Velocium, Inc., a High Performance Compute Company Optimized for AI, to go public on Nasdaq via Merger with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp.

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Velocium, Inc., a high-performance compute company optimized for AI, is set to go public on Nasdaq through a merger with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU). The transaction values Velocium at $445 million. The company's innovative cloud solution utilizes proprietary Velocium Processing Units (VPUs) that consolidate CPU, GPU, and TPU functions on a single chip, offering a flexible environment for large language models and inference.

Velocium's technology aims to address the growing demand for AI, HPC, and big data processing while significantly reducing energy consumption. The company's universal processor is reportedly 3x faster and 10x more energy-efficient than current market offerings. Upon closing, the company will trade on Nasdaq under the symbol 'VAI', led by CEO Daniel Kochis in Miami, Florida.

Velocium, Inc., un'azienda di computer ad alte prestazioni ottimizzata per l'IA, è pronta per diventare pubblica su Nasdaq attraverso una fusione con Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU). La transazione valuta Velocium a 445 milioni di dollari. La soluzione cloud innovativa dell'azienda sfrutta Velocium Processing Units (VPUs) proprietarie che consolidano le funzioni di CPU, GPU e TPU su un singolo chip, offrendo un ambiente flessibile per modelli di linguaggio ampi e inferenze.

La tecnologia di Velocium mira a soddisfare la crescente domanda di IA, HPC e elaborazione di big data, riducendo significativamente il consumo energetico. Il processore universale dell'azienda è riportato essere 3 volte più veloce e 10 volte più efficiente dal punto di vista energetico rispetto alle attuali offerte di mercato. Al termine della fusione, l'azienda sarà quotata su Nasdaq con il simbolo 'VAI', guidata dal CEO Daniel Kochis a Miami, Florida.

Velocium, Inc., una empresa de computación de alto rendimiento optimizada para IA, está lista para salir a bolsa en Nasdaq a través de una fusión con Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU). La transacción valora a Velocium en 445 millones de dólares. La innovadora solución en la nube de la empresa utiliza Velocium Processing Units (VPUs) patentadas que consolidan las funciones de CPU, GPU y TPU en un solo chip, ofreciendo un entorno flexible para modelos de lenguaje grande e inferencias.

La tecnología de Velocium busca abordar la creciente demanda de IA, HPC y procesamiento de grandes datos, al tiempo que reduce significativamente el consumo de energía. Se informa que el procesador universal de la empresa es 3 veces más rápido y 10 veces más eficiente energéticamente que las ofertas actuales del mercado. Tras el cierre, la empresa cotizará en Nasdaq bajo el símbolo 'VAI', liderada por el CEO Daniel Kochis en Miami, Florida.

Velocium, Inc., AI에 최적화된 고성능 컴퓨팅 회사, Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU)와의 합병을 통해 Nasdaq에 상장될 예정입니다. 이번 거래는 Velocium의 가치를 4억 4천 5백만 달러로 평가하고 있습니다. 회사의 혁신적인 클라우드 솔루션은 CPU, GPU, TPU 기능을 단일 칩에 통합하는 Velocium Processing Units (VPUs)를 활용하여 큰 언어 모델과 추론을 위한 유연한 환경을 제공합니다.

Velocium의 기술은 AI, HPC 및 대용량 데이터 처리에 대한 증가하는 수요를 해결하는 동시에 에너지 소비를 크게 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 회사의 유니버설 프로세서는 현재 시장 제품보다 3배 빠르고 10배 더 에너지 효율적인 것으로 알려져 있습니다. 거래가 종료되면 기업은 플로리다주 마이애미에 있는 CEO Daniel Kochis의 이끌림 아래 'VAI'라는 기호로 Nasdaq에서 거래될 것입니다.

Velocium, Inc., une entreprise de calcul haute performance optimisée pour l'IA, s'apprête à entrer en bourse sur Nasdaq par le biais d'une fusion avec Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU). La transaction valorise Velocium à 445 millions de dollars. La solution cloud innovante de l'entreprise utilise des Velocium Processing Units (VPUs) propriétaires qui consolident les fonctions CPU, GPU et TPU sur une seule puce, offrant un environnement flexible pour les grands modèles de langage et l'inférence.

La technologie de Velocium vise à répondre à la demande croissante en matière d'IA, de HPC et de traitement de grandes données tout en réduisant considérablement la consommation d'énergie. Le processeur universel de l'entreprise serait 3 fois plus rapide et 10 fois plus économe en énergie que les offres actuelles du marché. À la clôture, l'entreprise sera cotée sur le Nasdaq sous le symbole 'VAI', dirigée par le PDG Daniel Kochis à Miami, Floride.

