% dall'inizio della pandemia. La polizza ombrello di Mercury punta a proteggere la ricchezza personale degli Illinesi contro incidenti imprevisti e avvocati litigiosi. Questo lancio in Illinois segue rollout simili in California, Texas e Oklahoma.

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) ha lanzado una nueva póliza de seguro de paraguas personal en Illinois, abordando el aumento de los costos de las reclamaciones por lesiones corporales. Esta póliza ofrece protección adicional más allá del seguro de auto y hogar tradicional por menos de $1.00 al día. Las características clave incluyen:

  • Descuentos por múltiples pólizas
  • Descuento por 3 años sin accidentes ni violaciones
  • Cobertura para conductores no asegurados hasta $1 millón
  • Aumento de la cobertura de responsabilidad civil de $1 millón a $5 millones

El monto promedio de una reclamación de responsabilidad ha aumentado un 35% desde el inicio de la pandemia. La póliza paraguas de Mercury tiene como objetivo proteger la riqueza personal de los habitantes de Illinois contra accidentes inesperados y abogados litigiosos. Este lanzamiento en Illinois sigue a implementaciones similares en California, Texas y Oklahoma.

머큐리 보험(Mercury Insurance, NYSE: MCY)은 일리노이주에서 개인 우산 보험을 새로 출시했으며, 이는 신체 상해 청구 비용의 증가 문제를 다루고 있습니다. 이 보험은 전통적인 자동차 및 주택 보험 이상의 추가 보호를 제공합니다 하루에 1달러 미만의 비용으로. 주요 특징은 다음과 같습니다:

  • 다중 보험 할인
  • 사고 및 위반이 없는 3년 할인
  • 미 uninsured 운전자를 위한 최대 100만 달러까지의 보장
  • 책임 보험을 100만 달러에서 500만 달러로 증가

책임 청구의 평균 금액은 팬데믹 시작 이후 35% 증가했습니다. 머큐리의 우산 보험은 일리노이 주민들의 개인 자산을 예기치 않은 사고 및 소송하는 변호사들로부터 보호하는 것을 목표로 합니다. 일리노이에서의 이번 출시는 캘리포니아, 텍사스, 오클라호마에서의 유사한 롤아웃에 이어진 것입니다.

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) a lancé une nouvelle police d'assurance parapluie personnelle dans l'Illinois, répondant à l'augmentation des coûts des demandes de dommages corporels. Cette police offre une protection supplémentaire au-delà de l'assurance automobile et habitation traditionnelle pour moins de 1,00 $ par jour. Les caractéristiques clés incluent :

  • Réductions pour plusieurs polices
  • Remise pour 3 ans sans accidents ni infractions
  • Couverture pour les conducteurs non assurés allant jusqu'à 1 million de dollars
  • Augmentation de la couverture de responsabilité civile de 1 million à 5 millions de dollars

Le montant moyen d'une demande de responsabilité a augmenté de 35 % depuis le début de la pandémie. La police parapluie de Mercury vise à protéger la richesse personnelle des habitants de l'Illinois contre les accidents imprévus et les avocats litigieux. Ce lancement dans l'Illinois fait suite à des lancements similaires en Californie, au Texas et en Oklahoma.

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) hat eine neue persönliche Regenschutzversicherung in Illinois eingeführt, um den steigenden Kosten von Körperverletzungsansprüchen zu begegnen. Diese Police bietet zusätzlichen Schutz über die traditionelle Auto- und Hausversicherung hinaus für weniger als 1 $ pro Tag. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen gehören:

  • Rabatte bei mehreren Policen
  • Rabatt für 3 Jahre ohne Unfälle und Verstöße
  • Deckung für unversicherte Fahrer bis zu 1 Million Dollar
  • Erhöhte Haftpflichtdeckung von 1 Million auf 5 Millionen Dollar

Der durchschnittliche Betrag für einen Haftpflichtanspruch ist um 35% seit Beginn der Pandemie gestiegen. Die Regenschutzversicherung von Mercury zielt darauf ab, das persönliche Vermögen der Illinoisaner vor unerwarteten Unfällen und klagenden Anwälten zu schützen. Dieser Start in Illinois folgt ähnlichen Einführungen in Kalifornien, Texas und Oklahoma.

  • None.
  • None.

Mercury's New Umbrella Insurance Better Protects Illinoisans' Personal Wealth Against Bodily Injury Claims

LOS ANGELES, Sept. 3, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Multi-vehicle crashes, dog bites or a delivery person being injured on your property are some of the unexpected events that are putting Illinoisans' personal financial health at risk. In fact, bodily injury payouts have continued to climb year over year since the start of the pandemic, with the average amount for a liability claim increasing by 35%, according to Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY). 

