Lifeway Foods® to Showcase New Probiotic Salad Dressing Innovations and Conventional Whole Milk Kefir Expansion at Natural Products Expo West 2025
Lifeway Foods (LWAY) will showcase new product innovations at Natural Products Expo West 2025, taking place March 4th-7th in Anaheim. The company will present its new probiotic salad dressing concepts and conventional whole milk kefir flavors, complementing their organic whole milk kefir line.
Visitors will have the opportunity to sample recently launched products including Lactose-Free Flavor Fusions and Probiotic Smoothies + Collagen. The exhibition will feature kefir parfaits and farmer cheese appetizers, highlighting the product's versatility and protein content.
CEO Julie Smolyansky emphasized the company's focus on developing products that align with consumer demands, particularly noting growing interest in kefir due to research linking fermented milk products to reduced colorectal cancer incidence. The new offerings feature on-trend ingredients and fusion flavors targeting Gen Z and Millennial shoppers while maintaining the company's standard of high-quality, bioavailable nutrients.
Lifeway Foods (LWAY) presenterà nuove innovazioni di prodotto all'Natural Products Expo West 2025, che si svolgerà dal 4 al 7 marzo ad Anaheim. L'azienda mostrerà i suoi nuovi concetti di condimenti per insalate probiotici e gusti di kefir intero convenzionale, completando la loro linea di kefir di latte intero biologico.
I visitatori avranno l'opportunità di assaporare prodotti recentemente lanciati, tra cui Fusione di Gusti Senza Lattosio e Frullati Probiotici + Collagene. L'esposizione presenterà parfait di kefir e antipasti di formaggio da fattoria, evidenziando la versatilità del prodotto e il suo contenuto proteico.
Il CEO Julie Smolyansky ha sottolineato l'impegno dell'azienda nello sviluppo di prodotti che rispondano alle esigenze dei consumatori, notando in particolare l'interesse crescente per il kefir a causa di ricerche che collegano i prodotti lattiero-caseari fermentati a una riduzione dell'incidenza di cancro colorettale. Le nuove offerte presentano ingredienti di tendenza e sapori fusion mirati ai consumatori della Gen Z e dei Millennials, mantenendo al contempo gli standard di alta qualità e nutrienti bio disponibili dell'azienda.
Lifeway Foods (LWAY) presentará nuevas innovaciones de productos en el Natural Products Expo West 2025, que tendrá lugar del 4 al 7 de marzo en Anaheim. La empresa mostrará sus nuevos conceptos de aderezos para ensaladas probióticas y sabores de kefir de leche entera convencional, complementando su línea de kefir de leche entera orgánica.
Los visitantes tendrán la oportunidad de degustar productos lanzados recientemente, incluyendo Fusiones de Sabor Sin Lactosa y Batidos Probióticos + Colágeno. La exposición contará con parfaits de kefir y aperitivos de queso de granja, destacando la versatilidad del producto y su contenido proteico.
La CEO Julie Smolyansky enfatizó el enfoque de la empresa en desarrollar productos que se alineen con las demandas de los consumidores, notando particularmente el creciente interés en el kefir debido a investigaciones que vinculan los productos lácteos fermentados con la reducción de la incidencia de cáncer colorrectal. Las nuevas ofertas presentan ingredientes de tendencia y sabores de fusión dirigidos a los compradores de la Generación Z y Millennials, manteniendo al mismo tiempo el estándar de alta calidad y nutrientes bio disponibles de la empresa.
Lifeway Foods (LWAY)는 2025년 내추럴 제품 엑스포 웨스트에서 새로운 제품 혁신을 선보일 예정이며, 행사 기간은 3월 4일부터 7일까지 애너하임에서 열립니다. 회사는 새로운 프로바이오틱 샐러드 드레싱 개념과 전통적인 전유 케피어 맛을 선보이며, 유기농 전유 케피어 라인을 보완합니다.
방문객들은 최근 출시된 제품인 무락토스 맛 융합과 프로바이오틱 스무디 + 콜라겐을 샘플링할 기회를 갖게 됩니다. 전시회에서는 케피어 파르페와 농장 치즈 애피타이저가 제공되어 제품의 다재다능성과 단백질 함량을 강조합니다.
CEO 줄리 스몰리안스키는 소비자 요구에 부합하는 제품 개발에 대한 회사의 초점을 강조하며, 발효유 제품이 대장암 발생 감소와 관련된 연구로 인해 케피어에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다고 언급했습니다. 새로운 제품은 트렌디한 재료와 젠지 및 밀레니얼 쇼핑객을 겨냥한 융합 맛을 특징으로 하며, 회사의 고품질 및 생체 이용 가능한 영양소 기준을 유지합니다.
Lifeway Foods (LWAY) présentera de nouvelles innovations de produits lors du Natural Products Expo West 2025, qui se tiendra du 4 au 7 mars à Anaheim. L'entreprise présentera ses nouveaux concepts de vinaigrettes probiotiques et saveurs de kéfir de lait entier conventionnel, complétant sa gamme de kéfir de lait entier biologique.
