Lifeway Foods® Introduces 10 New, Hot and On-Trend Organic Kefir Flavor Fusions to its Single Serve Lineup

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Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) has unveiled 10 new organic kefir flavors in their 8-ounce line, catering to evolving consumer tastes. These Flavor Fusions include exotic combinations like Pink Dragon Fruit, Passionfruit Lychee, and Hot Honey Guava Jackfruit. The entire line is lactose-free and packed with high-quality bioavailable nutrients and 12 live and active probiotic cultures.

The new flavors align with current market trends, including tropical, botanical, and Asian-inspired profiles. Research indicates strong consumer interest in these flavor categories. Lifeway aims to bring excitement to the kefir category while maintaining its reputation for gut health and probiotic benefits.

The Flavor Fusion line is now available nationwide at select stores, targeting convenience stores, college campuses, and mass-market grocery channels. Lifeway showcased these new flavors at the recent FNCE® event in Minneapolis.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) ha presentato 10 nuovi gusti di kefir biologici nella sua linea da 8 once, rispondendo ai gusti in evoluzione dei consumatori. Queste Fusioni di Gusto includono combinazioni esotiche come Frutto del Drago Rosa, Litchi della Passione e Guava Jackfruit al Miele Piccante. L'intera linea è senza lattosio ed è ricca di nutrienti bioattivi di alta qualità e 12 colture probiotiche vive e attive.

I nuovi gusti sono in linea con le attuali tendenze di mercato, comprese le profili tropicali, botanici e ispirati all'Asia. Le ricerche indicano un forte interesse dei consumatori per queste categorie di gusto. Lifeway mira a portare entusiasmo nella categoria del kefir mantenendo la sua reputazione per la salute intestinale e i benefici probiotici.

La linea Fusion di Gusto è ora disponibile a livello nazionale in alcuni negozi, puntando a negozi di convenienza, campus universitari e canali di supermercati di massa. Lifeway ha presentato questi nuovi gusti all'evento FNCE® di recente a Minneapolis.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) ha presentado 10 nuevos sabores de kefir orgánico en su línea de 8 onzas, adaptándose a los gustos en evolución de los consumidores. Estas Fusiones de Sabor incluyen combinaciones exóticas como Fruta del Dragón Rosa, Lichi de Maracuyá y Guayaba Jackfruit con Miel Picante. Toda la línea es sin lactosa y está llena de nutrientes bio disponibles de alta calidad y 12 cultivos probióticos vivos y activos.

Los nuevos sabores se alinean con las tendencias actuales del mercado, que incluyen perfiles tropicales, botánicos e inspirados en Asia. La investigación indica un fuerte interés de los consumidores en estas categorías de sabor. Lifeway busca generar entusiasmo en la categoría de kefir mientras mantiene su reputación en salud intestinal y beneficios probióticos.

La línea de Fusión de Sabor ya está disponible a nivel nacional en tiendas selectas, orientándose hacia tiendas de conveniencia, campus universitarios y canales de supermercado masivo. Lifeway mostró estos nuevos sabores en el reciente evento FNCE® en Minneapolis.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY)는 8온스 라인에서 새로운 유기농 케피어 맛 10가지를 선보이며 소비자 취향의 변화에 부응하고 있습니다. 이 맛의 융합에는 핑크 드래곤 프루트, 패션푸르트 리치 및 핫 허니 과일 잭프루트와 같은 이국적인 조합이 포함됩니다. 전체 라인은 락토스 프리이며 고품질의 생체 이용 가능한 영양소12종의 살아 있는 활성 프로바이오틱 문화로 가득 차 있습니다.

새로운 맛은 열대, 식물성 및 아시아 영감을 받은 프로필을 포함하여 현재 시장 트렌드와 일치합니다. 연구에 따르면 소비자들은 이러한 맛 카테고리에 강한 관심을 보이고 있습니다. Lifeway는 장 건강 및 프로바이오틱 효능에 대한 명성을 유지하면서 케피어 카테고리에 신선함을 주고자 합니다.

