Mastercard: How Data and AI Can Drive Change: 4 Ways Forward

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The Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth hosted the third annual Impact Data Summit in Manhattan, focusing on using technology and data for social good. The event brought together leaders from various sectors to discuss topics like narrowing the data inequality gap, cultivating future data talent, and responsible regulation.

Key takeaways from the summit include:

  • Involving people facing challenges in developing AI solutions
  • Focusing on problem-solving rather than just applying new technology
  • Implementing responsible regulation to build trust in AI
  • Emphasizing global cooperation for inclusive AI development

The summit highlighted real-world examples of AI applications, such as the DISHA initiative for disaster response and AI-powered healthcare improvements in Rwanda. Speakers emphasized the importance of inclusive AI development and addressing global challenges through public-private partnerships.

Il Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth ha ospitato il terzo annuale Impact Data Summit a Manhattan, focalizzandosi sull'utilizzo della tecnologia e dei dati per il bene sociale. L'evento ha riunito leader di vari settori per discutere temi come ridurre il divario di disuguaglianza nei dati, coltivare i talenti futuri nel campo dei dati e promuovere una regolamentazione responsabile.

Tra i principali punti emersi dal summit ci sono:

  • Includere le persone che affrontano sfide nello sviluppo di soluzioni AI
  • Concentrarsi sulla risoluzione dei problemi piuttosto che sull'applicazione di nuove tecnologie
  • Implementare una regolamentazione responsabile per costruire fiducia nell'AI
  • Sottolineare la cooperazione globale per lo sviluppo inclusivo dell'AI

Il summit ha messo in evidenza esempi reali di applicazioni AI, come l'iniziativa DISHA per la risposta a disastri e i miglioramenti nell'assistenza sanitaria in Rwanda grazie all'AI. I relatori hanno sottolineato l'importanza dello sviluppo inclusivo dell'AI e della necessità di affrontare le sfide globali attraverso partenariati pubblico-privati.

El Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth organizó la tercera Cumbre Anual de Datos de Impacto en Manhattan, centrándose en el uso de tecnología y datos para el bien social. El evento reunió a líderes de diversos sectores para discutir temas como reducir la brecha de desigualdad de datos, cultivar el talento futuro en datos y promover una regulación responsable.

Los puntos clave de la cumbre incluyen:

  • Involucrar a las personas que enfrentan desafíos en el desarrollo de soluciones de IA
  • Enfocarse en la resolución de problemas en lugar de solo aplicar nueva tecnología
  • Implementar una regulación responsable para generar confianza en la IA
  • Enfatizar la cooperación global para el desarrollo inclusivo de la IA

La cumbre destacó ejemplos del mundo real de aplicaciones de IA, como la iniciativa DISHA para la respuesta a desastres y las mejoras en la atención médica impulsadas por IA en Ruanda. Los ponentes enfatizaron la importancia de desarrollar IA inclusiva y abordar los desafíos globales a través de asociaciones público-privadas.

마스터카드 포용 성장 센터가 뉴욕 맨해튼에서 열린 제3회 연례 임팩트 데이터 정상 회의를 주최하여 사회적 선을 위한 기술과 데이터 사용에 초점을 맞췄습니다. 이 행사는 다양한 분야의 리더를 모아 데이터 불평등 격차 축소, 미래 데이터 인재 육성, 책임 있는 규제 등의 주제를 논의했습니다.

정상 회의의 주요 내용은 다음과 같습니다:

  • AI 솔루션 개발에 직면한 사람들의 참여
  • 새로운 기술을 적용하기보다는 문제 해결에 집중
  • AI에 대한 신뢰를 구축하기 위한 책임 있는 규제 시행
  • 포괄적인 AI 개발을 위한 세계적인 협력 강조

이 정상 회의에서는 재난 대응을 위한 DISHA 이니셔티브와 르완다의 AI 기반 의료 개선과 같은 AI 애플리케이션의 실제 사례가 강조되었습니다. 연사들은 포용적 AI 개발의 중요성과 공공-민간 파트너십을 통한 글로벌 도전 과제 해결의 필요성을 강조했습니다.

Le Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth a organisé le troisième Impact Data Summit annuel à Manhattan, mettant l'accent sur l'utilisation de technologie et de données pour le bien social. L'événement a rassemblé des leaders de divers secteurs pour discuter de sujets tels que la réduction de l'écart d'inégalité des données, la culture des futurs talents en données et la réglementation responsable.

Les principaux enseignements du sommet comprennent :

  • Impliquer les personnes face à des défis dans le développement de solutions AI
  • Se concentrer sur la résolution de problèmes plutôt que sur l'application de nouvelles technologies
  • Mettre en œuvre une réglementation responsable pour établir la confiance dans l'IA
  • Insister sur la coopération mondiale pour le développement inclusif de l'IA

Le sommet a mis en avant des exemples concrets d'applications de l'IA, comme l'initiative DISHA pour la réponse aux catastrophes et les améliorations de la santé alimentées par l'IA au Rwanda. Les intervenants ont souligné l'importance du développement inclusif de l'IA et de l'importance de relever les défis mondiaux grâce à des partenariats public-privé.