Velocium, Inc., ein Unternehmen für Hochleistungsrechner, das auf KI optimiert ist, wird durch eine Fusion mit Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU) an die Nasdaq gehen. Die Transaktion bewertet Velocium mit 445 Millionen Dollar. Die innovative Cloud-Lösung des Unternehmens nutzt proprietäre Velocium Processing Units (VPUs), die CPU-, GPU- und TPU-Funktionen auf einem einzigen Chip konsolidieren und eine flexible Umgebung für große Sprachmodelle und Inferenz bieten.

Die Technologie von Velocium zielt darauf ab, der wachsenden Nachfrage nach KI, HPC und Big Data-Verarbeitung gerecht zu werden und gleichzeitig den Energieverbrauch erheblich zu senken. Der universelle Prozessor des Unternehmens soll dreimal schneller und zehnmal energieeffizienter sein als aktuelle Marktangebote. Nach dem Abschluss wird das Unternehmen unter dem Symbol 'VAI' an der Nasdaq gehandelt, geleitet von CEO Daniel Kochis in Miami, Florida.

  • Merger with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp. values Velocium at $445 million
  • Innovative VPUs consolidate CPU, GPU, and TPU functions on a single chip
  • Universal processor is 3x faster and 10x more energy-efficient than current market offerings
  • Addresses growing demand for AI, HPC, and big data processing
  • Significantly reduces energy consumption in data centers
  • Potential integration challenges in merging with a SPAC
  • Possible dilution of existing shareholders' equity
  • Intense competition in the high-performance computing and AI infrastructure market

The merger between Velocium, Inc. and Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp. to form a publicly listed company is a significant development. For retail investors, this move could present a promising investment opportunity given Velocium's focus on cutting-edge high performance computing (HPC) and AI technologies.

Key Points:

  • The valuation of Velocium at 445 million dollars suggests confidence in Velocium's technology and market potential. Retail investors should consider this valuation in light of industry growth projections.
  • Going public via a SPAC (Special Purpose Acquisition Company) often comes with less regulatory scrutiny initially, but investors should keep an eye on the company's financial disclosures post-merger.
  • Velocium’s CEO, Daniel Kochis, has a proven track record in strategic growth through deals and partnerships, which could be pivotal in expanding Velocium’s market reach and driving shareholder value.

In the short term, the stock may experience volatility as the merger finalizes and the market reacts to the newly formed company. Long term, Velocium's unique technology and energy efficiency propositions could position it favorably within the rapidly expanding AI and HPC markets.

Velocium's VPUs (Velocium Processing Units) represent a breakthrough in the computational hardware space. By combining the functionalities of CPU, GPU and TPU into a single chip, Velocium aims to dramatically improve computational speed and energy efficiency.

Unique Insights:

  • The universal processor's capability to be approximately 3x faster and 10x more energy efficient could set a new industry standard. Such efficiency not only reduces operational costs but also minimizes environmental impact, aligning with global sustainability goals.
  • This innovation is timely, given the exponential growth in AI, HPC and big data demands. Velocium’s technology could meet these growing needs more effectively than traditional data centers, potentially leading to widespread industry adoption.

From a technological standpoint, Velocium's architecture offers a unique competitive edge. Investors should consider the potential for this technology to disrupt existing market players and create new market opportunities.

The merger and subsequent public listing on Nasdaq will bring Velocium's advanced computing solutions into the spotlight. The market for AI infrastructure is expected to grow significantly and Velocium's energy-efficient solutions are well-positioned to capture a substantial share.

Market Context:

  • According to analysts, AI will account for about 19% of data center power demand by 2028. Velocium’s energy-efficient VPUs could become a preferred choice for companies looking to manage costs and sustainability concerns.
  • The valuation at 445 million dollars and the current upward trend in AI and HPC suggest strong growth potential. Retail investors should monitor the company's progress in securing partnerships and contracts, which will be critical to its market penetration.
  • Given the environmental benefits of their technology, Velocium could also attract ESG (Environmental, Social and Governance)-focused investors, adding another layer of appeal.

In summary, Velocium’s entry into the public market via this merger could be a game-changer both in terms of technological innovation and market impact. Investors should watch for strategic moves and financial performance post-merger.

