Mastercard Accelerates the Path Toward Real-Time Card Payments

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Mastercard has announced that South Africa will be the first market globally to benefit from immediate Mastercard card payments. This initiative aims to enable acquiring banks to process real-time card payments, allowing merchants to receive faster payouts and better manage their cashflow. The enhancements will introduce real-time clearing and more frequent settlement cycles, aligning with the South African Reserve Bank's National Payments System Strategy Vision 2025.

Mastercard is partnering with ACI Worldwide to empower acquirers in South Africa to adopt real-time transaction processing standards. This innovation is part of Mastercard's global strategy to bring immediate, secure payments to more consumers and businesses worldwide, supporting their mission of connecting 1 billion people into the digital economy by 2025.

Mastercard ha annunciato che il Sudafrica sarà il primo mercato a livello globale a beneficiare dei pagamenti immediati con carta Mastercard. Questa iniziativa ha l'obiettivo di consentire alle banche acquirenti di elaborare pagamenti con carta in tempo reale, permettendo ai commercianti di ricevere pagamenti più rapidi e gestire meglio il loro flusso di cassa. I miglioramenti introdurranno la compensazione in tempo reale e cicli di liquidazione più frequenti, in linea con la Visione 2025 della Strategia del Sistema Nazionale di Pagamenti della Banca di Riserva del Sudafrica.

Mastercard sta collaborando con ACI Worldwide per consentire agli acquirenti in Sudafrica di adottare standard di elaborazione delle transazioni in tempo reale. Questa innovazione fa parte della strategia globale di Mastercard per portare pagamenti immediati e sicuri a un numero sempre maggiore di consumatori e aziende in tutto il mondo, sostenendo la loro missione di connettere 1 miliardo di persone all'economia digitale entro il 2025.

Mastercard ha anunciado que Sudáfrica será el primer mercado a nivel global en beneficiarse de los pagos inmediatos con tarjeta Mastercard. Esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo permitir que los bancos adquirentes procesen pagos con tarjeta en tiempo real, lo que permitirá a los comerciantes recibir pagos más rápidos y gestionar mejor su flujo de caja. Las mejoras introducirán liquidación en tiempo real y ciclos de liquidación más frecuentes, alineándose con la Visión 2025 de la Estrategia del Sistema Nacional de Pagos del Banco de Reserva de Sudáfrica.

Mastercard se está asociando con ACI Worldwide para capacitar a los adquirentes en Sudáfrica a adoptar estándares de procesamiento de transacciones en tiempo real. Esta innovación es parte de la estrategia global de Mastercard para llevar pagos inmediatos y seguros a más consumidores y empresas en todo el mundo, apoyando su misión de conectar a 1 mil millones de personas a la economía digital para 2025.

마스터카드는 남아프리카 공화국이 전 세계적으로 즉각적인 마스터카드 카드 결제의 혜택을 받는 첫 번째 시장이 될 것이라고 발표했습니다. 이 이니셔티브는 인수 은행이 실시간 카드 결제 처리를 가능하게 하여 상인들이 더 빠른 지불을 받고 현금 흐름을 더 잘 관리할 수 있도록 하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다. 이러한 개선 사항은 실시간 정산 및 더 빈번한 정산 주기를 도입하여 남아프리카 공화국 준비은행의 국가 결제 시스템 전략 비전 2025와 일치합니다.

마스터카드는 ACI Worldwide와 협력하여 남아프리카 공화국의 인수자들이 실시간 거래 처리 기준을 채택할 수 있도록 지원하고 있습니다. 이 혁신은 전 세계적으로 더 많은 소비자와 기업에 즉각적이고 안전한 결제를 제공하여 2025년까지 10억 명의 사람들을 디지털 경제에 연결하는 사명을 지원하는 마스터카드의 글로벌 전략의 일환입니다.

Mastercard a annoncé que l'Afrique du Sud sera le premier marché au monde à bénéficier des paiements immédiats par carte Mastercard. Cette initiative vise à permettre aux banques acquéreuses de traiter des paiements par carte en temps réel, permettant ainsi aux commerçants de recevoir des paiements plus rapides et de mieux gérer leur trésorerie. Les améliorations introduiront un règlement en temps réel et des cycles de règlement plus fréquents, en alignement avec la Vision 2025 de la Stratégie du Système National de Paiement de la Banque de Réserve d'Afrique du Sud.

