Lifeway Foods® CEO Julie Smolyansky to Appear with Katie Couric at the SHE Media Co-Lab at SXSW® to Discuss Gut Health Trends and History of Lifeway Kefir
Lifeway Foods (Nasdaq: LWAY) announced that CEO Julie Smolyansky will join Katie Couric at SXSW on March 8th, 2025, to discuss gut health trends and the company's history. The event will take place at 10:15am at the She Media Lounge in Austin, TX.
The discussion comes amid new research from Mass General Brigham showing that consuming two or more servings of fermented dairy weekly led to a 20% reduction in Bifidobacterium-positive colorectal cancer incidence over three decades. The study highlights the potential benefits of live bacterial cultures in fermented milk products for gut health and cancer risk reduction.
As America's leading kefir supplier, Lifeway Kefir contains 12 live and active cultures, protein, calcium, and vitamin D, supporting overall wellness and gut flora balance.
Lifeway Foods (Nasdaq: LWAY) ha annunciato che il CEO Julie Smolyansky parteciperà insieme a Katie Couric al SXSW l'8 marzo 2025, per discutere delle tendenze sulla salute intestinale e della storia dell'azienda. L'evento si terrà alle 10:15 presso il She Media Lounge ad Austin, TX.
La discussione avviene in seguito a nuove ricerche condotte da Mass General Brigham che mostrano come il consumo di due o più porzioni di latticini fermentati a settimana abbia portato a una riduzione del 20% dell'incidenza del cancro colorettale positivo per Bifidobacterium nel corso di tre decenni. Lo studio evidenzia i potenziali benefici dei culturi batterici vivi nei prodotti lattiero-caseari fermentati per la salute intestinale e la riduzione del rischio di cancro.
Come principale fornitore di kefir negli Stati Uniti, Lifeway Kefir contiene 12 culture vive e attive, proteine, calcio e vitamina D, supportando il benessere generale e l'equilibrio della flora intestinale.
Lifeway Foods (Nasdaq: LWAY) anunció que la CEO Julie Smolyansky se unirá a Katie Couric en SXSW el 8 de marzo de 2025 para discutir las tendencias de salud intestinal y la historia de la compañía. El evento tendrá lugar a las 10:15 a.m. en el She Media Lounge en Austin, TX.
La discusión se produce en medio de nuevas investigaciones de Mass General Brigham que muestran que consumir dos o más porciones de productos lácteos fermentados semanalmente condujo a una reducción del 20% en la incidencia de cáncer colorrectal positivo para Bifidobacterium durante tres décadas. El estudio destaca los beneficios potenciales de las culturas bacterianas vivas en los productos lácteos fermentados para la salud intestinal y la reducción del riesgo de cáncer.
Como el principal proveedor de kefir en América, Lifeway Kefir contiene 12 cultivos vivos y activos, proteínas, calcio y vitamina D, apoyando el bienestar general y el equilibrio de la flora intestinal.
라이프웨이 푸드 (Nasdaq: LWAY)는 CEO 줄리 스몰리안스키가 2025년 3월 8일 SXSW에서 케이티 커릭과 함께 장 건강 트렌드와 회사의 역사에 대해 논의할 것이라고 발표했습니다. 이 행사는 텍사스 오스틴의 She Media Lounge에서 오전 10시 15분에 열릴 예정입니다.
이번 논의는 매스 제너럴 브라잉햄의 새로운 연구 결과와 함께 진행되며, 주 2회 이상의 발효 유제품 섭취가 30년 동안 비피도박테리움 양성 대장암 발생률을 20% 감소시킨 것으로 나타났습니다. 이 연구는 발효유 제품에서 살아있는 박테리아 배양의 잠재적인 이점을 강조합니다.
미국의 주요 케피어 공급업체인 라이프웨이 케피어는 12종의 살아있는 활성 배양균, 단백질, 칼슘 및 비타민 D를 포함하여 전반적인 웰빙과 장내 미생물 균형을 지원합니다.
Lifeway Foods (Nasdaq: LWAY) a annoncé que la PDG Julie Smolyansky rejoindra Katie Couric au SXSW le 8 mars 2025 pour discuter des tendances en matière de santé intestinale et de l'histoire de l'entreprise. L'événement aura lieu à 10h15 au She Media Lounge à Austin, TX.
