Mastercard: Getting on Board for More Sustainable Business Travel
Mastercard and PredictX are collaborating to help companies manage sustainable business travel. PredictX's AI-powered platform analyzes travel data to provide carbon emission insights and suggest more climate-friendly options. The partnership aims to address challenges in tracking travel-related emissions, including data fragmentation and lack of standardization.
Key points discussed:
- Importance of active management over passive annual reporting
- Need for standardization in travel industry sustainability metrics
- Role of employee engagement and education in achieving sustainable travel goals
- Future innovations like predictive tools for forecasting carbon footprints of events
The collaboration supports Mastercard's commitment to an inclusive, digital economy benefiting everyone, everywhere.
Mastercard e PredictX stanno collaborando per aiutare le aziende a gestire viaggi d'affari sostenibili. La piattaforma basata su intelligenza artificiale di PredictX analizza i dati di viaggio per fornire informazioni sulle emissioni di carbonio e suggerire opzioni più ecologiche. L'obiettivo della partnership è affrontare le sfide nel monitoraggio delle emissioni legate ai viaggi, inclusa la frammentazione dei dati e la mancanza di standardizzazione.
Punti chiave discussi:
- Importanza della gestione attiva rispetto alla reportistica annuale passiva
- Necessità di standardizzazione nei parametri di sostenibilità dell'industria dei viaggi
- Ruolo del coinvolgimento dei dipendenti e dell'educazione nel raggiungimento degli obiettivi di viaggio sostenibile
- Innovazioni future come strumenti predittivi per prevedere le impronte di carbonio degli eventi
La collaborazione supporta l'impegno di Mastercard per un'economia digitale inclusiva che avvantaggi tutti, ovunque.
Mastercard y PredictX están colaborando para ayudar a las empresas a gestionar viajes de negocios sostenibles. La plataforma impulsada por inteligencia artificial de PredictX analiza los datos de viajes para proporcionar informes sobre emisiones de carbono y sugerir opciones más amigables con el clima. La asociación tiene como objetivo abordar los desafíos en el seguimiento de las emisiones relacionadas con los viajes, incluyendo la fragmentación de datos y la falta de estandarización.
Puntos clave discutidos:
- Importancia de la gestión activa frente a la elaboración de informes anuales pasivos
- Necesidad de estandarización en las métricas de sostenibilidad de la industria de viajes
- Rol del compromiso de los empleados y la educación en alcanzar objetivos de viaje sostenible
- Innovaciones futuras como herramientas predictivas para predecir huellas de carbono de eventos
La colaboración apoya el compromiso de Mastercard con una economía digital inclusiva que beneficie a todos, en todas partes.
마스터카드와 PredictX는 기업들이 지속 가능한 비즈니스 여행을 관리하도록 돕기 위해 협력하고 있습니다. PredictX의 AI 기반 플랫폼은 여행 데이터를 분석하여 탄소 배출 통찰력을 제공하고 더 기후 친화적인 옵션을 제안합니다. 이 파트너십의 목표는 데이터 파편화 및 표준화 부족을 포함하여 여행 관련 배출량을 추적하는 데 있어 발생하는 문제를 해결하는 것입니다.
토론된 주요 사항:
- 수동적인 연간 보고보다 적극적인 관리의 중요성
- 여행 산업의 지속 가능성 지표에서의 표준화 필요성
- 지속 가능한 여행 목표 달성을 위한 직원 참여와 교육의 역할
- 이벤트의 탄소 발자국을 예측하기 위한 예측 도구와 같은 미래 혁신
이번 협력은 모두에게, 어디에서나 혜택을 주는 포괄적 디지털 경제에 대한 마스터카드의 헌신을 지지합니다.
Mastercard et PredictX collaborent pour aider les entreprises à gérer les voyages d'affaires durables. La plateforme alimentée par l'IA de PredictX analyse les données de voyage pour fournir des aperçus sur les émissions de carbone et suggérer des options plus respectueuses du climat. L'objectif du partenariat est de relever les défis liés au suivi des émissions de voyage, y compris la fragmentation des données et le manque de standardisation.
Points clés discutés :
- Importance de la gestion active par rapport à la reporter passive annuelle
- Besoin de standardisation dans les indicateurs de durabilité de l'industrie du voyage
- Rôle de l'engagement des employés et de la formation pour atteindre des objectifs de voyage durable
- Innovations futures comme des outils prédictifs pour prévoir les empreintes carbone des événements
Cette collaboration soutient l'engagement de Mastercard pour une économie numérique inclusive bénéficiant à tous, partout.