Velocium is installing advanced computing capacity based on revolutionary high efficiency, high performance compute and AI- focused Velocium processing units (“VPUs”). Velocium eliminates idle capacity in an industry that’s grown exponentially and will continue to do so for the next decade. While also being dramatically more energy efficient than traditional data centers, Velocium aims to reduce latency for its customers and will go Public on Nasdaq via a Merger with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp.

  • Velocium’s processing units (VPUs) feature high density compute capacity and will address the growing demand driven by AI, HPC, and big data, by employing faster and more energy efficient AI infrastructure. VPUs significantly lower expenses for Velocium and its customers.

  • Velocium has negotiated a supply framework for a revolutionary universal processor. The processor is approximately 3x faster and10x more energy efficient than the current market offerings.

  • Velocium’s revolutionary chip architecture performs the function of GPU, CPU, and TPUs all on one universal processor. This novel architecture significantly leads to advantages in computing speed and energy efficiency.

Miami, Florida, July 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Velocium, Inc., a groundbreaking high performance compute and artificial intelligence infrastructure company, is launching its innovative cloud solution. By utilizing proprietary VPUs designed to consolidate CPU, GPU, and TPU functions on a single chip, Velocium aims to create a flexible and versatile development environment for large language models and inference.

Velocium, Inc. ("Company") and Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp. (NASDAQ: MAQCU) ("Maquia"), a publicly traded special purpose acquisition company, announced today that they have entered into a definitive business combination agreement that will result in Velocium, Inc. becoming a publicly listed company. The transaction values the Company at $445,000,000.

Upon closing, the surviving Company is expected to be named Velocium with its common stock trading on The Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol of “VAI.” The company will continue to be headquartered in Miami, Florida and led by its CEO, Daniel Kochis.

Mr. Kochis points out “The combination of Velocium and Maquia is an exciting step forward in providing high performance computing capability to the market. As we look towards the future of artificial intelligence, it is crucial to consider its broader impact on our infrastructure and environment. Analysts estimate that the overall increase in data center power consumption due to AI will reach approximately 200 terawatt-hours per year between 2023 and 2030. By 2028, it is expected that AI will account for about 19% of data center power demand. Our planned solutions assist in making data processing more energy efficient in several aspects.”

Daniel has a proven track record of driving strategic growth through successful deal-making. He played a key role in Alibaba’s first US acquisition, subsequent international expansions, and strategic partnerships that increased its market cap by over $15 billion. More recently, as one of the first employees at Chainlink and its Head of Global Partnerships, Daniel helped establish the company as the industry standard for Web3 middleware. He facilitated over 500 strategic partnerships, resulting in over $11 trillion in transactional value.

As another member of the executive team, Nicholas Wise, V.P. Government Relations, has stated, “As we navigate the rapid growth of our digital economy, it's important to recognize the significant energy demands of data centers on US infrastructure and how Velocium minimizes that stress.”

Nicholas speaks from his long experience in government and representing large public corporations. His background includes serving as Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the U.S. Department of Justice for developing and implementing legislative policy and acting as the principal liaison to the White House and Congress.

Additional information about the proposed transaction, including a copy of the definitive business combination agreement, will be included in one or more Current Reports on Form 8-K to be filed by Maquia with the Securities and Exchange Commission ("SEC") and available at


Guillermo Eduardo Cruz
Maquia Capital Acquisition Corporation
50 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 2406, Miami, FL 33132
Telephone: (785) 758-8872


What is the merger deal between Velocium and Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (MAQCU)?

Velocium, Inc. is merging with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: MAQCU), a special purpose acquisition company, in a deal that values Velocium at $445 million. This merger will result in Velocium becoming a publicly listed company on the Nasdaq stock exchange.

What are the key features of Velocium's VPU technology?

Velocium's VPU (Velocium Processing Unit) technology consolidates CPU, GPU, and TPU functions on a single chip. It's reportedly 3x faster and 10x more energy-efficient than current market offerings, designed to address the growing demand for AI, HPC, and big data processing while reducing energy consumption.

How does Velocium plan to address the increasing energy demands of data centers?

Velocium aims to minimize the energy demands of data centers by using its innovative VPU technology, which is significantly more energy-efficient than traditional data center hardware. This approach is designed to reduce power consumption while meeting the growing computational needs of AI and big data processing.

What will be Velocium's stock symbol after the merger with MAQCU is completed?

After the merger with Maquia Capital Acquisition Corp (MAQCU) is completed, Velocium is expected to trade on the Nasdaq Stock Market under the symbol 'VAI'.



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