Solaris Renewables Fuels Growth and Delights Customers Through Partnership with Maxeon Solar Technologies

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Solaris Renewables, a Massachusetts-based solar and storage provider, has become a Maxeon Preferred Partner, offering Maxeon IBC solar panels for residential and commercial installations. With over 12 years of experience, Solaris has built thousands of installations across New England, leveraging Maxeon's technology and customer-centric approach.

Brian Sadler, VP of Solaris Renewables, praised Maxeon's panels for their superior performance, reliability, and aesthetics. He noted that customers consistently report outperforming expected payback times and projected savings, leading to significant word-of-mouth referrals. Importantly, Solaris has never had to replace a Maxeon panel in the field.

Vikas Desai, CCO at Maxeon, emphasized their partner program's focus on creating a trusted network of installers committed to quality and integrity. Maxeon (NASDAQ: MAXN) continues to expand its ecosystem of dealers and installers who prioritize customer satisfaction and product excellence.

Solaris Renewables, un fornitore di solare e stoccaggio con sede nel Massachusetts, è diventato un Partner Preferito di Maxeon, offrendo pannelli solari IBC di Maxeon per installazioni residenziali e commerciali. Con oltre 12 anni di esperienza, Solaris ha realizzato migliaia di installazioni in tutto il New England, sfruttando la tecnologia di Maxeon e un approccio incentrato sul cliente.

Brian Sadler, VP di Solaris Renewables, ha elogiato i pannelli di Maxeon per la loro prestazione superiore, affidabilità e estetica. Ha osservato che i clienti segnalano costantemente tempi di rimborso superiori alle aspettative e risparmi previsti, portando a significativi riferimenti da parte del passaparola. È importante notare che Solaris non ha mai dovuto sostituire un pannello Maxeon sul campo.

Vikas Desai, CCO di Maxeon, ha sottolineato che il programma per i partner si concentra sulla creazione di una rete di installatori fidati, impegnati nella qualità e nell'integrità. Maxeon (NASDAQ: MAXN) continua a espandere il proprio ecosistema di rivenditori e installatori che danno priorità alla soddisfazione del cliente e all'eccellenza del prodotto.

Solaris Renewables, un proveedor de energía solar y almacenamiento con sede en Massachusetts, se ha convertido en un Socio Preferido de Maxeon, ofreciendo paneles solares IBC de Maxeon para instalaciones residenciales y comerciales. Con más de 12 años de experiencia, Solaris ha construido miles de instalaciones en Nueva Inglaterra, aprovechando la tecnología de Maxeon y un enfoque centrado en el cliente.

Brian Sadler, VP de Solaris Renewables, elogió los paneles de Maxeon por su superior rendimiento, fiabilidad y estética. Señaló que los clientes informan consistentemente que superan los tiempos de recuperación esperados y los ahorros proyectados, lo que lleva a importantes referencias de boca a boca. Es importante destacar que Solaris nunca ha tenido que reemplazar un panel de Maxeon en el campo.

Vikas Desai, CCO de Maxeon, enfatizó que el programa para socios se centra en crear una red confiable de instaladores comprometidos con la calidad y la integridad. Maxeon (NASDAQ: MAXN) continúa expandiendo su ecosistema de distribuidores e instaladores que priorizan la satisfacción del cliente y la excelencia del producto.

매사추세츠에 본사를 둔 솔라리스 리뉴어블스(Solaris Renewables)는 맥시온 선호 파트너(Maxen Preferred Partner)가 되어 주택 및 상업용 설치를 위한 맥시온 IBC 태양광 패널을 제공합니다. 12년 이상의 경험을 바탕으로 솔라리스는 뉴잉글랜드 전역에 수천 건의 설치를 완료하였으며, 맥시온의 기술과 고객 중심 접근법을 활용하고 있습니다.

솔라리스 리뉴어블스의 부사장인 브라이언 새들러(Brian Sadler)는 맥시온의 패널을 우수한 성능, 신뢰성 및 미학으로 칭찬했습니다. 그는 고객들이 기대했던 회수 기간과 예상 절감액을 꾸준히 초과한다고 보고하며, 이는 상당한 입소문 추천으로 이어진다고 언급했습니다. 특히, 솔라리스는 현장에서 맥시온 패널을 교체한 적이 없습니다.

