Metropolitan Commercial Bank Recognized as a Member of Piper Sandler’s Sm-All Stars Class of 2024

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Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB) has been recognized as a member of Piper Sandler's Sm-All Stars Class of 2024. This prestigious award highlights the bank's commitment to excellence and innovation. The list includes 30 companies that outperformed the industry across various metrics, including growth, profitability, credit, and capital.

To qualify for Sm-All Star status, companies needed a market cap below $2.5 billion and had to excel in areas such as EPS growth, loan growth, deposit growth, and ROAE. Additionally, they were required to report an NPA ratio below 0.75%, an NCO ratio under 25 bps over the last twelve months, and a TCE ratio at or above 7.0% as of June 30, 2024.

Mark R. DeFazio, Founder, President, and CEO of Metropolitan Commercial Bank, expressed pride in this recognition, stating it reaffirms their commitment to leading the industry with innovative banking solutions of the highest standards.

Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB) è stato riconosciuto come membro della Classe Sm-All Stars 2024 di Piper Sandler. Questo prestigioso premio evidenzia l'impegno della banca nell'eccellenza e nell'innovazione. La lista include 30 aziende che hanno superato l'industria in vari metri, tra cui crescita, redditività, credito e capitale.

Per qualificarsi come Sm-All Star, le aziende dovevano avere una capitalizzazione di mercato inferiore a 2,5 miliardi di dollari e dovevano eccellere in ambiti come crescita dell'EPS, crescita dei prestiti, crescita dei depositi e ROAE. Inoltre, era richiesto un rapporto NPA inferiore allo 0,75%, un rapporto NCO sotto i 25 bps negli ultimi dodici mesi, e un rapporto TCE pari o superiore al 7,0% al 30 giugno 2024.

Mark R. DeFazio, Fondatore, Presidente e CEO di Metropolitan Commercial Bank, ha espresso orgoglio per questo riconoscimento, affermando che rafforza il loro impegno a guidare il settore con soluzioni bancarie innovative di altissimo standard.

Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB) ha sido reconocido como miembro de la Clase Sm-All Stars 2024 de Piper Sandler. Este prestigioso premio destaca el compromiso del banco con la excelencia y la innovación. La lista incluye 30 empresas que superaron a la industria en diversos métricos, incluyendo crecimiento, rentabilidad, crédito y capital.

Para calificar como Sm-All Star, las empresas necesitaban una capitalización de mercado inferior a 2.5 mil millones de dólares y debían sobresalir en áreas como crecimiento de EPS, crecimiento de préstamos, crecimiento de depósitos y ROAE. Además, se requería informar un ratio NPA por debajo del 0.75%, un ratio NCO por debajo de 25 bps en los últimos doce meses, y un ratio TCE en o por encima del 7.0% al 30 de junio de 2024.

Mark R. DeFazio, Fundador, Presidente y CEO de Metropolitan Commercial Bank, expresó su orgullo por este reconocimiento, afirmando que reafirma su compromiso de liderar la industria con soluciones bancarias innovadoras de los más altos estándares.

메트로폴리탄 뱅크 홀딩 코퍼레이션 (NYSE: MCB)은 파이퍼 샌들러의 2024년 스몰 스타 클래스의 일원으로 인정받았습니다. 이 권위 있는 상은 은행의 탁월함과 혁신에 대한 헌신을 강조합니다. 목록에는 다양한 지표에서 산업을 능가한 30개 기업이 포함되어 있으며, 이를 통해 성장, 수익성, 신용 및 자본을 나타냅니다.

스몰 스타 지위를 얻기 위해서는 기업의 시장 가치가 25억 달러 미만이어야 하며 EPS 성장, 대출 성장, 예금 성장 및 ROAE와 같은 분야에서 뛰어나야 했습니다. 또한, NPA 비율이 0.75% 미만, NCO 비율이 최근 12개월 동안 25bps 이하, 그리고 2024년 6월 30일 기준 TCE 비율이 7.0% 이상이 되어야 했습니다.