맛의 융합 라인은 현재 선택된 매장에서 전국적으로 제공되며, 편의점, 대학 캠퍼스 및 대량 시장 식료품 채널을 겨냥하고 있습니다. Lifeway는 최근 미니애폴리스에서 열린 FNCE® 이벤트에서 이러한 새로운 맛을 선보였습니다.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) a présenté 10 nouvelles saveurs de kéfir bio dans sa gamme de 8 onces, répondant ainsi à l'évolution des goûts des consommateurs. Ces Fusions de Saveurs comprennent des combinaisons exotiques telles que Fruit du Dragon Rose, Litchi de Fruit de la Passion et Guava Jackfruit au Miel Épicé. L'ensemble de la gamme est sans lactose et regorge de nutriments de haute qualité biodisponibles ainsi que de 12 cultures probiotiques vivantes et actives.

Les nouvelles saveurs s'alignent sur les tendances actuelles du marché, y compris des profils tropicaux, botaniques et inspirés d'Asie. Des recherches montrent un fort intérêt des consommateurs pour ces catégories de saveurs. Lifeway vise à apporter de l'excitation à la catégorie des kéfirs tout en maintenant sa réputation pour la santé intestinale et les bienfaits probiotiques.

La ligne Fusion de Saveurs est désormais disponible à l'échelle nationale dans certaines magasins, ciblant les magasins de proximité, les campus universitaires et les chaînes de supermarchés de masse. Lifeway a présenté ces nouvelles saveurs lors du récent événement FNCE® à Minneapolis.

Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY) hat 10 neue Geschmacksrichtungen für Bio-Kefir in seiner 8-Unzen-Linie vorgestellt und spricht damit die sich entwickelnden Verbraucherpräferenzen an. Diese Geschmacksfusionen beinhalten exotische Kombinationen wie Pink Dragon Fruit, Passionsfrucht-Litschi und Hot Honey Guava Jackfruit. Die gesamte Linie ist laktosefrei und voller hochwertiger bioverfügbarer Nährstoffe sowie 12 lebenden und aktiven probiotischen Kulturen.

Die neuen Geschmäcker entsprechen den aktuellen Marktentwicklungen, darunter tropische, botanische und asiatisch inspirierte Profile. Studien zeigen ein starkes Interesse der Verbraucher an diesen Geschmacksrichtungen. Lifeway möchte der Kefir-Kategorie neuen Schwung verleihen und dabei seinen Ruf für Darmgesundheit und probiotische Vorteile wahren.

Die Geschmackfusion-Linie ist jetzt landesweit in ausgewählten Geschäften erhältlich und richtet sich an Convenience-Stores, Universitätsgelände und Massenmarkt-Lebensmittelkanäle. Lifeway stellte diese neuen Geschmäcker auf der kürzlich stattgefundenen FNCE®-Veranstaltung in Minneapolis vor.

  • Introduction of 10 new trendy and innovative organic kefir flavors
  • Alignment with current market trends and consumer preferences
  • Expansion of product line to target new markets (convenience stores, college campuses)
  • Lactose-free products catering to growing consumer demand
  • High nutritional value with probiotics and bioavailable nutrients
  • None.


Lifeway Foods' introduction of 10 new organic kefir flavors demonstrates a strategic move to capitalize on emerging consumer trends. The focus on lactose-free, exotic and innovative flavor combinations aligns with current market demands, potentially positioning Lifeway as a trendsetter in the cultured dairy category.

Key points to consider:

  • The lactose-free aspect addresses the projected growth in demand for such products over the next five years.
  • The flavor selections cater to diverse consumer preferences, including tropical, botanical and Asian-inspired tastes, which are gaining popularity.
  • The 8-ounce on-the-go format targets convenience-seeking consumers, potentially expanding market reach to new channels like convenience stores and college campuses.

