MAA Appoints Sheila K. McGrath to Board of Directors

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Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) has appointed Sheila K. McGrath to its Board of Directors. This appointment, along with the previous election of John Case and Tamara Fischer, is part of MAA's long-term succession plan to address three planned director retirements in 2025. Ms. McGrath will serve on the Compensation Committee and Real Estate Investment Committee as an independent director until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Ms. McGrath brings extensive knowledge of the REIT sector, with three decades of experience in the industry. She previously served as Senior Managing Director at Evercore ISI and Managing Director at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Ms. McGrath also serves on the boards of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. and Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc., and is actively involved in industry organizations such as Nareit.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) ha nominato Sheila K. McGrath nel suo Consiglio di Amministrazione. Questa nomina, insieme all'elezione precedente di John Case e Tamara Fischer, fa parte del piano di successione a lungo termine di MAA per affrontare tre pensionamenti pianificati di direttori nel 2025. La signora McGrath servirà nel Comitato per le Compensazioni e nel Comitato per gli Investimenti Immobiliari come direttore indipendente fino all'Assemblea Annuale degli Azionisti del 2025.

La signora McGrath porta con sé una vasta conoscenza del settore REIT, con tre decenni di esperienza nel settore. In precedenza ha ricoperto il ruolo di Senior Managing Director presso Evercore ISI e Managing Director presso Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. La signora McGrath è anche membro dei consigli di amministrazione di Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. e Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc., ed è attivamente coinvolta in organizzazioni del settore come Nareit.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) ha nombrado a Sheila K. McGrath en su Junta Directiva. Este nombramiento, junto con la elección previa de John Case y Tamara Fischer, es parte del plan de sucesión a largo plazo de MAA para abordar tres jubilaciones de directores previstas para 2025. La Sra. McGrath servirá en el Comité de Compensación y en el Comité de Inversiones Inmobiliarias como directora independiente hasta la Junta Anual de Accionistas de 2025.

La Sra. McGrath aporta un amplio conocimiento del sector REIT, con tres décadas de experiencia en la industria. Anteriormente, se desempeñó como Directora General Senior en Evercore ISI y Directora General en Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. La Sra. McGrath también forma parte de las juntas de Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. y Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc., y está activamente involucrada en organizaciones del sector, como Nareit.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA)는 Sheila K. McGrath를 이사회의 위원으로 임명했습니다. 이번 임명은 John Case와 Tamara Fischer의 이전 선출과 함께 2025년에 예정된 이사 퇴임 3건을 다루기 위한 MAA의 장기 승계 계획의 일환입니다. McGrath 씨는 2025년 주주 총회까지 독립 이사로서 보상위원회 및 부동산 투자위원회에서 활동할 것입니다.

McGrath 씨는 30년 이상의 산업 경험을 바탕으로 REIT 분야에 대한 광범위한 지식을 제공합니다. 그녀는 이전에 Evercore ISI의 수석 관리 이사 및 Keefe, Bruyette & Woods의 관리 이사로 활동한 바 있습니다. McGrath 씨는 또한 Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc.와 Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc.의 이사회에 참여하고 있으며, Nareit와 같은 산업 조직에도 적극 참여하고 있습니다.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) a nommé Sheila K. McGrath au Conseil d'Administration. Cette nomination, ainsi que l'élection précédente de John Case et Tamara Fischer, fait partie du plan de succession à long terme de MAA pour faire face à trois départs de directeurs prévus en 2025. Mme McGrath siégera en tant que directeur indépendant au Comité de Rémunération et au Comité des Investissements Immobiliers jusqu'à l'Assemblée Générale Annuelle des Actionnaires de 2025.

Mme McGrath apporte une vaste connaissance du secteur REIT, avec trois décennies d'expérience dans l'industrie. Elle a précédemment été Senior Managing Director chez Evercore ISI et Managing Director chez Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Mme McGrath siège également aux conseils d'administration d'Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. et de Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc., et est activement impliquée dans des organisations professionnelles telles que Nareit.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) hat Sheila K. McGrath in den Vorstand berufen. Diese Ernennung, zusammen mit der vorherigen Wahl von John Case und Tamara Fischer, ist Teil von MAAs langfristigem Nachfolgeplan, um drei geplante Austritte von Direktoren im Jahr 2025 zu berücksichtigen. Frau McGrath wird bis zur jährlichen Hauptversammlung der Aktionäre 2025 als unabhängige Direktorin im Vergütungsausschuss und im Immobilieninvestmentausschuss tätig sein.

