ProStar Geocorp Expands Its Reach into Local and Regional Governments with PointMan Muni™

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ProStar Geocorp, a leader in Precision Mapping Solutions, is expanding its reach into local and regional governments with PointMan Muni™. This digital geospatial solution is designed for small to medium-sized townships, municipalities, and counties, helping them transition from paper-based systems to a modern digital approach. PointMan Muni enables more effective and cost-efficient digital asset management for critical infrastructure including roads, bridges, sidewalks, fire hydrants, signs, and water and sewer systems.

Recent adoptions include the Town of Owego, New York, the City of Suffolk, Indiana, and Boone County, Michigan. CEO Page Tucker highlighted the accelerating adoption in this sector, noting the vast potential market of tens of thousands of small municipalities and townships in the U.S. alone seeking viable solutions for their asset management operations.

ProStar Geocorp, leader nelle Soluzioni di Mappatura di Precisione, sta ampliando la sua portata nei governi locali e regionali con PointMan Muni™. Questa soluzione geospaziale digitale è progettata per piccoli e medi comuni, municipalità e contee, aiutandoli a passare da sistemi basati su carta a un approccio digitale moderno. PointMan Muni consente una gestione digitale degli asset più efficace ed economica per le infrastrutture critiche, inclusi strade, ponti, marciapiedi, idranti, segnali e sistemi idrici e fognari.

Tra le recenti adozioni ci sono la città di Owego, New York, la città di Suffolk, Indiana, e la contea di Boone, Michigan. Il CEO Page Tucker ha sottolineato l'accelerazione dell'adozione in questo settore, evidenziando il vasto mercato potenziale di decine di migliaia di piccoli comuni e municipalità negli Stati Uniti che cercano soluzioni praticabili per le loro operazioni di gestione degli asset.

ProStar Geocorp, líder en Soluciones de Mapeo de Precisión, está ampliando su alcance hacia los gobiernos locales y regionales con PointMan Muni™. Esta solución geoespacial digital está diseñada para pueblos, municipalidades y condados de tamaño pequeño a mediano, ayudándoles a hacer la transición de sistemas basados en papel a un enfoque digital moderno. PointMan Muni permite una gestión digital de activos más efectiva y rentable para la infraestructura crítica, incluyendo carreteras, puentes, aceras, hidrantes, señales, y sistemas de agua y alcantarillado.

Las recientes adopciones incluyen el pueblo de Owego, Nueva York, la ciudad de Suffolk, Indiana, y el condado de Boone, Michigan. El CEO Page Tucker destacó la aceleración de la adopción en este sector, señalando el vasto mercado potencial de decenas de miles de pequeñas municipalidades y pueblos en los EE. UU. que buscan soluciones viables para sus operaciones de gestión de activos.

ProStar Geocorp는 정밀 매핑 솔루션의 선두주자로서 PointMan Muni™를 통해 지방 및 지역 정부로의 확장을 꾀하고 있습니다. 이 디지털 지리공간 솔루션은 소규모 및 중간 규모의 읍, 시, 군을 위해 설계되어 있으며, 이들이 종이 기반 시스템에서 현대적인 디지털 접근 방식으로 전환하는 데 도움을 줍니다. PointMan Muni는 도로, 다리, 보도, 소화전, 표지판 및 상수도 및 하수도 시스템을 포함하는 중요한 인프라에 대한 보다 효과적이고 비용 효율적인 디지털 자산 관리를 가능하게 합니다.

최근 채택된 사례로는 뉴욕의 Owego 마을, 인디애나의 Suffolk 시, 미시간의 Boone 카운티가 있습니다. CEO 페이지 터커는 이 분야에서의 빠른 채택을 강조하며, 자산 관리 작업의 실행 가능한 솔루션을 찾는 미국 내 수만 개의 소규모 지방 자치단체와 읍의 잠재적 시장 규모가 크다고 언급했습니다.

ProStar Geocorp, leader des Solutions de Cartographie de Précision, élargit son audience auprès des gouvernements locaux et régionaux avec PointMan Muni™. Cette solution géospatiale numérique est conçue pour les petites et moyennes municipalités, aidant ainsi ces dernières à passer de systèmes sur papier à une approche numérique moderne. PointMan Muni permet une gestion numérique des actifs plus efficace et économique pour les infrastructures critiques telles que les routes, les ponts, les trottoirs, les hydrants, les panneaux et les systèmes d'eau et d'égouts.

Parmi les récentes adopteurs figurent la ville d'Owego, New York, la ville de Suffolk, Indiana, et le comté de Boone, Michigan. Le PDG Page Tucker a souligné l'adoption croissante dans ce secteur, notant le vaste marché potentiel de dizaines de milliers de petites municipalités aux États-Unis cherchant des solutions viables pour leurs opérations de gestion des actifs.