While this product launch shows promise in terms of market alignment, its actual impact on Lifeway's financial performance will depend on consumer acceptance and successful distribution. Investors should monitor sales data and market penetration in the coming quarters to assess the initiative's success.

Lifeway's new kefir flavors offer a nutritionally dense product that aligns with current health trends. The combination of probiotics, protein and calcium in a lactose-free format addresses multiple consumer health concerns. The inclusion of 12 live and active probiotic cultures is particularly noteworthy, as gut health continues to be a major focus in nutrition science.

The innovative flavors may attract health-conscious consumers looking for variety without compromising nutritional value. However, it's important to consider:

  • The sugar content of these flavored kefirs, which isn't mentioned but could be a concern for some health-focused consumers.
  • The bioavailability of nutrients, which Lifeway claims is high, could be a significant selling point if substantiated.

From a health perspective, these products offer a promising way to incorporate probiotics and essential nutrients into one's diet, potentially supporting digestive health and overall well-being. The product line's success may hinge on effectively communicating these health benefits to consumers.

MORTON GROVE, Ill., Oct. 8, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- Lifeway Foods, Inc. (Nasdaq: LWAY), a leading U.S. supplier of kefir and fermented probiotic products that support the microbiome, announced today the release of 10 new innovative flavors to its on-the-go 8-ounce line of organic kefir. Lifeway is known for creating trends and recognizing consumers' evolving tastes and needs, and these new flavor combinations represent a fresh offering in the dairy space, inspired by global flavor insights and market research. The entire line is lactose-free, as consumer demand for lactose-free dairy products is predicted to grow rapidly over the next five years1. Many of these flavor combinations have never been seen before in the cultured dairy category. In addition to being lactose-free, the new Flavor Fusions line is loaded with high-quality bioavailable nutrients, like protein, calcium, and 12 live and active probiotic cultures. 

The full lineup of exciting and innovative flavors includes:

  1. Pink Dragon Fruit
  2. Passionfruit Lychee
  3. Hot Honey 
  4. Guava Jackfruit
  5. Coconut Pineapple
  6. Pistachio Rose Vanilla
  7. Grapefruit Elderflower
  8. Wild Blueberry Lavender
  9. Taro Ube Latte
  10. Matcha Latte

Research shows a rising interest in unique, exotic, and unexpected flavor fusions, emerging preferences for tropical flavors, botanical notes2, "swicy" flavor profiles (pairings of sweet and spicy), and trendy Asian-inspired flavors3. Daymon's research noted that 75% of consumers expressed interest in trying tropical and citrus flavors4 like Dragon fruit, lychee, passion fruit and guava. 53% of Gen Z shoppers say they enjoy hot honey flavors while the more obscure Asian-inspired flavor "ube" was 2024's top flavor trend by DairyReporter. Innova Market insights named floral flavors as its No. 1 trend for this year with 33% of consumers seeking botanical flavors. Mashed named Pistachio flavorings as one of the hottest food trends5 and Salon Magazine called it the "it flavor."6 

"These new trendy Flavor Fusions offer something for everyone and bring excitement to the kefir category, which is best known as a leading source for gut health, "better for you," high-quality probiotics and bioavailable nutrients," said Julie Smolyansky, President and CEO of Lifeway Foods. "We're thrilled to bring bold, innovative flavors in an on-the-go format that customers can make part of their busy lives. We drew inspiration from far and wide, from the coffee-house cult classic pink dragonfruit flavor to the hot honey blend that's popular in pizzerias and beyond. These new Lifeway Kefirs in trendy flavor profiles are perfect for convenience stores and college campuses as well as mass market grocery and club channels looking to stay ahead of trends exploding in hospitality and on social media."

Consumers are moving beyond the basics after years where necessities were the focus and are now craving variety and adventure. Whether through travel or the diverse flavors lining grocery aisles, they're seeking accessible, fresh and exciting culinary experiences they can share on TikTok and Instagram and Lifeway is thrilled to meet this demand, introducing innovative kefir flavors that bring the world's tastes together with "better for all of me, mind and body" kefir beverages. 

