Metals Creek Dusts Off Yellow Fox Antimony/Gold Project

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Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) has begun re-evaluating its Yellow Fox Antimony/Gold project in Newfoundland. The project is 26.5 kilometers northeast of the Beaver Brook Antimony mine. This move comes as antimony prices have significantly increased, with China announcing export restrictions starting September 15. Initial prospecting in 2011 yielded highly anomalous gold values, with one sample returning 59.41 g/t Au. Subsequent sampling showed values up to 11.1% Antimony, 5.5% Lead, 7% Zinc, and 72.9 g/t Silver. The mineralization is similar to the Beaver Brook Antimony Mine, which has a resource of 533,370 tonnes @ 4.17% Sb. Yellow Fox has not been drilled yet. The company also provided updates on its Clarks Brook and Careless Cove Gold projects, with Clarks Brook showing drill results up to 1.004 g/t Au over 25.8 m and Careless Cove yielding grab samples up to 11.83 g/t Au.

Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) ha iniziato a rivalutare il suo progetto Yellow Fox Antimonio/Oro a Newfoundland. Il progetto si trova a 26,5 chilometri a nord-est della miniera di Antimonio Beaver Brook. Questa decisione arriva mentre i prezzi dell'antimonio sono aumentati significativamente, con la Cina che ha annunciato restrizioni sulle esportazioni a partire dal 15 settembre. Le prime indagini nel 2011 hanno rivelato valori d'oro altamente anomali, con un campione che ha restituito 59,41 g/t Au. Campionamenti successivi hanno mostrato valori fino a 11,1% di Antimonio, 5,5% di Piombo, 7% di Zinco e 72,9 g/t di Argento. La mineralizzazione è simile a quella della miniera di Antimonio Beaver Brook, che ha una risorsa di 533.370 tonnellate @ 4,17% Sb. Yellow Fox non è stata ancora perforata. L'azienda ha anche fornito aggiornamenti sui suoi progetti oro Clarks Brook e Careless Cove, con Clarks Brook che mostra risultati di perforazione fino a 1,004 g/t Au su 25,8 m e Careless Cove che ha fornito campioni grab fino a 11,83 g/t Au.

Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) ha comenzado a reevaluar su proyecto Yellow Fox Antimonio/Oro en Newfoundland. El proyecto está a 26,5 kilómetros al noreste de la mina de Antimonio Beaver Brook. Este movimiento se produce ya que los precios del antimonio han aumentado significativamente, con China anunciando restricciones a la exportación a partir del 15 de septiembre. La prospección inicial en 2011 produjo valores de oro altamente anómalos, con una muestra que devolvió 59,41 g/t Au. Los muestreos posteriores mostraron valores de hasta 11,1% de Antimonio, 5,5% de Plomo, 7% de Zinc y 72,9 g/t de Plata. La mineralización es similar a la de la mina de Antimonio Beaver Brook, que tiene un recurso de 533,370 toneladas @ 4.17% Sb. Yellow Fox no ha sido perforada aún. La compañía también proporcionó actualizaciones sobre sus proyectos de oro Clarks Brook y Careless Cove, con Clarks Brook mostrando resultados de perforación de hasta 1.004 g/t Au sobre 25.8 m y Careless Cove rindiendo muestras grabadas de hasta 11.83 g/t Au.

메탈스 크리크 리소스 Corp. (TSXV: MEK)는 뉴펀들랜드에 있는 옐로우 폭스 안티모니/금 프로젝트를 재평가하기 시작했습니다. 이 프로젝트는 비버 브룩 안티모니 광산에서 북동쪽으로 26.5킬로미터 떨어진 곳에 위치합니다. 이번 결정은 안티모니 가격이 상당히 상승한 가운데 이루어졌으며, 중국이 9월 15일부터 수출 제한을 발표했습니다. 2011년에 실시된 초기 탐사에서는 상당히 비정상적인 금 값을 보여주었으며, 한 샘플에서 59.41 g/t Au의 결과가 나왔습니다. 후속 샘플링에서 안티모니 11.1%, 납 5.5%, 아연 7%, 은 72.9 g/t의 값을 보여주었습니다. 이 광물화는 비버 브룩 안티모니 광산과 유사하며, 해당 광산의 자원은 533,370 톤 @ 4.17% Sb입니다. 옐로우 폭스는 아직 시추되지 않았습니다. 회사는 또한 클락스 브룩 및 캐어리스 코브 금 프로젝트에 대한 업데이트를 제공했으며, 클락스 브룩은 25.8m에서 1.004 g/t Au의 시추 결과를 보였고, 캐어리스 코브는 11.83 g/t Au까지의 견본 샘플을 나타냈습니다.

Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) a commencé à réévaluer son projet Yellow Fox Antimoine/Or à Terre-Neuve. Le projet est situé à 26,5 kilomètres au nord-est de la mine d'Antimoine Beaver Brook. Ce mouvement intervient alors que les prix de l'antimoine ont considérablement augmenté, la Chine annonçant des restrictions à l'exportation à partir du 15 septembre. Les premières prospections en 2011 ont révélé des valeurs d'or hautement anormales, un échantillon ayant restitué 59,41 g/t Au. Les échantillonnages ultérieurs ont montré des valeurs allant jusqu'à 11,1 % d'Antimoine, 5,5 % de Plomb, 7 % de Zinc et 72,9 g/t d'Argent. La minéralisation est similaire à celle de la mine d'Antimoine Beaver Brook, qui a une ressource de 533.370 tonnes @ 4,17 % Sb. Yellow Fox n'a pas encore été carottée. L'entreprise a également fourni des mises à jour sur ses projets d'or Clarks Brook et Careless Cove, Clarks Brook affichant des résultats de carottage jusqu'à 1,004 g/t Au sur 25,8 m et Careless Cove fournissant des échantillons de ramassage allant jusqu'à 11,83 g/t Au.

Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) hat begonnen, sein Yellow Fox Antimon/Gold-Projekt in Neufundland neu zu bewerten. Das Projekt liegt 26,5 Kilometer nordöstlich der Antimonmine Beaver Brook. Dieser Schritt erfolgt, da die Antimonpreise erheblich gestiegen sind, während China ab dem 15. September Exportbeschränkungen angekündigt hat. Erste Erkundungen im Jahr 2011 ergaben hochgradig anomale Goldwerte, wobei eine Probe 59,41 g/t Au lieferte. Nachfolgende Proben ergaben Werte von bis zu 11,1 % Antimon, 5,5 % Blei, 7 % Zink und 72,9 g/t Silber. Die Mineralisierung ähnelt der der Beaver Brook Antimonmine, die über eine Ressource von 533.370 Tonnen @ 4,17 % Sb verfügt. Yellow Fox wurde bisher noch nicht gebohrt. Das Unternehmen gab auch Aktualisierungen zu seinen Clarks Brook und Careless Cove Goldprojekten bekannt, wobei Clarks Brook Bohrergebnisse von bis zu 1,004 g/t Au über 25,8 m zeigte und Careless Cove Grabproben von bis zu 11,83 g/t Au lieferte.

  • Antimony prices have significantly increased, potentially benefiting the Yellow Fox project
  • Initial prospecting at Yellow Fox yielded high gold values, with one sample returning 59.41 g/t Au
  • Yellow Fox mineralization shows similarities to the Beaver Brook Antimony Mine, which has a substantial resource
  • Clarks Brook project showed promising drill results, including 1.004 g/t Au over 25.8 m
  • Careless Cove project yielded high-grade gold grab samples up to 11.83 g/t Au
  • Yellow Fox project has not been drilled yet, indicating early-stage exploration
  • Grab samples mentioned are selective and may not represent average grades on the properties

Thunder Bay, Ontario--(Newsfile Corp. - September 30, 2024) - Metals Creek Resources Corp. (TSXV: MEK) (FSE: M1C1) (the "Company" or Metals Creek), announces the Company has begun a re-evaluation of the Yellow Fox Antimony/Gold project located in the central Newfoundland Gold belt and 26.5 kilometers northeast of the Beaver Brook Antimony mine. Antimony prices have seen a significant increase over the last month with speculation of a potential supply shortage.

China recently has indicated it will place export restrictions commencing September 15 on antimony related products. With China accounting for 48% of global production, these supply restrictions will necessitate alternate sources of antimony especially for the United States who is one of the largest end users. The defense industry is one of the largest end users for antimony as well as the electronics industry.

Initial prospecting on the Yellow Fox property by Metals Creek personnel in 2011 resulted in a concentration of highly anomalous gold values with a single sample returning 59.41grams per tonne (g/t) Au from the main Yellow Fox Showing. Soil sampling and mechanical trenching was completed across the mineralization with 13 selective grab samples collected. Values ranging from 0.214g/t to 1.877g/t gold and up to 11.1% Antimony (Sb), 5.5% Lead (Pb), 7% Zinc (Zn) and 72.9g/t Silver (Ag) were returned. Subsequent channel sampling was carried out. The best results from channel sampling were 0.306g/t Au over 26.82m within 29 continuous samples and 4.57% Sb over 1m. Mineralization consists of pyrite, arsenopyrite, stibnite, sphalerite and galena and is hosted within a muscovite altered monzogranite along north-northeast trending structures. Structural zones show strong carbonate alteration with sulphide bearing stringers to veins of stibnite and arsenopyrite. Mineralization at Yellow Fox exhibits similar traits to that of the past producing Beaver Book Antimony Mine with the presence of Gold, silver, galena, sphalerite, stibnite and arsenopyrite. Of particular note is the highly anomalous gold values associated with the stibnite mineralization which further adds to the exploration potential with gold prices increasing over the last several months. Beaver Brook currently has a resource of 533,370 tonnes @ 4.17% Sb remaining at East Zone based on latest literature (Source: Mineral Occurrence Database/NFLD Gov't/National Inventory Number (002D111/Sb 003/Record Number 4417/2013).