ProStar Geocorp, ein führendes Unternehmen für Präzisionskartenlösungen, erweitert seine Reichweite in lokale und regionale Regierungen mit PointMan Muni™. Diese digitale geospatial Lösung ist für kleine bis mittelgroße Gemeinden, Kommunen und Landkreise konzipiert und hilft ihnen, von papierbasierten Systemen zu einem modernen digitalen Ansatz zu wechseln. PointMan Muni ermöglicht eine effektivere und kostengünstigere digitale Anlagenverwaltung für kritische Infrastrukturen, einschließlich Straßen, Brücken, Gehwegen, Hydranten, Schildern sowie Wasser- und Abwassersystemen.

Zu den jüngsten Adoptions gehören die Stadt Owego, New York, die Stadt Suffolk, Indiana, und der Boone County, Michigan. Geschäftsführer Page Tucker hob die beschleunigte Annahme in diesem Sektor hervor und merkte an, dass es einen potenziellen Markt von zehntausenden kleinen Gemeinden und Städten in den USA gibt, die nach tragfähigen Lösungen für ihre Anlagenverwaltungsoperationen suchen.

  • Expansion into local and regional government markets
  • Adoption by multiple municipalities and counties
  • Addressing a large potential market of small municipalities and townships in the U.S.
  • Offering a cost-efficient digital solution for asset management
  • None.

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Sept. 19, 2024 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- ProStar Geocorp, a world leader in Precision Mapping Solutions®, expands its reach into local and regional governments with the addition of municipalities, townships, and counties, including the Town of Owego, New York, the City of Suffolk, Indiana and Boone County, Michigan.

PointMan Muni is designed for small to medium-sized townships, municipalities, and counties striving to transition from antiquated paper-based systems to a modern digital geospatial solution. PointMan Muni enables a more effective and cost-efficient digital asset management solution for the planning, design, construction, and maintenance of critical infrastructure that includes roads, bridges, sidewalks, fire hydrants, signs, and water and sewer systems.

“The majority of smaller townships, municipalities, and counties have limited resources and options for implementing traditional GIS systems in order to address the challenges they face with their current asset management operations,” said Page Tucker, CEO of ProStar. “It is great to see the adoption of PointMan Muni is accelerating in this sector as there are tens of thousands of small municipalities and townships in the U.S. alone that will be looking for a viable solution.”

About ProStar:

ProStar is a world leader in Precision Mapping Solutions and is creating a digital world by leveraging the most modern GPS, cloud, and mobile technologies. ProStar is a software development company specializing in developing patented cloud and mobile precision mapping solutions focused on the critical infrastructure industry. ProStar’s flagship product, PointMan, is designed to significantly improve the workflow processes and business practices associated with the lifecycle management of critical infrastructure assets both above and below the Earth’s surface.

ProStar’s PointMan is offered as a Software as a Service (SaaS) and has strategic business partnerships with the world’s leading geospatial technology providers, data collection equipment manufacturers, and their dealer networks. The Company has made a significant investment in creating a vast intellectual property portfolio that includes 16 issued patents in the United States and Canada. The patents protect the methods and systems required to digitally capture, record, organize, manage, distribute, and display the precise location of critical infrastructure, including buried utilities and pipelines.

For more information about ProStar, please visit

Page Tucker
CEO & Founder

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What is PointMan Muni™ and how does it benefit local governments?

PointMan Muni™ is a digital geospatial solution by ProStar Geocorp (MAPPF) designed for small to medium-sized local governments. It helps them transition from paper-based systems to digital asset management for critical infrastructure, improving efficiency and cost-effectiveness in planning, design, construction, and maintenance operations.

Which municipalities have recently adopted ProStar's PointMan Muni™ solution?

Recent adoptions of PointMan Muni™ include the Town of Owego, New York, the City of Suffolk, Indiana, and Boone County, Michigan, as announced by ProStar Geocorp (MAPPF) on September 19, 2024.

What is the potential market size for ProStar's PointMan Muni™ in the United States?

According to ProStar Geocorp (MAPPF), there are tens of thousands of small municipalities and townships in the U.S. alone that could potentially benefit from PointMan Muni™ as a viable solution for their asset management operations.

How does PointMan Muni™ address the challenges faced by smaller local governments?

PointMan Muni™ by ProStar Geocorp (MAPPF) addresses the resources and options smaller local governments have for implementing traditional GIS systems. It offers a cost-efficient digital solution for managing critical infrastructure assets, helping them overcome challenges in their current asset management operations.



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