Maritime Launch Services Signs Memorandum of Understanding with Leading Launch Vehicle Developer for Orbital Launches from Nova Scotia

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Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with a leading international launch vehicle operator to facilitate small-class orbital vehicle launches from Spaceport Nova Scotia. This agreement follows a Letter of Intent signed in 2023 and aims to boost Canada's participation in international space collaboration. The first orbital launch is planned for 2026.

Key elements of the agreement include:

  • Maritime Launch Services will provide launch site infrastructure and regulatory support
  • The launch operator will be responsible for the launch vehicle and specialty support equipment
  • A pathfinder launch will be executed as the initial step
  • Multi-year, multi-launch operations will follow under a commercial site lease model

This partnership is expected to demonstrate Spaceport Nova Scotia's capabilities and address the current demand in the satellite client marketplace.

Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) ha firmato un Memorandum d'Intesa (MOU) con un rinomato operatore internazionale di veicoli di lancio per facilitare i lanci di veicoli orbitali di classe piccola dal Spaceport Nova Scotia. Questo accordo segue una Lettera di Intenti firmata nel 2023 e mira a rafforzare la partecipazione del Canada alla collaborazione spaziale internazionale. Il primo lancio orbitale è previsto per il 2026.

Gli elementi chiave dell'accordo includono:

  • Maritime Launch Services fornirà le infrastrutture del sito di lancio e supporto normativo
  • L'operatore di lancio sarà responsabile del veicolo di lancio e delle apparecchiature di supporto specialistiche
  • Un lancio di prova sarà eseguito come primo passo
  • Operazioni di più anni e più lanci seguiranno sotto un modello di locazione commerciale del sito

Si prevede che questa partnership dimostrerà le capacità dello Spaceport Nova Scotia e risponderà alla crescente domanda nel mercato dei clienti satellitari.

Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) ha firmado un Memorando de Entendimiento (MOU) con un importante operador internacional de vehículos de lanzamiento para facilitar los lanzamientos de vehículos orbitales de clase pequeña desde Spaceport Nova Scotia. Este acuerdo sigue a una Carta de Intención firmada en 2023 y tiene como objetivo aumentar la participación de Canadá en la colaboración espacial internacional. El primer lanzamiento orbital está previsto para 2026.

Los elementos clave del acuerdo incluyen:

  • Maritime Launch Services proporcionará la infraestructura del sitio de lanzamiento y soporte regulatorio
  • El operador de lanzamiento será responsable del vehículo de lanzamiento y del equipo de soporte especializado
  • Se llevará a cabo un lanzamiento de prueba como primer paso
  • Operaciones de múltiples años y múltiples lanzamientos seguirán bajo un modelo de arrendamiento comercial del sitio

Se espera que esta asociación demuestre las capacidades de Spaceport Nova Scotia y aborde la demanda actual en el mercado de clientes de satélites.

Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF)는 선도적인 국제 발사체 운영자와 양해각서(MOU)를 체결하여 스페이스포트 노바스코샤에서 소형 궤도 차량 발사를 촉진하기로 했습니다. 이 계약은 2023년에 체결된 의향서에 따라 진행되며, 캐나다의 국제 우주 협력 참여를 강화하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 첫 번째 궤도 발사는 2026년으로 예정되어 있습니다.

계약의 주요 요소는 다음과 같습니다:

  • Maritime Launch Services는 발사 사이트 인프라와 규제 지원을 제공합니다
  • 발사 운영자는 발사체와 특수 지원 장비에 대한 책임을 집니다
  • 탐색 발사가 초기 단계로 수행됩니다
  • 상업적 사이트 임대 모델에 따라 다년간 다발사 작업이 이어질 것입니다

이번 파트너십은 스페이스포트 노바스코샤의 능력을 입증하고 인공위성 고객 시장의 현재 수요를 충족시킬 것으로 기대됩니다.

Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) a signé un protocole d'accord (MOU) avec un opérateur international de véhicules de lancement de premier plan pour faciliter les lancements de véhicules orbitaux de petite classe depuis le Spaceport Nova Scotia. Cet accord fait suite à une lettre d'intention signée en 2023 et vise à renforcer la participation du Canada à la collaboration spatiale internationale. Le premier lancement orbital est prévu pour 2026.

