Hot Wheels Ignites New “Challenge Accepted” Platform Dedicated to Building Resilience and Fostering a Growth Mindset in Children

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Mattel's Hot Wheels brand has launched a new platform called 'Challenge Accepted' aimed at fostering a growth mindset in children. The initiative is based on research conducted with Mindset Works, which found that 77% of children aged 4-8 believe they can learn anything with effort. However, 71% of parents reported intervening when their children face challenges, potentially hindering growth mindset development.

As part of this initiative, Hot Wheels is introducing the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund. The fund's inaugural partner is Mission 44, a charity founded by Formula One champion Sir Lewis Hamilton. The partnership will be showcased at a STEM event during the 2024 Formula 1 United States Grand Prix in Austin, Texas.

The 'Challenge Accepted' platform aims to empower children through play, encouraging them to try, fail, repeat, and grow. Research showed that children who frequently play with Hot Wheels toys are 32% more likely to embrace new challenges.

Il marchio Hot Wheels di Mattel ha lanciato una nuova piattaforma chiamata 'Challenge Accepted', concepita per promuovere una mentalità di crescita nei bambini. L'iniziativa si basa su ricerche condotte con Mindset Works, che hanno rivelato che il 77% dei bambini di età compresa tra 4 e 8 anni crede di poter imparare qualsiasi cosa con impegno. Tuttavia, il 71% dei genitori ha riferito di intervenire quando i propri figli affrontano delle sfide, ostacolando potenzialmente lo sviluppo della mentalità di crescita.

Come parte di questa iniziativa, Hot Wheels sta introducendo il Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund. Il primo partner del fondo è Mission 44, un'organizzazione benefica fondata dal campione di Formula Uno Sir Lewis Hamilton. La partnership sarà presentata durante un evento STEM in occasione del Gran Premio di Formula 1 degli Stati Uniti del 2024 ad Austin, Texas.

La piattaforma 'Challenge Accepted' mira a dare potere ai bambini attraverso il gioco, incoraggiandoli a provare, fallire, ripetere e crescere. Le ricerche hanno mostrato che i bambini che giocano frequentemente con i giocattoli Hot Wheels hanno il 32% di probabilità in più di affrontare nuove sfide.

La marca Hot Wheels de Mattel ha lanzado una nueva plataforma llamada 'Challenge Accepted', destinada a fomentar una mentalidad de crecimiento en los niños. La iniciativa se basa en una investigación realizada con Mindset Works, que encontró que el 77% de los niños de 4 a 8 años creen que pueden aprender cualquier cosa con esfuerzo. Sin embargo, el 71% de los padres reportó intervenir cuando sus hijos enfrentan desafíos, lo que podría obstaculizar el desarrollo de la mentalidad de crecimiento.

Como parte de esta iniciativa, Hot Wheels está introduciendo el Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund. El primer socio del fondo es Mission 44, una organización benéfica fundada por el campeón de Fórmula Uno Sir Lewis Hamilton. La asociación se mostrará en un evento STEM durante el Gran Premio de Fórmula 1 de los Estados Unidos de 2024 en Austin, Texas.

La plataforma 'Challenge Accepted' tiene como objetivo empoderar a los niños a través del juego, animándolos a intentar, fallar, repetir y crecer. La investigación mostró que los niños que juegan frecuentemente con los juguetes Hot Wheels tienen un 32% más de probabilidades de aceptar nuevos desafíos.

마텔의 핫휠 브랜드가 어린이의 성장 마인드셋을 육성하기 위한 새로운 플랫폼 'Challenge Accepted'를 출시했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 Mindset Works와 함께 진행된 연구를 기반으로 하며, 4-8세 어린이의 77%가 노력만 있으면 무엇이든 배울 수 있다고 믿는 것으로 나타났습니다. 그러나 71%의 부모가 자녀가 도전에 직면했을 때 개입한다고 보고하여, 성장 마인드셋 개발을 방해할 수 있는 것으로 보입니다.

이 이니셔티브의 일환으로 핫휠은 Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund를 소개하고 있습니다. 이 기금의 첫 번째 파트너는 포뮬러 원 챔피언인 리우스 해밀턴 경이 설립한 자선 단체인 Mission 44입니다. 이 파트너십은 2024년 텍사스 오스틴에서 열리는 포뮬러 1 미국 그랑프리 기간 동안 STEM 이벤트에서 소개될 예정입니다.

'Challenge Accepted' 플랫폼은 놀이를 통해 어린이들을 Empower하기 위해 고안되었으며, 그들이 시도하고, 실패하며, 반복하고, 성장하도록 격려합니다. 연구에 따르면 핫휠 장난감을 자주 가지고 노는 어린이는 새로운 도전을 받아들일 가능성이 32% 더 높습니다.