메트로폴리탄 커머셜 뱅크의 창립자이자 사장 겸 CEO인 마크 R. 드파지오는 이 인정에 자부심을 표명하며, 이는 최고 기준의 혁신적인 은행 솔루션으로 업계를 선도하겠다는 그들의 의지를 재확인한다고 밝혔습니다.

Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB) a été reconnu comme membre de la Classe Sm-All Stars 2024 de Piper Sandler. Ce prestigieux prix souligne l'engagement de la banque envers l'excellence et l'innovation. La liste comprend 30 entreprises qui ont surpassé l'industrie selon divers critères, y compris la croissance, la rentabilité, le crédit et le capital.

Pour être éligibles au statut de Sm-All Star, les entreprises devaient avoir une capitalisation boursière inférieure à 2,5 milliards de dollars et exceller dans des domaines tels que croissance de l'EPS, croissance des prêts, croissance des dépôts et ROAE. De plus, elles devaient déclarer un ratio NPA inférieur à 0,75%, un ratio NCO inférieur à 25 points de base au cours des douze derniers mois, et un ratio TCE égal ou supérieur à 7,0% au 30 juin 2024.

Mark R. DeFazio, fondateur, président et PDG de Metropolitan Commercial Bank, a exprimé sa fierté pour cette reconnaissance, affirmant que cela confirme leur engagement à diriger l'industrie avec des solutions bancaires innovantes de très haut niveau.

Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB) wurde als Mitglied der Sm-All Stars Klasse 2024 von Piper Sandler anerkannt. Diese prestigeträchtige Auszeichnung hebt das Engagement der Bank für Exzellenz und Innovation hervor. Die Liste umfasst 30 Unternehmen, die in verschiedenen Kennzahlen wie Wachstum, Rentabilität, Kredit und Kapital besser als die Branche abgeschnitten haben.

Um den Status eines Sm-All Stars zu erreichen, mussten Unternehmen eine Marktkapitalisierung von unter 2,5 Milliarden US-Dollar aufweisen und in Bereichen wie EPS-Wachstum, Kreditwachstum, Einlagenwachstum und ROAE hervorragen. Zudem wurde ein NPA-Verhältnis von unter 0,75 %, ein NCO-Verhältnis von unter 25 Basispunkten in den letzten zwölf Monaten und ein TCE-Verhältnis von mindestens 7,0 % zum 30. Juni 2024 gefordert.

Mark R. DeFazio, Gründer, Präsident und CEO der Metropolitan Commercial Bank, drückte seinen Stolz über diese Anerkennung aus und erklärte, dass sie ihr Engagement bekräftigt, die Branche mit innovativen Banklösungen höchsten Standards anzuführen.

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The Prestigious Award Highlights the Bank’s Commitment to Excellence and Innovation

NEW YORK--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (the “Company”) (NYSE: MCB), the holding company for Metropolitan Commercial Bank is pleased to announce its recognition as a member of Piper Sandler’s Sm-All Stars Class of 2024. This year’s class admits 8 new members and welcomes back 22 alumni. The list recognizes 30 companies that outperformed the industry across a variety of metrics including growth, profitability, credit and capital.

“Metropolitan Commercial Bank is thrilled to receive this industry recognition, which is a testament of the bank’s commitment to financial excellence and unwavering dedication to our clients,” said Mark R. DeFazio, Founder, President and CEO of Metropolitan Commercial Bank. “We are honored to be part of this distinguished group of financial institutions, reaffirming our steadfast commitment to leading the industry with innovative banking solutions of the highest standards.”

To earn Sm-All Star status, companies needed to have a market cap below $2.5 billion and clear numerous hurdles related to growth, profitability, credit quality, and capital strength. Against industry medians, banks had to outperform EPS growth, loan growth, deposit growth, ROAE, and in addition were required to report an NPA ratio below 0.75% at 6/30/24, an NCO ratio over the last twelve months of less than 25 bps, and a TCE ratio at or above 7.0% at 6/30/24. For more information on the rankings, click here.