맥시온의 CCO인 비카스 데사이(Vikas Desai)는 파트너 프로그램의 초점이 품질과 정직성에 헌신하는 신뢰할 수 있는 설치자 네트워크 생성에 있음을 강조했습니다. 맥시온(NASDAQ: MAXN)은 고객 만족과 제품 우수성을 우선시하는 대리점 및 설치자 생태계를 계속 확장하고 있습니다.

Solaris Renewables, un fournisseur de solutions solaires et de stockage basé dans le Massachusetts, est devenu un Partenaire Préféré de Maxeon, offrant des panneaux solaires IBC de Maxeon pour les installations résidentielles et commerciales. Fort de plus de 12 ans d'expérience, Solaris a réalisé des milliers d'installations à travers la Nouvelle-Angleterre, en s'appuyant sur la technologie de Maxeon et une approche orientée client.

Brian Sadler, VP de Solaris Renewables, a salué les panneaux de Maxeon pour leur performance supérieure, fiabilité et esthétique. Il a souligné que les clients rapportent systématiquement des délais de retour sur investissement supérieurs aux attentes et des économies projetées, ce qui entraîne d'importantes recommandations par le bouche-à-oreille. Il est important de noter que Solaris n'a jamais eu à remplacer de panneau Maxeon sur le terrain.

Vikas Desai, CCO chez Maxeon, a souligné que le programme pour partenaires se concentre sur la création d'un réseau d'installateurs fiables, engagés envers la qualité et l'intégrité. Maxeon (NASDAQ: MAXN) continue d'élargir son écosystème de distributeurs et d'installateurs qui privilégient la satisfaction client et l'excellence du produit.

Solaris Renewables, ein Anbieter von Solar- und Speicherlösungen mit Sitz in Massachusetts, ist ein Bevorzugter Partner von Maxeon geworden und bietet Maxeon IBC Solarpanels für private und gewerbliche Installationen an. Mit über 12 Jahren Erfahrung hat Solaris tausende von Installationen in Neuengland geschaffen und nutzt dabei die Technologie von Maxeon und einen kundenorientierten Ansatz.

Brian Sadler, VP von Solaris Renewables, lobte die Maxeon-Panels für ihre überlegene Leistung, Zuverlässigkeit und Ästhetik. Er bemerkte, dass Kunden konsequent berichten, dass die erwarteten Amortisationszeiten und die prognostizierten Einsparungen übertroffen werden, was zu erheblichen Empfehlungen aus Mund-zu-Mund-Werbung führt. Wichtig ist, dass Solaris noch nie ein Maxeon-Panel im Feld ersetzen musste.

Vikas Desai, CCO von Maxeon, betonte, dass sich das Partnerprogramm auf den Aufbau eines vertrauenswürdigen Netzwerks von Installateuren konzentriert, die sich der Qualität und Integrität verpflichtet fühlen. Maxeon (NASDAQ: MAXN) setzt seine Expansion des Ökosystems von Händlern und Installateuren fort, die Kundenzufriedenheit und Produktqualität priorisieren.

  • Maxeon's panels consistently outperform expected payback times and projected savings
  • Solaris Renewables reports never having to replace a Maxeon panel in the field
  • Partnership with Solaris Renewables expands Maxeon's market presence in New England
  • Maxeon's partner program is creating a trusted network of installers, potentially increasing market share
  • None.

SINGAPORE, July 24, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Solaris Renewables is a Massachusetts, U.S.-based provider of premium solar and storage technologies that has built a thriving business based on exceptional customer satisfaction and an expanding network of word-of-mouth referrals. Maxeon Solar Technologies, Ltd. (NASDAQ: MAXN), a global leader in solar innovation and channels, has welcomed Solaris Renewables as a Maxeon Preferred Partner, offering Maxeon IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact) solar panels for its residential and commercial installations.

Maxeon continues to build its trusted partner ecosystem with dealers and installers that choose to offer the best solar products and who provide outstanding customer service with quality and integrity. As a result, businesses and homeowners can be confident that when they choose Maxeon, the dealers and installers who sell and install their system are highly professional, do the job right, and will be there after the project is complete to provide support.