Frau McGrath bringt umfassende Kenntnisse im REIT-Sektor mit, mit drei Jahrzehnten Erfahrung in der Branche. Zuvor war sie Senior Managing Director bei Evercore ISI und Managing Director bei Keefe, Bruyette & Woods. Frau McGrath ist auch Mitglied in den Vorständen von Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. und Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc. und ist aktiv in Branchenorganisationen wie Nareit tätig.

  • Appointment of Sheila K. McGrath brings extensive REIT sector knowledge and expertise to the board
  • Long-term succession plan in place to address planned director retirements
  • Temporary increase in board size allows for overlap between outgoing and incoming directors, ensuring a stable transition
  • None.

GERMANTOWN, Tenn., Sept. 25, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc., ("MAA") (NYSE: MAA) today announced the appointment of Sheila K. McGrath to the Board of Directors. The appointment of Ms. McGrath, along with the previous election of John Case and Tamara Fischer at the May 2024 Annual Meeting of Shareholders, was executed under the Board of Director's long-term succession plan to pre-emptively address three planned director retirements in 2025, in line with our director refreshment endeavors. While the mid-term appointment will temporarily increase the size of the board to thirteen, the Board of Directors believes allowing for overlap between outgoing and incoming directors provides a more stable and seamless transition. The Board of Directors currently plans to allow the board to reduce in size following the three planned retirements in 2025. Ms. McGrath was also appointed to the Compensation Committee and Real Estate Investment Committee and will serve as an independent director until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

Commenting on the appointment, H. Eric Bolton, Jr., Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chief Executive Officer, said "We are delighted to welcome Sheila to our board of directors. She brings extensive knowledge and expertise surrounding the REIT sector and is a strong addition to our board. Her strong financial skills and real estate experience, coupled with three decades of hands-on involvement in the REIT industry, will further support the continuity of MAA's ability to deliver superior long-term value growth and performance for all of our company constituents." 

Ms. McGrath served as Senior Managing Director at Evercore ISI covering U.S. equity REITs, real estate operating companies, and Mexican real estate investment vehicles from 2012 until 2022. Prior to joining Evercore, she served as Managing Director and Sector Head for REIT research at Keefe, Bruyette & Woods from 2007 until 2012. During that time, Ms. McGrath was a member of the firm's Research Review Committee and Leadership Committee. Between 1994 and 2007, Ms. McGrath was an equity research analyst covering REITs and real estate operating companies at several firms, including Smith Barney and UBS. She began her career in 1989 as a commercial real estate appraiser valuing commercial real estate properties across various sectors and conducting new development feasibility studies.

Ms. McGrath also serves on the boards of Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. and Granite Point Mortgage Trust, Inc. She is an active member of several industry organizations, including Nareit, where she currently serves on the Advisory Board of Governors and Real Estate Investment Advisory Council, having previously served on the Best Financial Practices Council. Ms. McGrath is a founding member and continues to serve on the Board of Advisors for Rutgers Business School's Center for Women in Business. She received a Bachelor of Arts in Economics from Lafayette College and a Master of Business Administration in Finance and Real Estate from Rutgers University.

About MAA
MAA, an S&P 500 company, is a self-administered real estate investment trust (REIT) focused on delivering strong, full-cycle investment performance for shareholders through the ownership, management, acquisition, development and redevelopment of apartment communities primarily in the Southeast, Southwest and Mid-Atlantic regions of the United States. For further details, please refer to or contact Investor Relations at

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Who is the new board member appointed by MAA (NYSE: MAA)?

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc. (NYSE: MAA) has appointed Sheila K. McGrath to its Board of Directors.

What committees will Sheila K. McGrath serve on at MAA (NYSE: MAA)?

Sheila K. McGrath will serve on the Compensation Committee and Real Estate Investment Committee at MAA (NYSE: MAA).

How long will Sheila K. McGrath serve as an independent director for MAA (NYSE: MAA)?

Sheila K. McGrath will serve as an independent director for MAA (NYSE: MAA) until the 2025 Annual Meeting of Shareholders.

What is the purpose of MAA's (NYSE: MAA) board expansion in September 2024?

MAA's (NYSE: MAA) board expansion is part of a long-term succession plan to address three planned director retirements in 2025 and ensure a seamless transition.

Mid-America Apartment Communities, Inc.


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REIT - Residential
Real Estate Investment Trusts
United States of America