About Metropolitan Commercial Bank

Metropolitan Commercial Bank (the “Bank”) is a full-service commercial bank based in New York City. The Bank provides a broad range of business, commercial, and personal banking products and services to individuals, small businesses, private and public middle-market and corporate enterprises and institutions, municipalities, and local government entities.

Metropolitan Commercial Bank’s EB-5 / E-2 International Group delivers banking services and products for United States Citizen and Immigration Services EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program investors, developers, Regional Centers, government agencies, law firms and consulting companies specializing in EB-5 and E-2.

Metropolitan Commercial Bank was named one of Newsweek’s Best Regional Banks and Credit Unions 2024. The Bank was ranked by Independent Community Bankers of America among the top ten successful loan producers for 2023 by loan category and asset size for commercial banks with more than $1 billion in assets. Kroll affirmed a BBB+ (investment grade) deposit rating on January 25, 2024.

Metropolitan Commercial Bank operates banking centers and private client offices in Manhattan and Boro Park, Brooklyn in New York City and Great Neck on Long Island in New York State.

The Bank is a New York State chartered commercial bank, a member of the Federal Reserve System and the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation, and an equal housing lender. The parent company of Metropolitan Commercial Bank is Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. (NYSE: MCB).

For more information, please visit the Bank’s website at

Forward Looking Statement Disclaimer

This release contains “forward-looking statements” within the meaning of the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Examples of forward-looking statements include but are not limited to the Company’s future financial condition and capital ratios, results of operations and the Company’s outlook and business. Forward-looking statements are not historical facts. Such statements may be identified by the use of such words as “may,” “believe,” “expect,” “anticipate,” “plan,” “continue” or similar terminology. These statements relate to future events or our future financial performance and involve risks and uncertainties that may cause our actual results, levels of activity, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. Although we believe that the expectations reflected in the forward-looking statements are reasonable, we caution you not to place undue reliance on these forward-looking statements. Factors which may cause our forward-looking statements to be materially inaccurate include, but are not limited to the continuing impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on our business and results of operation, an unexpected deterioration in our loan or securities portfolios, unexpected increases in our expenses, different than anticipated growth and our ability to manage our growth, unanticipated regulatory action or changes in regulations, unexpected changes in interest rates, inflation, an unanticipated decrease in deposits, an unanticipated loss of key personnel or existing clients, competition from other institutions resulting in unanticipated changes in our loan or deposit rates, an unexpected adverse financial, regulatory or bankruptcy event experienced by our fintech partners, unanticipated increases in FDIC costs, changes in regulations, legislation or tax or accounting rules, the current or anticipated impact of military conflict, terrorism or other geopolitical events and unanticipated adverse changes in our clients’ economic conditions or general economic conditions, as well as those discussed under the heading “Risk Factors” in our Annual Report on Form 10-K and Quarterly Reports on Form 10-Q.

Forward-looking statements speak only as of the date of this release. We do not undertake any obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statement.


Source: Metropolitan Commercial Bank


What award did Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB) receive in 2024?

Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB) was recognized as a member of Piper Sandler's Sm-All Stars Class of 2024, an award that highlights the bank's commitment to excellence and innovation in the financial industry.

How many companies were included in Piper Sandler's Sm-All Stars Class of 2024?

The Piper Sandler's Sm-All Stars Class of 2024 recognized 30 companies in total, including 8 new members and 22 returning alumni.

What criteria did MCB have to meet to be included in the Sm-All Stars Class?

To be included, MCB had to have a market cap below $2.5 billion and outperform industry medians in EPS growth, loan growth, deposit growth, and ROAE. They also needed an NPA ratio below 0.75%, an NCO ratio under 25 bps, and a TCE ratio at or above 7.0% as of June 30, 2024.

Who is the CEO of Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB)?

Mark R. DeFazio is the Founder, President, and CEO of Metropolitan Commercial Bank (MCB).

What is the stock symbol for Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp.?

The stock symbol for Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp. is MCB, and it is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

Metropolitan Bank Holding Corp.


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Banks - Regional
State Commercial Banks
United States of America