Les éléments clés de l'accord comprennent :

  • Maritime Launch Services fournira l'infrastructure du site de lancement et un soutien réglementaire
  • L'opérateur de lancement sera responsable du véhicule de lancement et des équipements de soutien spécialisés
  • Un lancement de test sera exécuté comme première étape
  • Des opérations pluriannuelles et de multiples lancements suivront dans le cadre d'un modèle de location commerciale du site

Ce partenariat devrait démontrer les capacités du Spaceport Nova Scotia et répondre à la demande actuelle sur le marché des clients satellites.

Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) hat ein Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) mit einem führenden internationalen Betreiber von Trägerraketen unterzeichnet, um Startbedingungen für kleine orbitale Fahrzeuge vom Spaceport Nova Scotia zu ermöglichen. Diese Vereinbarung folgt auf eine 2023 unterzeichnete Absichtserklärung und zielt darauf ab, Kanadas Teilnahme an der internationalen Raumfahrtzusammenarbeit zu verbessern. Der erste orbitalen Start ist für 2026 geplant.

Wichtige Punkte der Vereinbarung sind:

  • Maritime Launch Services wird die Infrastruktur des Startplatzes und regulatorische Unterstützung bereitstellen
  • Der Betreiber wird verantwortlich sein für die Trägerrakete und spezielle Unterstützungsgeräte
  • Ein Erprobungsstart wird als erster Schritt durchgeführt
  • Mehrjährige und mehrfache Starts werden unter einem kommerziellen Standortpachtmodell folgen

Diese Partnerschaft wird voraussichtlich die Fähigkeiten des Spaceport Nova Scotia demonstrieren und der aktuellen Nachfrage auf dem Satellitenmarkt gerecht werden.

  • Signed MOU with leading international launch vehicle operator for orbital launches
  • Planned first orbital launch from Spaceport Nova Scotia in 2026
  • Multi-year, multi-launch operations expected following successful pathfinder mission
  • Partnership aims to address pent-up demand from satellite client marketplace
  • None.

HALIFAX, Nova Scotia--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Maritime Launch Services Inc. (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) and a prominent international launch vehicle operator have signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) to facilitate the launch of a small-class orbital vehicle from Spaceport Nova Scotia.

This strategic agreement marks a significant milestone for Canada’s participation in international space collaboration and aims to boost the capabilities of Spaceport Nova Scotia as a leading global launch site. Canada and the USA have also recently announced the conclusion of negotiations on a Technology Safeguards Agreement (TSA) between both countries, which paves the way for a thriving space industry launching from Spaceport Nova Scotia.

Maritime Launch is planning a first orbital launch from Spaceport Nova Scotia in 2026.

Under the terms of the MOU, Maritime Launch Services, as the spaceport operator, will provide the necessary launch site infrastructure and regulatory support, while the launch operator will be responsible for the launch vehicle and specialty support equipment.

This MOU follows the Letter of Intent that was signed by both parties in 2023 and serves as a basis for the definitive and binding launch service agreement. Both parties are committed to working closely to ensure the successful implementation of the agreement to foster the growth of the global space industry.

Maritime Launch will host its first two small launch vehicle clients at Spaceport Nova Scotia for the current construction phase and will integrate the launch provider’s vehicles and support equipment into the operational framework of Spaceport Nova Scotia.

Key Elements of the Agreement:

  1. Pathfinder Launch: The initial steps will involve both parties working together to execute the first orbital launch from Spaceport Nova Scotia.
  2. Commercial Operations: Following the successful pathfinder mission, the multi-year, multi-launch operations will quickly ramp up under the commercial site lease model.
  3. Infrastructure and Safety: Maritime Launch will be responsible for public safety, launch-related mission support, and coordinating with various federal authorities for restricted airspace and waterways. The mobile launch vehicle capability will enable the use of temporary or mobile site infrastructure for initial launches.