La marque Hot Wheels de Mattel a lancé une nouvelle plateforme appelée 'Challenge Accepted', visant à favoriser une mentalité de croissance chez les enfants. L'initiative est basée sur des recherches menées avec Mindset Works, qui ont révélé que 77 % des enfants âgés de 4 à 8 ans croient pouvoir tout apprendre avec des efforts. Cependant, 71 % des parents ont signalé intervenir lorsque leurs enfants rencontrent des défis, ce qui pourrait freiner le développement d'une mentalité de croissance.

Dans le cadre de cette initiative, Hot Wheels introduit le Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund. Le premier partenaire du fonds est Mission 44, une œuvre de charité fondée par le champion de Formule 1 Sir Lewis Hamilton. Le partenariat sera présenté lors d'un événement STEM pendant le Grand Prix des États-Unis de Formule 1 2024 à Austin, au Texas.

La plateforme 'Challenge Accepted' vise à donner du pouvoir aux enfants à travers le jeu, les encourageant à essayer, échouer, répéter et grandir. Les recherches montrent que les enfants qui jouent fréquemment avec des jouets Hot Wheels ont 32 % plus de chances d'accepter de nouveaux défis.

Die Marke Hot Wheels von Mattel hat eine neue Plattform mit dem Namen 'Challenge Accepted' ins Leben gerufen, die darauf abzielt, eine Wachstumsmentalität bei Kindern zu fördern. Die Initiative basiert auf einer Forschung, die mit Mindset Works durchgeführt wurde und bei der festgestellt wurde, dass 77% der Kinder im Alter von 4 bis 8 Jahren glauben, sie könnten mit Aufwand alles lernen. Allerdings berichteten 71% der Eltern, dass sie eingreifen, wenn ihre Kinder Herausforderungen begegnen, was die Entwicklung einer Wachstumsmentalität potenziell behindern könnte.

Im Rahmen dieser Initiative führt Hot Wheels den Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund ein. Der erste Partner des Fonds ist Mission 44, eine Wohltätigkeitsorganisation, die von Formel-1-Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton gegründet wurde. Die Partnerschaft wird bei einer STEM-Veranstaltung während des Formel-1-Grand-Prix der Vereinigten Staaten 2024 in Austin, Texas, vorgestellt.

Die Plattform 'Challenge Accepted' zielt darauf ab, Kinder durch Spiel zu stärken und sie zu ermutigen, zu versuchen, zu scheitern, zu wiederholen und zu wachsen. Forschungen zeigen, dass Kinder, die häufig mit Hot Wheels-Spielzeug spielen, eine um 32% höhere Wahrscheinlichkeit haben, neue Herausforderungen anzunehmen.

  • Launch of 'Challenge Accepted' platform to foster growth mindset in children
  • Introduction of Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund to provide resources for children
  • Partnership with Mission 44, founded by Sir Lewis Hamilton, to promote inclusivity in STEM
  • Research shows children playing with Hot Wheels are 32% more likely to take on new challenges
  • None.

Alongside new platform, brand launches Challenger Spirit Fund with its inaugural partner Mission 44, founded by Seven Time Formula One World Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton

EL SEGUNDO, Calif.--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Today, Mattel, Inc. (NASDAQ: MAT), a leading global toy and family entertainment company and owner of one of the most iconic brand portfolios in the world, announced Hot Wheels® is furthering its mission to ignite the challenger spirit in every child with the creation of Challenge Accepted, a new platform that aims to empower children through play to try, fail, repeat and grow to cultivate a growth mindset—the understanding that abilities and intelligence can be developed.

Hot Wheels® is furthering its mission to ignite the challenger spirit in every child with the creation of Challenge Accepted, a new platform that aims to empower children through play to try, fail, repeat and grow to cultivate a growth mindset—the understanding that abilities and intelligence can be developed. (Photo: Business Wire)

Hot Wheels® is furthering its mission to ignite the challenger spirit in every child with the creation of Challenge Accepted, a new platform that aims to empower children through play to try, fail, repeat and grow to cultivate a growth mindset—the understanding that abilities and intelligence can be developed. (Photo: Business Wire)

To help inform the new platform, Hot Wheels consulted with Mindset Works, a global leader in growth mindset development to uncover insights, learnings and tools that further its mission and help spark that challenger spirit in young children during a key developmental stage of life.

The research surveyed parents and children and found that 77% of children ages four to eight believe they can learn anything with effort. However, 71% of parents surveyed report stepping in when their children face small challenges to protect their self-esteem, which could result in missed opportunities to foster a growth mindset, or the understanding that we can develop our abilities and intelligence, that is critical to developing the resilience needed to succeed.1

Through the Challenge Accepted platform, Hot Wheels is nurturing the power that interactive play has in igniting the challenger spirit in everyone, especially children. In fact, the research showed that children who play often with Hot Wheels toys are 32% more likely to be eager to take on new challenges with trial and error, ultimately leading to growth.