The recent trend of rising liability injury claims for home and auto owners that exceed traditional policy limits has moved Mercury to unveil an all-new personal umbrella insurance policy for Illinoisans that offers extra protection with bolstered coverages beginning at less than $1.00 a day.

Per Forbes magazine, an umbrella insurance policy can be an excellent addition to your insurance portfolio if you need liability coverage that goes beyond what your base car insurance or home insurance policies provide. Umbrella insurance is a good way to cover your net worth if you were to get hit with a lawsuit.

The state of Illinois is the fourth launch of this expanded insurance product for Mercury Insurance, following California, Texas and Oklahoma. You can learn more about this unique coverage at Mercury Umbrella Insurance.

"Unexpected accidents are becoming more costly for Illinoisans, which puts them at risk of having to pay out of pocket," said Brandt Minnich, vice president and chief sales development officer at Mercury Insurance. "Mercury has redesigned its umbrella insurance to give Illinoisans an extra layer of protection beyond a traditional auto or home policy. It's an affordable safety net that protects you from these expensive accidents and litigious lawyers looking for a big payday." 

A cautionary tale for all is that of a Mercury policyholder who had kept the same limits and coverages since college, even though his personal wealth had increased significantly. The policyholder — who later became a doctor — never thought about umbrella coverage until he hit a moped with his automobile, severely injuring the rider. The rider subsequently engaged a lawyer and the Mercury insured ended up having to pay out of pocket for damages that were well beyond his auto policy limit of $25,000

"He had payments deducted from his salary for a number of years until the settlement was paid off," Minnich said. 

Key features of Mercury's significantly updated umbrella product include: 

  • Multi-policy Discounts: Mercury policyholders can save big with multi-policy discounts across their auto, homeowners and umbrella policies. 
  • 3-year Accident and Violation Free Discount: A 5% discount is given to all drivers on the Mercury policy with no losses or accidents during the last three years. 
  • Uninsured Motorist Coverage: Uninsured motorist coverage up to $1 million in the event of an accident caused by a driver who does not have insurance. 
  • Increased Liability: Policyholders can increase their liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million, depending upon policyholders' coverage needs.

"We consider Mercury's umbrella policy the 'Goldilocks' of coverage because it offers a very specific amount of extra protection that fits customers' needs, which is really important for anyone who wants to safeguard their future against unexpected expenses and legal liabilities," Minnich stated. 

Mercury offers personal auto, mechanical protection, ride-hailing, condo, homeowners, home cyber protection, home systems protection, identity management services, renters, service line protection, business auto and personal umbrella insurance in Illinois. 

Headquartered in Los Angeles, Mercury Insurance provides auto, homeowners and business insurance through more than 4,700 employees and a network of more than 8,000 independent agents in 11 states.

About Mercury Insurance

Mercury Insurance (NYSE: MCY) is a multiple-line insurance carrier offering personal auto, homeowners, and renters insurance directly to consumers and through a network of independent agents in Arizona, California, Georgia, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, Texas and Virginia, as well as auto insurance in Florida. Mercury also writes business owners, business auto, landlord, commercial multi-peril and mechanical protection insurance in various states.

Since 1962, Mercury has provided customers with tremendous value for their insurance dollar by pairing ultra-competitive rates with excellent customer service. Mercury has earned "A" ratings from A.M. Best and Fitch, as well as "Best Auto Insurance Company" designations from Forbes and For more information visit or follow the company on Twitter or Facebook.

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SOURCE Mercury General Corporation


What is the average increase in liability claim amounts since the pandemic, according to Mercury Insurance (MCY)?

According to Mercury Insurance (MCY), the average amount for a liability claim has increased by 35% since the start of the pandemic.

How much does Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy in Illinois cost per day?

Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy in Illinois starts at less than $1.00 per day.

What states has Mercury Insurance (MCY) launched its expanded umbrella insurance product in?

Mercury Insurance (MCY) has launched its expanded umbrella insurance product in California, Texas, Oklahoma, and now Illinois.

What is the maximum uninsured motorist coverage offered in Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy?

Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy offers uninsured motorist coverage up to $1 million.

What is the maximum liability coverage available in Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy?

Mercury Insurance's (MCY) new umbrella policy allows policyholders to increase their liability coverage from $1 million to $5 million, depending on their needs.

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