Das Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth veranstaltete den dritten jährlichen Impact Data Summit in Manhattan, der sich auf die Verwendung von Technologie und Daten für das soziale Wohl konzentrierte. Die Veranstaltung brachte Führungskräfte aus verschiedenen Sektoren zusammen, um Themen wie die Verringerung der Datenungleichheit, die Förderung zukünftiger Datentalente und verantwortungsvolle Regulierung zu diskutieren.

Die wichtigsten Erkenntnisse des Gipfels umfassen:

  • Einbindung von Menschen, die Herausforderungen bei der Entwicklung von KI-Lösungen gegenüberstehen
  • Fokus auf Problemlösung anstelle von bloßer Anwendung neuer Technologien
  • Implementierung verantwortungsvoller Regulierung zur Vertrauensbildung in KI
  • Betonung globaler Zusammenarbeit für eine inklusive KI-Entwicklung

Der Gipfel hob reale Beispiele für KI-Anwendungen hervor, wie die DISHA-Initiative für die Katastrophenreaktion und KI-gestützte Verbesserungen im Gesundheitswesen in Ruanda. Die Redner betonten die Bedeutung der inklusiven KI-Entwicklung und die Notwendigkeit, globale Herausforderungen durch öffentlich-private Partnerschaften anzugehen.

  • Mastercard is actively promoting responsible and inclusive AI development through its Impact Data Summit
  • The company is fostering partnerships across sectors to address global challenges using AI and data science
  • Mastercard is positioning itself as a thought leader in ethical AI and data use for social good
  • None.


This article discusses Mastercard's Impact Data Summit, focusing on AI and data science applications for social good. While it highlights important initiatives, it lacks specific financial or business implications for Mastercard. The summit's themes of inclusive AI, responsible regulation and global cooperation are positive for Mastercard's reputation, but don't directly impact its financial performance.

Key points:

  • Mastercard is positioning itself as a thought leader in ethical AI and data use
  • Partnerships like DISHA showcase Mastercard's commitment to social impact
  • Focus on inclusive AI and global cooperation aligns with Mastercard's international presence
  • Discussions on responsible regulation could influence future fintech policies

While these initiatives may indirectly benefit Mastercard's brand and stakeholder relationships, the article doesn't provide concrete business outcomes or financial data. For investors, this news is more about long-term strategic positioning rather than short-term financial impact.

By Vicki Hyman

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 3, 2024 / Mastercard

Banner photo, from left, Payal Dalal, executive vice president of global programs at the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, and Komal Sahu, chief of sustainable finance for AVPN. (Photo credit: Awa Dia)

Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

Predictions of the artificial intelligence boom from just two years ago were prone to extremes: On one hand, there were rose-color-tinged tales of AI solving every problem, and on the other, dystopian visions of a world ruled by robots. Both seem to have crashed into reality.

At the third annual Impact Data Summit hosted by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth at the company's Tech Hub in Manhattan, "pragmatic optimism" and "idealistic realism" were the watchwords.

Held during United Nations Week, the summit drew leaders from across politics, multilateral organizations, academia, nonprofits and the tech world to share insights on how to use technology and data for good. Discussions ranged from narrowing the data inequality gap to cultivating future data talent to responsible regulation. The day was laced with real-world examples of inclusive AI in action and how public-private partnerships can accelerate impact.

For example, an initiative called DISHA, or Data Insights for Social Humanitarian Action, brings together technologists, academics, philanthropists and other partners to scale AI products. DISHA, led by the U.N. Global Pulse innovation lab, recently unveiled a new product that identifies damaged buildings from satellite images following a disaster event six times faster than on-the-ground experts, said Katya Klinova, who leads data and AI efforts for the lab.

"Humanitarians need this analysis as soon as possible," she said. "Every hour can mean the difference between lives saved and lost, and these projects only become possible when, across many organizations, people work as one team."

In Rwanda, global AI consultancy Sand Technologies wanted to pilot a "clinic in a box" - a way of harnessing AI in rural areas to supercharge diagnostics, said founder and CEO Fred Swaniker.

Today, Swaniker said, the health ministry can see how many babies were born on a given day and where disease is flaring by district. "It's shifted the entire healthcare system from being reactive and expensive to be more predictive and preventative - and at large scale."

Here are four takeaways on how to harness AI and data science responsibly, inclusively and in ways that will benefit the most people:

People facing the challenge need to be part of the solution

A recent report revealed that AI will add $15.7 trillion to the global economy, said Gayan Peiris, an advisor for data, technology and AI to the U.N. Development Programme. However, only 10% will benefit from it, he said: "We need to ensure we build a future where our global south is not just users of AI, they are part of this."