Mastercard und PredictX arbeiten zusammen, um Unternehmen bei der Verwaltung von nachhaltigen Geschäftsreisen zu helfen. Die KI-gestützte Plattform von PredictX analysiert Reisedaten, um Einblicke in die Kohlenstoffemissionen bereitzustellen und umweltfreundlichere Optionen vorzuschlagen. Das Ziel der Partnerschaft ist es, Herausforderungen bei der Verfolgung von reisebezogenen Emissionen, einschließlich Datenfragmentierung und fehlender Standardisierung, anzugehen.
Wichtige diskutierte Punkte:
- Die Bedeutung von aktiver Verwaltung im Gegensatz zu passiver Jahresberichterstattung
- Notwendigkeit der Standardisierung von Nachhaltigkeitskennzahlen in der Reisebranche
- Die Rolle von Mitarbeiterengagement und Bildung, um nachhaltige Reiseziele zu erreichen
- Zukünftige Innovationen wie prädiktive Werkzeuge zur Vorhersage des Kohlenstoffausstoßes von Veranstaltungen
Die Zusammenarbeit unterstützt das Engagement von Mastercard für eine inklusive digitale Wirtschaft, die allen und überall zugutekommt.
- Partnership with PredictX enhances Mastercard's capabilities in sustainable business travel management
- AI-powered platform provides precise insights for more sustainable travel practices
- Potential for cost savings through better travel data analysis
- Development of predictive tools for forecasting carbon footprints of future events
- Challenges in standardizing sustainability metrics across the travel industry
- Complexity in tracking and consolidating fragmented travel data
This article highlights Mastercard's efforts to address sustainable business travel, a important aspect of corporate ESG initiatives. The partnership with PredictX introduces AI-powered data analytics to track and reduce travel-related carbon emissions. This move aligns with the growing importance of sustainability in corporate strategies and could positively impact Mastercard's ESG profile.
Key points:
- Integration of AI for precise carbon emission tracking
- Collaboration with industry partners like Travalyst for standardization
- Focus on employee engagement and education for sustainable travel choices
While this initiative doesn't directly impact Mastercard's core financial services, it enhances the company's value proposition to corporate clients and demonstrates leadership in sustainable business practices. This could indirectly contribute to client retention and attraction, potentially supporting long-term revenue growth.
However, the immediate financial impact is likely minimal. Investors should view this as a strategic move to strengthen Mastercard's competitive position in corporate services and improve its sustainability credentials, which may become increasingly important for stakeholder relations and regulatory compliance in the future.
From a financial perspective, Mastercard's focus on sustainable business travel solutions represents a strategic expansion of its B2B services. While not directly impacting the company's core payment processing business, this initiative has several potential benefits:
- Diversification of revenue streams in the corporate services sector
- Enhanced value proposition for corporate clients, potentially leading to increased card usage and transaction volumes
- Improved competitive positioning against other financial service providers in the corporate travel space
The partnership with PredictX and involvement in the Travalyst Coalition demonstrate Mastercard's commitment to innovation and industry leadership. This could strengthen the company's brand and market position, potentially translating to long-term shareholder value.
However, investors should note that the immediate financial impact is likely to be minimal. The success of this initiative will depend on corporate adoption rates and Mastercard's ability to monetize these sustainability services effectively. It's a long-term play that aligns with broader market trends towards ESG-focused business practices.
NORTHAMPTON, MA / ACCESSWIRE / September 30, 2024 / Business travel is continuing to rebound faster than predicted - and with net zero deadlines looming, it's even more important to reduce travel's carbon footprint. The task is complicated and tricky, but data analytics supercharged by artificial intelligence can make it easier for companies to track travel-related carbon emissions and offer precise insights for more sustainable travel practices.
For example, PredictX's artificial intelligence-powered platform gathers and crunches a company's travel data to get a transparent accounting of carbon emissions, find cost savings and alert employees about more climate-friendly travel options, so a company can rein in CO2 emissions.
"A good analogy of how PredictX works in some ways is a wastewater treatment plant, except we're cleaning dirty data instead of dirty water," says PredictX CEO Keesup Choe. "If it's not accurate and consolidated and clean, then whatever you calculate from it is going to be garbage."
