Volkswagen Group cooperates with Valeo and Mobileye to enhance driver assistance in future MQB vehicles
Volkswagen Group has announced a strategic collaboration with Valeo and Mobileye (MBLY) to enhance advanced driver assistance systems up to Level 2+ in its upcoming MQB-based vehicle portfolio. The partnership aims to integrate high-quality hardware and software while reducing complexity and streamlining procurement.
The new system will feature a 360-degree ring of multiple cameras and radars, enabling hands-free driving on approved roads, smart parking, and improved safety features. Valeo will provide ECUs, sensors, and parking solutions, while Mobileye contributes its Surround ADAS™ platform with EyeQ™6 High processor and mapping technologies.
The collaboration consolidates multiple ECUs into a centralized unit, allowing for over-the-air updates and improved system performance. Volkswagen Group reported 9.0 million vehicles delivered globally in 2024 (down from 9.2 million in 2023), with sales revenue of EUR 324.7 billion and operating result of EUR 19.1 billion in 2024 (compared to EUR 22.5 billion in 2023).
Il Gruppo Volkswagen ha annunciato una collaborazione strategica con Valeo e Mobileye (MBLY) per migliorare i sistemi avanzati di assistenza alla guida fino al Livello 2+ nella sua prossima gamma di veicoli basati sulla piattaforma MQB. L'obiettivo della partnership è integrare hardware e software di alta qualità, riducendo la complessità e semplificando gli approvvigionamenti.
Il nuovo sistema presenterà un anello a 360 gradi di più telecamere e radar, consentendo la guida senza mani su strade approvate, il parcheggio intelligente e funzionalità di sicurezza migliorate. Valeo fornirà ECU, sensori e soluzioni di parcheggio, mentre Mobileye contribuirà con la sua piattaforma Surround ADAS™ dotata di processore EyeQ™6 e tecnologie di mappatura.
La collaborazione consolida più ECU in un'unità centralizzata, consentendo aggiornamenti over-the-air e migliorando le prestazioni del sistema. Il Gruppo Volkswagen ha riportato 9,0 milioni di veicoli consegnati a livello globale nel 2024 (in calo rispetto ai 9,2 milioni del 2023), con un fatturato di vendita di 324,7 miliardi di euro e un risultato operativo di 19,1 miliardi di euro nel 2024 (rispetto ai 22,5 miliardi di euro del 2023).
El Grupo Volkswagen ha anunciado una colaboración estratégica con Valeo y Mobileye (MBLY) para mejorar los sistemas avanzados de asistencia al conductor hasta el Nivel 2+ en su próxima gama de vehículos basados en la plataforma MQB. La asociación tiene como objetivo integrar hardware y software de alta calidad, reduciendo la complejidad y simplificando la adquisición.
El nuevo sistema contará con un anillo de 360 grados de múltiples cámaras y radares, lo que permitirá la conducción sin manos en carreteras aprobadas, estacionamiento inteligente y características de seguridad mejoradas. Valeo proporcionará ECU, sensores y soluciones de estacionamiento, mientras que Mobileye contribuirá con su plataforma Surround ADAS™ equipada con el procesador EyeQ™6 y tecnologías de mapeo.
La colaboración consolida múltiples ECU en una unidad centralizada, permitiendo actualizaciones por aire y mejorando el rendimiento del sistema. El Grupo Volkswagen reportó 9,0 millones de vehículos entregados a nivel mundial en 2024 (una disminución respecto a los 9,2 millones en 2023), con unos ingresos por ventas de 324,7 mil millones de euros y un resultado operativo de 19,1 mil millones de euros en 2024 (en comparación con 22,5 mil millones de euros en 2023).
폭스바겐 그룹은 발레오 및 모바일아이 (MBLY)와 전략적 협력을 발표하여 다가오는 MQB 기반 차량 포트폴리오에서 Level 2+까지의 고급 운전 보조 시스템을 향상시키고자 합니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 고품질 하드웨어와 소프트웨어를 통합하면서 복잡성을 줄이고 조달을 간소화하는 것입니다.
새로운 시스템은 여러 대의 카메라와 레이더로 구성된 360도 링을 특징으로 하여 승인된 도로에서의 핸즈프리 주행, 스마트 주차 및 개선된 안전 기능을 가능하게 합니다. 발레오는 ECU, 센서 및 주차 솔루션을 제공하고, 모바일아이는 EyeQ™6 고성능 프로세서와 매핑 기술이 포함된 Surround ADAS™ 플랫폼을 기여합니다.
이 협력은 여러 ECU를 중앙 집중식 장치로 통합하여 공중에서의 업데이트와 시스템 성능 향상을 가능하게 합니다. 폭스바겐 그룹은 2024년 전 세계적으로 900만 대의 차량을 인도했다고 보고했으며(2023년 920만 대에서 감소), 2024년 판매 수익은 3,247억 유로, 운영 결과는 191억 유로로 보고되었습니다(2023년 225억 유로와 비교).