La discussion intervient à la suite de nouvelles recherches de Mass General Brigham montrant que la consommation de deux portions ou plus de produits laitiers fermentés par semaine a entraîné une réduction de 20 % de l'incidence du cancer colorectal positif pour Bifidobacterium au cours de trois décennies. L'étude met en lumière les avantages potentiels des cultures bactériennes vivantes dans les produits laitiers fermentés pour la santé intestinale et la réduction du risque de cancer.
En tant que principal fournisseur de kéfir en Amérique, Lifeway Kefir contient 12 cultures vivantes et actives, des protéines, du calcium et de la vitamine D, soutenant le bien-être général et l'équilibre de la flore intestinale.
Lifeway Foods (Nasdaq: LWAY) gab bekannt, dass CEO Julie Smolyansky am 8. März 2025 zusammen mit Katie Couric beim SXSW teilnehmen wird, um über Trends in der Darmgesundheit und die Geschichte des Unternehmens zu diskutieren. Die Veranstaltung findet um 10:15 Uhr im She Media Lounge in Austin, TX, statt.
Die Diskussion erfolgt im Zuge neuer Forschungen von Mass General Brigham, die zeigen, dass der Verzehr von zwei oder mehr Portionen fermentierten Milchprodukten pro Woche über einen Zeitraum von drei Jahrzehnten zu einer 20%igen Reduktion der Inzidenz von Bifidobacterium-positivem kolorektalem Krebs führte. Die Studie hebt die potenziellen Vorteile von lebenden Bakterienkulturen in fermentierten Milchprodukten für die Darmgesundheit und die Krebsrisikominderung hervor.
Als führender Kefir-Lieferant in Amerika enthält Lifeway Kefir 12 lebende und aktive Kulturen, Proteine, Kalzium und Vitamin D, die das allgemeine Wohlbefinden und das Gleichgewicht der Darmflora unterstützen.
- Scientific validation of fermented dairy products' health benefits supports company's market position
- Leading market position in US kefir market
- None.
Leading kefir brand seeks to raise awareness around new gut health research, applauds study linking long-term fermented milk consumption to lower colorectal cancer risk
"I am excited to return to SXSW this year to share the Lifeway story and discuss the latest gut health research with Katie Couric, a news industry icon who serves as an inspiration for so many," said Ms. Smolyansky. "SXSW is an amazing venue to explore ideas because the audience is curious and attuned to the current trends in science, culture and the arts. I'm grateful to share the stage with such an influential journalist in this high-profile setting."
An important topic of the discussion will be the rise in colorectal cancer. Lifeway applauds the recent study led by investigators from Mass General Brigham titled, "Long-Term Yogurt Consumption Tied to Decreased Incidence of Certain Types of Colorectal Cancer." The study followed participants for over three decades, revealing that those who consumed two or more servings of fermented dairy per week experienced a
In the release distributed from Mass General Brigham which highlighted the study's findings, co-senior author of the research Tomotaka Ugai, MD, PhD, of the Department of Pathology at the Brigham and the Department of Epidemiology at the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health stated, "it has long been believed that yogurt and other fermented milk products are beneficial for gastrointestinal health. Our new findings suggest that this protective effect may be specific for Bifidobacterium-positive tumors."
"We applaud Dr. Ugai, his co-authors and team of researchers who uncovered this new evidence further supporting the connection between diet, our gut microbiome and various health risks," said Ms. Smolyansky.
"Lifeway's mission is to enable people to live healthier by providing them with fermented milk products featuring high-quality bioavailable nutrients. We are proud to see the scientific community validate the health benefits of probiotic-rich foods, and this research serves as a powerful reminder of the vital role our diet and nutrition play in supporting long-term health."
As America's leading supplier of kefir, Lifeway Kefir is made with 12 live and active cultures, and packed with protein, calcium and vitamin D. Each product is loaded with probiotics to support overall wellness and maintain a healthy gut flora balance.
To view the full study published by Mass General Brigham, visit:
For more information about Lifeway and its products, visit
Perceptual Advisors
Dan Tarman
Derek Miller
Vice President of Communications, Lifeway Foods
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SOURCE Lifeway Foods, Inc.
What are the key findings of the Mass General Brigham study regarding fermented dairy and colorectal cancer?
When and where will Lifeway Foods (LWAY) CEO speak at SXSW 2025?
What are the main health benefits of Lifeway Kefir products?