Mastercard s'associe à ACI Worldwide pour permettre aux acquéreurs en Afrique du Sud d'adopter des normes de traitement des transactions en temps réel. Cette innovation fait partie de la stratégie mondiale de Mastercard pour apporter des paiements immédiats et sécurisés à un plus grand nombre de consommateurs et d'entreprises dans le monde, soutenant ainsi sa mission de connecter 1 milliard de personnes à l'économie numérique d'ici 2025.

Mastercard hat bekannt gegeben, dass Südafrika der erste Markt weltweit sein wird, der von sofortigen Mastercard-Kartenzahlungen profitiert. Diese Initiative zielt darauf ab, erwerbende Banken zu befähigen, Echtzeitzahlungen mit Karte zu verarbeiten, was es Händlern ermöglicht, schnellere Auszahlungen zu erhalten und ihren Cashflow besser zu verwalten. Die Verbesserungen werden Echtzeitabrechnung und häufigere Abrechnungszyklen einführen, die mit der Vision 2025 der Nationalen Zahlungssystemstrategie der Südafrikanischen Reservebank in Einklang stehen.

Mastercard arbeitet mit ACI Worldwide zusammen, um Erwerber in Südafrika zu befähigen, Standards für die Verarbeitung von Transaktionen in Echtzeit zu übernehmen. Diese Innovation ist Teil von Mastercards globaler Strategie, sofortige, sichere Zahlungen für mehr Verbraucher und Unternehmen weltweit anzubieten, und unterstützt ihre Mission, bis 2025 1 Milliarde Menschen an die digitale Wirtschaft anzuschließen.

  • South Africa to be the first market for real-time Mastercard card payments
  • Faster payouts and improved cashflow management for merchants
  • Alignment with South African Reserve Bank's National Payments System Strategy Vision 2025
  • Partnership with ACI Worldwide to implement real-time transaction processing standards
  • Potential for global expansion of real-time card payments
  • None.


<p>Mastercard's introduction of real-time card payments in South Africa marks a significant advancement in payment technology. This initiative will have a <b>substantial impact on merchants' cash flow</b> and the overall economy. By enabling <b>same-day payouts</b> and more frequent settlement cycles, businesses can better manage their finances and reinvest capital more quickly.</p><p>The alignment with the South African Reserve Bank's strategy indicates strong regulatory support, which could accelerate adoption. This move positions Mastercard as a <b>leader in payment innovation</b>, potentially giving them a competitive edge in the market. The partnership with ACI Worldwide further strengthens the implementation, leveraging their expertise in payment technology.</p><p>For investors, this initiative demonstrates Mastercard's commitment to technological advancement and market expansion, which could drive <b>long-term growth</b> and increase market share in emerging economies. The success in South Africa could pave the way for global expansion of real-time payments, representing a significant <b>growth opportunity</b> for Mastercard.</p>

<p>This initiative by Mastercard is a <b>strategic move</b> that addresses evolving market demands for faster, more efficient payment systems. By being the first to implement real-time card payments in South Africa, Mastercard is positioning itself as an <b>innovator in the fintech space</b>, which could lead to increased merchant adoption and consumer preference.</p><p>The focus on empowering small businesses with better cash flow management is particularly noteworthy, as it taps into a <b>growing segment</b> of the economy. This could lead to increased transaction volumes and market penetration for Mastercard. The initiative also aligns with global trends towards <b>financial inclusion</b> and digital economy growth, which are key drivers in emerging markets.</p><p>Investors should view this as a <b>positive indicator</b> of Mastercard's ability to adapt to market needs and leverage technological advancements to create new revenue streams. The potential for global expansion of this technology could significantly impact Mastercard's <b>long-term growth prospects</b> and market valuation.</p>

South African merchants will soon benefit from same-day payouts and more control over their funds

JOHANNESBURG--(BUSINESS WIRE)-- Instant and secure payments can act as a multiplier to help businesses and economies thrive and grow. To further Mastercard’s vision of bringing immediacy to card payments, the company today announced that South Africa will be the first market in the world to benefit from the security and speed of immediate Mastercard card payments. Through product innovations, enhancements to its network and strategic partnerships, Mastercard will enable acquiring banks to process real-time card payments.