Le Groupe Volkswagen a annoncé une collaboration stratégique avec Valeo et Mobileye (MBLY) pour améliorer les systèmes avancés d'assistance à la conduite jusqu'au Niveau 2+ dans son prochain portefeuille de véhicules basé sur la plateforme MQB. L'objectif du partenariat est d'intégrer du matériel et des logiciels de haute qualité tout en réduisant la complexité et en rationalisant les approvisionnements.
Le nouveau système comportera un anneau à 360 degrés composé de plusieurs caméras et radars, permettant la conduite sans les mains sur des routes approuvées, le stationnement intelligent et des fonctionnalités de sécurité améliorées. Valeo fournira des ECU, des capteurs et des solutions de stationnement, tandis que Mobileye contribuera avec sa plateforme Surround ADAS™ dotée du processeur EyeQ™6 et des technologies de cartographie.
La collaboration consolide plusieurs ECU en une unité centralisée, permettant des mises à jour par voie aérienne et améliorant les performances du système. Le Groupe Volkswagen a rapporté 9,0 millions de véhicules livrés dans le monde en 2024 (en baisse par rapport à 9,2 millions en 2023), avec un chiffre d'affaires de 324,7 milliards d'euros et un résultat opérationnel de 19,1 milliards d'euros en 2024 (contre 22,5 milliards d'euros en 2023).
Die Volkswagen Gruppe hat eine strategische Zusammenarbeit mit Valeo und Mobileye (MBLY) angekündigt, um die fortschrittlichen Fahrerassistenzsysteme bis Level 2+ in ihrem kommenden Fahrzeugportfolio auf MQB-Basis zu verbessern. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, hochwertige Hardware und Software zu integrieren, während die Komplexität reduziert und die Beschaffung optimiert wird.
Das neue System wird einen 360-Grad-Ring aus mehreren Kameras und Radaren umfassen, der das Fahren ohne Hände auf genehmigten Straßen, intelligentes Parken und verbesserte Sicherheitsfunktionen ermöglicht. Valeo wird Steuergeräte, Sensoren und Parklösungen bereitstellen, während Mobileye seine Surround ADAS™-Plattform mit dem EyeQ™6 Hochleistungsprozessor und Kartierungstechnologien beisteuert.
Die Zusammenarbeit konsolidiert mehrere Steuergeräte in einer zentralen Einheit, was Over-the-Air-Updates und verbesserte Systemleistung ermöglicht. Die Volkswagen Gruppe berichtete von 9,0 Millionen weltweit gelieferten Fahrzeugen im Jahr 2024 (ein Rückgang von 9,2 Millionen im Jahr 2023), mit einem Umsatz von 324,7 Milliarden Euro und einem operativen Ergebnis von 19,1 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2024 (im Vergleich zu 22,5 Milliarden Euro im Jahr 2023).
- Strategic partnership reduces complexity and streamlines procurement across multiple VW brands
- Integration of advanced driver assistance features enhances product offering
- Centralized ECU system enables over-the-air updates and improved efficiency
- Slight increase in sales revenue to EUR 324.7B in 2024 from EUR 322.3B in 2023
- Vehicle deliveries declined to 9.0M in 2024 from 9.2M in 2023
- Operating result decreased to EUR 19.1B in 2024 from EUR 22.5B in 2023
This Volkswagen-Mobileye-Valeo partnership represents a significant technological advancement in how ADAS systems are implemented in mass-market vehicles. The integration combines Mobileye's Surround ADAS platform and EyeQ6 High processor with Valeo's sensors into a unified architecture that replaces multiple separate ECUs with a centralized system.
What's particularly notable is the deployment on Volkswagen's MQB platform—their modular architecture used across multiple brands and high-volume vehicles. This means Mobileye's technology could potentially reach millions of vehicles annually, as VW Group delivered 9.0 million vehicles globally in 2024.
The system's capabilities extending to Level 2+ represent a meaningful upgrade from basic ADAS to more sophisticated features including hands-free highway driving, traffic jam assist, and 360-degree emergency assist. This consolidated approach aligns with the industry's shift toward software-defined vehicles while reducing hardware complexity.
For Mobileye, securing placement of their latest EyeQ6 processor in Volkswagen's volume platform validates their competitive position despite intensifying competition from companies like Nvidia and Qualcomm. The over-the-air update capabilities mentioned suggest potential for ongoing revenue streams beyond initial hardware sales.
While implementation timeframe is vague ("launching in the next few years"), this partnership secures Mobileye's position in the evolving ADAS landscape where computational centralization and software-defined capabilities are becoming increasingly important differentiators.
This partnership strengthens Mobileye's market position and future revenue outlook. By securing Volkswagen Group as a customer for their Surround ADAS platform and EyeQ6 High processor, Mobileye gains access to VW's MQB platform—the foundation for high-volume vehicle production across multiple VW Group brands.