The surface grab samples mentioned in this news release are selective by nature and are unlikely to represent average grades on the property.

Yellow Fox has not seen any drilling to date.

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Figure 1: Property location map for Yellow Fox, Clarks Brook and Careless Cove

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Figure 2. Photo of stibnite mineralization from yellow fox

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Figure 3: Photo of Yellow fox showing in outcrop

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The Clark's Brook Property is located in central Newfoundland, 25 km west of Glenwood and was originally staked in 2016 to cover two untested gold showings. Limited drill testing subsequent to the property acquisition had significant results up to 1.004 g/t Au over 25.8 m and 26.878 g/t Au over 0.25m. The 100% owned property consists of 31 claim units (7.7 sq. km), surrounded by New Found Gold's Queensway Project.

Previous drilling tested the Clark's Brook East zone in ten holes. (see MEK press release dated 23 August 2017) Results include numerous gold intersections as tabulated below:

HoleFromToLengthAu g/t


Note- Drill results, as reported by Sokomon, are drill widths only, as the information is not adequate to calculate true widths. Analysis techniques are described in the previously quoted press release.

In October 2022, MEK conducted a small prospecting program on Clark's Brooke West which returned assays up to 10 grammes per tonne (g/t) Gold (Au) (See MEK News Release October 27, 2022). Clark's Brook West Zone has not been drill tested to date.


Prospecting by MEK (2020) on the Careless Cove block uncovered mineralization composed of quartz breccia with disseminated and vein hosted pyrite/arsenopyrite with minor stibnite. Grab sample results of 7.39g/t, 0.47g/t and 4.15g/t Au were attained. Follow-up prospecting located rubble approximately 50m away from the initial outcrop returning assays of 7.37g/t and 11.83g/t Au.

Of particular note should be the presence of stibnite which is along the same general trend to that of the Beaver Brook Mine. No assaying has been performed for Antimony on careless cove.

The Careless Cove and Clarks Brook project are available for option.

N. Wayne Reid, P.Geo and Director for the Company and a qualified person as defined in National Instrument 43-101, is responsible for this release, and supervised the preparation of the information forming the basis for this release.

About Metals Creek Resources Corp.

Metals Creek Resources Corp. is a junior exploration company incorporated under the laws of the Province of Ontario, is a reporting issuer in Alberta, British Columbia and Ontario, and has its common shares listed for trading on the Exchange under the symbol "MEK". Metals Creek has earned a 50% interest in the Ogden Gold Property from Newmont Corporation, including the former Naybob Gold mine, located 6 km south of Timmins, Ontario and has an 8 km strike length of the prolific Porcupine-Destor Fault (P-DF). In addition, Metals Creek owns and/or has option agreements in place to acquire a 100% interest in claims in the Shabaqua Corners area of North western Ontario.

Metals Creek also has multiple quality projects available for option which can be viewed on the Company's website. Parties interested in seeking more information about properties available for option can contact the Company at the number below.

Additional information concerning the Company is contained in documents filed by the Company with securities regulators, available under its profile at

Neither the TSX Venture Exchange nor its Regulation Services Provider (as that term is defined in the policies of the TSX Venture Exchange) accepts responsibility for the adequacy or accuracy of this release.

Alexander (Sandy) Stares, President and CEO
Metals Creek Resources Corp

To view the source version of this press release, please visit


What caused Metals Creek Resources (MCREF) to re-evaluate its Yellow Fox project?

Metals Creek Resources began re-evaluating the Yellow Fox project due to significant increases in antimony prices and China's announcement of export restrictions on antimony products starting September 15, 2024.

What were the notable gold and antimony values found at the Yellow Fox project?

Initial prospecting at Yellow Fox yielded a sample with 59.41 g/t Au. Subsequent sampling showed values up to 11.1% Antimony, 5.5% Lead, 7% Zinc, and 72.9 g/t Silver.

Has Metals Creek Resources (MCREF) conducted any drilling at the Yellow Fox project?

No, the Yellow Fox project has not seen any drilling to date. It is still in the early stages of exploration.

What were the best drill results from the Clarks Brook Gold project?

The best drill results from Clarks Brook included 1.004 g/t Au over 25.8 m and 26.878 g/t Au over 0.25m.

What gold values were found in grab samples at the Careless Cove project?

Grab samples from the Careless Cove project returned assays of up to 11.83 g/t Au.

Metals Creek


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