For the first time, all merchants in South Africa who accept Mastercard payments will receive faster payouts, empowering businesses with better cashflow management and faster funds availability. This, in turn, provides merchants with more visibility and control over their funds, frees up capital and increases the velocity of money in the economy, driving growth and innovation. In the future, Mastercard will enable issuing banks in South Africa – and around the globe – to process real-time card payments, empowering consumers with increased transparency, faster payments, and real-time insights into their funds.

As part of Mastercard’s efforts to bring cutting-edge payments technology to the ecosystem, the company will roll out new standards and solutions, which will accelerate the processing speed for card transactions. The enhancements and new standards will enable same-day payouts for South African merchants through the introduction of real-time clearing and more frequent settlement cycles.

This initiative aligns with the South African Reserve Bank’s (SARB) National Payments System Strategy Vision 2025, which underscores the importance of evolving payment systems to meet the needs of people and businesses to drive financial inclusion. South Africa – where Mastercard laid the groundwork for these changes last year by enhancing its network and enabling transactions to be processed locally – will be Mastercard’s first market to experience real-time card payments.

“We are excited to announce this initiative, which signals a significant leap forward in the modernization of payments in South Africa. As consumer expectations and the needs of businesses change, we are ensuring payments meet the evolving speed of customers’ lives.” Gabriel Swanepoel, Southern Africa Country Manager, Mastercard continues: “By enhancing processing standards and delivering faster clearing and settlement, we aim to support small businesses with better cash flow and enable acquirers to manage liquidity more effectively. This innovation supports SARB’s vision and reflects our commitment to driving inclusive economic growth, ensuring that every transaction is not just faster but more secure, efficient, and accessible.”

To bring its vision of real-time card payments to life, Mastercard is partnering with ACI Worldwide, a leading global payments technology provider. Together with ACI, Mastercard will empower acquirers in South Africa to quickly and easily adopt real-time transaction processing standards.

“We share Mastercard’s commitment to leveraging technology to empower the South African market with an advanced and inclusive payments system. This initiative will ultimately improve liquidity and enable faster access to funds, delivering more seamless payments experiences for local customers and businesses,” says Bill Farris, Head of Issuing & Acquiring, ACI Worldwide.

As a key global priority, real-time card payments are central to Mastercard’s strategy. Mastercard is exploring other regions to bring immediate, secure payments to more consumers and businesses across the globe. These advancements will benefit merchants, acquirers, issuers and cardholders across the Mastercard network, aligning with the company’s mission of connecting 1 billion people into the digital economy by 2025.

About Mastercard (NYSE: MA)

Mastercard is a global technology company in the payments industry. Our mission is to connect and power an inclusive, digital economy that benefits everyone, everywhere by making transactions safe, simple, smart and accessible. Using secure data and networks, partnerships and passion, our innovations and solutions help individuals, financial institutions, governments and businesses realize their greatest potential. With connections across more than 210 countries and territories, we are building a sustainable world that unlocks priceless possibilities for all.

Source: AETOSWire

Molly Strong,

Kanyi Mwangi,

Source: Mastercard


When will South African merchants benefit from Mastercard's real-time card payments?

The press release states that South African merchants will 'soon' benefit from same-day payouts and more control over their funds through Mastercard's real-time card payments initiative.

How will Mastercard's real-time card payments affect merchants in South Africa?

Merchants in South Africa who accept Mastercard (MA) payments will receive faster payouts, enabling better cashflow management, increased visibility and control over their funds, and potentially driving growth and innovation.

Who is Mastercard partnering with to implement real-time card payments in South Africa?

Mastercard is partnering with ACI Worldwide, a leading global payments technology provider, to empower acquirers in South Africa to quickly and easily adopt real-time transaction processing standards.

How does Mastercard's real-time card payments initiative align with South African regulations?

The initiative aligns with the South African Reserve Bank's (SARB) National Payments System Strategy Vision 2025, which emphasizes the importance of evolving payment systems to meet the needs of people and businesses and drive financial inclusion.

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