The financial impact will materialize gradually as these systems enter production "in the next few years." While the announcement lacks specific contract value details, the potential scale is substantial given VW Group's 9.0 million global vehicle deliveries in 2024. Even capturing a fraction of this volume would represent significant business.
The centralized system approach mentioned—replacing multiple ECUs with a single unit—could potentially increase Mobileye's content value per vehicle compared to more basic ADAS implementations. The inclusion of over-the-air update capabilities also suggests possibilities for recurring software revenue beyond initial hardware sales.
This deal enhances Mobileye's competitive positioning in the increasingly crowded ADAS market. As automakers standardize next-generation driver assistance across volume models to meet both consumer expectations and tightening regulatory requirements, securing platform-level deals with major OEMs becomes increasingly valuable.
While immediate financial impact will be minimal until production begins, this agreement provides increased visibility into Mobileye's future revenue pipeline and reinforces their technological leadership in a core market segment that continues to grow as advanced driver assistance features proliferate across vehicle segments.
- The collaboration aims to enhance safety and driving comfort in Volkswagen’s upcoming MQB-based vehicle portfolio.
- By reducing complexity and streamlining procurement, it integrates high-quality hardware and software, supporting Volkswagen Group’s transformation.

Volkswagen Group, Valeo and Mobileye collaborate on surround-sensing advanced driver assist.
“This cooperation supports us on our road to transformation: by sourcing hardware and software together, we streamline procurement, reduce complexity, and improve efficiency. It also empowers our performance program by enhancing technology while keeping costs competitive, ensuring high-quality solutions for our customers,” says Dirk Große-Loheide, Member of the Board of Management of the Volkswagen Brand responsible for Procurement and Member of Volkswagen AG’s Extended Executive Committee.
Beyond hands-free driving in specific conditions on approved highway sections, the system will offer features like traffic jam assist, hazard detection, parking assist, driver monitoring, and 360-degree emergency assist, with future-ready capabilities such as augmented reality displays.
With this cooperation and streamlined procurement across multiple brands, Volkswagen Group is advancing vehicle safety and automation while ensuring efficient development and cost-effective solutions for its customers.
Improved assistance systems
The new system features a 360-degree ring of multiple cameras and radars, along with software-defined capabilities, enabling hands-free driving on approved roads, smart parking, and improved occupant and pedestrian safety.
Valeo provides high-performance ECUs, sensors, and parking solutions, while Mobileye contributes its Surround ADAS™ platform, including the EyeQ™6 High processor and mapping technologies. For the first time, these elements are integrated into a single system, replacing multiple ECUs with a centralized unit. This improves efficiency, system performance, and allows for over-the-air updates to meet evolving safety standards.
“At Valeo, we are committed to advancing innovation in driver assistance technology. We are excited to embark on a new journey and to offer to Volkswagen, together with Mobileye, this complete solution of affordable, state-of-the-art, advanced driving features for their end-users,” explains Marc Vrecko, CEO of Valeo Brain Division.
“Working with Valeo and Volkswagen Group, this software and hardware integrated approach puts AI innovations to work in the real world,” said Prof. Amnon Shashua, president and CEO of Mobileye. “By improving efficiency and costs while upgrading capabilities for safety and comfort in driver assist, this system points the way to a new class of driving technology.”
About the Volkswagen Group:
The Volkswagen Group is one of the world's leading car makers, headquartered in
With an unrivalled portfolio of strong global brands, leading technologies at scale, innovative ideas to tap into future profit pools and an entrepreneurial leadership team, the Volkswagen Group is committed to shaping the future of mobility through investments in electric and autonomous driving vehicles, digitalization and sustainability.
In 2024, the total number of vehicles delivered to customers by the Group globally was 9.0 million (2023: 9.2 million). Group sales revenue in 2024 totaled
About Mobileye:
Mobileye (Nasdaq: MBLY) leads the mobility revolution with our autonomous driving and driver-assistance technologies, harnessing world-renowned expertise in artificial intelligence, computer vision, mapping and integrated software and hardware. Since our founding in 1999, Mobileye has enabled the wide adoption of advanced driver-assistance systems that bolster driving safety, while pioneering such groundbreaking technologies as REM™ crowdsourced mapping, True Redundancy™ sensing, and Responsibility Sensitive Safety™ (RSS). These technologies drive the ADAS and AV fields towards the future of mobility – enabling self-driving vehicles and mobility solutions at scale, and powering industry-leading advanced driver-assistance systems. Through 2024, more than 200 million vehicles worldwide have been built with Mobileye’s EyeQ technology inside. Since 2022, Mobileye has been listed independently from Intel (Nasdaq: INTC), which retains majority ownership. For more information, visit
“Mobileye,” the Mobileye logo and Mobileye product names are registered trademarks of Mobileye Global. All other marks are the property of their respective owners.
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Nicolai Laude
Corporate Communications
Head of Sustainability and Integrity Communications
+49 (0) 152 2912 2517
Justin Hyde
Corporate Communication
Source: Mobileye