Stephen Matier, President and CEO of Maritime Launch Services, stated, “This partnership is a significant step forward for Spaceport Nova Scotia. It not only highlights our commitment to welcoming international space companies to Canada but also secures a leading launch vehicle for orbital missions from Spaceport Nova Scotia,” Matier added “This partnership will also demonstrate our capabilities as a launch site, capable of accommodating diverse launch systems for our client needs. The partnership allows us to deliver launch capability towards the current pent-up demand from the satellite client marketplace.”

As the MOU guidelines are executed by both parties in the coming months, Maritime Launch will announce further details regarding this international partnership.

About Maritime Launch Services
Maritime Launch (Cboe CA: MAXQ, OTCQB: MAXQF) is a Canadian-owned commercial space company based in Nova Scotia. Maritime Launch is developing Spaceport Nova Scotia, a launch site that will provide satellite delivery services to clients in support of the growing commercial space transportation industry over a wide range of inclinations from a single site. Spaceport Nova Scotia will allow launch vehicles to place their satellites into low-earth orbit. Spaceport Nova Scotia is Canada’s first commercial orbital launch complex.

For more information about Maritime Launch and Spaceport Nova Scotia, visit

Forward Looking Statements
This news release contains "forward-looking statements" within the meaning of applicable securities laws. All statements contained herein that are not clearly historical in nature may constitute forward-looking statements.

Generally, such forward-looking information or forward-looking statements can be identified by the use of forward-looking terminology such as "plans", "expects" or "does not expect", "is expected", "budget", "scheduled", "estimates", "forecasts", "intends", "anticipates" or "does not anticipate", or "believes", or variations of such words and phrases or may contain statements that certain actions, events or results "may", "could", "would", "might" or "will be taken", "will continue", "will occur" or "will be achieved". The forward-looking information and forward-looking statements contained herein include, but are not limited to, statements regarding: the timing of spaceport construction and ability to launch medium class vehicles.

Forward-looking statements in this news release are based on certain assumptions and expected future events, namely: the Company’s ability to continue as a going concern; the Company’s ability to continue to develop revenue-generating applications; continued approval of the Company’s activities by the relevant governmental and/or regulatory authorities; the continued growth of the Company; the Company’s ability to finance its operations until profitability can be achieved and sustained.

These statements involve known and unknown risks, uncertainties and other factors, which may cause actual results, performance or achievements to differ materially from those expressed or implied by such statements, including but not limited to: the potential inability of the Company to continue as a going concern; risks associated with potential governmental and/or regulatory action with respect to the Company’s operations; the inability of the Company to provide the enumerated services; and availability of launch vehicles.

Readers are cautioned that the foregoing list is not exhaustive. Readers are further cautioned not to place undue reliance on forward-looking statements, as there can be no assurance that the plans, intentions or expectations upon which they are placed will occur. Such information, although considered reasonable by management at the time of preparation, may prove to be incorrect and actual results may differ materially from those anticipated.

Forward-looking statements contained in this news release are expressly qualified by this cautionary statement and reflect the Company’s expectations as of the date hereof and are subject to change thereafter. The Company undertakes no obligation to update or revise any forward-looking statements, whether as a result of new information, estimates or opinions, future events or results or otherwise or to explain any material difference between subsequent actual events and such forward-looking information, except as required by applicable law.

Maritime Launch Services

Sarah McLean

Vice President of Communications and Corporate Affairs


Source: Maritime Launch Services Inc.


What is the significance of the MOU signed by Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF)?

The MOU signed by Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF) with a leading international launch vehicle operator is significant as it facilitates small-class orbital vehicle launches from Spaceport Nova Scotia, marking a milestone for Canada's participation in international space collaboration.

When is the first orbital launch planned from Spaceport Nova Scotia by Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF)?

Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF) is planning the first orbital launch from Spaceport Nova Scotia in 2026.

What are the key responsibilities of Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF) in this partnership?

Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF) will be responsible for providing launch site infrastructure, regulatory support, public safety, launch-related mission support, and coordinating with federal authorities for restricted airspace and waterways.

How will the partnership between Maritime Launch Services (MAXQF) and the launch vehicle operator progress?

The partnership will begin with a pathfinder launch, followed by multi-year, multi-launch operations under a commercial site lease model, ramping up quickly after the successful initial mission.



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