PredictX recently joined Mastercard's extensive ecosystem of partners to support companies in better managing travel spend through policy compliance, auditing and sustainability insights. The Mastercard Newsroom recently spoke to Choe and Mastercard's Lydie Charpin, senior vice president of corporate travel and B2B commercial card, about the challenges of tracking sustainable travel, what companies can do to lower their carbon emissions and how they can engage employees to come along for the ride.
When PredictX moved into the corporate travel space, what were your customers' top concerns?
Choe: At the time, companies couldn't answer the basic questions, like who spent what, with whom, let alone why they spent it. One of the reasons is that in travel, data is incredibly fragmented. There's data from the travel management companies and then expense systems, card systems. Travelers can sometimes book directly with a hotel, airline or third-party site. So simple questions - even "How much do we spend?" - were difficult to answer. Once they started getting data, they needed the right tools to help them use it.
When did you start to see environmental and social sustainability become more of a priority for corporations in the context of business travel?
Choe: It's not a coincidence that many of the pledges to get to net zero were made during the pandemic, when there was virtually no corporate travel. It seemed easier to meet some of these goals when the numbers didn't look as challenging.
What makes tracking ESG metrics like carbon emissions so challenging in this space?
Charpin: As Keesup mentioned, it's complex because it's fragmented, but also, and very importantly, it's not yet standardized. However, there's been significant progress with groups emerging to help establish sustainability standards for the travel industry. For instance, Mastercard recently joined the Travalyst Coalition, which aims to bring consistent sustainability information to the mainstream to help business and leisure travelers make more conscious travel choices. Travalyst has so far focused on scaling sustainability data for aviation and accommodation such as the Travel Impact Model, which since its launch has shown flight emissions estimates to over 65 billion travelers at the point of booking.
While significant progress has been achieved with standardizing flight emission data, the hotel industry is considerably more difficult. There's not yet a clear consensus that this given hotel has the equivalent of this specific carbon footprint. Rather, an online travel booking platform can use one measurement and a major hotel chain can use another. The push for standardization throughout the entire travel industry is more important than ever.
What should companies prioritize in their travel programs to accelerate their sustainability goals?
Choe: Companies really need to shift from passive annual reporting to active management. There's no way any efficiency measures can be made when you're measuring something once on an annual basis. More instant feedback motivates people to act.
Charpin: This feedback also enables companies to evolve their T&E policies in real time to meet their sustainability goals faster. Travel decision-makers across businesses also need to assess what trade-offs are permissible so employees travel more sustainably. Maybe it's tailoring their T&E policy to not permit connecting flights, even if they are less expensive, or buying all electric vehicles for their corporate fleet.
What role do employees play in achieving a company's sustainable travel goals, and how can they be engaged?
Choe: Education is key. Next is influencing them in the right way. PredictX has a module that identifies behavior that could be improved and automatically sends a little nudge to employees to consider a better option next time. It has to be part of an active strategy, reminding people to choose more sustainable travel as they are making the decision. I expect most people, when they're reminded, will take the option with a lower environmental impact.
Charpin: You also have to ensure the information is provided in a meaningful manner that employees can easily understand. For instance, saying your flight's carbon footprint is equivalent to the emissions produced by a household for a year will carry more weight than saying your trip will produce two tons of carbon emissions per passenger. And then you have to go one step beyond that and encourage the employee to make the right decision. I've heard of companies, for example, that gamify choices so the "greenest" team of travelers during a given month or quarter is rewarded.
What future innovations or investment areas is PredictX exploring to further enhance ESG metrics in travel management?
Choe: PredictX finds CO2-saving strategies and then broadcasts them so travel managers can execute. PredictX has a simulation engine that can tell you in advance how much a carbon footprint is going to be for, say, a conference or product launch. It can help you decide if New York or Atlanta is the right place to hold an event. Or maybe there's a different city that could actually be much lower in terms of CO2. Perhaps your usual venue isn't using sustainable electricity, so why not use this other hotel that is? It allows you to make all of these choices and analyze them, well before an event, to make sure you are making the right decisions. These sorts of forecasting and predictive tools are what we're bringing to the market.
Originally published by Mastercard

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SOURCE: Mastercard
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How is Mastercard (MA) addressing sustainable business travel?
What challenges does Mastercard (MA) face in tracking sustainable travel metrics?
How does PredictX's platform help Mastercard (MA) clients manage travel sustainability?