The new Flavor Fusion line is shipping and on shelves nationwide at select independent and specialty stores. Attendees got a sneak peek of the new flavors at FNCE® that took place in Minneapolis, MN from October 5-8, 2024. 

For more information about Lifeway and its products, visit

1 Lactose Free Products Market

2 2024 Flavor Trends for Food & Beverage

3 2024 Food & Beverage Trend Breakdown

4 Summer 2024 Flavor Trends: Tropical and 'Swicy'

Pistachio is Predicted to be the Hottest 2023 Food Trend

6 How Pistachio Became the New "It" Flavor of Early Winter

About Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Lifeway Foods, Inc., which has been recognized as one of Forbes' Best Small Companies, is America's leading supplier of the probiotic, fermented beverage known as kefir. In addition to its line of drinkable kefir, the company also produces a variety of cheeses and a ProBugs line for kids. Lifeway's tart and tangy fermented dairy products are now sold across the United States, Mexico, Ireland, South Africa and France. Learn how Lifeway is good for more than just you at

Forward-Looking Statements
This release (and oral statements made regarding the subjects of this release) contains "forward-looking statements" as defined in the Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995 regarding, among other things, future operating and financial performance, product development, market position, business strategy and objectives. These statements use words, and variations of words, such as "continue," "build," "future," "increase," "drive," "believe," "look," "ahead," "confident," "deliver," "outlook," "expect," and "predict." Other examples of forward-looking statements may include, but are not limited to, (i) statements of Company plans and objectives, including the introduction of new products, or estimates or predictions of actions by customers or suppliers, (ii) statements of future economic performance, and (III) statements of assumptions underlying other statements and statements about Lifeway or its business. You are cautioned not to rely on these forward-looking statements. These statements are based on current expectations of future events and thus are inherently subject to uncertainty. If underlying assumptions prove inaccurate or known or unknown risks or uncertainties materialize, actual results could vary materially from Lifeway's expectations and projections. These risks, uncertainties, and other factors include: price competition; the decisions of customers or consumers; the actions of competitors; changes in the pricing of commodities; the effects of government regulation; possible delays in the introduction of new products; and customer acceptance of products and services. A further list and description of these risks, uncertainties, and other factors can be found in Lifeway's Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended December 31, 2023, and the Company's subsequent filings with the SEC. Copies of these filings are available online at,, or on request from Lifeway. Information in this release is as of the dates and time periods indicated herein, and Lifeway does not undertake to update any of the information contained in these materials, except as required by law. Accordingly, YOU SHOULD NOT RELY ON THE ACCURACY OF ANY OF THE STATEMENTS OR OTHER INFORMATION CONTAINED IN ANY ARCHIVED PRESS RELEASE. 

Derek Miller 
Vice President of Communications, Lifeway Foods

General inquiries:
Lifeway Foods, Inc.
Phone: 847-967-1010

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SOURCE Lifeway Foods, Inc.


What are the new flavors introduced by Lifeway Foods (LWAY) in their organic kefir line?

Lifeway Foods introduced 10 new flavors including Pink Dragon Fruit, Passionfruit Lychee, Hot Honey Guava Jackfruit, Coconut Pineapple, Pistachio Rose Vanilla, Grapefruit Elderflower, Wild Blueberry Lavender, Taro Ube Latte, and Matcha Latte.

Are Lifeway Foods' (LWAY) new kefir flavors lactose-free?

Yes, the entire new Flavor Fusions line of Lifeway Foods' kefir products is lactose-free.

What nutritional benefits do the new Lifeway Foods (LWAY) kefir flavors offer?

The new kefir flavors are loaded with high-quality bioavailable nutrients, including protein, calcium, and 12 live and active probiotic cultures.

Where can consumers find Lifeway Foods' (LWAY) new Flavor Fusion kefir products?

The new Flavor Fusion line is shipping and available on shelves nationwide at select independent and specialty stores.

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Packaged Foods
Dairy Products
United States of America