Mastercard Hosts Climate Week Welcome Reception in New York

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Mastercard hosted a Climate Week Welcome Reception in New York, coinciding with the UN General Assembly and New York Climate Week. The event brought together leaders, activists, and entrepreneurs to highlight solutions that address the intersection of people and planet. Mastercard emphasized the importance of financial and digital inclusion in creating resilient futures in a climate-vulnerable economy.

The company showcased two of its initiatives: Community Pass and the Priceless Planet Coalition. These programs aim to drive impact by empowering people with digital financial tools, enabling them to adapt and thrive in the face of climate change. Mastercard reaffirmed its commitment to connecting and powering an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere.

Mastercard ha ospitato una Reception di Benvenuto per la Settimana del Clima a New York, coincidente con l'Assemblea Generale delle Nazioni Unite e la Settimana del Clima di New York. L'evento ha riunito leader, attivisti e imprenditori per mettere in evidenza le soluzioni che affrontano l'intersezione tra persone e pianeta. Mastercard ha sottolineato l'importanza dell'inclusione finanziaria e digitale nella creazione di futuri resilienti in un'economia vulnerabile ai cambiamenti climatici.

La società ha presentato due delle sue iniziative: Community Pass e la Panda Preziosa Coalition. Questi programmi mirano a generare impatto mettendo le persone in grado di utilizzare strumenti finanziari digitali, consentendo loro di adattarsi e prosperare di fronte ai cambiamenti climatici. Mastercard ha ribadito il suo impegno nel connettere e potenziare un'economia digitale inclusiva che benefici tutti, ovunque.

Mastercard organizó una Recepción de Bienvenida para la Semana del Clima en Nueva York, coincidiendo con la Asamblea General de la ONU y la Semana del Clima de Nueva York. El evento reunió a líderes, activistas y emprendedores para destacar soluciones que abordan la intersección entre las personas y el planeta. Mastercard enfatizó la importancia de la inclusión financiera y digital para crear futuros resilientes en una economía vulnerable al clima.

La compañía presentó dos de sus iniciativas: Community Pass y la Coalición Planeta Invaluable. Estos programas tienen como objetivo generar impacto empoderando a las personas con herramientas financieras digitales, permitiéndoles adaptarse y prosperar ante el cambio climático. Mastercard reafirmó su compromiso de conectar y potenciar una economía digital inclusiva que beneficie a todos, en cualquier parte del mundo.

마스터카드는 기후 주간 환영 리셉션을 뉴욕에서 개최하여, 유엔 총회 및 뉴욕 기후 주간과 동시에 진행되었습니다. 이 행사에는 지도자, 활동가 및 기업가가 모여 사람과 지구의 교차점을 포괄하는 솔루션을 강조했습니다. 마스터카드는 기후에 취약한 경제에서 회복 가능한 미래를 창조하기 위한 재정 및 디지털 통합의 중요성을 강조했습니다.

회사는 커뮤니티 패스소중한 지구 연합의 두 가지 이니셔티브를 선보였습니다. 이 프로그램들은 디지털 금융 도구를 통해 사람들에게 힘을 주어 기후 변화에 적응하고 번영할 수 있도록 하는 데 중점을 두고 있습니다. 마스터카드는 모두를 위한 디지털 포함 경제를 연결하고 강화하겠다는 의지를 재확인했습니다.

Mastercard a organisé une Réception de Bienvenue pour la Semaine du Climat à New York, coïncidant avec l'Assemblée Générale de l'ONU et la Semaine du Climat de New York. L'événement a rassemblé dirigeants, activistes et entrepreneurs pour mettre en avant des solutions qui traitent de l'intersection entre les personnes et la planète. Mastercard a souligné l'importance de l'inclusion financière et numérique pour créer des futurs résilients dans une économie vulnérable au climat.

La société a présenté deux de ses initiatives : Community Pass et la Coalition Planète Inestimable. Ces programmes visent à générer un impact en donnant aux gens les outils financiers numériques nécessaires pour s'adapter et prospérer face au changement climatique. Mastercard a réaffirmé son engagement à connecter et dynamiser une économie numérique inclusive qui profite à tous, partout.

Mastercard veranstaltete einen Empfang zur Klimawoche in New York, der mit der UN-Vollversammlung und der New Yorker Klimawoche zusammenfiel. Die Veranstaltung brachte Führer, Aktivisten und Unternehmer zusammen, um Lösungen zu präsentieren, die die Schnittstelle zwischen Menschen und Planet hervorheben. Mastercard betonte die Bedeutung von finanzieller und digitaler Inklusion zur Schaffung resilenter Zukünfte in einer klimawandelanfälligen Wirtschaft.

Das Unternehmen stellte zwei seiner Initiativen vor: Community Pass und die Priceless Planet Coalition. Diese Programme zielen darauf ab, durch die Bereitstellung digitaler Finanzinstrumente einen positiven Einfluss zu erzielen, damit die Menschen sich anpassen und im Angesicht des Klimawandels gedeihen können. Mastercard bekräftigte sein Engagement, eine inklusive digitale Wirtschaft zu verbinden und zu stärken, von der alle profitieren können, überall.

  • Mastercard is actively participating in climate-related initiatives
  • The company is promoting financial and digital inclusion to address climate challenges
  • Mastercard is showcasing its Community Pass and Priceless Planet Coalition programs
  • None.

NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / October 11, 2024 / Mastercard

Financial and digital inclusion are critical to create resilient futures for all in a climate-vulnerable economy. Alongside the UN General Assembly and New York Climate Week, Mastercard kicked off the week with by bringing together leaders, activists, and entrepreneurs to spotlight solutions, like Mastercard's Community Pass and Priceless Planet Coalition, that drive impact at the intersection of people and planet. When we empower people with digital financial tools, we give them the means to adapt and thrive, even in the face of a changing climate.

Follow along Mastercard's journey to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere.

About Mastercard

Mastercard is a global technology company in the payments industry. Our mission is to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere by making transactions safe, simple, smart and accessible. Using secure data and networks, partnerships and passion, our innovations and solutions help individuals, financial institutions, governments and businesses realize their greatest potential. With connections across more than 210 countries and territories, we are building a sustainable world that unlocks priceless possibilities for all.

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Spokesperson: Mastercard

SOURCE: Mastercard

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What event did Mastercard host during Climate Week in New York?

Mastercard hosted a Climate Week Welcome Reception in New York, bringing together leaders, activists, and entrepreneurs to spotlight solutions that drive impact at the intersection of people and planet.

What initiatives did Mastercard highlight during the Climate Week event?

Mastercard highlighted two of its initiatives during the Climate Week event: Community Pass and the Priceless Planet Coalition, which aim to empower people with digital financial tools to adapt and thrive in a changing climate.

How does Mastercard (MA) view the role of financial and digital inclusion in addressing climate challenges?

Mastercard (MA) views financial and digital inclusion as critical to creating resilient futures for all in a climate-vulnerable economy, emphasizing that empowering people with digital financial tools gives them the means to adapt and thrive.

What is Mastercard's (MA) broader goal in relation to the digital economy?

Mastercard's (MA) broader goal is to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere, as stated in their commitment during the Climate Week event.

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