As a former SunPower Elite partner, Solaris Renewables has over 12 years of experience selling and installing Maxeon solar panels and has built or serviced thousands of installations across the New England region. This award-winning, full-service installer is expanding its business designing and building solar systems by leveraging leading-edge but dependable and proven technology combined with its customer-centric, community-based approach.

"Our experience with Maxeon has proven their panels have the best performance, superior reliability and aesthetics, and the support Maxeon provides partners is tremendous, making them the easiest solar manufacturer to do business with," said Brian Sadler, Vice President, Solaris Renewables. "We consistently hear from our customers with Maxeon solutions that they outperform their expected payback time and their projected savings, and when our customers repeatedly tell us how much they love their solar system, they are also generating significant word-of-mouth referrals that have been a major business driver for us. Additionally, the fact that we've never had to replace a Maxeon panel in the field gives us and our customers unparalleled peace-of-mind."

"Maxeon's partner program is creating a trusted network of installers and dealers committed to quality and integrity, and we empower them with a unique product offering that enables them to maximize their profitability and customer satisfaction," said Vikas Desai, Chief Commercial Officer at Maxeon. "We look forward to continued growth with Solaris Renewables and delivering innovation that fuels the adoption of solar in their communities."

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About Maxeon Solar Technologies
 Maxeon Solar Technologies (NASDAQ: MAXN) is Powering Positive Change™. Headquartered in Singapore, Maxeon leverages over 35 years of solar energy leadership and over 1,900 patents to design innovative and sustainably made solar panels and energy solutions for residential, commercial, and power plant customers. Maxeon's integrated home energy management is a flexible ecosystem of products and services, built around the award-winning Maxeon® and SunPower® branded solar panels. With a network of more than 1,700 trusted partners and distributors, and more than one million customers worldwide, the Company is a global leader in solar.

Forward Looking Statements

This press release contains forward-looking statements within the meaning of Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933, as amended, and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, including, but not limited to, statements regarding the anticipated partnership, and our expectations regarding, partner support, customer acceptance and demand, market traction, opportunities in existing and new markets; our expectations regarding the appeal, utility, efficiency, environmental and sustainability benefits of our product offering and/ or the anticipated partnership; the company's expectations of the timing and success of its product offering strategy in existing markets. These forward-looking statements are based on our current assumptions, expectations and beliefs and involve substantial risks and uncertainties that may cause results, performance, or achievement to materially differ from those expressed or implied by these forward-looking statements. A detailed discussion of these factors and other risks that affect our business is included in filings we make with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") from time to time, including our most recent report on Form 20-F, particularly under the heading "Item 3.D. Risk Factors." Copies of these filings are available online from the SEC or on the Financials & Filings section of our Investor Relations website at All forward-looking statements in this press release are based on information currently available to us, and we assume no obligation to update these forward-looking statements in light of new information or future events.

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What is the partnership between Solaris Renewables and Maxeon Solar Technologies (MAXN)?

Solaris Renewables has become a Maxeon Preferred Partner, offering Maxeon IBC (Interdigitated Back Contact) solar panels for residential and commercial installations. This partnership leverages Maxeon's technology and Solaris' customer-centric approach to expand solar adoption in New England.

How long has Solaris Renewables been working with Maxeon Solar Technologies (MAXN) panels?

Solaris Renewables has over 12 years of experience selling and installing Maxeon solar panels, having previously been a SunPower Elite partner before partnering directly with Maxeon.

What benefits does Solaris Renewables report from using Maxeon Solar Technologies (MAXN) panels?

Solaris Renewables reports that Maxeon panels offer superior performance, reliability, and aesthetics. Customers consistently outperform expected payback times and projected savings. Notably, Solaris has never had to replace a Maxeon panel in the field, providing peace of mind for both the company and its customers.

How is the partnership with Solaris Renewables beneficial for Maxeon Solar Technologies (MAXN)?

The partnership allows Maxeon to expand its trusted partner ecosystem in the New England region, potentially increasing market share. It also reinforces Maxeon's strategy of working with installers committed to quality and integrity, which can enhance brand reputation and customer satisfaction.

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