In India, Manu Chopra co-founded the AI nonprofit Karya, which pays its Indian workers, many of them women, far above the minimum wage to train AI systems. One project employed 30,000 low-income women across six language groups, and the resulting AI model was "less misogynistic, it's more intentional," he said. "It serves our communities better."

It's particularly important to listen to and support young people, because the stakes are highest for them. Rumman Chowdhury is U.S. Science Envoy for artificial intelligence and the co-founder and CEO of Humane Intelligence, and she discussed a recent visit to the South Pacific, where she met with young tech entrepreneurs who were developing AI-powered solutions to address the region's challenges with rising sea levels.

"One young woman was pitching a hydroponics AI startup that actually was already yielding cheaper and more bioavailable vegetables," Chowdhury says. "So they are the ones that are tackling the big problems, because the big problems overwhelmingly face them."

Innovation doesn't mean reinventing the wheel

"Is that an AI-shaped problem?" is a question Sam Miller's colleagues would often ask. Miller is the director of Google DeepMind Impact Accelerator, and she said some challenges just aren't relevant to AI.

Swaniker agreed. Just because generative AI is new and exciting doesn't mean it's right for the job, he said. "People have suddenly forgotten that AI has been around for 40 years, and there's a lot of other tools before large language models. Large language models are almost like a hammer looking for a nail … Start with the problem, not the technology."

That was echoed later in the day by Caitlin Augustin, the vice president of products and programs at Datakind, which uses data science and AI to improve the capabilities, reach and scale of social impact organizations. "That is the key to making AI, to making any solution available to all - you have to build it in the context that it will be used," she said. Don't build a complex model for an organization with connectivity issues. Don't build a tool for the desktop if your clients are all mobile phone users. "You have to invest in solving the problem, and build the solution to match the context it will be used in."

Responsible regulation builds trust

You wouldn't want to board a plane if there were no safety rules in place, said Caroline Louveaux, Mastercard's chief privacy and data responsibility officer. "Good regulation can benefit everyone," she said, adding that it can boost trust and provide legal certainty, and should be aimed at areas that present real risk to people, like hiring and health care. Standardizing regulations globally is equally important: "AI does not have any borders, so we need to have consistency as much as possible," she said.

What else is missing from the discussions about ethical AI? Standardized measurements and benchmarking and a strong audit and certification ecosystem, said Navrina Singh, the CEO and founder of Credo AI, a startup that builds software that provides oversight and accountability of AI systems. "There's amazing new governance structures that companies are putting in place, but as you look inside the hood, you see all these measurements are missing."

In a separate panel on global coordination of data standards, Dana Imad Hamzah, the assistant undersecretary of the Kingdom of Bahrain's Ministry of Sustainable Development, pointed to the work her country is doing to understand the data they have and how to ensure it's accurate, accessible and fit to deliver valuable insights.

"There's such need for someone to take on ownership and coordination of standard-setting and consistent approaches," said Payal Dalal, the executive vice president of global programs for the Center for Inclusive Growth, who led the panel. "It sounds like in Bahrain, you've got a blueprint and a template that many other governments can follow so that we can really harness the power of data."

Despite geopolitical changes, cooperation is necessary for inclusive AI

"It's instructive to look at the lessons learned," said Jon Huntsman, Mastercard's vice chairman and president for Strategic Growth. "What has [technology] done for humanity? Where has it misfired? What governing structures have been good versus less good? Let history be our guide … The inclusive nature of what we're embarking on must be part of it. The divisions globally are too profound."

Carme Artigas Brugal, the co-chair of the U.N.'s co-chair AI Advisory Body, echoed his remarks. "We can compete for market share. We can compete for technology leadership, but we cannot compete for safety, and we cannot compete for human rights."

We are only beginning to realize the societal impacts of technology, from mental health changes to shifts in the workplace, and that requires a sophisticated understanding of technology's implications and a global dialogue about the benefits of AI and how they can be shared, particularly in Africa, said Amandeep Singh Gill, the U.N. Secretary-General's envoy on technology. "By investing there, we can make sure we get our AI future right."

Originally published by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth

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What was the main focus of Mastercard's (MA) Impact Data Summit?

The main focus was on using technology and data for social good, including topics like narrowing the data inequality gap, cultivating future data talent, and responsible regulation of AI.

How is Mastercard (MA) promoting inclusive AI development?

Mastercard is promoting inclusive AI development by hosting summits, fostering partnerships across sectors, and highlighting real-world examples of AI applications that benefit underserved communities.

What are some key takeaways from Mastercard's (MA) Impact Data Summit?

Key takeaways include involving affected people in AI solution development, focusing on problem-solving rather than just applying new technology, implementing responsible regulation, and emphasizing global cooperation for inclusive AI.

Can you provide an example of AI application discussed at Mastercard's (MA) summit?

One example is the DISHA initiative, which uses AI to identify damaged buildings from satellite images following disasters, working six times faster than on-the-ground experts.

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