“Very young children typically act in ways that seem quite growth mindset-based, but around age five, they become more vulnerable to developing fixed mindset beliefs about their abilities as they enter school, form more complex concepts of themselves, and are subject to a new set of expectations and evaluation from adults and peers,” said Dr. Lisa Blackwell, co-founder of Mindset Works. “All of these factors can contribute to children developing fixed mindsets and deter them from manifesting the challenger spirit. As adults, we can play a critical role in fostering children’s growth mindsets, including through play with toys.”

As part of its commitment, Hot Wheels is launching the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund™ to empower the next generation of children by providing resources and opportunities that foster a growth mindset. The inaugural partner of the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund is Mission 44, a charity founded by Seven Time Formula One Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton, working to create a fairer, more inclusive future for young people around the world. Through their work, Mission 44 is investing in solutions that empower young people to overcome social injustice and succeed, with a focus on building more inclusive education systems and empowering the next generation of leaders in STEM.

“Hot Wheels has always been focused on ‘igniting the challenger spirit’ in every child and we strive to build meaningful partnerships to help us further that mission while making a real impact through play,” said Roberto Stanichi, Executive Vice President, Hot Wheels & Head of Vehicles and Building Sets. “We’re honored to work with a partner like Mission 44 and have Sir Lewis Hamilton’s organization be the first Challenger Spirit Fund recipient helping us launch our new Challenge Accepted platform. Together, we’ll help inspire and encourage children to take on new challenges both on and off the track.”

On October 17th, Hot Wheels will be bringing Challenge Accepted to life at Mission 44’s youth STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math) inspiration event at the 2024 Formula 1 United States Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas racetrack in Austin, Texas. Hot Wheels designers will be on-site with Mission 44 to teach young people about the physics behind Hot Wheels, exploring toy building challenges, and speak to the idea of “Try. Fail. Repeat. Grow.”

Jason Arthur, CEO of Mission 44, said: “When Sir Lewis Hamilton launched Mission 44, it was with the ambition to create a fairer, more inclusive future for young people around the world. Together with Hot Wheels and their Challenger Spirit Fund, we will be able to unlock the power and potential of young people, no matter what their background. I'm delighted to launch the partnership and immediately get to work at the United States Grand Prix, bringing young people from underrepresented backgrounds to track to explore the world of STEM, motorsport and Hot Wheels.”

To learn more about Hot Wheels Challenge Accepted mission, or how parents help introduce and foster a growth mindset through play, visit

About Mattel

Mattel is a leading global toy and family entertainment company and owner of one of the most iconic brand portfolios in the world. We engage consumers and fans through our franchise brands, including Barbie®, Hot Wheels®, Fisher-Price®, American Girl®, Thomas & Friends™, UNO®, Masters of the Universe®, Matchbox ®, Monster High®, MEGA® and Polly Pocket®, as well as other popular properties that we own or license in partnership with global entertainment companies. Our offerings include toys, content, consumer products, digital and live experiences. Our products are sold in collaboration with the world’s leading retail and ecommerce companies.

About Mindset Works

Mindset Works is a global leader in growth mindset development leveraging the pioneering research of Carol Dweck and Lisa Blackwell. The company's mission is to enable a world in which all people realize continual learning and growth through programs and professional learning for the education sector. The Mindset Works team includes practitioners, coaches, leaders, and researchers who collaborate to translate academic research into products and services that nurture positive learning beliefs, habits, and cultures.

About Mission 44

Launched by Seven Time Formula One World Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton in 2021, Mission 44 is a charity that is working to build a fairer, more inclusive future for young people around the world. The charity invests in solutions that empower young people to overcome social injustice and succeed. It has a particular focus on developing an inclusive education system, creating employment opportunities in STEM and motorsport, and empowering young people to shape the world they live in.

1 Mattel Global Consumer Insights: Unlocking Growth Mindset (2024)


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Source: Mattel, Inc.


What is Hot Wheels' new 'Challenge Accepted' platform about?

Hot Wheels' 'Challenge Accepted' platform aims to empower children through play, encouraging them to try, fail, repeat, and grow to cultivate a growth mindset. It's designed to help children understand that abilities and intelligence can be developed.

How is Mattel (MAT) promoting growth mindset through Hot Wheels?

Mattel (MAT) is promoting growth mindset through Hot Wheels by launching the 'Challenge Accepted' platform and the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund. These initiatives aim to provide resources and opportunities that foster a growth mindset in children.

Who is the inaugural partner of the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund?

The inaugural partner of the Hot Wheels Challenger Spirit Fund is Mission 44, a charity founded by Seven Time Formula One Champion Sir Lewis Hamilton. Mission 44 works to create a fairer, more inclusive future for young people around the world.

What event is Hot Wheels participating in to showcase the 'Challenge Accepted' platform?

Hot Wheels will be showcasing the 'Challenge Accepted' platform at Mission 44's youth STEM inspiration event during the 2024 Formula 1 United States Grand Prix at the Circuit of the Americas racetrack in Austin, Texas on October 17th.

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