Les visiteurs auront l'occasion de déguster des produits récemment lancés, notamment des Fusions de Saveurs Sans Lactose et des SMOOTHIES Probiotiques + Collagène. L'exposition mettra en avant des parfaits de kéfir et des apéritifs au fromage fermier, soulignant la polyvalence du produit et sa teneur en protéines.
La PDG Julie Smolyansky a souligné l'engagement de l'entreprise à développer des produits qui répondent aux demandes des consommateurs, notant en particulier l'intérêt croissant pour le kéfir en raison de recherches liant les produits laitiers fermentés à une réduction de l'incidence du cancer colorectal. Les nouvelles offres présentent des ingrédients tendance et des saveurs fusion visant les consommateurs de la Génération Z et des Millennials tout en maintenant les normes de haute qualité et de nutriments biodisponibles de l'entreprise.
Lifeway Foods (LWAY) wird auf der Natural Products Expo West 2025, die vom 4. bis 7. März in Anaheim stattfindet, neue Produktinnovationen präsentieren. Das Unternehmen wird seine neuen probiotischen Salatdressings und herkömmlichen Vollmilch-Kefir-Geschmacksrichtungen vorstellen, die die Linie von Bio-Vollmilch-Kefir ergänzen.
Besucher haben die Möglichkeit, kürzlich eingeführte Produkte wie Laktosefreie Geschmacksfusionen und Probiotische Smoothies + Kollagen zu probieren. Die Ausstellung wird Kefir-Parfaits und Bauernkäse-Aperitifs zeigen, die die Vielseitigkeit des Produkts und seinen Proteingehalt hervorheben.
CEO Julie Smolyansky betonte den Fokus des Unternehmens auf die Entwicklung von Produkten, die den Verbraucheranforderungen entsprechen, und bemerkte insbesondere das wachsende Interesse an Kefir aufgrund von Forschungen, die fermentierte Milchprodukte mit einer verringerten Inzidenz von Dickdarmkrebs in Verbindung bringen. Die neuen Angebote enthalten trendige Zutaten und Fusion-Geschmäcker, die auf Gen Z und Millennials abzielen, während sie gleichzeitig den Standard für hochwertige, bioverfügbare Nährstoffe des Unternehmens aufrechterhalten.
- Product line expansion with new probiotic salad dressings
- Launch of new conventional whole milk kefir flavors
- Introduction of innovative products targeting growing Gen Z and Millennial market
- Research linking products to health benefits (decreased colorectal cancer incidence)
- None.
Attendees will also get to sample new Lactose-Free Flavor Fusions and Probiotic Smoothies + Collagen
Expo West visitors will be among the first to see these breakthrough probiotic items, while also indulging in an array of creative recipes including kefir parfaits. Additionally, the brand will sample a variety of sweet and savory farmer cheese appetizers which showcase the fan favorite's versatility, protein content and distinctive flavor.
"At Lifeway, we've always been driven by a passion to thoughtfully craft products that nourish both body and mind and satisfy developing consumer demands, and the interest in kefir continues to grow thanks to the groundbreaking research linking fermented milk products and the decreased incidence of certain types of colorectal cancer," said Julie Smolyansky, President and CEO of Lifeway Foods. "As pioneers of kefir and cultured dairy in the
To enjoy Lifeway products, discover the many health benefits of kefir and meet the team, Lifeway invites all attendees to stop by the following activations:
- Lifeway Foods Main Booth
#753 from March 4th-7th, 2025 - Trends and Innovations in the Wellness Beverage Marketplace, featuring Lifeway President and CEO Julie Smolyansky
Anaheim Marriott, March 4th from 8:30am – 10:00am - Early Morning Yoga Kick-off Event
Grand Plaza on Wednesday, March 5th from 7:30am – 9:00am - Females in Food Expo West Mixer with Lifeway President and CEO Julie Smolyansky
Anaheim Marriott on Wednesday March 5th from 5:30pm – 7:30pm - The Kefir Cookbook: An Ancient Healing Superfood for Modern Life, Recipes from My Family Table and Around the World book signing with Lifeway Foods CEO, Julie Smolyansky
Booth #753 on Thursday, March 6th from 2:00pm – 4:00pm
For more information about Lifeway and its products, visit
About Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Lifeway Foods, Inc., which has been recognized as one of Forbes' Best Small Companies, is America's leading supplier of the probiotic, fermented beverage known as kefir. In addition to its line of drinkable kefir, the company also produces a variety of cheeses and a ProBugs line for kids. Lifeway's tart and tangy fermented dairy products are now sold across
Forward-Looking Statements
This press release contains "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding, among other things, Lifeway's outlook, expected manufacturing efficiencies and fixed cost absorption, expectations regarding future operating and financial performance, future business strategy and objectives and expected shipping to
Perceptual Advisors
Dan Tarman
Derek Miller
Vice President of Communications, Lifeway Foods
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SOURCE Lifeway Foods, Inc.
What new products will Lifeway Foods (LWAY) showcase at Expo West 2025?
When and where is Lifeway Foods (LWAY) presenting at Natural Products Expo West 2025?
What market segments is Lifeway Foods (LWAY) targeting with its new products?